Page 2 THE OA1LI NEWS. Monday. May tB , The Daily News To '... Prospective PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Experience Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News BUILDERS & CONTRACTOR Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. From S H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. WATER ACT, 1914. Two Sides m RIPARIAN RIOIITS Eeeling that it is up to us to assist in the Housm inent we will quote rock bottom XOTICE U hereby riven that under tbe prices on any nf n SUBSCRIPTION RATES: provisions of Section 6 or tne Water Act, tcrlal and supplies handled by us, such ma" as riparian oroprletor clalmlnf ifiii. everr City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. One letter was from a young nr rlrht la direr! water or to the ex- Electrical material of all descriptions, including lady that has triusiTe use or water for any purpose by and t-lings something, to do Fixtures, Lamps, Wire of all By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. virtue only or nts winr sucn riparian proprietor kinds and with a grocerteria. Is required on or before the Crst Conduit, Electric heaters and mantels, AutomalJ"v! Po To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. nir or June. I(to, to file a statement or She says that they sell more claim setilnr forth the particulars or bis Ranges, etc., Galvanized and black iron ,ilrie Pacific Milk than all the others rinm. Such statements or claim shall t Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Radiators HeaiJ. i-Ur Telephone 93. Died In duplicate with the Water Recorder and put together and there has or toe Water District in which tbe water Covering, Wood Stave Pipe, lloechk's Paint Vnmi pe never been a complaint is After diverted the or first or June, 1910, no Kalsomino Brushes of all kinds. Hardwood Lumbr.!lr?Il! TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING inch - 75 cents per And she further adds that rlrht to divert water or to tbe exclusive Ash, Maple, Teak and Gum. Structural ' use or water for any purpose shall exist Steel and Contract Rates on application. they use it at home, and so by virtue only of any ownership of land. Ornamental Iron Work, Firo Escapes, etc. Rex Fiintl"? from t onus 01 sisiemeni oi ciaim can we uu-lined personal experience she from tbe Water Recorders or the Roofing -th Very Best Made. Manilla and Wire lion. , can say its flavor is more like several Water Districts In the Province or Cable. Derrick Castings and Contractors' DAILY EDITION. Mondayr May 19, 1919. rom the comptroller or water Htinis, supplies fresh cream and does not give Parliament Bulldlnrs, Victoria, B. C. Wo also handle Goodyear . Mechanical Rubber an unpleasant taste to Dated at Victoria. B.C., this 11th day cooking. including "Extra It or March, 1019. . Power'.' .Belting, Packings, and liosc Prince Rupert Pupils T. U.Minister rATTuLLU,or Lands Weslinghouse Electrical equipment, including MaiT Make a Good Record. Pacific "Milk Co. Generators, Transformers and all other Electrical Ea All the Prince Rupert pupils have passed their examinations LIMITED ment. Being direct factory representatives, we ,,re abuP successfully at the University of British Columbia. . One has make very attractive prices. Factory at Ladner, B. 0. J secured a scholarship and one leads his class. This is an excel lent record. It shows that the groundwork at the local schools was well laid and that the pupils have ability and strength Of Prince Rupert Supply Co., Ltd, character to carry on. Salvation Army. Fourth Street, off Third Avenue. All Prince will be to hear of the-sue Public Rupert people pleased meetings, Tuesday, CROWN NOTICE P. O. Box 772 cess of the young people aud the News joins in extending con Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. Phone Black 389 gratulations. Sundays at 7:30 p. in. SEALED TENDERS addressed to tbe onderstrned and endorsed "Tender ror tbe Mackenzie King purchase or Gasoline Engines at Prince Advertise in the Daily News. Dupert, u. u.." wiu De received at inis Studies Conditions. offlce until 12 o'clock noon. Thursday, W. L. Mackenzie King, who was minister of labor in the LAND rtEGISTflY ACT. 20 May h.ism,p. Gasoline ror ice Engines.purchase or two Atlas v r 1 I t l r 1 I i"l it.. J i Tenders will not be ronsldered unless Mrs. Smeeton's banner nas iu iu siuuy recuusiructiuu cauinei, guue .cugiauu (Sectloas 36 and 134.1 made upon forms rurnlsbed by tbe De problems, especially as they ailect labor. Re Application No. 10,607-1. rile 6,100. partment ana in accordance wun condi Select Save Your Wife has deal of and TAKE AOTICE that application has been tions contained tnerein. Mr. investigator King a great ability as an made The engines may be seen on the ins Dee- to register Tbooias McManamon, of " as a writer. His book "Industry and Humanity" is looked ou as Prince Rupert. B. C. as owner in fee un Ion Launch "Walrondo" at Prince Rupert. Lunch & Tea Rooms FROM der a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of b. u. industrial conditions. He is also ah able an authority on speaker me or prince Each tender must be accompanied by an city Rupert, bearing; date 1 i t m !.. -ir:p 1 1. i 1. it. . I ; accepted cheque on a chartered bank, anu a gouu iiiuuy liueiais situ iuuk iu mm as me iiiuu wuu is AD SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract payable to tbe order or the Honorable, the best able to lead the party. . or land and premises situate, lying- and to Minister ten per or cent Dominion(10)Public or tbe Works,amount equal or 309 Second Avenue, West. Wash Bay wing in me uiy or rrtnee Rupert, more known be tender. War Bonds or tbe Dominion particularly and described as Lot Women No Longer or Canada will be accepted as security, or nineteen u). Bloc Forty-two (41) Silent in Church. Section elrht (8. (Map 911). War Bonds and cheque It required to make Lunches, Teas, Ice cream, You are required to contest tbe claim up an oaa amount. Soft Drinks. Even the churches are being liberalized. Women were al or tbe ux purchased within IS days from Tbe bigbest or any tender not neces me aaie or tne service or mis notice sarily accepted. Home Made Bread, Cakes, lowed as delegates at tho Methodist conference at New West By order, - Worries iwnicn may tt effected by publication minister this year for the first time. The local delegate, Mrs. M. a dally newspapers, and your attention Is E. P. GINGRA8. Pics, Salad Dressing, Jams, Kergin, was given a seat with ihe other lay delegates, along with aci called wiin to section amendments,36 or tbe ana"Land to ine Registry roiiow Dominion runue Acting worts District Department.Engineer. Marmalades, Chutney, Etc. others. ing- extract inererrom: Prince Rupert. B. C, F 14 Famous Melton Mowbray nineteen April 23rd. 1919. Save her from the back "ana in aersui; or a caveat or cer-tincate This is a distinct gain. 11 shows that the precept of Paul or lis pendens being filed be-rore Pies. aches of the the registration as owner or the old fashioned silent is not that women should keep being obeyed literally just person entitled under such ux sale. as the mandate to turn the other cheek is not obeyed. aU persons so served wltb nolle. Picnic Parties Catered for washboard. and those claiming through There are certain things thai common sense tells us are or under them, and aU persons clatm-lnr Give her an wrong no matter where they are written. It is possible that Paul or any any unregistered interest in the Instrument,land by virtue and fell in with some women whe talked too much, just as there are all persons claiming any interest In said to be such women in thete days. Under these conditions he not tbe land registered by descent under whose the provisions title Is ELECTRIC Hotel Prince probably wrote them to keep silent in the church and-give the or this Act, shall be for ever estopped DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Rupert and debarred from setting up any men a chance. That does net mean that all women for all time claim to or in respect ot the land so 'must keep quiet They do not do it anyway, even the most re shall sold register ror taxes,tbe and person the entitled Registrar under WATER RIGHTS BRANCH EUROPEAN. PLAN WASHING ligious of them, and they never will. land such so sold tax ror sale taxes."as owner or the "WATER ACT 1914." $1.50 per day and up. The state has now recognized the right of women to take AJiD WHEREAS application has been their in the councils of the state, and the church, which is male ror a Certlllcate or Indefeasible 'title CANCELLATION OF RESERVE OP WATER FIRST-CLASS CAFE place to tne above-mentioned lands, In the name NOTICE Is hereby given that His Honor supposed to lead and advise fellows when it finds its positiou or Thomas McManamon ne Lieutenant Governor or British Colura- A La Carle. MACHINE AM) WHEREAS on Investigating tbe la. by and with tbe adflce or bis Execu- untenable. title It appears that orior to the loth dar Ive Council, has been pleased to order: The News is not taking a position antagonistic to the church. or October, 1017 (tbe date on which tbe THAT S9 pursuant or 'Water to tbe provisions or raia unas were sold ror overdue taies) action tbe Act. 1914" being and show regard for I hut feels that in this case it must draw attention to an anomaly. rou were tbe assessed owner thereof. mapter 81 or the Statutes or 1914. that your FCRTHER TAKE AOT1CE be .reserve or tbe unrecorded waters or that tbe We are glad to see the church following when it cannot lead. same time I shall effect registration at In lefuge Creek, established pursuant to St. James Hotel yourlife partner. Thereis Iraer in council No. 68, tbe pursuance or sucn application ana issue a approved on for rubbingl The is Certificate or Indefeasible Title to tbe said zio aay ot January, iviv. ue cancelled. no necessity Flyer lands in the name or Thomas McManamon DATED this t7th day or February, 19lr. New Monthly. unless you take and prosecute tbe proper 1. 11. i-ai iullu, (LATE "QUEENS") the skin from her small It is a' clear indication cf the general trend of affairs that anr.proceedings to the saia to establish lanls. or to your nrevent claim.such If Minister or Lands. FIRST CLASS ROOMS hard working fingers, and a new magazine devoted exclusively to the interests of flying proposed action on my part. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF" RESERVE Hot and Cold Water. Dated at tbe Land Registry Office, Prince she will thank you. should be issued at Vancouver monthly. The second number of nuperi, is. u., mis inn aay or April, 1919 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the re "The Flyer" has been received and is a creditable production. It. I. NAI.UUU, . serve existing over Lot 418. Queen Char-1 very AROUND BRING HER District lotte Registrar or Titles. Islands, by reason or a notice pub-1 The editors are Lieutenants Cbrnyn, Templeton, Brooks, To E. if. Pacey. lished in the B. C Gazette on tbe 30th or I and Fenlon and the work is endorsed by the Air Service Association Prince Rupert, B. C juiy. i hub, is riADEN, PREMISES MOVED to inspect this model wash of British Columbia. Notice .of Intention to Apply to purchasa Deputy Minuter or Lands, ing machine. una. .anils Department, In Range 3. Coast Land District.. Record Victoria.eth Marcb,B. C 1919. M 13 M. T. LEE lng District or Prince Rupert, and 'situate at Jenny Day, Deane Channel, B. C. MINERAL ACT. Pattinson & Ling i Air. nunu mat i, James z. nan. or LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S ancouver. B. C. occuDatlon baker and Soldier, Intend to apply ror permission to CERTIFICATE.. OF IMPROVEMENTS. MERCHANT TAILOR Temporary Prem.Jes purchase tbe following described lands: Commencing at a post planted SO chains Little Joker, Mineral NOTICE. 311 Second Avenue, near 331 Second Avenue uuriueriy oi o. w. cor. r. u 70. 32 1 . Hill, Midas, Look.. '.It II l't I.FU UMa, I I.n Dm I I mence east u cnams: tnenre uinth 9 .. Second Street Opposite .. Next to Singer Shop chains; thence west 40 chains more or less lonsi Mineral Claims, situate in ih Port. to shore line; thence northerly SO chains, and Cana! Mining Division or Casslar Dis Dr. Kergin's. PHONE 590 more or less, following shore line to point trict. Phone Red 136 P.O. Box 877 of commencement and containing go acres Where located: On the East Salmon more or less, itiver vauey. .... r a k k niiT rR in., I a if n JAMES Z. HALL, Per William A. Bauer, Aent ng as agent ror L. Watklns. P. M. c. Ha. Dated 31 March, 19 to. K349-C; C. D. CarUl. P. M. C. No. 9.S88- ; iu oi. Martin, t. iu. c. No. 8..87-C; H. Nolle . Fetter, r. M. C No. B.107-0 11. e. m of Intention to to Apply purchasa Carlton, F. M. C. No. 9.S98-C; Nartln una Welch. F. M. C. No. 9.599-C. Intend, sixty Theo Collart In Range 2. Coast Land nintriet days from the date nereor, to apply to the I Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, lng District or Prince Rupert, and situate COAL at Koeye, Flu Hugh Sound. B. C. ror the purpose or obtaining take NOTICE that a uruwii unm ot tne anove Claim. I, Marshall Beek or . And further take notice that aptinn. tin. REAL ESTATE miLuuier, u. ... occupation soldier. Intend der section 85, must be to apply lor permission to purchase commenced before and tbe following described lands: tne issuance or sucn certificate of Improvements. t Screened commencing at a post planted at south INSURANCE west corner lot 2. thence east to chains usied inis 6tQ aay or March, A. D. 1919, Sacked thence south SO ehaini- a. 11. uuttn. I Want Your Listings. Delivered chains, more or less, to shore line: thence northerly and easterly along shore line 20 WATER NOTICE Westholmo Theatre Block chains, more or less, to point or commencement, DIVERSION VI ICS,. and containing 80 acres, more J( AND USE Phone ITod 387 P. O. Box 1 1 $13.00 KIAUSI1AI.L. HEEK, TAKE NOTICE that lluma n itihlnmnn I Per William A. Bauer, Agent. U'h n HP HflilrpSfL 1. 1... 0,0 n -n t. . I Dated fh April" 1919. B. a. will apply ror a licence to take and I use two cubic reet per second or water! ton LAND ACT out or an unnamed stream, whirh nnu-i I per south and drains Into Houslung Bay, Lan- em jsiauu, car tua o. w. corner or Lot i notice or intention to Apply to Lease Land. VVO. I In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, The water will be diverted rrom the Coal Co. Recording District of Skeena, and situate (ream at a point about tupntv rimim I ? Terminal in wo Tii.iuiijr Ul maian iteserve Wo. 16 north or the 8. W. corner of Lot 998, and Langara Island. will be used for domestic and steam purposes Offlc. Phon.. Plael .t i notice mat Clifton P. Rlel, of upon the land described as Lot 998. v.rd Phona, BUck i,v xuci., unuso uuumoia, occupation (jueen Charlotte Land DIsrtlcL manager, Intends to apply ror Dermis- This notice Was DOStcd on th rrnnnrl CANCELLATION OF RESERVE iiou to tease the rollowing described on the Stb day or April, 1919. A copy or una uuuen aim an application pursuant I Commencing at a post planted at northwest thereto and to the. "Water Act taia"l NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tbe re- corner of ni.,i. ,,'. :. will be llled In the nnim nf tha erre existing over vacant Crown Land in llienfo one hundrpil nrt ntiv r... "J nrcurucr at rnnce itupert, B. C. IhA vlrlnlfv nf ThplxvllA tllvpr. ftnnffA J. .' "uiii.taiTu uiruciion to low water Objections to the annllntlnn m.v hlr?njit llllrlft hv rrann nf a nnllrA nub. lidward mark; thence 700 feet westerly along low filed with the said Water Recorder or with lished In the British Columbia Oatetle or Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett. Manager water markj thence northerly one hundred the Comptroller or Water Rlfhts, Parlla- 8th May, 1910, Is cancelled, Edward Cunningham, Vice-President ,j.v. mvii vi i3 iu nigQ water mark: ment Buildings, Victoria, B. C. within O. It. NADEN, Naliooal Gpocery Ifeh,fil5,erIr 800 reet mre or less LI u.ja aucr me nrsi appearance oil Deputy minister oi Lams. water mark to nnint nr Ibis notice In a local wnminfr Department ot Lands, mencement and containing two (2) acres . . v"""1'1"'1' Applicant. Victoria, u. u., i h no umo j ui iub urn nuiiiirntinn nr init ilth Marcb, 1919. M 18 Limited Lipsett-Cuniiingham & Co. . CUPTON P. KIEL. nuiitTo is may iu, 1V1V, Dated lh April. 10m. a- IN THE SUPREME CULUMUJA.COUIIT OP BIUT1S11 LAND ACT -t tsb Notice .... t. THE MATTEn OF THE "ADMINI9THA- Groceries LIMITED of Intention tn inniv ,n i High Class In Oueen Charlotte Islands Land District The Gurvich TiU. AUT and FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE I.V THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Meats Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories p;Ttaker,"cf. ,hAl....9!??.r'! A. Cpulson.of ItOliKUT A. UHAPIT, UEtEAStll, In-TESTATE. Fruits Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage Transfer TAKE NOTICE that bv order of Ills Confectionery Cotmiienrinir at rtnat rti.n. .w . Honour F, Men. Youmr made the 17tn day PRINCE B. O. chains em or the N.w corner of IndlaS or Februar)-, A. V. 1919, I was appointed and Bakery RUPERT, v Resnrvo o. 16( thence north 1 chains" Administrator to tne estate or itouert a. tli'nee west so hin. Uiant, deceased, and all parlies having Phone Green 548 claims aKalnat the said estate are ncrrny of 7ou?h Ofllce: Ilegistered Prince Ilupert Office: r,,.i.5l?,.ll,,.,'y or L? m S thence required to rurnisb same, properly verified, 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 05 easterly along shore to N.W corner It P.O. Dox 102 Office, FraseriSt. to ine on or before the 7tb day ot Juno, Indian Reserve ?" IUIO anil all narltpt Inrlfhled to tha estate No. l: thence Vancouver, D. C. P. 0. Box 1698 point or commencement inri t are required to pay the amount of their acres, more or less, We Sell Indebtedness to me forthwith. Coal : : JOHN II. MCMULLIN, onicial Administrator. DATED this lit day of May, 1919.