DAILY fdCWS. rage 2 THE ' The Daily News To Prospective PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News BUILDERS &CONTRACT0RS Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue.' H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Select WATER RIPARIAN ACT,RIGHTS 1914. Feeling; that it is up lo us lo assist in the llougln m mcnt wo will quote rock bottom prices the on anv nf NOTICE Is hereby given that under o. ... . . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: provisions of section 6 of the Water Act. terlal and supplies handled by us, such as ma City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 7oc. Your any 1911,right every lo riparian divert water proprietor or to claiming the exclusive Elcctrical material of all descriptions, including use or water ror any purpose by tings and Fixtures, Lamps, Wire of all kinds 'I-Conduit, By Mail-Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. virtue only la rAntilroH or his being nn nr such hpfora riparian the pro-llrSt Electric heaters and mantels, Automatic and sup Ll' To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. day claim or selling June, 19J0,loriu to mo Me irucui a statement or Ranges, etc., Galvanized and black iron Steam anH v t UMMER ..c'Alm. Such statements or claim shall be l-ipo and Fillings, Valves, Radiators and Heater, t. i ..nu,A u-ith thA Water nprarder w Telephone. 98. or I1ICU ihe 111 Water VJUJJIVU1V.District" In...V Which...v..the wster Covering, Wood Stavo Pipe, Doechk's Paint, Varnish is diverted or usea. Kalsomino Brushes of all kinds. Hardwood Arter the first day of June. 190. no Lumber -O v TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 'cents per inch. right to divert water or to the exclusive Ash, Maple, Teak and Gum. Structural Steel and ... ff,v. Bnv mif-nriHA fthall AXlSt Iron Contract Rales on application. by virtue only or any ownership or land. Ornamental Iron Work, Fire Escapes, etc. Rex FlinivT iUlTING! rorms rrom oi siaiciiieui the Water ui Recorders iintu of w vw-alned the Roofing -the Very Dest Made. Manilla and Wire none ViS leveral Water Districts In the Province or Cable. Derrick Castings and Contractors' supplies. DAILY EDITION. Friday, May 16, 1919. parliament rom the Comptroller Buildings, Victoria,.of Water B. C.Rights, We also handlo Goodyear Mechanical Rubber Goods at or Dated March.at 1919.Victoria, B.C., this llth day including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Hose and T. D. PATTULLO, Westinghouso Electrical equipment, including Motors Flower Gardens and v Minuter or Lands. Generators, Transformers and all other Electrical Equin .Cultivation of Art. mcnt. Being direct factory representatives, we are able to There are some beds of bulbs in bloom here just now that Sweder's make very attractive prices. are just as fine in every respect as any grown in other parts of the world. They ar.e a trifle later than those at Vancouver or Gentlemen's and Ladies' Prince Rupert Supply Co., Ltd. Victoria, but otherwise there is little difference. . Anyone wishing to plant a flower garden will find it is not TAILORS Fourth Street, off Third Avenue. CROWN NOTICE P. O. Box 772 yet too-late. Most of the plants should be set out about June 1 Sixth Street Phone Black 389 in order tb get the best results. All the ordinary flowers that are sealed TENDERS addressed to the iincieriirned and endorsed "Tender ror the found in the gardens to the south bloom equally well here, with purchase or Gasoline Engines at Prince uupert, B. C," will be received at .this the exception of those which require a very dry climate. office until '12 o'clock noon, Thursday, I Sin, ror tne purchase or two Alias May The, mossy soil that is found in the gardens here is suitable to b. p. Gasoline Engines. Tenders will not be considered unless Mrs. Smeeton's for flowers if it is well cultivated and manured. made upon rorms furnished by the Department n tr if i. , and In accordance with condi . v m w k-b as as a ar uu w a. The man or woman who plants a garden and cultivates it is tions coniainea inerein. Select not only getting much enjoyment, but is engaged in public spirited The Launch engines"Walrondo"may be seen at on Prince ine Rupert,inspec-Ion Lunch & Tea Rooms FROM work that is of great value lo the community. It develops the LAND nEGISTIlY ACT. B. Each C tender must be accomDanled by an artistic taste .and cultivates a love for the beautiful and is one of (Sec lions 36 and 134.) payable accepted to cheque the order on or a the chartered Honorable,bank,the 9 Re Application No. 10,607-1. File 6,100. Minister or Dominion Public Works, equal Wash West. the .best.methods of slums. Second Day preventing 309 Avenue, take notice that application nas been to ten per cent (iU9i) or the amount or made to register Thomas McManamon, ot he tender. War Bonds or the Dominion Shipbuilding Already Prince Itupert, B. C, as owner in ree under or Canada will be accepted as security, or a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of war uonos ana cneque ir required io mate Lunches,. Teas, Ice cream, Creates Payroll. the City of Prince Hupert, bearing: date up an odd amount. Soft Drinks. the 10 tti day or Lccember, IS 18, of ALL The highest or any tender not necessarily Already the for the AND SINOULAH that certain parcel or tract accepted. Cakes, preparations shipbuilding has created a or land and premises situate, lying and ay oraer, Home -Made Bread, payroll in this city of 250 in addition to those engaged in erecting being- In the City or Prince Rupert, more E. P. OINORAS. Pics, Salad Dressing, Jams, omes particularly known and described as Lot Acting District Engineer. houses and stores. This is giving a healthy impetus lo business .nineteen (10;, Block Forty-two (it). Dominion Public Works Department, Marmalades, Chutney, Etc. section eignt (), taiap vxjj. Prince jtuperi, a. ti, r n Famous Melton Mowbray o r xi. . i i and as the work progresses the number employed will increase. You are reaulred to contest the cl.ilm AprllJSrd, 1919. oiivu ner lnim ine dock- of the tax purchased within 35 days from Pies. This increase in the number of employees at the yards, the tne aate or tne service oi mis nonce aches of the old fashioned i which mar be effected by publication in employment of a large number of men at the sawmill, and the a dally newspaper?, and your attention Is Picnic Parties Catered for washboard. called to section 36 or the "Land Registry increase in the halibut fishing all spells better business for the Act"extract with amendments,therefrom: and to the following Give her an city. It means progress. "ana in aeisuii oi a csreai or certificate or Us pendens being died be ii -.' fore the registration as owner or the Rule of Road to person entitled under such tax sale, ELECTRIC all persons so served with notice, DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Hotel Prince Rupert Be Changed Next Year. 4 . and those claiming through or under them, and all persons claiming A year from now it is proposed lo change the rule of the road any Interest in the land by virtue WATER RIGHTS BRANCH or any unregistered Instrument, and EUROPEAN PLAN lo-.make, it conform to the states to the south. For many years all persons claiming any, interest In "WATER ACT 19,14." WASHING the land by descent whose title is $1.50 per day and up. this has been talked of but it was not until Ihe last session of not registered under the provisions Kr this Act, shall be ror ever estopped IA.NCELI.ATION OF RESERVE OF WATER the Legislature that it was decided lo make the change next year. and debarred rruw setting up any NOTICE Is hereby given that Ills Honor FIRST-CLASS CAFE claim to or In respect or the land so be Lieutenant Governor of British Colum-la, MACHINE The chief difficulty in the way has been the B. C Electric Railway. sold for taxes, and the Registrar by and with the advice or his Execu-Ive A La Carte. shall register the person entitled under Council, has been pleased to order: The.oillciats of the road recently waited on the Provincial such tax sale as owner or the THAT pursuant to Ihe provisions of Hand so sold ror taxes." .ectlon 89 or the "Water Act, 1911" being nnrl shmv vnnr rprarrl Government and suggested that even yet the time was short for and WHEREAS aDDllcatlon bas been :hapter 81 or the Statutes or 1914, thai -HrTM-n7.M-"IlirOP lv male ror a certificate of Indefeasible Title be reserve or the unrecorded waters of . . "them tonmake the necessary change to their plant to conform to the above-mentioned lands, in tne name tefuge Creek, established pursuaut lo St. JameV Hotel or Thomas McManamon jrder In Council No. 68, approved on the wn NP.rF.?;siTY for rubbinz with the requirements of the law. This would cost them a large AMD WHEREAS on Investigating the 7th day or January. 1919. be cancelled. tliln-i ft amvin ihat nrlnr- to the 10th .lay dated imr irui oay of February, ttv. it c .Mti Trntn nur vri h i "QUEENS") sum, variously estimated from half a million dollars upwards. or October, 1917 (the date on which the T. D. PATTULLO, (LATE sold ror overdue taxes), Minister or Lands. m 1 n a-J said lands were While the suggestion does not seem to have been made directly you were the assessed owner thereof. FIRST GLASS ROOMS TAKE KOTICE that at the OF RE8EPVE and Cold Water. FURTHER NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Hot the. idea seems lo have been conveyed that .the Government should same 'time I shall elfect registration In she will thank you. pursuance of such application and Issue a mit,-!? ,a tirnrnv niVPN that tliA re pay at least part of this amount. . .,.. a ..- .H.I.. T I I .a Ha cat, serve existing over Lot 418, Queen Charlotte nrTMf TJCD ADnilN'D m i i a i r.iv n.1 1.w w i - lands In the name or Thomas McManamon Islands, by reason .or a notice pub- We do not propose to discuss who shall pay for the. altera-" unless you take and prosecute the proper lisneu in me u. Lm uszeuu uu tuo uiu wi i ' ii,,n rMAria irncn. lions, but we. do think that there should no longer be delay in any,proceedings to the said to establish lanls. or to your prevent. claim,such ir July, 1908, Is U.cancelled.11. J1AUE.11, PREMISES MOVED . changing from the present system in view of the fact that there proposed uateQ at action uie i.iiiiu on my ixcgisiijr part. ...nv .ands Department,Deputy Minister or Lands, ing machine. Rupert, B. C. this tlth day or April, 19 1!. Victoria, B. C is so much travel across the boundary line both ways. It is . r. MACLEOD, 6th March. 1919. M 13 M. T. LEE District or Titles. -necessary for and convenience to have rule of the Registrar safety only one To E. II. Tacey, Pattinson & Ling ACT. Prince Rupert, O. a MINERAL & GENTLEMEN'S LADIES' road on the continent and the convenience of the corporation should not be allowed to stand rn the way of the change, especial CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. MERCHANT TAILOR Temporary Premises Jy in -view of the long notice which has. already been given. Xlttle Joker, Mineral NOTICE.Hill. Midas, Look, 311 Second Avenue, near 331 Second Avenue ut. Mystery. Midas Lake Frac. l'as Krac-lonal . . Second Street Opposite . . Next to Singer Shop Mineral Claims, situate In the Port-and Canal Mining Division or Casslar Dis Dr. Kergin's. PHONE 590 trict. Red 136 P.O. Box 877 Where located: on the East saimon Phone River Valley. TAKE nutice mat I, a. ii. ureen, ti-ng (",r'' DEPARTMENT OF LANDS as agent ror L. Watktns, F. M. C. No. 16349-C: C. D. Carter, F. M. C. No. 9,588-:. R. M. Martin, F. M. C. No. 9,687-C; II. J. Fetter, M. C. No. 9,697-C; H. h. APPLICATIONS FOR GRAZING PERMITS. canton, r. m. j. ho. v,bvb-i., bkuu under urazing Act iviv. welch. F. M. c. No. 9.699-C Intend, sixty Theo Collart days I rem the date bereor, to apply to the Minlnr Recorder for a Certlilcate Of Im COAL Afinlleatlnni for Hermits to graze live ror the or obtaining provements, purpose stock- on the Crown range within eacn a crown ursni oi iu auuve ciauu. District of the Province of British Grazing And further take notice that action, un REAL ESTATE Columbia,. . . .I .......as.4 . csiaunsnea... ...,k ln.ll Dy IQID uraer-iu-!j.1 der section 85, must be commenced before and 1 Screened Columbia Gazette the issuance or sucn ceruncate or ua published in tbt British on April l?th, 1819, must be hied with lirnverrients. INSURANCE 2 Sacked uaieu una 0111 uay ui marcu, n, u, iviw, the District foresters ai irauuruua, run ueorge. Kamloops, Kelson, Prince Rupert, A. ii. uiittn. I Want Your Listings. $ Delivered Vancouver and Vernon, or with the Com missioner or Grazing, Department or Lands, WATER NOTICE Westholme Thcatro Block parliament uuuaings ai victoria, u. u., uu DIVERSION AND USE or berore July 1st, tstu, lied 387 P. O. Box 1 I niank forma unon which to submit SD Phono $13.00 nllr.ninna mav be obtained from the Dis TAKE NOTICE that Hume B. Bablngton, trict foresters at me auuve uauieu pisccs MUUBQ OUVII CD ,9 IfJl CIO I I 1UV.V I.Uljt.. or rrom the Department or Lands at vie B.C will apply for a licence to take and lor'. BC- use two cubic feet per second of water per ton out or an unnamed stream, which nows Deputy Minister or Lands. south and drains Into Houslung Bay, Lan-gara Department or Lands, Island, near the S. W. corner or Lot victoria, u. ku, 998. Co. 14 th April, 1919, The water will be diverted from the I Terminal Coal stream at a point about twenty chains Notice of Intuition to Apply to purchas north or the 8. w. corner or Lot 998, and rWAMU. will be used ror domestic and steam pur B1 poses upon the land described as Lot 998, Yard PhPns, Black In Range 3. Coast Land District,, Record Uueen cnarioue Lanci uisruct. . ing District of Prince Rupert, and situate This notice was Dosted on the ground CANCELLATION OF RE8ERVE I"" at Jennv Bay. Deane Channel. B. C. on the 6th day or 'April, 1919. A copy or TAKE NOTICE that I. James Z. Hall, of this notice and an application pursuant Vancouver, B. C, occupation baker and thereto and to the "Water Act, 1914," UOTICE 13 IIEIIEDY GIVEN that the re-erve soldier, intend to apply rttr permission to will be Died In the omce of the Water existing; over vacant Crown Land in purchase the following described lands: Recorder at Prince Rupert, u. c. the vicinity or Chelaslie River. Itanite 4, uominenciiig av a post piauieu su cnaina Objections to the application may be Coast District, by reason or a notice published nortncriy or . s. w. cor, i. u no. t (lied with the said Water Recorder or Willi In the Urltlsh Columbia Oaxette or thence east 40 chains: thence south ti the Comotroller or Water Rights. Parlia 2lb May, J 1 0, 1 cancelled. Grocery cbaltUi thence west 40 chains more or less ment Buildings, Victoria, B. C, within a. n. NADEN, National to shore line: thence northerly SO chains. thirty days arter the first appearance of Deputy Minister or Lands. mora or less, following shore line to point tnis notice in a tocai newspaper, Department ot Lands, or commencement ana containing au acres HUME B. BABI.NOTON. ADDllcant. Victoria. D. c, Limited more or less. The date of the first publication or this nth March, 1P1S). - M 18 JAMES Z. HALL. notice is May tu, lviv, Corner SMhnfjg Per William A, Bauer, Agent.. I.N THE SUrnEME COURT OF BRITISH Dated 31 March, 1919. COLUMUIA. Notlc of lntntlon to Apply to purchas I.N THE MATTEIl OF THE "ADMINISTRA-TIO.N. High Class Groceries NOTICE TO FISHERMEN una. The Gurvich ACT" tnd ESTATE OF bleats I.N THE MATTER OF THE In Range 2. Coast l and District. Record ing District, .of Prince Rupert,...... and situate IlOUEIlT A. UHAIVI, UCcnocv, Fruits I.' t' ii.i, J J ii n TESTATE. BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT a,Vancouver,TAKE.ifcic.NOTICE rut c. u.,iiuiu that occupation ouuuu,1, Marshall 1).soldier,u.Beek intend of Transfer TAKE KOTICE that fey order 17th or day His Confectioner) Ihe Honour F. Mcll, Younir main to apply for permission to purchase and Bakery and Ice at Butedale Cannery the.commencing following described at t post planted lands: at southwest AUlimunroiur tu mo havlnff--- all parties deceased, and corner Io. 8, thence east 10 chains: Orant. llieiica south 90 chains; thence west 40 Phone Green 548 Claims againn mo iu cii vermed,11 chains, more or less, to shore line: thence required to rurnlah same, properly northerly and easterly along shore line SO P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser St. , to tne on or berore llio 7th day or June, LIMITED estate WESTERN PACKERS, and all parties Indebted o the - 524 chains, more or less, to noint or com. 1919. Phone of their the amount ,. rnencement, and containing go acres, more are required to pay BUTEDALE - - - B.C. MAI1BUAI.L, I1K, We: Sell : Coal Indebtedness JOHN to me II.forthwith.MCMULLIN,Administrator. JI101UI omctai Per William A. Bauer, Agent, Dated 6 lb April, 1919. HATED tills 1st day of May, ll.