Thursday, Moy IS, 101D. THE DAILY NEWB. Pago s CONSTANT Pl "THE CROSS BEARER" IS GREAT PICTURE Daily News Classified Advertising mi mm Cardinal Meroler la Central Figure r-fcii-H.,...,,,, 1 tl""Hliliiii in nay at the Empress. WANTK9. PGR BALE Have You Tried Tortures of Dyspepsia "The Cro88 OFFERS WANTED for two lota FOR SALE Rooming house, 14 Die llcarer," with Montagu in block 2.section 8. Level and LOVO flS fInpHln.,1 rooms and large dance hall. j- - clear of Corrected by "Frnlt-a-tives" Belgium, is n nt building. stumps, ready for Apply 208 Ninth Avenuo. See Apply box 252 Dal'y St. Martin's, N.B. abln significance. News Office. 114 this before building. tf Prov "For two yrars, I suffered torlurc3 The plot follows historical WANTED FOR SALE To clear, secondhand from Severe Dyspepsia. I events of tho nrnaont fin,. Second-hand gramo- white enamel bedstoada 8Unt pains fler eating; pains carries a strong romantio lnter-oat. pnono with records. Apply, at your own price. Biochu'a . ,;)0 siUes and Lack ; and The Cardinnl hna a with full particulars, to P.O. Furniture Store. 300 Third Ave. torrible bitter stuff ofteu cause up WllQ IB loved bv n vnnno Tii box 613. . 44 mouth. oiilcer. in whoan nhcmn u. FOR SALE OR LEASE Yokohama jDllljr . . """vi- ti iuu Bring your furs to Qoldhlooin. FLOUR j ncJ tloclors, dui mey uiu uov rront the German smnrnn. r. noataurant and Bowling Alloy inira help mo But as soon as I started oral seeks to gain possession of price.Avenuo. He pays high-est after 2flth May. Apply J. Pos- tif F,uil-a-lives I beraa to ner ior nis own evil purposes. tulo. tf Improve cn.1 this medicine, undo To defeat tho WANTED Qirl to work a few FOR SALE S" wawut Hatching from eggs, relieved when ofrait Juices, mo uwur wieiaeo Dy the German with hours daily in cigar store pna3 strain barred rocks, and tho army behind him. hn nnr.r.i jnorningabonaJiS 15 MRS.linSON MARSIMAMK. calls Into Rhode Island rodi. $1.50 per Ask Your Grocer 50c,abox,Grbr$2.00,trial sliolttc. play overy resource qf WANTED noom for single man, setting. Atkins' Meat Market. "na. wagmg his wits At all (''alcrc or sent postpaid by the mailed mlarht Of thft Invnr1ai against apply box 254 News Office. FOR SALE Damasred niann. Fruit n-tives Lfmited, Ottawa and playing effectively upon the HELP WANTED Sjnger Shop, 329 Second Ave. upersimous fear of hia cnt when that will suit his oppon 11.75 WILL BE GIVEN to several FOR RENT pur school boys who apply for work pose. STEEN&LONGWILL FOR in delivering RENT Modern four-roomed I THE SATURDAY This great picture is at tho EVENING POST to customers.' flat and furniture for sale, j impress tonight. Close in. Apply box 253, Dally' SiKITAR. akD HEATING Only school boys, clean-out, ews onice. 115 ENQINEER8 gentlemanly and ambitious need PERCY GODENRATH apply. Tho 81.75 is in addition LOST for to liberal cash nrizes and mnnv entistry Agents REACHES HALIFAX uiuer aavantages. Apply to LOST Diamond ring between BcCLAnY FURNACES waterfront xucnae Afros., Ltd., Third Ave. and Borden Street. Halifax. May 15, fin Reward. Finder please return PLUmniNQ P. Qddenrath of Prince Rupert ar tho Alberta Fish Comnanv." said lo Mrs. C. Lauder, Suite 9, Sum DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH I end . . mit Apartments. rived T. ...i i a ..- 114 nere yesterday on the "is, wuen lnierviewoa Dy. One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your SHEET METAL WOHKd Diuamur iioyai ueorgo. a representative of the Edmnniim LOST Wrist watch on atrao Pboue 5, 834 Second Avenue. uuuetin Friday. "This we will Saturday afternoon... Finder Efficiency N'ight phones 576 Capt. Godcnrath Is well known use in packing our fish for ship.i please leave at News office. If and Blue 270 to everyone here. He was at one ments the coming season. The TIm right work, at the right time publicity commissioner for ice is quite solid on the lake yet FOUND tiie Hoard of Trade, he Dubllshed ana we do not exrji.ct it to break and at the right prloa. lima, FOUND Knights of Columbus a paper at Stewart durincr Inn UP. for at least ten dnva rti tiro Dr. Bayne pin, apply News Office. j boom days of that Iowa and ho wceKs. Jived in this district for a num "Our fish is Backed and ahinned REAL ESTATE ber of years. at Wagner. Wide Water. Faust OFFICE HOURS: Pianos in Stock Ho went overseas during tho and Indiana, on the E. D. & B. C. STEWART listings of TOWNSITE improved and We unimproved want Mornlng(;9I'2i Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Evening, 7 lo J f cany days of the war and returned railway. HEINTZMAN & CO. later to recruit for the "Tho average si'.e of the while properties in Stewart, i Dental Nurse in attendance. H KARN McLean Kilties. fish is about three and one half B. C. H. G. Jlelgerson, Ltd., ENNIS Mrs. Godenrath and her famous pounds," said Mr. Kirkness. "and Phone 96. 114 Phone 109 for appointment if MORRIS dog about two years ago went they aro of fine aualilv. we some ARCHITECTS CLINTON through the country collectinir for times catch an odd lake trout IHIIIIIillllilillilllllllllillilllllllillllllill DOHERTY Ui e Dlue Cross and raised a large weighing up to forty pounds, WILLIAM BRUCE, Architect and Sold on Easy Terms. urn of money. tnese are also of excellent flavor." valuator. 4th Street. Plans prepared We rnt out p!ano3 for public and private by the month as INLAND FISHERIES If you have somethinK to sell buildings. and want more than it is wnrfli. low 20c. as a day. Piano Tuning and Musical AT SI AVF I AKF" adverliso in 8omo olnor FINANCIAL Special This Week Instrument Repairing the News cannot sell it. APPLICATION FOR LOANS at a low rate of interest received . . on ino iisn eaten at Lessor slave t v I ..otitoKB riaysrs. oavy 'jUi cigar- plans specifications ten Walkers Music Store I..1l;n Will..... hn nhnill thn enma Ihlo I and elles wrapped n t n fo Children's ders, Uy William llruce, Archi Chairs VAHP HQ loaf rf- 4 Kfft fff nnnndo I 2nd Ave. Phone BlUo 3S9 1.1 1. 1 .1. 1 1 tect, 4th- Street. wiiicu ia tue allowance maae uy mo Dominion Government for MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build. Go-Carts, Baby Carriages 1018 and 1919. Suppose That You ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru Summer School Last year the catch was nt- pert Housing Ltd., Geo. W. Children's Cribs Dortioncd amoncr the several com. Nickerson, Secretary. tf for Singers panics operating on the lake, but Decide to Own this year it will bo a free for all MISCELLANEOUS ARTHUR J. FOXALL rush and everybody can catch as A WATCH HIE NORTON The place for a BARRIE FURNITURE STORE A known Vancouver singing: much as ho can, until the limit of shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp Kitt. wm establish a summer 1,500,000 lbs. is reached; then the Vocal School in fishing must stop. Suppose thai you believe that v, treatment. 210 Fourth Street. SECOND ST. AND THIRD AVE. Mnt Rupirt Juni 27 Auguit ZB. The flshlntr season ODens July can sell you a rood watch. Open 10 a. m. or by appointment. Phone 493. tf hronnwnt 15 and this year will see the fol SuPDOtt that you call. look over ihouid be made lmmedl-to Foull School of Music. 8SI lowing eicrht comD&nies comnet- our atoclc, and decide to Take a BICYCLES finder Street,V., Vancouver. D, C. ing for the fish trade of Lesser Hamilton watch at 141.00, well ttlliDH,,,,.,,,..,,, Slavo Lake: Alberta Fish Co., Twenty years from now you will 'E PAY CASH fpr second-hand still tt learning- the time from that bicycles and parts. You can Arctic Fish Co., Strand-Stevenson f" Fish Co., McGinnis Fish Co., watch. trade your old bike for a new Georgetown Lumber Co. MISS M. A. Minzio Fish Co R. W. Jones Fish Which is an argument that ought one. Ws' repair all makes of WAY to b plenty aouvlocinr to any watch Co., J. II. Fish Co., and the bikes and carry a large assortment Lyons TEACHER OF MUSIC buyer. PHONES 130 and 423. P. O. BOX 1632 Northern Fisheries. of accessories. McGowan 309 Second Avenue These companies have a total & Hanson Cyclo and Repair Co. Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. O. ""to with Comerv.Wrt,ylUbu of th. of about fifty motor boats, one John Bulger Phones 489 and Green 10C, 139 FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY of Matlc. from steamer and a large fleet of dories Jeweler Second Avenue. tf - HWWW at their service. REAL ESTATE SPRUCE FIR CEDAR "I liavn f tint relumed from The Store of Worth and Consult Us. Vldn Wnlnr vhern I helned to Beauty. WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR FOR ELECTRICAL WORK put up about.800 tons of ice for LOTS. Apply P. O. box 000. tf Go to Ceo. Waddell Gene Byrnes Says: "Thanks for the Advice." 336 2nd Ave. Phones ELCK367 - GREEN 394 " V ' Sao. mony- In Lamps. THM L- s . t'r - - llnlJ II 1 iwi nyuer Porlland Canal, B.C. "fc-JAMlESON,Cat,Now'""H Open lo the famout for R 3u,h Proprietor siness Afta. :jr " jffi vj - - ' I PPRECWSTE. ICS r . V.f ( IWVWS POPE. E.S FCCL - K ft ; f ( pllSuc CM BORROW 7--,'-'-m 1 1 ?" V PEtPLY OBlWhTtO -To Vou ' , . I FORlHC jNKY PERSON WHO ' rt V. fOR IT- I HPPCH Tb .A OM LEE CO. f wiu usten To "YW ti7t7T y V know tvie: ckp xoo W- ' fsK A APVIW f ond Avenue, West. wVhEQETABLE8 Conlrattors and Labn Exchange. ZilLr' P.O.DOX 72K