rlUtialatfva Library ' For AID KITS Mriic Bicycles Repairs and "it requirements Daily Parts J Workmen'Board Com. i r. ww PRIME pcnsatlon RUPERT AUTO nooes.82 and2Q0 707k8econd Avenue PHONE 75 VOL. X. NO. U- PniNCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1919. S PRICE FIVE CKNT GENERAL STRIKE AT WINNIPEG PROHIBITION ITALIAN QUESTION BEING WHERE 25,000 MEN TAKE PART; BILL PASSES DISCUSSED BY CONFERENCE; FIRST READING FORCES LAND IN DALMATIA WAR VETERANS REMAIN NEUTRAL Introduced Into Commons by Sir SEVENTY AUSTRIAN PEACE DELEGATES ARRIVE IN PARI8 Thomas White Yesterday YESTERDAY TREATY OF LONDON BEING took Yesterday but Police To Give Effect to the place Morning Remain ffalk out on Duty Resolution. WAIVED BY ITALIAN DELEGATES to keep Order; Telephone Operators to Follow on Friday; COST OF OPERATING (Special to The News via O.T.P. Telegraphs.) will Paris, May 15. Italian delegates to the peace conference are Veterans say Suppress Lawlessness or THE PENSIONS BOARD no longer insisting upon the fulfilment of the secret treaty of Bolshevist Tendencies. 1 Hon. N. W. Rowell Says Administration London and this part of the matter relative to territory on the and Salaries Amount Eastern' shore of the Adriatic is tending toward adjustment. The (Special 10 The Nf.w via 0.T. P. Telegraphs.' METHODIST CONFERENCE In All to $1,250,000. status of Fiume is still being discussed as the plan to make it a Winnipeg, May 15. A general walkout of workers occurred free city similar to Danzig has be everywhere just now. (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) at eleven'o'clock yesterday embracing 25,000 employees, includ IS NOW IN SESSION Ottawa-May 15. During a de St. Germain, May 15. The Austrian peace delegates arrived ing retail clerks, firemen, pracucany every Drancn or organized bate on the question of national before six o'clock yesterday evening, numbering 70 persons. labor except the railway operating men, telegraphers and mem-b6r The annual conference of the schools which -was discussed in London, May 15. The Italians are landing a large military of the Typographical Union. The telephone operators go Methodist Church in British Columbia the Commons, Dr. Edwards, the force at Zara and Zenebco on the coast of Dalmatia, according is being held in New member for Friday morning. Westminster Frontenac, started a to a Heuler despatch from Belgrade, the Serbian capital. Troops this out week. Among discussion on a motion- to go into The police union voted for the strike but were ordered by the the local delegates is Rev. V. S. supply. The debate was" inclined are being moved eastward and are fortifying the ridges and Trades and Labor Council to remain on duty to preserve order. A. Crux, wjio expects to leave to be heated and It. II. Butts as passes. Tne Great War Veterans announce themselves neutral on the Prince Rupert this year and will a mark of disapproval walked out labor question,Bolshevik!but will tendencies.take any action The strlko necessary was precipitated to subdue south.probably be' stationed in tho x Edwards'of the House speech.during the course of SWIMMING CLUB ASK THE KING violence or The interesting feature of the The administration costs and the question of wages, but the main Issue now is the refusal conference is the slationinK of ever salaries for the Pension Board TAG DAY TO BE NOTTO GRANT of the metal trades to recognize the unions Involved in their the pastors for the coming year. last year amounted to $1,250,000 In the Methodist Church the according to a statement by Hon. bi'tlncss. pastors move around, seldom N, W. Rowell while the House was ON SATURDAY MORE TITLES spending more than three or four in supply. CCS. LILLOOET IS ILLICIT STILL years in one placer ir Thomas White introduced TO CONTINUE SURVEY a bill to confirm the prohibition Effort to Raise Funds Locally and No Objection to Right Honorable TEACHERS ON STRIKE order in council regarding the Nor to Medals for REMANDED Military CASE ' importation, manufacture and Lettergram Sent to Pattullo Service. ,Mt Lieut. -Commander P. C. (Special via O.T. P. Telegraphs.) Hransnnrf.ntihn nf intrmenlfnir Asking for Government Musgrave, R. N., She WIH. Ottawa? May 15. There is a liquor, a resolution regarding Help. (Special via 0. T.1'. Telegraohs.) Take up Work In the J. E. Glbault Charged Under the strike of the English speaking lay which passed the House yester-teachers Ottawa, May 15. The commit Hecate Straits. Inland Revenue Act Will of tho Roman Catholic day. The bill was given its first At a meeting of the Swimming tee of the House of Commons Come Up Again on schools here. ' reading. held afternoon has Club executive yesterday which been considering the Saturday. The C. 0, S. Lillooet of the Hy-drographic in the Wanderers Club it question of titles, at their final Survey, under Lieut- J. E. Gibault, charged under the was decided to send a night letter- meeting yesterday adopted the Commander P. C. Musgrave, R.N., Inland Revenue Act with conducting BLOCKADE OF GERMANY IS cram to Hon. T. D. Pattullo asking sub-committee's finding in regard tailed in here yesterday afternoon a still, was brought up in the for an assurance that they to titular distinctions. after spending the winter at the would for tho improve The committee recommends court' this morning before get a grant police DISCUSSED BY BIG tival dockyards at Esquimau. Magistrate McMullin and the case FOUR; ments at the Salt Lakes and suggesting that an address be presented to the King asking him to refrain ... Ihs.w cow'aifCiAtJ&AjirJI Saturday. that as the city had adjourned 52, and after leaving Esquimau wua -yntil granted s"0tJ0 tho Government from conferring titular distinctions the GERMAN V. E. Fisher was prosecuting NOTES ON TREATY isild Chatham Channel, Namu attorney and Patmore & iulton should do the same. The wire upon British subjects resident 1 llarl.ar an Falls nnd Swansori the defence. was sent by President T. C. Dun in Canada, save such appel for Bit. later in the lations as are of a professional or iuo general work of the can evening. The capture of the man seems WILLINGNESS TO PAY FOR DEVASTATION OF BELGIUM educational character. coming season will be to continue It was reported at the meeting to have been cleverly arranged. AND NORTHERN FRANCE IS EXPRESSED, BUT The committee said that no objection the survey of Hecate Straits. This that work was to commence on Constable On the evening of May 11 fill NO ADMISSION OF RESPONSIBILITY tho Captain was taken to the use of tie the most important part of improvements tomorrow, who had suspicions Bailey, the Right Honorable and it He E. Brennen being in charge prefix duties this summer. The FOR WAR IS ADMITTED house 6th having of the on Ave., rcommended the awarding of writ was commenced in 1907 and of operations. The lake will be various times suspicious seen at medals for military service. la .iot yet been finished. An-oiher wending their way up (Special to The News via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) lowered, the bottom cleaned, a part of the year's program there persons investigated, and by getting Paris, May 15.: The Council of Four yesterday considered dam and flood gate put in and .a till be thi continuation of the through a hole in the woodshed the question of imposing a blockade on Germany in case she sandy beach made in tho shallow wrvey of Esquimau harbor. secured access to the interior of should decline to sign the peace treaty. On the other hand the part without so that danger children and may may have use an it Money at 8 Cent the house. Here he found a complete blockade will be entirely lifted immediately tf-tlie German delegates j ft opportunity to learn to swim. ON BUILDING LOANS still, which had only whisky affix their signatures to the treaty. There also should be a dressing-room MAX HEILBRONER just stopped Up-to-Date working.Plant. The German note, dealing with the economic clauses of the for the men and this will be Apply The plant was an up-to-date treaty is declared to mean the ruin of Germany if enforced. constructed If there is money PRINCE RUPERT HOUSING Reliable Jeweler affair, consisting of a 20-gallon A note has been received on the territorial questions, particular- enough.In order that everyono may Limited. Diamonds, Watches, Clocks retort to hold the mash, a gooseneck against the Saar Valley arrangements and the transfer of have an opportunity to share in SUITE 9 Cut Glass, Silverware, Ivory connected to the worm which the Malmedy, Moreset and Kupn District to Belgium as well as the expense of the improvement Office Post Building. the from trie Umbrella, Community Plate, condensed liquor heated by the evacuation of a part of Schlesweig. to the lake, a tag day will be held retort. The retort was Etc. threo gasoline dome burners, connected The note' on reparations docs not protest against payment by on baiuruay ana it is expectea (hat no one will escape on that Cwnif 3rd An. and 6th 8trit. with a Moore tank in the Germany for the devastation in Belgium and northern France, occasion. The young people who next room, which was a pressure which it says Germany is ready to do willingly. It is added, however are cmcny interestea in uie improvements lank to feed the gasoline. There that Germany will not pav for reparation on the principle will have the tag in WANTED was about 200 gallons of mash that she was responsible for the war. hand and a large, sum should be ready to distil in 5 large barrels, raised. 10 Muckers also wheat, potatoes, yeast, hops, Chief It was reported that the polo after midnight notified 'dVIC of just SERVANTS OF 50c and a very large quantity balls and outfit had arrived and per.hr. molasses, about 200 lbs., to say Glinchy VlCKerS, and WHO Leek Willi came uuiUKUS out to the VICTORIA VOTE FOR that a courso would be laid out at nothing of twelve empty molasses onco at the lake so that just as cans which had held 50 lbs. each. place.Constables Watches Bailey,were McClinchy arrangea, THE ONE BIG UNION soon as the weather is warm ctpph FOR There was also sono of the real and and Leek worked shifts, which re enough the games may commence. J. R. MORGAN, LTD. QUALITY moonshine whisky. A benefit football for ND sulted in the alleged distiller, (Special via O.T.P. Telegraphs.) game Drydock RCE SATISFACTION In Trap. Caught raising for the club was Joseph Eugene Gibeault being ar Victoria, May 15. The Civio money Licence No. 10-7340. Police Constable Bailey then proposed, to take place May "21 rested. Ho walked into tne trap Servants Union hero has endorsed yesterday morning, opening the the Ono Big Union. It seems to and a committee was appointed door of his distillery with a Yale have been goaded into doing this to make arrangements. key, only to meet Constable Mc-Glinchy by the fact that the City Council WE ST HOLME Canadian Life Co. Empress Theatre who put him under arrest. has attempted to put it out of The oldest l" TONIP.HT - : fho Canada, J. F. Magulro, Agent. then photographed, The outfit was business by dismissing from the samples of the various service Jthree successive presidents a Complete New Show Tonight liquors taken for test, and the of the union. MME. PETROVA outfit carried to the police station. Prince Rupert In Her Fifth Petrova World Pictures Present - BALL IN HONOR OF Picture, . MONTAGU LOVE . . : LIEUT.-COL. C.W. PECK Spruce Mills, Ltd. THE "DEMERS" SEAL COVE MILL PANTHER The We havn't said anything Tho oxecutivo committee of the Cross Bearer about Suits for a long Prince Rupert Club decided last This plant is now operating, WOMAN A time, and they are really night that they would give a ball and as their agents wa thrilling story of how Cardinal Merderof Belgium held worth talking about. A in tho club rooms in honor of jro in a position to deliver From the novel, "Patience Spar-hawk hack the cruel Germans. In Six Farts. good quality serge in Navy, their prominent member, Lieut.-Col. all kinds of spruce dimension, and Her,Times." Greatest Br,tsh Black or Fawn at $35.00. C. W. Peck, V.C., M.P., on shiplap, double dressed and newestof the Special Petrova Gazette 1-Reel Scenic, 5th Avenue, A man tailored suit in liis return here at a date to be and rustic. Pictures. . New York, and - Navy serge, trimmed with set. The affair will bo for mom. Ask for our prices. CHARLIE CHAPLIN braid, at $45.00. These bors of tho club nnd their lady gjne- "The Woman in the W are handsome suits, Other frionds. "His Dare Devil Queen" colors are purple, fawn Albert&McCaffery and gray. 1,000 tons Ladysmlth Coal, the LTD. Admission, 15c. and 30c. So!?' 150 m and 9 30c lnc,u,lin9 War Tax 2 Shows, 7.15 COME AND SEE jest on the Paolflo Coast, Just 564 nnd 116 Shows 7.15 and 9.15 episode of "The Fight for Millions," and Nell amp- arrived. Send your orders to the Phones man in "The Yild Strain" Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15.