PAGE FOUR Don’t Forget that the Big Fire Sale Is Still Going On At Montreal Importers Meeker Block, Third Avenue Here are a few prices on new goods that were ordered before the fire. These are being sacrificed at Fire Sale Prices. We have low- ered the prices on many other lines for quick clearance. Atlantic Heavy Ribbed 100% Ww ‘001 Combinations 1 95 Reg. $5.50 si devil © per suit sale price Heavy Ribbed These were made for the go Men’s Combina- ernment Men's Goodrich Hi-Press Ruboer Boots, three-quarters length, best niade in Canada, ut Leckie’s Men’s Working Boots $3.25 camps but as th $1 95 camp did not operate we ° Lought them at $2.75 a pair. $4.25 } | ROOMING HOUSE KEEPERS | Editor, Daily News:—- | A few of the rooming house keep- jers and shack proprietors met last |night and it was decided that, in the jinterests of self-preservation, we jwill have to consider’ ways and |means of dealing with the unem- {ployment situation as it affects us. |To date there has been no mention of the part we have played in the ‘great depression. A month ago we had the unpleasant experience of seeing one of our number have his jeffects sold up for a fraction of their value, due in great part to the jinability of his tenants to pay their room rent. Most of us are in the jSame fix, carrying men for many {months. We have personal know- | jledge in most cases of the char-| acter of our lodgers and have faith | “Aren’t We All?” Brand New Eng- lish Picture, Showing Here at Middle of This Week The Letter Box BRITISH AND | | Sah | Although there are jwhen the domestic happiness of |Margot and Willie seems to be head- ling for the rocks of open hostilities, the new British picture “Aren't We All?” featuring Gertrude Lawrence, | the famous English comedienne, is light-hearted in spirit throughout. The picture is being shown at the this week. It is another of the re- to Prince Rupert city showings. The plot is not too complex but |ways paid their bills in times past | z jand were an asset to the commun-|} ity. The situation is becoming more we N. R. Trains and more acute and taxes and light —_— bills are rendered and have to be For the East— Susie paid with unfailing regularity. | We now find that the government have washed their hands of the) ‘Tyesdays, Thursdays and Fri-|romance-response the responsibility of sheltering some) jays _ ak three score men, turning them) Seam the Bast— adrift from Cloyah Bay camp. The | and Hugh Wakefield Mondays, Wednesdays and Satur- “GREAT said her husband —"' How Your Cooking Has Improved” E won't work late at the office— not he. He does not remind his bride of mother's cooking any more. What has made the amazing change? She read about a little book called “The Good Provider” and a marvel- ous way of making delicious things with St. Charles Evaporated Milk. Now hercakes are a joy to see—and taste. Her soups andcreamed dishes would change any man’s mind. And here's what she writes about Borden's ay YZ —and so that WY you may enjoy proving it too, just write for your copy of “The Good Provider.” It has 80 pages illustrated in full (gy color and will prove a treasure- house of cooking wisdom. DBordews ST. CHARLES MILK men are naturally approaching us| for credit. They find it almost im-| possible to live on the 40c daily al-| lowance and no provision for rent} ,or clothing. Ty = ee ee have been done on a grand scale. It is our opinion that the city) the origin of knitting is credited It is council and the two governments |to scotland. ever, that hits the heart-strings. are taking an unfair advantage of - COMEDY moments |Capitol Theatre here the middle of eee ma a A A A, jin their intentions to pay. They al-| It is a delightfully fascinating ve-| hicle. for the talents of Miss Law- rence and an excellent supporting cast which includes Owen Nares who was here recently in “Sunshine The film does not miss an oppor- | | days scakehiaal 12:30 noon tunity to stimulate every laugh and|held here last Saturday and Mon- | audience | day, the official entry forms of five 3 p.m. |possesses and, therefore, it makes!members of the Spartan Athletic excellent entertainment. In addition ; Club for participation in the Jun- Sundays, Thursdays and Friaays % ts rib-tickling and heart-warm- | ior Olympic meet feature sports at-)| bie rt 11 pm. |ing propensities, the film provides|traction at the Vancouver Exhibi- Mondays, Wednesdays and Satur- authenticity of detail which en- | tion were filled out and mailed to- PB: -ssssneniesiochin tae 1:30 p.m. |hances its appeal. There are several/day. Each of these forms contain very lavish scenes and the settings! two sections, one of which was fil- Wednesday, August 10, 19 Wednesday & Thursday TWO SHOWS — 7 and § pm, Feature Starts at 7 & 9 pm, ADMISSION — bc & 5(¢ THURSDAY MATINEE at 2:39 Feature Starts 3:20—l5¢ & 35, A GREAT BRITISH COMEDY - ROMANCE Gertrude Lawrence The Darling of London and New York in “AREN"? WE ALL” With Hugh Wakefield, Owen Nares. She keeps two men going round jn circles. WO) ta Comedy—“The Girl Rush” Musical—“Hello, Good Times” PARAMOUNT NEWS | THE REVIVAL WEDNESDAY ONLY AT 10:10 ] THE 4 MARX BROTHERS in “MONKEY BUSINESS” —<—om cent ,British screen hits and comes} | . =. , at jell, Besides filling in th; ent direct from ENTRIES | forms Ald. Macdonald ofticiatead } both trial meets which wer : under When the Spartan Athletic Clyp received | the direct supervision of the Ty } > » y » >» in-| . v ades is hopped up enough to keep the ir EN IN and: tabor Ooulell: terest at a keen edge at all times.| | instructions that their | Spartan Athletic Club Members to | trials were to be supervise me Participate in Junior responsibie organization the Olympics city, they unhesitatingly e the Z Trades and Labor Coun x hose Following the two-day trial meet experience in staging the big Labor “ ? Day track meet here every year they knew would prove invaluable Individual members of the counei! have at all times given generously of their time and knowledge in or. der to help the club and a large proportion of the success of the recent trials was due to the help re- ceived from Alderman Macdonald | led out by the athlete, the other by and his associates the spirit of the play, how-| Ald. S. D. Macdonald, president of |the local Trades and Labor Coun-| Mink cut the throats of poultry us in that we are practically forced |"—— ee in the interests of humanity to take them in. Shelter in this country is! ; as essential as food and there is no} reason why food purveyors should TU R R ET CAR s A have their bills paid while we have to bear this expense. Room rent is being paid in other parts of the pro- | vince and it would appear that we, will not get any allowance unless | we make some effort to get to-| gether and discuss matters. The C. L. D. L. have kindly placed their hall at our disposal and we would ask that all rooming house | keepers and shack proprietors at-| tend a meeting there :at 8 p.m. Fri- day. Thanking you, Mr. Editor for your, spate. ges | | SOME HOOMING HOUSE | ? KEEPERS: “ F Mail Schedule |For the East— x | Monday Wednesday and Satur-! _. S day wisoeeat 11:30 a.m. ‘From the East— ; Sunday, Thursday and Friday, UNSWEETENED EVAPORATED Monday, Wednesday and Satur-| why day veveeeee 130 p.m. of sr.cé , Senin The Borden Co. Limited For Vancouver— 50 Powell St., Vancouver, B.C Monday 3 p.m. BORDEN PLANTS at Toronto, Onterio le 7 This week's (THE THIRTEENTH) CAR-A-WEEK Wednesday 8 am ruro, N rgersoll a . iicimenars i. Ont 0 a+ tne Oat Gentlemen: Please send me free copy of “The Good Provider.” Friday 11 p.m CONTEST closes August 17th, 1932 All entries end Sumas, B.C ine Saturday 6 pm mailed after that date will be entered in the next week's gee. Aug. 3 6 13, 20 and 27 pan.| contest. The winner of this contest will be announced ATEN cocnergpons babecsaneesecedbnes cubneeee. ceseence from Vancouver 1 August 31, 1932 GIIIIET., cxsesiniiiiasssticotessinteitesdibn é p.m. | The weekly prizes are awarded not for Je aac: : | — ae 11:30 a.m. good writing but for writing which re- riday 11:30 a.m.) CANADIAN PACIFIC Saturday 11:30 am| veals character or temperament, unique AN I d ’ ; mL} AUGUST SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER Aug. 8, 15, 22 and 29 oe OM, or unusual features PRINCESS ADELAIDE—Fridays, 10 p.m.—via Ocean Falls and way pert For Stewart and Anyox— i PRINCESS LOUISE or PRINCESS ALICE—Saturdays 5 p.m Sunday q For KETCHIKAN, WRANGELL, JUNEAU and SKAGWAY SunGa . Tt p.m NOTE For Infort eit Monday ! Friday . 2 p.m The only condition of entry in this contest is that you : a Sar \TES Ge neral Apen Prince Rupert, B. From Stewart and Anyox— write the following on the backs of 4 front panels from T uesday 11:30 a.m | empty Turret Cigarette (20's) packages with portion Saturday 6 p.m.) of excise stamp attached on the back of one panel, UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Var iver your name; on the back of another, your occupation; Sunday 7 p.m on a third, your street and town; and on the fourth, your province mail, on or before the closing date shown above, to for Naas River and Port Sienpeon— | } Fasten the four panels together and From Naas River and Port Simpson | Tuesday, "WEEK CONTEST Office Employee 2172 Addington Ave., Montreal, P.Q. WINNER OF THE 10TH CAR-A-WEEK CONTEST Your Own Handwriting might Win any one of these Big Weekly Contests! Think what a joyous feeling of surprise and gratification Mr Cyr, of Montreal, Miss Cather, of Vancouver, Mr. Gracie, of Hamilton and the seven other winners had when they learned that their handwriting had won a Chevrolet Standard Coach Free. Yet all they did was send in specimens of their hand writing on Turret Cigarette (20's) packages . and that is all you have to do, too. (Read particulars at the left.) Remember, each week's contest is a new contest and eacl week's winner is a new winner-—picked by the committee ol judges not for good writing but for writing which reveals character or unusual features. Mr. Frederic D. Jacob for 15 years Dominion Government Graphologist, heads the committee and gives Free Graphological Readings to 100 other contestants each week The Car will be delivered the day the winner 18 announce ed Quality and Mildness P.S.8, CATALA EVERY TUBSDAY, 1:30 P.M 11:30 a.m, : Vv Waypoints. arriving Vancouver, Thursday a.m bor Queen Charlottes— Turret Cigarette Handwriting Contest, T.8.8. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT, ~ Aug. 5B 9c Arrivin Vv ancouver Sunday midnight, approx me 8.5 and 19 9 p.m. | P.O. BOX 2500 4 Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm, Anyox, Stewart and Naas om Queen Charlottes— River points, Sunday, 8 p.m Aug. 3, 17 and 31 a.m. | Montreal, P.Q. 4 , Y Further information regarding all sailings and ticke at vor ‘ | tt oer @ | G vat R. i: aT “s S VRINCE RUPERT AGENCY Second A venue. , Phone 568 Por Rasp - ; jie: Aug. 8, 15, 22 and 29 ~~ &m.| Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited Steamship Sailings For Vancouver— Monday—ss. Pr. George 4 p.m. | ae i res < Po Tuesday—ss. Catala 1:30 p.m. rs ee ENERAL BLUFF Wed.—ss. Pr. Robert 9 a.m.} S GivINe Friday—ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m. | i| MiG MILITARY Barc Ss. Cardena, «iss. midnight | JOM or A) Saturday—ss. Pr,.George ..7 p.m. | ou, iad. Wi Aug. 6—8s. Prin. Charlotte p.m | youre & Aug. 13—ss. Prin. Louise p.m, honsas Aug. 20-—-ss. Prin. Alice p.m, | Aug. 27--ss. Prin. Louise p.m. | From Vancouver— Sunday—ss. Catala p.m. Wed.—ss. Pr. Rupert 11:30 a.m.} Friday—ss. Pr. George 11:30 a.m. | Friday—ss. Cardena p.m. | Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. Satur—ss. Pr. Robert 11:30 un + Aug. 15—ss, Prin. Alice a.m. “TILLIE THE TOILER” THIS ’ The Big Shot LOOk Fore 4 CAAINOM TAL “THE | yARD — A 1 MISSED THE SreEBT AND VM NOT SURE THAT LOOKS fol WO THE PLACE Ar i= b. biti) i asl Rah A cababobidls\ camamanns | YEAH. irs | / chat a an ties vee \ MIHyY GBveRe ENOUGH e% YOU Lit UP i HERE COmEeES THE 2S : GENBRAL, Hit 1 Sect ’ —By Westover. ’ & Rah TO ARKET VS } | Yow ery ee)! a “> bcd iar