..A - r For llESLIfEO HRST AID KITS Bicycles Repairs and Sworkinen-SjCom.Board Daily NEWS Parts ViitioB PRINCE RUPERT AUTO pes(82aod200 707iSecond Avenue PHONE 75 NO. US' pnmcE nupEtvr, p. c. Friday, may ie, 1919. PRICE FIVE CRNT SOLDIERS EXPRESS SYMPATHY DEPOSITORS WILL U.S. DIRIGIBLE SWEPT DEATH RESULTS SHARE DIVIDENDS FROM MOORINGS AND WITH WINNIPEG STRIKERS AND IN DOMINION TRUST CARRIED OUT TO SEA FROM BURNS (Special by 0. T. P. TeJmphs.) (Special by 0. T, P. 1 tlerrapns.) Mrs. Hutchinson, Wife of Q.T. P. Vancouver, May 16. Subject to St. Johns, May 10. The United WISH TO DISCUSS Agent at Paclflo,. Victim ENEMY ALIEN pie approval of Mr. Justice Murphy Slates navy diribible C-5, which of Acoldent. the winding up judge in the escaped from its moorings drop Dominion Trust liquidation, depositors ped into the sea 85 miles off A most distressful accident, Tied through Pressmen and will participate in any. shore according to a radio mes up Stereotypers Walking which has had fatal results, happened Sewspapers dividends on liquidation with preferred sage received by the cruiser Chicago yesterday morning at Pa Shops and Restaurants creditors in the ratio of from an unidentified British Out; are ICIosing; Telephone cific when Mrs. Hutchinson, wife one to two. That is, for every steamer. The steamer, it was of the G. T. P. agent there, was Latest Join dollar paid preferred said, standing by the dirigible. Operators to the Strike Movement. creditors, was norribly burnt through her clotti depositors will have fifty cents The destroyer Edwards started at ng catching fire. The injured available to them. once to salvage the airship. The (Speclal to Th" Newi via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) lady was brought to town on last HENRY J. HEINZ IS giant baloon burst from its moor 16. The and night's train and taken at once May pressmen have Winnipeg, stereotypers WHITEWATER BILL ings in a gale and swept out to to the she General where Hospital, lolned the general strike, thus preventing the issue of news- BEYOND NEED OF FOOD spa sonn after It arrived frnm succumbed to her injuries early ers. -rne Typographical Union members remained on the Job RETURNS ON CELTIC!Monlauk Polnl-atter-beine in th0 this morning. L without the other trades the. .issue. of. papers is impossible. (special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) Ji iiu uuuimuuusiy co uuurs auu Mrs. Hutchinson was going UUI i 55 minutes. TlllloViKnr -.. la ml i 1 (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) The strike committee announced it might authorize the issuing ""u'bi way in, me ueaiii about her usual household duties is announced here of Henry Si ; Halifax, May 10. Among the in the forenoon yesterday in her of a paper unuor mw kumhimiwoi Heinz, Arrivals yesterday on the S. S. MAJOR BARKER WILL home, in which was.an.oil heater aged 75 Supplies for retail stores were depleted by the rush yesterday years, the Dro- Celtic was Colonel Wt Cooke. It is assumed that the healer ex. afternoon and this morning several butchers and grocers report ducts prietor Co.,of the Heinz Food Prc? known in the Fort George country COME TO CANADA TO pioded, as the unfortunate woman that they were notified by individual strikers that If they did not creator of 57 famous as wimewater mil owing to his had carried it outside the house varieties. rinsa they would be made to. Nearly all restaurants are closed. proficiency in running rapids. GO INTO BUSINESS with her clothing alight, and ran The first day of the general strike in sympathy with the some distance before she rolled DIGNITY AND IMPUDENCE. (Special by 0.T. P. TelegTipbs.) on the ground to put out the trades and metal workers passed without disorder. The building London, May 10. Major V. G. blaze. Assistance was given her lest employes to declare In favor of a walkout were the telephone Harker, Canada's famous airman at once, and the blaze extinguish operators. who took the Prince of Wales ed, but Mrs. Hutchinson was Full sympathy with the purpose of the present strike and over London last week, and in the burned so badly by tbia time that course of the trip looped the loop she became unconscious. to law and to use every legitimate means preserve order pledges several times, and rolled and spun First Aid. the strike is settled labor and the returned soldier and that after twice, will sail for Canada at the First aid was at once given and will get together and discuss the deportation of the enemy alien, end of the present month. He intends there being no doctor in the district was included In a resolution unanimously passed at a mass meeting going with Col. Bishop into the patient was placeU on cf veterans. the civil aviation business. the train, which came along shortly afterwards. CLAIM COMMONWEALTH HERE DEMPSEY-WILLARD At Terrace Mr. Campbell; the STAR druggist who rendered such valuable FIGHT SANCTIONED aid there during the in MAKING IS BEING DEVELOPED FIRST CALL fluenza epidemic, was picked up later, and along with Rev. T. H. The Lone Slar" claim on Lewis Booth Fisheries' Bla Boat Now (Special rla 0.T.P.. Teletrraibs.) Marsh, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Creek near Pacific in which Operating on Share Basis. Toledo, May 16. Official sanc Hutchinson to Prince Rupert and . .. . ' i, i ' .1 T 1. tion for the heavyweight cham-1 i.H. uarnngion aim oucn. uui us on the way down did much to art partners, anq omer aujqining. Eight halibut boats and ilv pionship fight between Jess Wil-lard alleviate the pain which the patient and Jack Dempsey, scheduled tlilms Dave drawn me auenuon polling crafl brought In their suffered. nf Msirn.......... caniffiliiff a. wlm linvf! !-T!. "jLiV i - "'ti for July 4, has been given by the Everything Possible Done. y, .cuicnes wns-iuuruins ua iuuuivs urn an op'jonvinesefc Toledo boxing commission. The burning was so severe that there was hardly a square inch on iLuVX u ,C0PtPer"CH ,l- 3,opo?Teton, S.OOoTvlrna, KETCHIKAN MAKES Mrs. Hutchinson's body, from her n-il . . .7 . ,uuu, anu ine commonwealth neck down which escaped. On be o.m boing oi mo snow tis55O0O EYES AT STEWART ing taken to the hospital here, f T ine old,; 1 IUI M The Commonwealth is owned HON.E.D.BARROW IS SALVATION ARMY everything possible was done last tuners into this dis- ?by Bootn Fi8,ieries of evening, but the injuries tho Canada. were so At the head of the Portland , u,u 0 unHopineni, worn TO VISIT RUPERT DRIVE IS STARTING that Mrs. Hutchinson died IW Ltd 3nd ncw operates on a share Canal lies a rich mining district, severe is expected to be under- ,,asls. Tnis is ,,er flrst trip inlo both on the American and Can a about 3 o'clock this morning. She a:r,important promises centre w "e(1,rinco in Ilupert this year, after be- We expect to settle comniuni Ensign Kerr Leaving for Points dian sides, says the Ketchikan was a young woman of twenty-two w mining ing tied up all winter in Seattle lies of returned soldiers on the Alonp Line to Raise Funds Times. On the American side is years of age and comparatively very near future. She made a trip to Ketchikan on splendid agricultural lands along For Work. the thriving little town of Hyder recently married. Her home The April 21 with a catch of 30,000 the Grand Trunk Pacific this and back of it are a number of was in Winnipeg whither the re fie oldest Canadian Llfo Co.. lbs. of halibut, that being her summer, said Hon. is. D. Har Lnsign Kerr of the Salvation prospectors, miners operating on mains will be sent for burial by Canada, J, F. Magulro, Agent. flrst fishing trip of the season. row, minister or agriculture to Army has come north for the pur small scale, and properties the B. C. Undertakers on tomor She was in Prince Ilupert the the Vancouver Sun. Hon. Mr. pose of conducting the Red Shield which give evidence that they will row s tram. last time about a year ago. Harrow is preparing to Isave on drive for the institution which he develop into big producers. The Flossie arrived in port an extended tour of the northern represents. He will leave on the Although but a comparatively AUSTRIAN PEACE TERM8 "AX HEILBRONEfi yesterday morning with 9,000 lbs lands, accompanied by Dominion train tomorrow morning for Haz short distance from Ketchikan, (Special rla 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) Reliable of halibut. government representatives and el ton and w ill take in every point little or no" business from that Jewoler Salmon. will go out over the Canadian along the line as far as Jasper, district is coming to town. Pros Paris, May 16 In the Austrian 8imonds, Watches, Clocks I'lvo salmon catches were Northern railway and back to returning to Prince Rupert and pectors from that country, as peace terms which were presented Jt Class, Silverware, Ivory brought in port this morning as Prince Ilupert over the O. T. P. then proceeding to Alaska. well as men in other lines of in to the Austrians on Wednesday "mbrella, Community Plate, follows: Kubcjn with COO lbs. of There is one particular area The drive in this city for the dustry, have indicated time and there was a clause requiring, the Etc. reds; Vesta ,1,C00 lbs. reds- and up there, about 115 miles by 200 Army will take place about the time again that they would like dismantling of the famous Skoda ' 1,500 lbs whites; Petrel, .300; miles," said Hon. Mr. Barrow, end of June or early in July and to trade with Ketchikan, if they works. : ft Corntr S'd A, and 6th Strtt. Condor. 100. and the Snipe. 130 'and this place is about the ll'nest it is expected will be well supported. could get the facilities. lbs. of reds. farming proposition in the whole At the present time passengers provinco today. We are going to Tho work of tho Salvation Army and freight go by Canadian ves WANTED O. W. V. A. CONVENTION Innk if. nvor nnri rlncidn 1 list, wlicro was much appreciated by th? sol sels and are transhipped at Prince tho soldier settlers will be sent.'diers when overseas. Everywhere Rupert and then shipped to Hyder 10 Muckers (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) They will get the best available nothing but good words are heard Through an unwarranted spirit Ottawa, May 10. Circulars land, and it may be understood of the untiring service given to of magnanimity, Uncle Sam, when 50c per hr. havo been issued by the Dominion that if owners hold out for highly i tho men during the trying days, the boundary lines were to be secretary of tho Great War Vet nllated prices they may look for- and the result is that everyone is located, did not follow the natural erans Association calling for the ward to expropriation proceed favorably inclined toward the in dividing line north from the head F03 QUALITY representation of all branches at ings. We intend to see that the stitution. of Portland Canal, and now it develops J. R. MORGAN, LTD. AND SATISFACTION the Dominion convention to be veterans get a square deal in this that a rich mining property ooara Licence No. 10-730. held at Vancouver on June 9. settlement matter, and the object DOMESTICATION OF was presented our neighbors Drydock of this trip is to make certain that across the line. But even a part the boys will be given the best THE MUSK OX AND of the trade of that mine may be land in tho country. On the lands secured if a boat service is established Em which we now havo in view the CARIBOU OF NORTH between Ketchikan and press : Theatre learing is very light, being most Hyder, with stops at camps along WESTHOLMF ly brushwood and alder, and tin (Special via U. T. P. Telegraphs.) the canal. TONIGHT " Complete New Show Tonight tracts are every way highly suitable Ottawa, May 10. The Cabinet for immediate colonization." Council will consider, seriously, Vitffraph Present Talented the proposition of Viljahlmir Prince The Foremost Paramount Star, Nell Valhalla" social tonight. Stofansson, tho Arctic explorer, Rupert ipman : Alfred Whitman for the domestication of the musk Pauline Frederick ox and caribou of the north, and Spruce Mills, ltd. for tho introduction of reindeer "THE WILD STRAIN" "DEMEBS" inlo the northern regions of the SEAL COVE MILL , We havn't said anything Dominion. kjr PerformlnV2cie.ty Hirl ,n evening Rown who shocks circus throngs about Suits for a long This plant is now operating, 'FEDORA' ng oaring horseback stunts in the ring. This is one of time, and they are really NIOBE'S CREW LEAVING. and as their agents we eo. Randolph Chester's best sfories worth talking about. A are in a position to deliver good quality serge in Navy, (Special via 0. T. I1. Telnxwhs.) all kinds of dimension, Victorien Sardou'i Greatest yU!fraPh'8 spruce Greatest SeHI Photoplay Black Fawn at 835.00. Drama or Halifax, May 10. About 250 shiplap, double dressed A FIGHT FOR MILLIONS" A man tailored suit in members of the crew of H.M.C. and rustic trimmed with . GAZETTE Navy serge, S. Nlobo arc now being demobilized Ask for our prices. i,Sonn'r?liyjL,r,A.M DUNCAN, Th. S.ndow of Ih. Screen braid, at $45.00. These and leave Saturday for their COMEDY adventure about the Koyal North West Mounted are handsome suits. Other homes. Police, and colors ar purple, fawn Albert&McCaffery 1-REEL COMEDY and gray. 1,000 tons Ladysmlth Coal, the COME AND SEE lest on the Paolflo Coast, Just LTD. Admission, 15c. and 30c. 1 ,5c Ml 30c, Including War Tax Shows, 7.15 end 9 arrived. Send your orders to the Phones 564 and 116 Shows 7.15 and 9.15 Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15.