Local News Notes Stocktaking Sale G. H. Arnold Manager I FOR SALE All material for any kind of a fridayTspecial Floor uilding can be furnished by Al-jert On 5th Ave. near Dunsmuir St., Lot 14, Block 0, Section & McCaffery, Ltd. tf 150 lbs. only of 5 An excellent buy for Another episode of "Tho Woman Victoria Cross lea $700.00 Cash in thCnWeb" at tho Empress Now that the freight Theatre tonight. Bettor than embargo is of! on Jar,,, ever. It 3 lbs. for $1.25 goods we are able to stock once Z 5-Roomed modern house, Borden St., near school ... more some of $2,900.00, TERM3 ARRANGED. Limit 6 lbs. to each customer popular and hard-wearing, low-priced floor We buy United States Liberty Bonds and Canadian Victory Capt. 11. D. Macllae of Tacoma You will have to step lively if you that we handled before the war. r 8 was u.nong the many passengers wish to secure this genuine snap Bonds. arriving from the south yester on good Tea, which retails at 60c A day morning on tho "Ilupert." per lb. anywhere shipment has just reached us of H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. ... The freighter Eastholme from Table Supply Co. Grasstex Rugs Phone 06 210 Oth St. Rupert Vancouver, arrived in port this morning with a cargo of salt. Shtf PHONES 211,212 I They come m prettily stencilled patterns and in the left for the Skeena lliver shortly following sizes:- afterwards. REV. JOHN M'KAY 3 x 6, Price $2.90 WESTHOLME THEATRE Pat Daley of Stewart arrived in the city from the south yesterday GOES TO WINNIPEG 6x9, $7.00 The Finest Combination House in Northern B.C. Safety Quality Comfort morning on the Prince itupeft en 8x10, route to Stewart, where ho is in Has Accepted Offer to Go to the $10.00 TONIGHT ONLY terested in mining property. " Presbytorlan College In 3MME. PETROVA "The Panther Woman" is one Winnipeg. Kongoyen of the greatest emotional plays In Her Fifth Petrova Picture (Special vl 0. T. 1'. Telegraphs.) of the day and Petrova is the This is the name of a heavier rug that is made of THE PANTHER WOMAN greatest emotional actross.-JUotli Vancouver, May 15. Rev. John jute. They have a reversible pattern, are partly McKav, principal of Westminster will be at the West- seen .tonight woven and partly stencilled in From the Norel, "Patience Sparhawk and Her Time," ' holme Theatre. iiall nere, lias accepted an ouer art designs, and By Gertrude Alherton ... to take charge of the Presbyterian make a handsome floor covering where an inexpensive A strong emotional drama of superb direction teeming with suspense Launch "Provincial" leaves for College at Winnipeg and leaves article will serve. They come in the same and thrills. The story of a girl caught up by the'swift rush of life and made the innocent victim of circumstance born of malice. Stewart and way points evety for there in the fall. sizes as the Grasstex and are priced at Friday morning at 6, carrying Dr. McKay has been prominent Showi 7.1S and 9.15. Admission Adul't, 30c; Children, 15c mail, passengers and freight. in the public life of British Co $5.0p, 515.00 and $21.50 War Tax Included fto more pennies will be uied Phono Ited 301, A. Swanson. tf lumbia for many years. His name was mentioned prominently as a We also have another line of rugs suitable for Under the auspices of the La possible principal of the British bedrooms. They are made of cotton and have a dies Aid of the Presbyterian Columbia University. He has al reversible woven-in pattern. Priced from T CHAFFEURS BEAT HIGH Church a tea and sale of heme- ways been outspoken on social or cooking will bo held at the home political questions and at the last $15.00 to $25.00 Sale SCHOOL AT BASEBALL Houses Fop of Mrs. D. C. Mcltae on Saturday, provincial general election took May 17 from 3 till 6. . it the stump against the Bowser Tho Chaffcurs beat the- lligh ... Government. He was strong for Good five-room house in Scliool last night on the Market See Montagu Love in "The prohibition and championed the H. S. WALLACE CO., LID. Section Six $1,300.00 Square in a game of baseball by Cross Bearer" at the Empress Ministerial Association in tho a score of 10 to 7. Theatre this evening. The story Cotsworth "Crisis in B. C." fiasco. Two modern houses in The game was one of marked of Cardinal Mercicr, the daunt Corner 3rd and Fulton St. Section Five, five rooms and interest, Harry Astoria instead of less Belgian priest, who did not bath, each $3,600 being umpire, played as catcher quail before the .German. invasion. SIR BARTONWON Modern house, Section 5, for the Chaffeurs. Another game You buy a piano probably only RACE AT BALTIMORE between the Chaffeurs and Cadets four rooms and bath $2,700 once a lifetime. Why not buy a will be played next Wednesday piano that wil do a lifetime? A (Special via 0. T. P. Teletripbs.) Victory Bonds bought at evening on Market Square. Heintzman & Co. piano will give Baltimore, May 15. Sir Bar highest market prices. you quality service for a genera. ton, carrying the colors of Com Seasonable Footwear ALASKA DAILY PAPER tion. Prince Rupert Music Store, mander J. K. Ross, won tho BECOMES A WEEKL Opposite the P. O. W. J. Pitman, breakness at Pimlico and brought McCaffery, Gibbons Piano Dept. ... vlt the owner $24,500. & Doyle, Ltd. (Special by 0. T. I. Telegnptis.) Mrs. J. L. Christie, of Summit The only halibut fish catch in We are now showing a complete line of Summer Juneau, May 15, The Alaska Apartments and child, were among port this morning is Hie Flossie Footwear for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Girls. Insurance Real Estate Daily Dispatch, the oldest daily tho through passengers for Mon with 9,000 lbs. She will not sol! Our stock has been carefully selected and is up-to-date newspaper in Alaska, has sus treal on yesterday's train. Mrs, today. in every detail. Prince Rupert, B. C. Christie is on her to Edini pended publication and will from way NEW' OXFORDS NEW PUMPS, JUST ARRIVED this time on be issued weekly. It burgh, Scotland, where she will CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF was found that Juneau with only visit, relatives. She does not ex- PRINCE RUPERT We carry a full range of Tennis Outing Shoes in all styles about 8,000 inhabitants was un pect to return until the late fall, " FOOTWEAR IS OUR SPECIALTY NOTICE is hereby irlven (bat a sitting able to support two dailies, and of the Court of Itevlslon for the purpose 1 1 STEPHENS' Provincial Government Employ or hearing complaints against the assessment AT THE the Empire was Ming the field as made for the year 161V, will be well. ment Bureau and Soldiers' Civil held In the Council Chamber, city Hall, lie-Establishment, temporary of rrince iiupen. u. u., on Monday, stay zsin, Family Shoe Store NOTARY PUBLIO 1919, at 10:30 o'clock a.m. CROP REPORTS fice 021 Second Avenue, Prince Any person des ring to make complaint against the said assessment must give Rupert. Returned soldiers, men notice In writing to the Assessor, stating and grounds or complaint, at least ten (10) women requiring employ. Third Avenue Edmonton, May 15. Crop re days prior to the silting of the said Court. SPECIAL ports from all over the north are ncnt of .any kind should register Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C, this ilnd .'ith the above, ftp fees charged, day or April, A. D. 1010. GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM uniformly goQd, according to the E. D. JOHNSO?!, Modern Apartmentllouse of statistics received this week from Phone 553. P. O. drawer. 1074. - Acting City Clerk. The Practical Shoamen Phone 357 - - two 5-roomed flats, with the stations along the northern In preparation for the inter harbor view G. P. H. lines. There has been a national football match to be general snowfall rainfall and r rxr..n;n in in i.ni; or incerity HI.I I... 1U. W II II U I M I I .1 l IT a 1 1 I 1 Ullilt $5500.00 played on Empire Day, May 24, j (,I1II1ILIII.LI1 I)V LI1U IlilHil mi ..!,.-.. the ground is in the best possible there will be a practice game to s Vniins Vmi Wnh. n pnnV nf. Mm IV OOUn WHS wui muft condition for germination and ight -Eight-roomed house, modern night on the ground at Acropoiic Georgetown sawmill, was arrest-j or ou uas- 3' blocks from post office working. Seeding -is welP ad Hill. Several new players of ervice ed, yesterday y Provincial Con- Pleaded guilty. vanced and in the some places value have been discovered, and afnViln T nrron rn n nhnpffrt nf hnvf 1 $3250.00 wheat is all in oat seeding is and it is expected that both sides will ' - , UIIUUIIU ulMUill ill 111 I'UJ"I well advanced also. The heavy . be able to line teams. Un ...nn l.nn.irvltff wn f n V A lilflArli .1 Iffl H 11 LI I ID. UIMI" " up strong 9133(I'll I1U nU9 Ui UUglib WttJUiO.nHwii snowfall was fairly general and IF you have been reading our the growth has been phenomenal NOTICE advertisement, we hope you have been convinced or at least one thing M. M. Stephens ever since. our sincerity. Owing to the Bolsheviki ((de Provincial Government Em will notice that we make no LOANS RENTALS- INSURANCE stroyers) the "Narbelhong" has YOU - Goods ploymenl Bureau and Soldiers' or exaggerated statements. Our Store.is stocked up with New been tied un attain. The law calls We do not pretend, to control Civil rie-establishment; tempor. f t. A.n 1 tf T aJ or manufacture some wonderful for your ary office C21 Second Avenue, glasses that cannot be obtained wunoui a licence, rne ".Narbe Prince Rupert. Employers having lhong s" lioence expired last Isewhere. Every vacancies for and in men women night. The fault lies with the WE try to deserve your patronage, THE clerical, factory, domestic or steamship inspectors. So until simply by putting into ither work should apply to above your glasses QUALITY or material, further notice I shall discontinue Phone intelligence and SKILL in workmanship. ECONOMY STORE 553. tf tho Skeena HOOMES service.K. FREEMAN. Springtime Ask for Atkins' Sausagos. tf w E believe that to give honest Phones 18 and 36 service at a moderate price 417 Eth Ave., E. NOTICE is In the long run the secret of Need success, in our own, or in any other Seize Time by the Forelock, For Your It is forbidden by bylaw that profession or business. Call or Phono Now for any person ride a bicycle on the Oun guarantee glasses that fit MIDDIES sidewalk within the city limits. not only the way We have a great variety, of PURITY FLOUR LUMBER Any person found hereafter doing you see through them, but the waj in White and Colored Voiles. look with them . 49-lb Sachs, $2.90 penalties so will be enforced.prosecuted and full you on. WHITE SKIRTS in Duck and Pique in Purity Wheatlets W. II, VICKERS, Fred Joudry all sizes. . PLASTER and Chief of Police. POPLIN We have also the new 5-1 b Sacks, 45c Practical Optometrist Economy Store, Phone on CEMENT "VALHALLA" Third Ave. Prince Rupert SILK SKIRTS in many shades. 1 Oppo.it.pt onic. eight, For the Babies Purchase hert and be up-to-date. Social May 16 in St. A Building Hall, gentlemen $1.00, ladies 50c. SPRING CASHMERE COATS and Materials '. For SILK DRESSES. Mussallem Grocery Company Give us a call LTD. notice to Advertlsara l COAL I j. I CONIC TO I" , Lflfilinl nHvArflonmnnra Jit i -- viiigviiitiib( f I Albert & McCaffery, Lid. snouid for insertion be in sama tho Dailv Hnv TRANSFER nd Brothers, Ltd. The Gartiand" Boarding House Phone 116 and 664. " News Changes ofllco in before advcrtls 10 n. m. Jabour 416 Sixth Avenue East w i. snouid bq on hand before Phone Red 529 West Office, Second Avenue, Next 5 Third Avenue Near Drydock p.m. on previous day. Board by Month or W.ek. Phon.Red 115 Westholmo Theatre. A. L. Murray