Wednesday, August 10, 1932 : Sale will Continue for month of ae 3 ——— Kagust REDUC For This Sale 3-Piece Chesterfield ( Suite—Mo- hair, full size. Moth proof. Reg. a pd ie aa $148.50 8-Piece Dining Suaite-—Selid oak. Reg. price $110: & 5 . Sale PRICE . 4... 2238 3-Piece ee Reg. $165.00 Suite — Mo- hair. Full size. Latest te. $137. 50 Inch Continuous Walnut Bed—Coil $24 00 pi ing, felt matiress. Sale Price .... e Mattreaneprs felt, all 7% % $7.96 Prince Rupert Walnut Dining Room Suite—8 ee aoe $140 $115. 60 i — Lot ts—Full size Curtain Rod—Extension Sale Price Sale Pri ice .... Linoleum Rugs—Also reduced Congolerim Rugs—6x9, They ate ages i $6. 50 | one Jaby Carriages—The bes No seconds im this lot. Sale Price .. Keduced to Bs 2 os aba Furnish Your Home at Little Cost and Fill Up on Youy Requirements Third Avenue WATCH OUR WINDOWS EACH DAY FOR BARGAINS Walnut China Cabinets—Reg. price up to $62.50 $32. 50 Your choice for .. made Comforters, Down filled, best quality. See them to appreciate value. * $2.45, $1.90 15e -3x6. Green or Cream 90e Teta” $32.50 Phone 775 ] The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous “Rupert Brand” | SMOKED iR ae ITEMS } et rain “tor a Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ste ae Oe in PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. BLACK COD — < a where in the south city on the Prince George }ternoon from the north. Gilbert Campbe at Alice Arm, reti on the Catala yesterday af Retain the cedar of] in the wood, affording extra and better pre- ervation than kiln-dried shingles from which the esse ential oil is been evaporated. Our shingles are made on Queen Charlotte Islands and, as a home product, deserve your preference. Shingle makers wages on the Islands are spent eventually in Prince Ru- pert, while Vancouver wages never come north. Support a home ndustry and your own welfare by specifying Air Dried Shingles. | } C Henri Cochet and Marcel Ber- ‘sent are as follows: rd will leave France today, on the Butter ner Champlain for the United ites to compete®.in the United tates tennis championships at Fancy cartoned, Ib. * No. 1 Creamrey, 3 Ibs Flour orest Hills, Long Island, Septem- ‘ er 3 4°10 The United States will Flour, 49's, No. 1} hard wheat 1.65 narshal her best “players for the | Pastry Flour, 10 ol ‘ 45 to S ent and in addition an English! | Aust. Pastry flour, 1 Ss. i eam of H. W. (Bunny) Austin, | Fish fred Perry, J, §. Olliff and Edward; Smoked Kippers Ib. ... vory is on the way to the United! Salmon, fresh, 1b ate Halibut, 1b 2 Ibs | Eges Pass | Alberta Seconds, doz . ae) Corp. Clarke R. C. M. P. returned} B.C, Fresh First, @02 26 the city on this afternoon's train| B.C, Fresh Extras, doz 29 ‘rom a@ trip to the interior. | Local, new laid, doz. .... “a been receiv AIR DRIED SHINGLES = |=. médical treatment , returned to the city » family who are camping there for », Union Oil Co. of- | ’ e|C.N.R. steamer Prince George, Cap- is afternoon from }tain Neil McLean, arrived in port being here on one ofjat 2 o'clock this afternoon from | Vancouver, Powell River and Oc-/} ficial | Prince 1Va his periodical visits business on company Prices: No. 1 5X $3.75; No. 1 3X $3.25 orem HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 jes, et “sport CHAT. | THE MARKET »" Retail prices current here at pre- ye yesterda lment of the Granby Store. "| Meat Market Broken Into During Night | William Jone ket on Third Avenue 15 | into during the night and two hams side of bacon taken 25 ently. no attempt was made to get; The police are F Family Meat eek 15 and a money. ing. investigat- | 1, ls one of the twelve cities forming the Etruscan League. } | } ; $$$ Thursday Morning Special Loin Pork Chops, Be per Ib. CAPTTOL MEAT MARKET Fifth Avenue Wm. McLeod sr, who has been na trip to Terrace, returned to he city from the interior on this afternoon's train. Mrs. Arthur White arrived in the s been/city from the interior on this af- ternoon’s train to enter the Prince Rupert General Hospital for treat- ment, Jens Larsen, for drunkenness, was fined $25, with option of seven holiday 'days’ imprisonment, by Ald. S. D vy ' Macdonald, justice of the peace, in city police court today. A. E. Parlow returned to the city on this afterrioon’s train from Lakelse Lake where he spent the week-end with Mrs. Parlow and , the summer. Delayed by fog down the coast, jean Falls and will sai] later in the jafternoon for Skagway and other the} Alaskan points whence she will re- Brit ish Columbia Power is paying a brief} r;turn here next Monday morning southbound 2 dd day! r 1 . «| Hotel Arrivals | | Jeffries. of Anyox | CENTRAL neywood, Mrs. Jeffries’ | G. Normann, city, “1 Had Almost Despaired,” Then Started Sargon | “ls the ay nee a years misery with = Th ach trouble. wae & mifferi for ‘f ue oHiz a: Shin Garon Pills are in Cana it this in omen aus is pearl Srentnant ORMES LIMITED TERRACE CHERRIES cE be. 15¢€ Munro Bros. [LOCAL TEMS Dance in Moose Hall tonight. Ad- | mission 25c. 186) / F. R. Wilson of Inverness arrived | in the city yesterday for a brief ; visit vw town. | W. Di Vance left on this. after- | noon’s train for a brief trip toy | Terrace whence he will return to the city tomorrow night, Presbyterian Social in -Chureh |Hall, Friday, August 12 at 8 p.m. Good musical program. Refresh- ments, Admission 25¢c. Everybody | welcome. (186) Miss Spencer of the teaching staff of Coqualeetza Institute at | Sardis was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon re- turning south after a visit at Port Simpson with her sister, Mrs. C. B. Flewin. George Deasty of Premier ar- rived in the city from the north jon the Catala yesterday afternoon }and sailed this morning on the ss | Prince Robert for Vancouver i whence he will proceea on a trip r the Old Country. Her father anxiously inquires | through the provincial police here jas to vhe present whereabouts! |of Mrs. BE. F. Moreno, nee Jean} | Baird. who left Vancouver last De- |cember with her husband and has |not been heard from since picts | Miss Rita McLean, who teaches school at Stewart and has been summer vacation visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Me- Kean, Seal Cove, sailed this morn- ing on the Prince Robert for a jtrip to Vancouver W. Mahoney, prominent in the | affairs of the Prince Rupert branch {of the National Unemployed Work- rs’ Association of Canada, was jamong those who were in Ottawa | recently for the “Unemployed Ec- }onomic Conference.” He is visiting various centres on the way back to Prince Rupert and is expected here about the end of the month DYSENTERY IS DANGEROUS CHECK IT AT ONCE is the remedy you should use. It is not an experiment, but a tried and proven preparation that has been used in Canada for the past eighty years for all bowel complaints Price, 50c. a bottle at all drug- gists or dealers; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronte, Ont POR SARE—160 acres level land. | Apply Smith & Mallett Lid tf! PAGE i. Sag einem we tere «x Claseihine Ads FOR SALE ORCHESTRA a jttlbtacdh = $PRCIAL—Goodyear Tires at lower}FOR Your Dance arehes'tga phone prices than, any mail ordet Mrs. Black, Greet, 218) Snappy house, Kaien Motors Ltd, Phone! music! Prices reasonable. (tf) 52. eon eater nome een nn nat —_ \ Seer FOR SALE— Regal 9 HP. Heavy! CRIROPER ACEC duty engine and chuck 22 in. x| ee id 22 in, wheel, good. candition, a} snap $125, Apply T. C. Traey, Box| Ww. C. Aspinall 386, Anyox, B.C. 189 Whree Year Gracuate Chiropractic Se anereerereencternennsiemasupeye FOR SALE—160 acres near Wan-| Modern Ray Treatments Given derhoof, 20 acres slashed, rest is} Phone for Appointment light poplar, all level, quarter mile from Government Road. | Green 241 and 549 Clear crown grant for dollar an|‘pen Evenings 6 Exchange Bik. acre. Apply W. S. Johnson, Box! 130, Anyox. 189 | , ot ter | DAIRIES Vanderhoof Tsinkut Lake dis- trict, quarter mile from Govern- | For FRESH LOCAL MILK ment Road, Has cabin, well and Phone Red 608 or 953 20 acres slashed. $160 cash. crown granted. Owner: has an- DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 other place, needs the cash. Write Harry A. Oarman, Hulatt, P.O. Nechaco Valley, B.C. 189 ——_ | . = IS SAFE MILK HOUSES for Rent, F. Ww Hart. Im} MODDERN Stuceo House for rent, | Phone Green 3780 tt Fresh from Bulkley Valley Front Flat for rent with range. Farms! Fes cg dais bee RED gd | FOR RENT— Modern flat, Ran¢/ VALENTIN DAIRY Block. Apply Max Heilbroser. tf! WANTED—Furnishea apartment 3) spending the early part of the! eer Phone 657 SOME choice modern apartments. . for rent. Greatly reduced rates, — - = Westenhaver Bros. tf WATCHMAKERS WANTED | Send Your Watch, Clock, Jewellery and Optical or 4 rooms, preferably in private) Repairs to home. September 1. Apply Box! 144 Daily News. 186 A. E. IRELAND - 324 Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. BOARD AND ROOM | Thirty Years Practica) Experienee Assures Absolute Satisfaction FURNISHED Rooms heated, with| or without board. Reasonable | QUR NEW LOW PRICES term. 104 McBride Sreet. tf WILL SURPRISE YOU hissed saicenae ae ay: RE Bag ; HIGHLY recommended home; Uni- | versity students; $25 up. 4389 ia TRANSFERS carno Creseent, Vameouver... 195 = CAMERON'S Transfer, Phone 177: LOST | Dry wood, Tables and Chairs for icitanhleleimeaiaahdeiiate tas rent. Beer bottles bought. LOsT- —Glasses between Seal Cove ' SEAL COVE TRANSFER. Wood for and McClymént Park Saturday sale at reasonable prices. Phone night. Fincer please return to} Green 609 or Blue 903. Daily News, meme — | CANT? Let us overhaul it. It will rent and give revenue [| again. Charges reasonable. J. P. MOLLER ! - Phone Red 802 IS YOUR PROPERTY VaA- | Lawn Mowers Ground Absolutely guaranteed to cut like new. STAR WELDING & REPAIR WORKS H. B. Stiles, Proprietor ‘whone 313 Cow Bay P.O. Box 764 ' Manure For Sale | The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating — Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO, J. PAWES—Phone Black 120 No Straw, $2.00 Per Yard Casey Cartage Fuel Co. _ Phone 303 C. N. R. steamer Prince Robert, Capt. H. E Nedden, returned to | port at 7 o'clock this morning from a regular voyage to Skagway and other Alaskan points and sailed at 9 am, for Vancouver direct. The Prince Robert will make one more voyage on the Alaska route before being withdrawn from service for the winter, the city detachment of the pro- |vincial police, had the minfortune | to painfully crush several toes on} one of his feet when a rock fell on him while he was playing at Cow Bay about noon yesterday. The in- jury will confine the lad to home holidays. Announcements Eagles’ Social Dance Friday At- gust 26, Admission, Gents., 50c.; la- dies, refreshments, AUCTIONEER. List your goods with us—Prince Rupert's leading Auctioneer, G. M. HUNT PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Rose, Cowan & Latta Donald Grant, seven-year old Fr of Constable Andrew Grant of for at least the remainder of the Phone #94 Srd Ave. Phone Red 637 “THE DUNES” i Queen Charlotte Islands P rince Rupert 12 Days Holiday; $35 Inckides Boat Fare and All Other chen Ot mere (| DRY DOCK A Holiday Here Leaves No Re- grets, Ne Flies or Mosquitoes. AND sions |] SHIPYARD MADAME RAJAUT Operating three Dry Docks Moose Dance Wednesday Aug. 10, Hotel Central ! Total capacity 20,000 tens Limited | Covenient to business district, and Ship Repairers homelike, beautiful harbor for Steel and Wood Vessels views. Sawmill and Mining Machinery Rates reasonable. Spacious Repaired and Overhauled Shipbuilders Cathelié Badhat, Ootdbed 19, &. saniplé rooms. I B FIRST CLASS CAFE | ron and Brass Casting Open at An Hours || Electric and Acetylene Welding Hotel Central Ltd. . 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifté First Avenue 4 Seventh Street | ARENA REE oe OR So a > - a © lit, tie _- -=_ "Big Cte