¥ * y e i i ) fAGE TWO ee THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday August 10 re eS T. G. Murphy i H. H. Steve Minister of Trade Rev. W. G. Brown, Mocerator, Right Rev. E. H. Oliver, Modera- Robe W Ministe f Agri- John A, Macdonald, Minister Interior and Commerce The Presbyterian Church in tor, The United Churc! ture without Portfollo ( Canada Sir Robert Borden FOOTBALL THE DAILY NEWS. Publishea Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F Gilhuly Cup Knock-Out Series De j cided on—Will Stage Soccer Tourney During Fair SUBSCRIPTION RATES ai The Prince Rupert Football As- PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Merchants Win Thrilling Soccer Game From Canadian Legion and —ciia xen vos MEETING Cinch Stuart Shield For Season In what was probably the most thrilling soccer match that has been seen here this season, Merchants, after hav- Baseball Scores SOFTBALL zal bs ont Chicago 4, New York 3 Ten Innings Required For Navy Defeat Station 14 to 22 Last Evening St. Louis 18, Philadelphia 13 Pittsburg 0, Boston 4 American League Washington 4, Cleveland 2 } dina got y on the left wing and Merchants fol- rimmage. The Merch- 1 9.7 De 5 Navy defé das City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.00 d ; ; 4 ‘ ; oy Boston 2 " Detzoit a8 “ 7 . : ee For lesser periods. oald in advance. per week igs SESH n executive meeting ing heen down two to nil in the early stages of the game, New York 5, St. Louis 3 oe SS ae By mail to parts of Northern and Centra] British Columbia i‘ wr came up trom behind last evening to defeat the Canadian ey - pa oe > > - A : var » vearh ri f gar . 2 ee Oat : £] ; ps nternational League ecreation Asso paid in advance for yearly period 3.0 é . . tterie stat d view of conditio; ‘ntertainment be as unpretentious as 209 ee a poet rs 4 Albert Dickens. The score at half. Merehant: S848 Philadelphia 65 44 596 va — opa tie ve p ‘ ; i 4 , Y * y , otha ent siasts ore lless of | q : n + ys . Ant ell Ni i rite) possible, Visiting neval craft are always welcome at whether or not they are registered | “7° W4 0 to one in favor of Regiment 20 3 812 4 Cleveland Sh oe. ae st er: . . . . ” wy ' y ’ 5” \ > y 18 Prince Rupert and, particularly is this 86 of H. M. ©. S.!siavers. The entry fee will be $1 for | ‘he Legior Home Oil Phe Soe 5 reemene Sa ae Urapire John : : : . : t ! ’ . mpires, « SOT Skeena and her genial! personnel. each team of five players and en Second Half CCE? ae ee oe St , tries are to be in not later than , ee ao Be ae Ba jib : : mmedia v y ree! ; 5 c abe y ¥ “a0 n et ee August 31. It is planned to hold the| mmedi: y on re a e of Wild parrot a st In hollow trees, Chicago 34 «649 » $30) The largest parrot i ; : : ‘ ; , , . play for second ha oma- | usually in smé “olonies t g le t REAL AND THEORETICAL COMMUNISM qualifying rounds on September 11 ' ye wart eek no oe, a ee eS lenge of T) i throughout ¢ i ? ind the final on September 2. On ithe Friday night there will also be ; ivy (i 1 effect of Russian propaganda that it is ¢reating idéas and eon- qualized for the jlowing a é 7 bead ; a F ja place kicking competition and @lante eontiny ‘ cept on he an hesis of those which are enforced in the | dribbling race * eee - he saree ee Soviet pes savs the Victoria Colonia lit ‘dally. C | Legion but Gurvich was play- ao ream ‘ t victoria 0 onist edi ora y. { om-} —_— —_ — ling a good game and seemed al- munisMm ou de Russia believes in laziness and agitation, | HOME OIL LINE-UP Lemost “rbentable. Ten minutes from timé Hunt handled the ball in the pen yk .the Three mi: in short hours and the receipt of something for hothing, ‘. i siete” with the state the universal provider. In Russia the offi-| °°’ On ne-UP for tomorrow ‘ial formula is that he ho wo ‘ks more shall eat h night’s Stuart Shield football game ce 4 at oe ce . Oa ¥ works MOTE shal eat more, UY |against Merchants is announced as utes later the Merchants more, enjoy more. That is a doetrine whith could fever follows: Pierce: Del Rio and Mowat got. another penalty kick .fter appeal to the Communist agitators in other lands, Theit Stalker, Currie and Gomez Wood-| Hunt had handled deliberately. Al- belief is that he who works hard and makés a sticeess of *'4¢. Vicita. Palmer, Bye and Tony; | bert Dickens took the kick and his life is a parasite on the proletarian body politic. CpRENS, Have Sne Paya made no mistakes in scoring, put- The fact is that Communistic propaganda has so warped oa om ha ni gee py anid giving ; “a1? . . > e ne try > the conception of life’s values that its most aetive prota- 7 1em the trophy. The Legion tried ; } : ; i searching only for rats hard to equalize but the Merch- gonists seem to have lost the desire, the will and the ability ants’ defence was sound to work and to give their quid pro qtio for what life has to , | For the Merchants Webster, Géo offér. The very contrary conception of what Communism Hills, Dickens, MacKay and Chen- meanis is being enforced to the point of slavery in Riissia, BASEBALL oski starred For the Canadian Le- and that perhaps explains why none of the converts to S’on =Gurvich, Borne Ourrie and ‘ : * : —5. 0. C. vs. El cSS Hadden were »st Communism in other lands are willing to go to Russia to | ‘tt: 0 ©: vs. EMPRESS}, Hadden were bes ’ Jame Mitehed gave excellen ean charice in the paradise of their political eae TONIGHT < 6:45 (i as referee. Undoubtedly his| action after the first goal had P| ty area and Comadina kick but Gurvich saved milk snake is harmless, Sweeter, More Fragrant ATTA in Your Pipel \ ane 4 Any pipe tastes better, from the time you first load the bowl with Ogden's cut plug — it’s sweeter, richer, cooler ana z and more fragrant. Te aT OGDEN’S CUT PLUG FINEST VIRGINIA | g oon > LIVERPOOL If you “voll your own''’, wee Ogden’ s fine cut cigaretic tobacco,