U iisLii! For Bicycles vfRST AID KITS Repairs and J, suit requirements Daily at Workmen's Board Compensation ews Parts PRINCE RUPERT AUTO Ptiones,82and200 707Second Avenue PHONE 75 I VOL, X. NO. PRINCE RUPERT, B. Q.. MONDAY, MAY 19, 1910. PRICE FIVE CKNTW GERMAN GOVERNMENT FOLLY AUSTRIAN INDEMNITY IS SET UNITED AGAINST SIGNING; AT FIVE BILLION GOLD MARKS BERLIN PEOPLE HOSTILE AMOUNT 18 ONLY ONE TWENTIETH THAT DEMANDED OF GERMANY ALLIED FORCES LAND AT SMYRNA (Special to The News rla 0.T. P. TelefMphs.J x UNDER DIRECTION OF PEACE Berlin, May 10. A semi-official announcement was made on CONFERENCE Thursday thaUnsinuations ir the pan-German newspapers were false regarding the intention of the libcrt-Schiedemann Government (Special to The Nws via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) ' signing the Allied peace terms. The Government, the announcement Pari, May 10.' The indemnity asked of Austria in the treaty says, is"fully united on declining to sign the treaty. with that country whicji is being prepared here is five billion London, May 19. British officers in Berlin have been ordered gold mcfrks. While this is a large sum it is only one-twentieth io wear civilian clothes out of doors lest they incite the populace Ihe amount demanded of Germany. lo a demonstration. Smyrna reports the landing of Allied forces and the occupying The United States courifrs in uniform have mostly been of nil the forts and strategic points. This move was directed by forced to remain in the Hotel Adlon, and there is a general feeling tho peace conference to preserve order. .... 1 it 111 1.- 1 Vl !J1 II MM of about :n the hotel tnai mere win uu uuuuie wunin me next lew aays Smyrna is a city 200,000 inhabitants and an important fortified seaport in Asia- Minor on the Aegean Sea. LOCAL STUDENTS 'CHURCHES ARE .-London, May I0.-A British fleet is anchored outside the east Prussian port of Memel close to the Russian frontier. AT UNIVERSITY! OPPOSED TO TREATY WITH EDMONTONIS in Head Mala Their Good Classes,Passes Beating and Two PRIZE FIGHT AUSTRIA NOT AGAINST STRIKE The Whole Province. Ministerial Association Asks to jOANfiEft OF LpOSING. READY YET ONRAILWAYS in (i.lition to the success of Have Dempsey-Wlllard Bout Maurice Shockley which was re corded on Saturday, otner iTince Prohibited. AUSTRALIAN AVIATOR LEFT Portions of Document Had to be Asked by Winnipeg to Support Rupert students attending the (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) Redrafted Because of Fallur Demand for 85 cents University did well and nil of Of Hungarians. An Hour. Toledo, May'l9. The churches them passed in their respective here are taking: vigorous action LAST NIGHT FOR IRELAND departments. (Special by 0.T, P. lelegrapns.) (Special via 0.T.P. Teleyrapfcs.) to try to 8 top the Dempsey-Wil- Faculty of Agriculture first Jard prize fight. Governor Cox, Paris, May 19. The Austrian Edmonton, May 19. The local rear Raymond A. Fisher headed Sheriff James 1'. Mathison and -ENGLISHMAN'S PLANE LOST treaty, according to indications shop and track union is jigl in his class, ' . Mayor Schricber have been asked today, will not be ready for pres favor of strike 'action on May 20 Arts third'- entation before the latter all Canadiani Facultyof year by the Ministerial Association, part of on Railways. The H. Pillsbury, 2nd (Special to Tbe News via O.T. P. Telegraphs.) this understood Winnipeg Miss Katherine week. It is that branch of the Federated zoo churches to class, passed ninth in aclass of hibit embracing the bout, preparations pro for St. Johns, Newfoundland, May 19. The Australian aviator the failure of the Hungarian dele Railway Wprkero wired for support which are now going on. has started on his trans-Atlantic flight, the plane of his English gates to arrive and the uncertainty in their arbitrary demand on Faculty of Arts second year-James rival has been wrecked, and the United States navy plane N. C. 3 regarding conditions there, Montreal that the War Board increase It, 2nd clans, caused considerable of the to 85 Mitchell, cents a re-draft wages an s believed to have been- lost at sea, while the N. G. 4 is safe at passed iCtl: m a class of 98. LIBERAL PLATFORM ' portions of the document con hour. They, have asked the locals Faculty of Arts first year Porta, Azores. cerning overlapping questions in to declare that more time should Arthur Bramley passed 8lh and Harry G. Hawker,- the Austral-. the former dual monarchy. be given for consideration. From Labor and Soldier Delegates ian aviator. and' Gapt. Mchemip; Miis Doris A, Dowling'v35thinfca Invited to GARRISON IS Organisations Grieve, "His navigator, are .winging NOTICE Convention. their way across the Atlantic BETTER PRICE FOR Ficujly of Arts first year HissKalhlen Grant - tonight on tbe most, perilous j Special meeting of Trades and passed. A new Liberal platform is to be aeroplane flight in history. They UNDER ORDERS UAW)T YESTERDAY Facut of Applied Science Labor Council will be held-in the enunciated embodying the more took the air at 5:55 p.m. today, i Maml-a II. Shockley headed his Carpenters' Hall Tuesday, May 20. advanced views pf the members Greenwich time (1:55 New Yorkj Sales Made at 11.Bo. for First (lass and won Royal Institution FOR WINNIPEG Business Committee's report on Scholarship valued at $75. ; of the party and working out in tme) and expect to reach the Irish ; Quality and 9c. for Second. plan of organization of O. B. U. concrete form the Liberal prin coast in 20 hours unless some The All workers to attend. record is a most creditable urged ciples as adapted to present day accident forces them to plunge Halibut sold at a slight advance one and Prince, Rupert parents Toronto Labor Men Declare Soldiers SECRETARY, . 18 will be done at ..1 1. i n I nrablems. This into the sea. j yesterday, the prices obtained be on""iiuuwiiu their increaseu commence the big convention of Liberals When the- Sopwith biplane; Must Not bo Used as ing 11.5c and 9c. .The following local high school, which which is to bo held the first week passed from view beyond the hills Strike Breakers. were the boats: The Nidaros with lays the groundwork for sucli extent in August at Ottawa, Other pur to the northeast headed for the 2,000 lbs.; Dolphin, 9,000Nellie, SPECIAL MEETING results, poses of the meeting will be the open sea, it lert oeninu wiin Special Via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) 4,000, and Nornen, 9,000, at 11.5c. Tha matter of party organization and shattered hopes Hawkers, the Toronto, May 19. It is understood and $9.1c to Canadian Fish and oldest Canadian Llfo Co. flit tho selection of a leader, English rival of Frederick Rayn that a trarrison here is un- Cold Storage Co., Ltd. G.W.V.A. Canada, J. F. Magulre, Agent. A manifesto calling the con ham who had hoped to be first 'j. orders lo proceed to Winni The Bainter, 4,000; Ringleader, vention has been issued by the across in a Marunsyae piane, io 2,000; Atli, 9,000, and Baker, 7,-000, at moment's notice. a temporary house leader, D. D. win glory and the $50,000 prize peg to Atlin Fisheries, Ltd., at will be held MAX HEILBRONER McKenzie, in which the fol'owing of the London DailyMaiL Labor men here demand that 11.5c. and 9o. per pound. Reliable Jeweler paragraph is used: Washington, May 19. The of the use of troops during the present Today's arrivals are: Clara N Tuesday, May 20 "Owing to changed conditions ficial naval department announcement unrest be clearly defined and 2,500 lbs. of halibut, and Satsuma Important Business Diamonds, Watches, Clocks arising out of the war and to tho tells of the arrival of aeroplane they say if widespread strikes are 2,700 lbs. They will not aa to All members requested to attend Cut Glass, Silverware, Ivory desirability for co-operation N. C. 4 af Horta, Island of to be avoided in Canada soldiers day. all ranks of Liberal democracy" at 8 a.m. Saturday Umbrella, Community among Fayal, Azores, Plate, must not be used as strike breakers. Etc. In dealing with grave national after a 1,200-mile trip in 14 RECOVERED BODY problems, invitations will hours and 20' minutes. Cwmp 3rd A.t. n( eth Strati. bo extended to the Canadian OF DAN M'KENZIE WANTED council of agriculture, the Dominion APPEALS TO POPE LAND SETTLEMENT Trades and Labor Council, morning the body of Yesterday BOARD MAKES GOOD 10 Muckers the G. W, V. A. and the Canadian TO INTERFERE ON Dan McKenzie, fisherman, who railway brotherhoods to send was drowned at Anyox on May 10, 50c per nr. representatives lo the convention BEHALF OF GERMANY So Says Visitor From the Bulkley was recovered after several days' for the purpose or prescnunK Valley Who Lives on trawling. kucIi views as these national (Special by O. T. I'. Telegraphs.) the Spot. John McKenzie, of Vancouver, (Apply bodies may desire to present prior Cologne, May 19. The Arch brother to deceased, arrived by J. R. MORGAN, LTD. io tho drafting and adoption of a bishop of Cologne has appoaieu "Tho Land Settlement Board the Prince George and continued FOR QUALITY lias made said It. E. Williams Drydock good," Liberal platform. between for U19 nntional to the Pope to intervene the operations recovery , JVjCE AND SATISFACTION tho Allies and Germany to protect of Smithers this morning of his brother's body, which others Licnnco Nn. 10-7340 Advertise in the Daily News. Germany from a complete when seen by a Daily News ,rep had been conducting without resentative. "This is the first breakdown. success. He dragged again over tinio tho interior country has ever the spot where the accident hap 1,000 tons Ladysmlth Coal, tho been noticed by a Government. pened and brought it to the surface. WESTH0LMF Theatre jest on the Pacific uoasi, jusi Tho farmers are being helped to Tbe remains will be taken " impress : irrlvcd. Send your orders to tne build silos and a creamery is to Vancouver for burial. TONir.HT rfnee Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. planned for tho Bulkley Valley. A Deceased was a native of Scot Jonday and Tuesday No Advanced Price number of now settlers are coming land and belonged to Drumbeg, DOUBLE ATTRACTION in and many cattle were imported EXTRA SPECIAL ATTRACTION Prince Rupert last Government."fall through the Provincial Sutherlandshire. ENID Dainty Ince-Paramount BENNETT Star Mr. Williams said that 'tho charming exemplar of the beauty Selig Prentt Spruce Mills, Ltd. of Australasian women in spring had been rather dry and SEAL COVE MILL cool, but the prospects wero good 'The Marriage Ring' lite We and everyone was optimistio in . We havn't said anything er-Do-Welr the valley. about Suits for a long This plant is now operating, Peerless, Fearless time, and they are really their agents we and as deliver ANOTHER B. C. MAN worth talking about. A PEARL WHITE in a position to are Re of dimension, GETS VICTORIA CROSS good quality serge in Navy, Queen of the Serial Kingdom Beach's all kinds spruco marvellous story of love and romance double dressed Black or Fawn at $35.00. in the 1st Episode of sliiplap, featuring . . (Special "by O. T. r. Telegraphs.) A man tailored suit in KATHLYN WILLIAMS md Ask rustic.for our prices. London, May. 10, Another Navy serge, trimmed with The Lightning Raider British Columbia-man, Cnpt. K. braid, at $45.00. These the most interesting and exciting And AU-Star Spoiler Cast I), Bellow, has. been given the are handsome suits. Other aerial ever produced Show "8 the construct!. th. ..n.i -,ircl Ufa In Panama, Albert&McCaffery Victoria Cross. ' He 'was iu tho colors are purple, fawn "ernsingled with a beautiful story of love and romance. LTD. machine gun section. and gray. Admission, 15c. and 30c. COME AND SEE Phones 564 and 116 Smoko Players Navy Cut cigar- Shows 7.15 and 9.15 and 7 and 9 30c, including War Tat 2 Shows, cites, wrapped in tin foil, , 4 L