Page THE DAILY M!Wft Friday is Kit naanmn " ' PRESIDENT OF ADVISE LABOR COUNCIL ZamBor:. because they hrt jroT4 ttt It iocs trtat Is cix'med for iC RESIGNATION if Irs E. L. Dozer, graduate none. of 2220 Michigan Are., Chicago, tare "1 bate patient who sraf-ered terribly with pile. Z&ni-Buk Committee Appointed to Work out !i the only remedy that fare her relfet One Big Union Appreciation "I have vied Zam-Bak myself of Local Lawyer. for the aa ailment, also for eorei and burns, and hare the great wt tocMence in it," Because he is likely to be nir ing labor during the coming season, How Returned Men Can W. E. Thompson resigned bis positon as president of the Trades and Labor Council at its meeting Wednesday evening. Ths resig Become Farmers l1 nation was accepted with regret. Mr. Thompson explained his position and said that owing to the action of a certain faction in the labor ranks action had been taken by him earlier than it TVERY returned man who wants to become a farmer and is no an otherwise example might of what have he referred been. As to qualified for that vocation can get real, practical help he cited the recent visit of Jack through the Soldier Settlement Board. Kavanagh to this city recently. Aluminum The meeting had been arranged without any reference to him. He The Government's programme maximum of $3,000 on a plan In addition to these advantages was now stepping down to make Includes: similar t6 the above for farm the Board has planned a system of room for the "progressives" who equipment, live stock, and erection collective purchase, (1) The securing of land. so that it can while the hardest battles for labor of buildings, provided security guarantee settlers the best had been (2) The of needed value been had fought con- loaning capital offered justifies the loan. obtainable anywhere L live picuous by their absence. to purchase equipment and stock, Expressed RegreL implements, lumber, and other live stock, and erect buildings. Regrets were expressed by S. To WHbm Granted needs. It will also assist soldier D. Macdonald, L. Dawson and settlers with advice and supervision, Sid Cox, all of whom spoke of the (3) Agricultural training and To be entitled to these privileges if necessary, in the management good work the president had done, farm supervision. of their activities, that so the a man must have served with an never sparing himself and always best results will be obtained. honourable record in the working in what he believed to The Loans Granted Canadian, be the best interests of labor. Imperial, or British'Colonial forces The question of building a labor Loans may be approved by the in an actual theatre of war or outside Where to Apply temple in the city was discussed Loan Advisory Committee, according of the country in which he Reflects Good and progress reported, the committee to the needs of the settler, enlisted (service in U.S. or Bermuda Apply to the Soldier.Settlement giving an estimate for the ' Board in the Province in on the following basis. not included). Others eligible are: which work at something like $10,000. you live. The address is given Housekeeping The question whether it was (1) Up to $4,500 on the purchase A British subject who lived in below. right for the president of the of land. Canada before the War and who Trades and Labor Council to ac (2) Up"to $2,000 on the purchase was on active service with the Allied ept an invitation to go to meet Fred Stork's Colonel Peck was discussed. Pres of live stock, implements Forces in an actual theatre of war. Offices BRITISH COLUMBIA ident Thompson told of having and other equipment. ScrinxTaxDSXT, Solditr Settlement A member cf the Canadian Expeditionary Board. Hardware citizens Pemberton Building. B.C. gone with the party of on Victoua, SECOND AVENUE Sunday. He felt he had been (3) Up to 51,000 on the erection Force who served in ScraiiNTswscxT.Rogers Building,ScJdirr VianHTit Settlement B.C. Beard. correct in doing so because Col. of buildings and other permanent Canada only, but is in receipt of a ALBERTA Phone Black 114 Peck's attitude at Ottawa bad improvements. pension for disability occasioned by ScrtUNTSXDSNT.Edmonton Public Soldi?Building,Settlement Board. been fair and square. The first and third are repayable sueir service. Eomomtom, Alt. Delegate Casey took some ex SurauxTrxocxT, Soldier Settlement Board. Bereridge Building, Cuuit, Alt. in tweqty-five equal annual instalments; ception to the attitude of the These benefits are also" granted SASKATCHEWAN president especially to bis hav the second in four equal to widows of such men. StrwixTCXDnxr. Soldie Settlement Board, ing been influenced by the tone annual instalments beginning the Wuitinore Bloc, Kagxxa, Saw. SurnuiraxcKKT, Soldier Settlement Board. of letters received from Ottawa. third year, r.o interest being charged Canada Building, Saautook, Sam. No A Broad Policy SorietKTSxtxxT, Soldier Settlement Board, Apologies. for the first two years. V' " Taxi S. D. Macdonald did not consider MANITOBA v 84 the president had any apologies On all these loans the low interest All soldiers whose best interests ScrnitxTBKDixT.Esdrrton Building,Soldier Wixxircc.Settlement Max.Board. to offer for Colonel Peck rate of v per centi-will be Charged. will be served by taking up farms ONTARIO was a gallant and aistinguisnea A cash payment of ten per cent, of yiH be assisted. Only suitable ScrrxTKDKT,32 Adelaide St It..Soldier TonoxTo.Settlement OxT. Board, soldier. It was creditable to the purchase price wxll be required land will be approved. That is OUIBEC SEVEN PASSENGER CAR everyone to unite in doing honor on the land but this may be (a) land that is near to existing SvriuxnxctxT,Drommood Building.Soldier Mwittu,Settlement Or.Board, DAY AND NIQHT SERVICE to a man who had won such renown. waived by the Board in- special ' railways or organized communities; ScruuxTBxMxT. Soldier Settlement Board. A motion to endorse the Sua Life Building,Samatooa.fin. cases. land that will make for PHONE 84 action of the president passed (b) money NEW BRUNSWICK without dissent. Qualified settlers on Dominion the soldier; (c land that will provide ScriUKTXxonxT.P.O. Building St.Soldier Jonx.Settlement Beard, G. D. Casey, Lesjer Dawson, R. lands may secure loans up to a a first class home. NOVA SCOTIA D. ROSSI T. J. Rose, George Rudderham 6muTlciT, Soldier Settlement Board. S28 Barrington St.- Haurax, N.S. and J. Pilford were appointed a The PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Dawson Block Third Avenue committee to draft a platform in SorntlKTaxtuxT, Soldier Sctt''ir-nt Bard, conformation with the principles Riley BuU.liog. CaAnLom. - P.E.L Our Pool Room Taxi Board BRITAIN Settlement CREAT Soldier REPRESENTATIVE IN of the One Big Union, it being re Mn-eipoa. Lt CoL K. C. Btxrtox, 7 Parliament ported by George Casey that it Orchard Street Victoria Street (adjoinim Coramliai; iert,'. Lou- was likely to carry by a large I I HrlM (W. J. BI,A(-&., cnairman; oox, S.W.1.High Exolaxo i majority. HEHI union aUanic vuuawt, ui aawa. An appreciation of the work of S E. !lL D Alex. Manson, M. P. P., in defend flankaHK-lftinCllKananHaanlaAaflanianSa n3 o ing two loggers who had gone to Queen Charlotte Islands to work For the Garden and had found the camp closed and then returned here without Specially Suited for Princo Rupert soil. a ticket was expressed by some of of Lot e8; thence north about chains NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION the delegates, it being mentioned to the S. W. corner or lot 908; thence BUSINESS FOR SALE southeasterly along high water to post ACT. that this was not the first time and containing live acres, more or less. n. s. c. us. SMITH & MALLEI! that Mr. Manson had vigorously II. B. BABIftOTOX FEED Dated May 7. Hit. - CHICKENS and successfully defended laboring Mrs. Goldbloorn announces The Grand Trunk racinc Railway Company hereby gives notice that lt has, under that owing to the HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER WATER NOTICE with HEATNO men. Section 7 cf the said Act deposited PLUMBING AND fact of her having other DIVERSION AMD USE. i the Minister of public Work at Ottawa, '.n.i in i h nfTirn nr ih District nerlstrar ENGINEERS business interests elsewhere, TAKE NOTICE that E. F. Duby, lumber or the Land Registry District of Prince furnished. PRESENTATION TO it has been necessary manufacturer, whose address Is care of Rupert al Prince Rupert. B, u, a descrlp-Messrs. Estimates Patmore It Fulton, Prince Rupert, tlon or the site and plans of car rerry MOORE to dispose of the b. C, will apply for a licence to take and slip and works proposed to be built In head MR. AND MRS. ladies' ready to wear business se 600 c.j.f. of water out of Union Prince Rupert Harbor at Prince "upe"; Address, 3rd Avenue, reek, which flows westerly and drain British Columbia, In front of water Street. PHONE 58 in Prince Rupert. nto Union Bay about at the bead of aald Block "C." of Second P. O. Box 333 908.3rd Ave. A made last bay. And take notice that after the expiration P.O. Box 274 presentation was Satisfactory arrangements The water will be diverted from the of one month from the date of the first Phone 174- evening at the Inlander Boarding will be made with a reliable tream at a point where Union Creek leaves publication of this notice Hie Orand Trunk Union Lake and will be used ror power Pacific Railway company will, under Sec- House to Mr. and Mrs. Frank buyer. Full particulars and Incidentally Industrial) purposes Hon 7 of the raid Act. apply to the Minis, Moore upon the land described as District Lot ter of Public Works at his office In the LAND ACT Moore by the friends of Mr. may be had at the nmhir too raaaiar nut!, ntv of Ottawa for annroval of the said DENTISTRY who board there. store. This notice was posted on the ground a He and plans and for leave to construct! J, G. Scott was spokesman for on mis tue noijce sru uay ana oi nAP.Pp..cV it 0l- ".".ffifflW the party and he mentioned the thereto and to thtf- OFFICE HOURS! be filed In the office high esteem in which Mr. Moore LAND ACT er at Prince Rupert. B. C. PANV, per II." II. Hansard. Solicitor. t .m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 6:30 p.m. i Langara Island. . .t.Plon P. Rlel. was held by his messmates, and !"i J..r.h .k. :.iVr.r.r'V.Jri "".tSiv tup uirTm np an application for Take nonce columbi oK DR. J. S. BROWN on their behalf made the presen Notice of Intention to Apply to Lse Land. mkw tie Comptroller" au of MOICJ-Water licturucr Rlrhts. ur Parlla-will, L THE ISSUE.7 OF A FRESH CERTIFICATE I rinio manager,Rupert.inienu.British w for descri pertu": In Queen Charlotte Islands Land llon BLOCK DENTIST District, ment Bulldinrs. Vlrtnrla n rv n iihin I OF TITLE FOR Ml I a a at tation of a fine chest of silver Recording- District of Skeena. and situate lilrty days after the first appearance of 89, SECTION b, CITY OF PRINCE RU sloii to lease Offlcel Smith Block, Third Anue. on Langara Island. PERT, (Map nis nonce in a tocai newspaper. ware. Take notice that Norman Brorihurit. nr Phone 484. E. F. DUBY. ADDllcant. or U Mr. Moore made a fitting reply rrlnce Ilupert, B. C. occupation master The date of the first Duhllcatlon or this NOTICE Is hereby given that It Is my west corner hundred of Indian esr"f n,loy, , 'effr mariner, Intends to apply for permission Intention, unless valid objection Is made thence one 0io , nonce is April 11, iwiv. nuthwestrly thanking them all on behalf of to lease the following described lands: thereto In writing, lo Issue, after the expiration less in 700 ' ' Isuiii Comnienclnir at a rjoat nlantpn ahnnt on nark; thence month, from the first publication himself and wife for the valuable feet In an easterly direction from the 8. W. IN PROBATE. hereof.of one a fresh Certificate of Title water mark; thence m a'c corner of Lot 0; thence south S00 feet THE oUPREME COUnT OF BRITISH ln the name feet more or "more of present. Mr. and Mrs. Moore aro to tho above mentioned lots easterly 800 leei f com more or less to low water marki thence (JULUMUIA. which Certificate thence.. C. Ferguson, Ronald Bowling Alley j living at the Inlander temporarily. northeasterly along; low water mark about THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA or or Title Is dated 80th April, 9i, and Is along mgn - -,n two (" 4 chains to a point due south of the S, t TION ACT numbered 1283-1. mencement ami corner of Lot 89t thence north about 8 THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF II. F. MACLEOD. . more or ics. CIjrT0S P- B't'" GERMANS OBJECT TO chains to the 9. E. corner of Lot oooi WILLIAM MCKErtZIE LUuAN, DECEASED, District Registrar of Titles. thence INTESTATE, Dated 8th April, lIj THIRD AVENUE southwesterly to this post and containing Land Registry omce, three acres, more or less. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM Prince Rupert, B. C, in TRIAL OF EMPEROR KOrtMAN BIlOADIIUnST. IT MAY CONCERN T A Mil ALIA ... UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT or an order made by His I'Hth April, 1810. Dated May 7, 101 V, Honour, F. McB. Young, Local Judge, In the in Apply ?AVnuirlCl, above matter on the 85th day of April, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DISTRICT nreVn,Ch...Vl.?.l'1' if ii as i uiiuni i DISTRICT OF SKEENA. For Healthy Exercise Paris, May 10. The German LAND ACT IT IS ORDERED that the said John II. Recording District couiwn.0: to Keep You Fit delegates will the McMiillln shall be allowed to swear tn thn take notice that The Aeroplane Spruce peace oppose Notice of 'h'S of the said deceased as occurring on inmhor ro.. Ltd.. or port uiemenii, u, tw , signing of that article of the ln Qen Intention Charlotte to Islands to Leae Land. hi uay oi may, ivi7, arter tho eiplra-of occupation saw mm, inienua to in ror P' . , Land District t on one month from the date or the lo lease the rollowlng described (WDd- .JJPW Bed la. .bou and Tobaccos treaty which provides for Recording Dlstr ct or KVrrna .n,i ,i,.' permisi.or, pinld Cigars peace line, puittikiuii kii uuntc ui win oruer, Innlpaa In Thn mninlim. nnnr I. ,nni.i,J planted at AWW&W-t?& the trial of the former Kaiser. lane noiico mat Hume B Bablngton of to the Registrar of tbl Court at Prince at a post . noriiicasi tuiutr u o, .v.- i fnnce ItUDCri. B. C. oernnatlnn m.,Ai To. or mat ine said deceased Wll- Dsl. Lot 7. tnence Reserve h' more eouttt of subdivision of 80 mariner, Intends lo apply for permission inm lirimil. tlMiKe west ep1! , i8i l""nri Logan was alive subse north 8 chains, thence west SO degrees -r", o Salvation Army. The Ketchikan Timqs says the w "."". '?w"i oescriDed landsi ouentlv to the aalit Mh n. r m.. to, r.outh to approach of Government Wharr. west boundary more er ,0 w nom wrner of boys of the Ashing city are practising a.n in"1."U'the.f,0.!.PiS, ! '...Wll '"".T"?." oder.ED that n,e thence southerly along said approach of ia.terlv 10 chains along ''? thence.'",,,B Ihe S.W. corner of Lit ooi.'n..n .'i ".'".JS.!'- ?LCM" .? r"bn. not ice Government Wharf to northwest corner or public meetings, Tuesdays, baseball with the idea of lmr. l,lK ..- too" feet' " v " " ui HUB VlUTf III (111 Prince Rupert Dallv Lot I, Block 48, thence easterly along the J,olnt or cmmencemrm auu v" thence M (Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. playing games with Trinco Ru tSJali.?.09.te about 4 chains Henc; no7Hi:ifiUPVrt.S.,V w.t.rl period puoiisnra of one at month.prince block waterfront 48 to or place lots 1,or 8.beginning,3, 4, t. 6, 7 and 8, acres, more or ie-c C0LLU;" along low ft, Sundays al 7:30 p. in. pert and Anyox. m a point out south of the 8, v, corntr J. N.Official MCMULLIN Administrator, AEHOn.ANE SPRUCE LUMBER CO., LTD, n.iad Ml It Date, Marco jo, iwiv.