Paga fl THE DAILY fiEWB. Friday M. 1 , , G. H. Arnold Manager Local News Notes Arriving Saturday Boat :,t Los Anrttes Strawberries. Wa will Valhalla" social tonight. guarantee Um price to not exceed FOR SALE fie per basket. rrefb Tomatoes per U JSC it For corsets see Mrs. Director, Head Lettuce, eacH. . tie E1J On 5th Ave. near Durisrauir SL, Lot 14, Block 9, Section Cucumbers JOe and JSC An excellent Calirorcia Fruit t tor tie 5 buy for Orape G. Wilcox left last night on the Snnklst Lenxxu per dot. .... JOe I Prince Aupert for Vancouver. Strawberry Rhubarb per lb. . . toe $700.00 Cash Jiew Potatoes, per lb Ie California Sew Cabbar U. ... iie V. T. Adamson arrived in the Also Cocoaouts, Kew Carrots. Sew Roomed modern house, Borden St., near school I city from the Kaas river country Been,AadUbes,Artlcbokes,Parsley,Cberrlei,Green Asparagus, Onions $2,900.00, TERMS ARRANGED. yesterday. etc. at lowet merket prices. ... Extra Special for Saturday. Lare Wi bur United States Liberty Bonds and Canadian Victory Ripe Bananas, per dox. ..... toe Vouths fine box-calf shoe Sunklst orances, 3 dot. for 1 1.00 Bonds. Snnklst Oranres, per case, $7.00. S4.50 value Saturday 12.85- rbone your orders early. We bare two pbooes. k'eep tnem busy. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. I Wallace's. 16 Phone 06 210 6th SL William Coop of Smithers" ar- Rupert Table Supply Co. I rived in the city on the passenger train last night. PHONES 211,212 I ... if 30,000,000 CARIBOU Boys' box-calf bluch;r shoe- p WESTHOLME sixes 1 to 5 J5.50 value Satur NOTICE IN NORTHERN HERDS day 13.85 Wallace's. 116 TONIGHT A public meeting will be held J. W. Lewis of Port Clements in. me wesmoime ineaire on TVTECESSITY sometime Adolph Zukor present Department Report Refers to arrived in town early this morn- Sunday evening, under the aus j-V render your may investment compel in War you to sur Them as Possible Meat of the Federated Labor Savinri ling on the Prince John. pices Stamps, but should this happ2n yog Reservs. ... you get all party. Speaker, Mr. J. S. Woods bac!r, -cod money a rate of irt-e-t in All material for any kind of a worth, who will arrive here from fcr the time in vh:ch have addition you lent it The Dominion Parks Branch of uilding can be furnished by Al-1 Vancouver on Saturday morning. Government. to the the Department of the Interior lerl & McCaffery, Ltd. tfiCome and listen to this ex- Sixteen 25-ccnt Thrift has made a very extensive inves Methodist minister and University Stamps tigation as to the possibility of Messrs. C. E. and R. V. Hooper scholar and labor patriot, who will buy a $4.00 War Savings Stamp worth $5.00 in utilizing the vast herds of barren were among tne train arrivals Llnnnprl thn nver.nllft nrlrf Inineil 1924. land caribou to supplement Iheffrom Smithers last night. the ranks of labor as a long XATIOX.IL WAB SAYTXCS COMMITTEE meat supply of the Dominion, ac shoreman. (Rrlllth Clnrabla MtMm) Mrs. E. C. La Trace arrived in Yucomrr, B.C. to the of cording report the Com Mr. Woodsworth will select his missioner of Dominion Parks, J the city from Port Clements on subject from the following; "In D. Iiarkin, in the annual report of the Prince John last night. the grip of world forces" and the Department of the Interior "Our enemy aliens." Captain Dclts of the Fish Otl for the last fiscal year, which has & Products Co., left for Vancou A collection will be taken to ZX1EJ mULINE FREDERICK just been issued. defray Doors 7:30 expenses. ver on the Prince Rupert last open m re dor a As slated in the report, it is night. p. m. Address al 8 p. m. sharp. estimated that there are at least Everybody welcome. 116 20,000,000 to 30,000,000 caribou Girls' high-cut buttoned boot, in the north. As a food, caribou Mather Jackson, Bart., vice- r-.EDOILV' was long ago gun metal kid, regular price $5.1 r made famous by Sarah meat is of a first-class quality. Saturday Special S3.I5 Wal Mather Jackson, Mart., vice- Seasonable Bernhardt on the spoken The hidfi when tanned is equal to lace's. 116 chairman of the Grand Trunk and Footwear stage and by Lina Cavalieri the best chamois. It is only a i the G.. .T. P. railway. systems,. ar in opera. question of time, the report Provincial Constable George "vea in town iasi evening irom It is that wonderful story stales, when these vast herds will Logan sailed for Vancouver on tne easl on a V18U 10 coast points. of the woman whose hatred constitute a valuable asset to thelbusiness last night on the Prince "Valhalla" social tonight. We are now showing a complete line of Summer for a man turns to love, Dominion. Irtuoert, Footwear for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Girls. while his burning love for "The only difficulty in the way Our stock, has been carefully selected and ts her becomes the bitterest of the utilization of these animals Mr. and airs. J. frost were TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY in every detail. up-to-date animosity. today," the report continues, "is among the passengsrs leaving - NEW OXFORDS NEW PUMPS, JUST ARRIVED This photoplay will become one of transportation. After full for Victoria on-the Prince Rupert FOR SALE Everything in the one of the great screen investigation, it was felt that last night. line of house furniture and We carry a full range of Tennis Outing Shoes m all styles classics, so see it early. It while, undoubtedly, caribou meat cooking utensils; also "Wear FOOTWEAR IS OUR SPECIALTY will give you something to could be brought out now at fair Before buying a piano get ever" aluminium ware, at Bro- Gerhard and AT THE prices on Ileintzman, talk about. ly reasonable prices, the meal chu's Furniture store. tf situation in the Dominion was Evans Bros, pianos. Singer Shop, scarcely such as called for immediate 329 Second Ave. 20 FOR SALE English baby car, Family Shoe Store action. The caribou to riage in good condition, cheap. The regular business meeting, day constitutes a great meat re Phone 182 or apply First Ave., of the St. Andrew's will M. M. STEPHENS serve for the country, Society opposite Knox Hotel. 19 Third Avenue be held this evening at 9 o'clock BASEBALL SCORES in the club rooms. on Second Ave. WANTED Girl for housework. GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM NOTARY PUBUO Wages $40 per month. Apply J. A. Keaman, chief engineer for 51 4 Cotton Street. 20 Cincinnati 10, Brooklyn 0; New the G, T. P., was in the city last York 6, Chicago 2; Pittsburg 5, evening on a visit of inspection.. WANTED, Teamster; Lindsay SPECIAL Philadelphia 0; Boston-St. Louis Mr. IJeaman returned up the line Cartage. 117 cold weather. again. Modern Apartment House of Yesterday's results New York two 5-roomed flat", with 4, Detroit 3; Cleveland C, Wash Mrs. Harry McCall was among Prince Rupert Music Store harbor view ington 3; St. Louis 2, Philadelphia the passengers sailing on the The Safvalion Army OPPOSITE OFFICE POST 0; Boston C, Chicago 5. Prince Rupert last evening for $5500.00 Coast League Portland 5, Sacramento Victoria, where she will join Mr. WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor 1 ; San Francisco 8, Vernon McCall. modern Red Shield "F.verything in Musi, Eight-roomed house, 3; Los Oakland Angeles 4, 1. LATEST POPULAR SONOS AND DANCES, VICTR0LU 3 blocks from post offlcs The price of a Heintzman & Co. AND VICTOR RECORDS $3250.00 Provincial Government Em. piano represents real value. Hcpir- to Phonographs, Violins. Ef B ws t v.i!r:d. ployment Bureau and Soldiers' Prince Rupert Music Store. Op Campaign Woodwind inilruinrnis reptdded tna ::. 'i' Civil Re-establishment; posite the P. O. W. J. Pitman, (hi nil iwoitmi Prlnc Rupert Academy of Mutlo In Connection lempor. M All K I. TM VTOHtr Piano Dept. STARTS MAY 19, MONDAY, With the 8tor. ary office 621 Second Avenue, IN HAZELTON Prince Rupert. Employers having The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs M. M. Stephens vacancies for men and women in Just a few bicycle tickets left. And continues all this month North of Vancouver The drawing will take place along all points of the G.T.P. .lerical, factory," domestic or The Heintzman & Co. Piano shortly. Get the remaining ones LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE thcf work should apply to above The Salvation Army Did Its with purchases of boys' clothing The Weber Piano Phone 553. tf Bit, Let Us Do Ours. or shoes Wallaces. 116 Thomas Organs Support the Army behind One of those not mentioned Launch "Provincial" leaves for the Army as well as the Army All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments previously in connection with the stewart and way points every at Home. W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. THE reception tO Lieut.-Col. Peck was Fridav mnrnlne nt fi. enrrvinir First to Serve, Capt. P. Rorvik who fetched the maiI( passengers and freight. Last to Appeal. E. L. VAUGHAN T: ECONOMY E inaian nana irom AietiaKatia in pn0ne Red 391, A. Swanson. If NOTE Prince Rupert campaign ins launcn ana tooK tnem nacK will start in and Store after the event without charge. I A building permit was issued July Prince Rupert Music all other-places on the coast. Phones 13 and 38 yesterday to George A. Kelsey of 417 Eth ., C. Girls' tan calf scuff er regular Seventh Avenueby the city engi- $4,50 Saturday Special 13.25- neer, ror mating an addition to Seize Tims by the Forelock, Wallace's. 110 his dwelling to the value of. $400, Call or Phone Now for ... PURITY Advertise in the Dally News. Thomas Black, younger brother Houses For Sale FLOUR of Peter Black of the Central 49-lb Sacks, $2.90 Ask for Atkins' Sausages. tf Hotel, who has been overseas for three years, returned last night Good five-room house in r Purity Wheatlets on the train from Edmonton Section Six $1,300.00 VOO PLtNSt TE.U. where he received his discharge 5-lb Sacks, 45c For Your from the army. Two modern houses in THfNT ieitW rAtC'RoBB WaMTSPi Section Five, five rooms and ibw -- . Economy Store, Phone one KMOvJ r www The Andrew Kelly arrived in bath, each $3,600 eight, Purchase here and be up. ER port yesterday afternoon with a Modern house, Section 5, halibut catch of 115,000 pounds', to-date. four rooms and bath $2,700 unloading right afterwards. The G. E. Foster, also owned by the PLASTER Victory Bonds bought al MussaHsm Grocery Company Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., highest market prices. LTD. Ltd., arrived with a catch of 18,-000 CEMENT lbs. of ground fish. She went out early this morning. . . McCaffery, Gibbons Building Provincial Government Employ For ment Bureau and Soldiers' Civil & Doyle, Ltd. Materials Re-Establishment, temporary office COAL 021 Second Avenue, Prince Insurance Real Estate Rupert. Returned soldiers, men GOME TO and women requiring employ- Prince Rupert, B. C. lid ncnt of any kind should register TRANSFER Albert i IMalfery, Ltd. Jilli the above. No fess charged. Phono 553. P. O. drawer 1674. Phone 118 and 64. The"Gartiand" Boarding House Phone Red 529 "Valhalla" social tonight. w . UJI" 416 Sixth Avenue East 1 Ofllce, Second Avenue, Next A. L. Murray Near Drydock Westholme Theatre. The best suit oases Evelolah's.l Dord Vr Month er W..k, rhon Red Ml1 Agent J. F. Magulre, 8mlth Blook.