Page 8 THE DAILY NEWS. Wednesday, May it 1919. . G. H. Arnold Manager I I J Local. News Notes Extra Special J. D. Martin, of Balmoral, ar FOR THURSDAY FOR SALE rived in the city last night on the SherrifCs, tho 'finest qual On 5th Ave. near Dunsmuir St., Lot 14, Block 9, Section train. . ity extract on ,tho Canadian 5 An excellent buy for, that mako W. F. Binns arrived in town market, at prices $700.00 Cash last night on the train from,Dal our former selling price moral. look high. 2 oz. all flavors 20o. 5-Roomcd modern house, Borden St., near school H. Bcrryman, of Port Edward 4 oz. Lemon and Vanilla 40c. ,52,000.00, TERMS ARRANGED. arrived in town last night on the. 5 oz. Lemon and Vanilla 76c. lM J uoes her We buy United States Liberty Bonds and Canadian Victory train. This is equal to 25 per Bonds. . cent discount, as these lines own washing" William Brakenbury arrived in sell at 25c 50c. and $1.00. town last night from Amesbury, Washerwomen are H. G. LTD. HELGERSON, ii, u. car so she just used her Phone 00 210 0th St. ... Rupert Table Supply Go. brains; she had heard about W. F. Kirft, of Carlisle, B.C., Sunlight she bought it, read was among the train passengers PHONES 211,212 the directions carefully and arriving in town last night. now has a better, cleaner wash ... with far more satisfaction than Geortre Tite returned from a The'auction sale of the furni ever before business trip south on the Prince WESTHOLME THEATRE lure of the late Magistrate Cars III I U I I'll www Rupert this morning. The Finest Combination House in Northern D.C. is being held today by Auctioneer Safety Quality Comfort Leek. . Bishop Du Vernet left for Smithcrs this morning on tho TONIGHT ONLY J. R. McDowell, of Kitchener train to bo gone for a few days Ont., arrived last night. Ho is MME. PETKOVA talking of starting a greenhouse Capt. P. G. Groves, of the Pa- Kubbinf Jhe bur of Sunlight orer the In Htr Fifth Petrova Picture in the city. ... ciflc Stevedoring Co., returned wet clothei putting thtra to lotk-rinin from a trip south this morning them and hanfinf out to dry THE PANTHER WOMAN A list of lights and fog signals doein't tound yery hard, doet It P It's tho Prince Rupert. on the Sunlight It'i has recently been published by ... way. a perfect From th Novel, "Patience Sparh&wk and Her Time," ;cleanier becime it'a perfectly pure. the Department of Marine and By Gertrude Atherton George Kerr, of P. Burns & Co., can be secured free on applica LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. Two,! A stronir emotional drama of superb direction teeming with suspense left for Copper City on the pas and thrills. The story of a girl caught up by the swift rush of life tion. ... senger this morning to work his and made the innocent victim of circumstance born of malice. there. . mining property Launch "Provincial" leaves for Showi 7.1 5 and 9.15. Admiion Adul'a, 30c; Children, 15c Stewart and way points 9very Mrs. Jarvis ManLp.nrl nnd Mrs. War Tax Included fto more pennies will be uied Friday morning at 6, carrying Carmichael will have charge mail, passengers and freight Of.the.salo of home cooking in the Phone Red 391, A. Swanson. tf Red Cross hut on Friday of this Seasonable ootwear Mrs. G. Eckerman, of Seal Cove week. . Don't fail to see Bryant Wash ... returned to town this morning burn in "Kidder & Co.," awon G. B. of the Do Major Hull, after visiting in the south. Houses For Sale n derful comedy - drama full of minion Department of Public laughable situations, at the Em Wo are now showing a complete line of Summer Lieut. G. A. Kerr of the Salva Works, returned from the south tion Army, arrived in the city press Theatre tonight only. this morning on board the Prince Footwear for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Good five-room house in this morning from Vancouver. Rupert. Our slock has been carefully selected and is up-to-date Section Six $1,300.00 The Independent Fish Co., Ltd., In every detail.. J. Moore, one of Prince Rupert's bought their first car of fish yes F. B. Gihb, general manager NEW OXFORDS NEW PUMPS, JUST ARRIVED Two modern houses in terday at the Exchange. Their Brackman-Ker pioneers, arrived here this for Milling Co., Section Five, Ave rooms and morning on the Prince Rupert. packing house is situated on the arrived in, tho city this morning We carry n full range of Tennis Outing Shoes in all styles bath, each $3,600 government wharf. They oper in connection with their local FOOTWEAR IS OUR SPECIALTY Miss Lottie Casley was among alcd here some years ago. branch. Modern house, Section 5, AT THE the returning to the 4 passengers four rooms and bath $2,700 city this morning from the.south A meeting of citizens has been Mr. and Mrs, Frank Moore re by the Prince .Rupert. held at New Hazelton for the pur. turned to Prince Rupert this 'amely Shoe Store Victory Bonds bought at ... pose of arranging for a ceiebra- morning on the "Rupert" after highest market prices. G. Starrett, who was formerly tion there on May 24. Major Mc completing their honeymoon trip associated with the fish business Kenzie, W. S. Sargent and W. S in Victoria and Seattle. They will Third Avenue here, arrived in town again this Harris are a committee to prepare make their future residence here. Gibbons GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM McCaffery, morning from Vancouver. a program. ... The Prince John arrived in port The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 & Doyle, Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. O. Hanson were G. P. Tinker, the recently ap last night at 8 o'clock from Van the pointed secretary of the Retail among passengers arriving couver via the Queen Charlotte Insu ranee Real Estate. from the south this morning, Merchants Association, has also Islands with a full cargo of where they have been on a visit been appointed secretary of the freight and about twenty passen Prince Rupert, B. C. p Board of Trade and is now in gers. She left for Masset-at neon It. G. Johnston, manager of the charge, of the office on Second today. Inverness Cannery, arrivqd on Ave. He is a returned man. the Prince Rupert this morning Ail material for any kind of a after visiting the Beaver Cannery Word has been received by uilding can be furnished by Al 1 1 STEPHENS at Rivers Inlet, of which he is Peter Black of the Hotel Central jert & McCaffery, Ltd. tf also manager. . that his brother, Corporal Thomas A ,,frHE SOrSP NOTARY ... Black, will be home on the train Ask for Atkins' Sausages. tf D'' -r-rt FVT PUBLIC Heintzman & Co. is II IS lOW w superiority tomorrow evening. It is under not only in the case, but in every stood that a reception will be detail. It is the standard of what given him within a few days at TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY SPECIAL a piano should be. Prince Rupert the hotel. He has been two years TAVCE A UTT Music Store, opposite the P. O. in the firing line and took part in WANTED -Girl to work a few Modern Apartment House of W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. it the fighting at Vimy. hours daily in cigar store two 5-roomed flats, with mornings. Phone 445. 15 Provincial Government Em Provincial Government Emnloy- harbor view ployment Bureau and Soldiers' ment Bureau and Soldiers Civil WANTED Room for single man, $5500.00 Civil Re-establishment; tempor Re-Establishment, temporary of apply box 253 News Office. ' ary ofllce 621 Second Avenue, fice 621 Second Avenue. Prince Eight-roomed house, modern Prince Rupert. Employers having Rupert. Returned soldiers, men For 3 blocks from post office vacancies for men and women in and women requiring employ- $3250.00 clerical, factory, domestic or nent- of any kind should register COAL . ther work should apply to above mn the above. No fees charged. Phone 553. tf Phone 553. P. O. drawer 1674. and George A. McNicholl. nassentrer Corporal Day Bell who return TRANSFER M. M. Stephens and freight superintendent for ed a few days ago from overseas the western division of the G.T. after being a prisoner of war in LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE P.. arrived linmn flife mnrninp nn Genrrany for two and a half years, Phone Red 529 the Prince Rupert. He says that will leave for Vancouver the lat great preparations were being ter part of the week to undergo A. L. Murray made to receivo Col. Peck both at further medical treatment. On ri i is i'' .i Vancouver and Victoria. W. 1. account of the way they were : : : HInton went east over the C.l. starved while in orison camn. m - -- - - - - - - THE R., leaving yesterday, and the Corporal Bell has suffered great British timber controller and ly. THEY TAKE ECO HOMY STORE buyer were in Vancouver, where . they were met by T. D. Pattullo Embittered by a step-mother's T IN ON of this persecution, Patienco city. Sparhawk Phones 18 and 36 seeks to find in marriage the THEIR 417 6th A.., C happiness she craves, only to he thrust by fate into the chair of PI Seize Tims by the Forelock, For Your death through the damning evidence BACKS Call or Phono Now for of circumstances which One of our men was on a PURITY FLOUR HH ll. sears her soul from a thing of fishing trip to a lako about innocence to livid 49-lb a scar-of terror, iwenly miles from a railway III I In IT Tl i laTMaTTi fi n ii Sacks, $2.90 "Tho Panther Woman," at the They .discovered a surveyor's Purity Wheatlets Weslholme. camp where a party of engineers PLASTER are in running engaged " Mrs. Irene Castle, the famous 5-lb 45c Sacks, lines through some timber dancer and widow of- the late Economy Store, Phone one CEMENT Flight-Lieut. Vernon Castle, Was tracts. Nulled to trees and eight, against -Purchase married to Capt. Robert Treinen, here andbe.up-' of Ithaca, N. Y., tn Saturday af their shacks wcro empty milk lo-date. Building ternoon. The ceremony took's used to hold all sorts of place at the Little Church around 1L. C . - The chief of tho party said Mussallem Grocery Company Materials uiu uorner, jew i.orK. Uapl. Trc-man's father is that the men would not have governor of tho LTD. Federal Reserve Board for th any milk but Pacific and pointed COME TO New York district. to the empty cases to show ho',v much they Albert 5 McCallery, Ltd. VALHALLA' All their cooking done with fa J TbaPcmtherWbnarr t2 it and they certainly do live Th1'6 Sll,.n..i,.,r t,..,,,rl,t nl tllrt WeSthOiniU Tfie"Gartland" Boarding House Phone IfB and 564. Social May 16 in St. And' well. 41C Sixth Avenue East Hall, gentlemen $1.00, ladies 50c. Pacific Milk Co. - - I Near Drydock Office, Second Avenue, Next LIMITED Advertise in "The Daily Board by Month or Week. Pbon.Red lt& Ve8tholme Theatre. Tho best suit cases Evelel'ah' Factory at Ladner, B.C. IjAgent J. F, Magulr, Smith Block. The Paper that gets Quick Resuu V