THE DAILI NEWB. -f LOW FISH PRICES I BAN&QF-MONTREAL DETER ENTERPRISE! I OFF ESTADL1SDCO OVER 100 YEAKS Company Lay is Now More Profit' TV- fl 5?SS5tei3 able Than Share System. Remittances toSoIdiers There is a good deal of dissatis faction among the fishermen at HEALIN Remittances to soldiers in the low prices which nro being England, Belgium, France paid for halibut. Many of them or Eastern Countries may claim thai they cannot make any Vnf milflr Tivjllnrr nnttilno . money at 9c. a pound, the price be made through the Bank which has been obtaining recent equally wonderful. No home should be w SKJ h of Montreal either by cable, ly and as a result some of the onlvfor burnt,- - scalds- and cut., hut- t. vi c-c:f nt a : not-- ringworm, rashes, blood-poisoning and plies. 2am R.,i?- ! bolu. if haste is essential; or by boats have tied up. refinement make It suitable for all skins eren pnr,t-f ,a Since the drop in prlco there baby. Zam-Buk keeps Indefinitely. Get a box to-day ,ndkpniMt Draft Bank Order or Money has been a desire among the fish if to be ent by letter post ermen to secure positions on the ECZEMA BLOOD-POISONING CHRONIC SORE WINNIttO BRANCH company boats. "When prices Mrs.Hector McDonald of U".S.Cu!ff Mellette, Mis, Nellie were high the share system wai Oyster Toads, US., writes: cut her band on a piece of SiWer Like, Oreccrn,M.Lewi, l H. SI . G. LEE, Manager, Prince Rupert Branch. the best, but now there is moro "For a year I suffered In.tin and She blood-poiioninf sari: "The poison set Za.Tj.Buk tared her lather money under the "company lay." terrible pain and Irritation spread to my shoulder and from an operation. "HY The buyers claim that the eastern with eciema.Doctor's treat the pain was awful. My bad a chronic sore so hit "market is glutted and that the sent and so-called 'cures' doctor attended me, but I face and the doctor adriice prices paid there are so low that did me no good. Then I rot no better until I used an operation. W deter, Cnpttalrni.lK-erve, - - - SS.OOO.OOO Zam-Buk which drew out mined to try Zira.Bs tried Zam-Buk, which lias Total Aee(a. Nov. 30(lt. 1018, over SlC.t.OOO.nOfi it does not pay them to handle the poison and healed the fit", which befort loaf the fish. completely cured me." wound." entirely healed tha tmt START SAVING NOW ADVISORY BOARD WILL FREE I t is in yottr own i n terest to start a Bank account. MEET AT SMITHERS "'? Co, Tcw.1., Saving is just as important as earning. Iim tr rtl Ui, IZ1 A wisa man-always 'lias a'"nest egg" put away As a result of suggestions ad for rainy day. -the vanced by F. M. Nourse, the dis h Account at once and make ' 'Open Savings your trict representative on the Ad money earn money. 045 visory Board of Agriculture, that, the next session be held at Smith- Notice to Advertisers UNION BANK OF CANADA PHONE pattinson & um following invitation ers, and an THE PIONEER DANK OF WESTERN CANADA 590 HEAD OFFICE - WINNIPEG, MAN. by A. M. Manson, M. P. P., for Casual advertisements ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS 590 Omlncca, word has come that the for insertion same day Hon. E. D. Barrow, minister of should be in the Daily Battery Charging and Repairs PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH, agriculture, has consented to the News office before 10 a.m. "Exide" Battery Service Station A. T. BR.ODERICK, Manager. plan, and it is expected the assembly Changes in advertisements will lake-place at Smithcrs should be on hand before Dynamo and Motor Armatures Rewound and Repaired about the middle of June, says the 5 p. in. on previous day. "LACO" TUNGSTEN LAMPS Interior News. "LACO" NITROGEN LAMPS During the spring session of :IB The Lamp which Is guaranteed against defects and burnouts the board, Mr. Manson kept hr LAND ACT FOR 1,500 BURNING HOURS ((Ml " close touch with proceedings, and Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. naturally whaa it came to ths In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District; Representatives in Northern B. C. for Lirro Recording District or S keens, and situate holding of the next session he on Langare Island. DELCO-LIQHT PRODUCTS Take notice that Norman Brodburit, or CROWN NOTICE lost no timo or occasion to advance Prince Rupert, D. C. occupation master Clcctric Ranges, Washing' Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, SEALED TENDERS addressed to the the Bulkley Valley as the mariner. Intends to apply ror permission to lease mo ronowtng described lands: Irons, Percolator and Grills. lmuvriyned and endorsed "Tender Tor the purchase or 'Gasoline Engines it rrlnco proper place. Commencing at a post planted about 90 Electrical Estimates Alominu Contracting Free. feet In an easterly direction rrom the S. W. Unpen, 0. C," will be received at this Not. only will members of the corner of Lot 999; thence south 200 feet omce until 13 o'clock noon, Thursday, Advisory Board attend, but delegates more or less to low water mark; thence Hay mtb, for the' purchase of two Atlas Pattinson & low i northeasterly along water mark about Ling n.p. uasonne engines. Tenders will not te considered 'unless from the Dairy Men's Association, 4 cnains 10 a point oue soutn or tne a. e. made upon forms Turnisned by tne Department Stock Breeders' Association, rhatns corner of to Lot the 999i S. E. thence corner north or Lot about 999;8 Temporary Premises, 331 Second Avenue, next to Singer and In accordance with conditions contained therein. Horticultural Association thence southwesterly to this pos: and containing Sewin gMachlne Shop. The engines mar he seen on the Inspec- and Poultry Association. Mr. three NORMAN acres, more BROADIIUIIST.or less. ion Launch "Walrondo" at Prince Rupert, B. C. Barrow is lending his keenest Dated 'May 7, 1919. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, support to the matter and the LAND ACT payable to the order of the Honorable, the board is getting in touch with the Notice or Intention to Apply to Lease Land. Minister of Dominion Public Works, equal In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. to ten per cent (10) or the amount or railway company with a view to Recording District- or Skeena, and situate he 'tender. War Bonds of the Dominion on Langara Island. or Canada will be accepted as security, or obtaining special rates. Take notice that Hume .B. iBablnaton or To Prospective War Honda and cheque If required to make Prince Rupert, B. C, occupation master up an odd amount. mariner, Intends to apply ror'permission ' The highest or any tender not neces WILLARD-DEMPSEY to lease tne ronowtng described lanos: sarily accepted. Commencing at a post planted about 8 BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS By order, chains In a southeasterly direction rrom E. P. CI.NOrtAS, CHAMPIONSHIP BOUT the 3. W. oorner or Lot 998: thence south - " ' Acting- District Engineer. along high water SOO reeli t hence west - Dominion Public Works Department, about'200 feet to low water: thence north Prince Rupert, B.C., FH westerly about 4 chains along low water Feeling that it Is up to us to assist in tho Housing movement April 83rd, 1919. (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) to a point due south or lUe 8. W. corner Reflects Good nickar'd, or 'Lot 998; 'thence north about 8 chains we will quote rock bottom prices on any of the material Toledo, May 13. Tex to the s. w. comer or lot 998: thence and supplies handled by us, such as: AVillard-Dempsey southeasterly along high water to post promoter of the Electrical material of all Fit-lings Housekeeping ana containing live acres, more or less. descriptions, including championship bout, reached Toledo II. B. BABINGTON. and Fixtures, Lamps, Wire of all kinds and site, Pipe Dated 1919.- May 7, with J. L. the McLoughlin, heaters Electric Conduit, Electric and mantels, Automatic San Francisco architect, who designed LAND ACT Unngcs, etc., Galvanized and black iron Steam and Water the arena. Construction Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. . and Radiators Pipe Fred Stork's Pipe Fittings, Valves, and Heaters, in uueen unarioiie islands. Land District. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS started this week. Recording District of Skceim, and situate Covering, Wood Stavo Pipe, Boechk's Paint, Varnish and Hardware on Take Langara notice Island.that 'Charles A. Coulson of Kalsomlno Brushes of all kinds. Hardwood Lumber Oak, WATER RIGHTS BRANCH SPRUCE FOR JAPAN Fort Clements, occupation manner. In Ash, Maple, Teak and Gum. Structural Steel and Iron-Ornamental tends to -apply ror permission to lease the SECOND AVENUE "WATER ACT 1914." allowing ucscribed lands: Iron Work, Fire Escapes, etc. Rex Flinlkote Phone Black 114 :A.NCELLATI0.N OF RESERVE OF WATEn Product of This District Will B chains Commencing erst or the at a W. comer planted or about'Indian S llooflng the Very Best Made. Manilla and Wire Rope and Reserve ru. 16; thence north to chains; Cable. Derrick Castings and Contractors' supplies. NOTICE Is hereby given that Ills Honor In Demand on Other Side Uwnce west SO chains more or less to the lie Lieutenant Governor of British Colum-la, of Lot Wo also handlo Goodyear Mechanical Rubber Goods,, by and with the advice or bis Eiecu-Ive of Ocean. west boundary 675; thence south Council, has been pleased to order: 10 chains more or less to shore; thence including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Hose and THAT pursuant to the provisions of easterly along shore to N. W. 'corner ot 59 of the "Water Act, 1914" being Indian Reserve No. 16; thence east to Westinghoiise Electrical equipment, including Motors, -ectlon That there will be a demand for point or commencement and containing SO mapier si or tne statutes ot ivn, tnat Electrical Equipment. Transformers and all other he reserve of the unrecorded waters of aerop'ane spruce in Japan is the acres, more or less. Generators, teruge Creek, established pursuant to U. A. CUULSUN, Being direct factory representatives, wo aro able to )rricr In Council No. 8, approved on the news conveyed by the Canadian Dated May 7, 1619. SEEDS! 7lh day of January, 1919, be cancelled. Trade Commissioner at Yokohama. mako very attractive prices. DATED this 17th day or February. 191V. LAND .ACT T. D. PATTULL0, The Japanese while not For the Garden Minister of Lands. as expert in the air as the British Notice or Intention to Apply to Lease Land. Prince Rupert Supply Co., Ltd. WATER NOTICE or Americans or French, yet are In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Specially Suited for Prince DIVERSION AND USE. learning tho game and many are in Recording mo vicinity District or inaian or Skeena,Reserve and no.situate 16, Fourtli Street, off Third Avenue. Rupert soil. TAKE NOTICE that E. F. Duby, lumber becoming proficient. As a result Langara Island. P. O. Box 772 Phone Black 389 that aake notice Clifton p. niel. or manufacturer, whose address Is care of Messrs. Patmore & Fulton, Prince Rupert, they are about to launch a cam Prince Rupert, British Columbia, occupation. B. C., will apply ror a licence to take-and paign of aeroplane building in manager. Intends to apply for permission lease the to following described se 500 c. s. f. of water out of Union rEJliJ CHICKENS reek, which flows westerly and drains n H n n In in f DroC t thnif nnnnln tnllandS 1 r n to Union Bay about at the head of said j Commencing at a post planted at north- HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER bay. (no new science. I west -corner or Indian Reserve number 16, BUSINESS FOR SALE ' The water will be diverted from the thonce one hundred and fifty feet more'or uritisn COIumDla Will supply 'iegs trcam at a point where Union Creek leaves m southwesterly direction to low water smith & mum Union Lake and will be used ror power most of tho material for those mars:; mence tou reel westerly along low Mrs. Goldbloom water mark; thonce northerly ono hundred announces and Incidentally Industrial) PliiDMS upon the land described as District purposes Lot planes and already 'inquiries aro feet more or less to high water mark; that owing to the umber 199, casslar District. being made for British Columbia thence easterly 800 feet more or less HEATING This notice was posted on the ground along high water mark to point of commencement fact of her having other PLUMBING AND on the 3rd day or April, 1919. A copy or spruce and containing two (2) acres business interests elsewhere, ENGINEERS PHONE 58 this notice and an application pursuant more or less. thereto and to the "Water Act, 1914," will CLIFTON P. RIEL, it lias been necessary Estimates furnished. P. O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. be llied in the omce or the Water Recorder WILL KEEP ARMY Dated ,8th April, 1019. at Prince Rupert, B. C. to dispose of tho Objections to the application may be BEEF OFF MARKET IN THE'MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR ladies' ready to wear business 3rd Avenue, head filed with-the said Water Recorder or with THE ISSUE OF A FRESH CERTIFICATE Address, he Comptroller or Water Rights, Parliament OF TITLE FOR LOTS 8 i 9, BLOCK in Prince nupert. of Second Street. Buildings, Victoria, B. C, within (Special via 0. T. 1". Telegraphs.) 39, SECTION 6. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, hlrty days after the first appearance of (Map 983). Satisfactory arrangements Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Washington, 13, After May his notice In a local newspaper. a will be made with a reliable DENTISTRY E. F. DUBY, Applicant. series of closed conferences, the NOTICE is hereby given thai it Is my The date or the first publication of this Intention, unless valid 'objection Is made buyer. Full particulars notice Is April 11, 1919. packers have succeeded in holding thereto In writing, to Issue, after the expiration bo l'ROTEC had at tho WATERS off from the market 264,000,-000 of one month, rrom the first publication may NAVIGABLE OFFICE HOURS: hereof, a fresh Certlllcate ot Title store. TION AUT; a.m. to 12; 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. pounds of army meat, bought to the above mentioned lots in the nime of Ronald C. Ferguson, which Certificate R, S. C. 1l. DR. J. S. BROWN by tho War Department and tto or Title Is dated S Oth April, 1918, and la Com- . Railway longer needed. numbered 1263-1. IN PROBATE. Trunk f'scinc DENTI8T II. r. MACLEOD, IN THE SUPREME COUnT OF BRITISH pany hereby gives not cc tha wa Dfflc: Smith Block, Third Avnu. District Registrar of Titles. COLUMBIA. Section 7 or the a'?orki ,b,W'' Phono 484. Taxi 84 SILVER SOARS Land Registry Office, IN rrilE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA tha Minister or l8tr,r Prince Rupert, B. C, TION ACT Qd """M.rv I' Districror.l'rince S8th April, 1919. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF (Special via 0. T.P. Telegraphs.) AVILLIAM MCKENZIE LUUAN, DfcCfcA'J-LI), !W'".';flS" ASi of car ferry IN THE SUPREME . COURT OF BRITISH INTESTATE. lion oi mo "v -"- - rt if dui" ." iNew York, May 13. Removal COLUMBIA, NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN TO WHOM Slip and worm i''"'" Yt l'rlnce lluPcrl IT MAY CONCERN of an order mada by Ills'prince niinpri iiiiiuui - of i water rrnui by the British Government of silver IN THE MATTER OF THE Columbia, 1(1 r,nnt "ADMINISTRA. Honour, r. mcu, loung, i.ecai juuge, in inu British SEVEN PASSENGER CAR TIUN ACT ' auove matter on me vain uay 01 aprii, Bowling Alley export restrictions resulted and 1919, as follows: Ul0ACnhd tii; notice that DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE In another sharp advance. Bar IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF IT IS ORDERED that the said lobn II. tne ROBEnT A. ORANT, DECEASED, INTESTATE. Mc.MulIln ihall be allowed to swear to the publication of this notice see. PHONE 84 silver advanced to Jt.ll an oz., death or the sald'deccased as occurring on aclllc Railway comp WJ ufiie MlnU; THIRD AVENUE against, yesterday's 91.05 and the 5th day cr May, 1917, arter the expiration tlon 7 of tho sa d c-,pWt in TAKE NOTICE Ihlt bv order nf till or ono month from the date of the tr Works h';."". ,i,e said UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT $1.01 at tho beginning of tho Honour F. McB. Young made the 17th dav llrst publication or notice or this order, yof' OMVttotWPnnl ica week. of Fobruary, A. D. 1919, I was appointed unless in the meantime' proof Is furnished site and plans and for D. ROSSI Administrator to the estate or Robert A. to the Registrar or this- Court at Prince "yESinin. Manitoba. UUi ""h Grant, -deceased, and all parties having Rupert. B. C, that the said deceased William For Healthy Exercise claims against tho said estate are hereby Mck'enzlo Logan was alive subsequently day or Apr'!. hrVlC nOLNVAY 'COM, to Keep You Fit Dawson Block Third Avenue Salvation Army. required to rurnlsh same, properly verified, to the said 6th day or May, 1917, ORAND. TRUNK, Sollcllor. to me on or before the 7lh day of June, AND IT 1 FURTHER OHDEREI) that tho PANT, P"f ' - 1019. and all parties.Indebted to the estate said John I.', Mc.MulIln do publish notice Our Pool Room Taxi Public meetings, Tuesdays, are required to pay the amount of their or this Order in the Prince Rupert Dally Cigars and Tobaccos Thursdays and inueDieancss to me rortnwitn. . News, a newspaper published at Prince tho CUW" Saturdays at 8 p. JOHN II. MCMULLIN, Rupert, D, C, for a period of one month. look through weT'' $0 Sundays at 7:30 Official Administrator. I, ii. mcniui.i.ina Page B. p. rn. on DATED this lit day of May, 1919. Official Administrator.