M"y 1019' Monday. TUB DAILY NEWS. Page 3 REPORTER TELLS 'tj free D eiMstraf ion ! HOW IT FEELS Notice to Travellers HEINZ RIPE OLIVES TO GO FLYING Archie Wills Goes Un In Maw Owing to strike conditions, at Winnipeg resulting in Come in and eat all you want "Pathfinder" at Victoria no facilities for handling baggage, passengers travelling and Describes Sensation. fist &?1m to that city via Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, should only take such hand baggage as they can'properly look after Learn to Eat Olives at Our Expense After donning a thick helmet, themselves, except at their own risk. a Pair Of KOBTfflea nnrf n hvv BOTH STORES flying coat, and satisfying several GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY persistent friends that $24,50 per G. F. JOHNSTON, Sale Price, 35c tin, or 3 for $1.00 would bo quite sufficient for my City Passenger and Ticket Agent. funeral expenses, I was informed that th9 front seat of the "Pathfinder" FULLER'S LTD. had been reserved for ine. l'J-JAUL WHITER the -peerless writes Archie Wills in the. Vic siar, appearing in the great toria Times. Pathe serial "T h e Liirhtnirnr PHONE 45 PHONE Without further questions I pro Haider" at the Westholme Theatre Prince Rupert Music Store ceeded to take my seat and, just tonight. to show the world that I was a OPPOSITE POST OFFICE novice at the ame. crashed mj and their faces flash in the sun. WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor head on the upper wing, a somewhat and other people bent on business similar experience lb the dart across the streets. "Everything in Music." . person who gets into a lower Looping Loop. LATF.tl POPULAR 80NQS AND DANCES, VICTR0LA8 berth on a Pullman for the first After straight flying for about AND VICTOR RECORDS tepalM to rbonographs. Violins, Etc Bows rebalred. time, and, on stretching, finds twenty-five minutes, I received a U1IIIIHCI Woodwind Instruments repadded and adjusted. Storage Batteries House Wiring IU.I uiufc tin upper i Derm makes cer slight kick in the back from the Prince Rupert Academy of Mu.lo In Connection tain limitations to his movements. pilot, and on turning around saw mark in thi wenr With the Store. Charged and Repaired in all its branches On getting adjusted to the nar him smile and make motions with The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs No Loss of Time While row confines of the aeroplane a his hands, with a view to have me North of Vancouver Your Battery Is Being large, smiling mechanic stepped repeat the same movements. Accordingly ELECTRIC The Heintzman & Co. Piano Overhauled. Another Is on to the wing and stated that, as I placed my hands on Always Available. IRONS the Aerial League did not wisfi to the front of the cockpit, a sort of The Weber Piano GRILLS drop their passengers in mid-air bracing precaution. Why this Thomas Organs Agents For TOASTERS he was going to fasten me in. was necessary I was not aware at All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments; Portable RANGES CVINRUDE Accordingly he pulled a six-inch the moment, but was suspicious Motors. HEATERS canvas belt around that W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. me. made fast probably the pilot was contemplating CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS the quick release, and, to further a stunt. The object WASHING MACHINES E. L. VAUGHAN p:fJ'ptitiD'' Runabouts. ensure my remaining with the of the precaution-was not, long in REGAL Engines or machine, inserted a split pin in being revealed. Tho nose of the Trolling. LAMPS FLASHLIGHTS the quick release. plane turned slightly downward Prince Rupert Music Store The Famous English Pilot Clemence, as nimble as a and speed was rapidly increased. PETTER HEAVY OIL GENERATORS kitten, sprung into his cockpit in Suddenly the world disappeared ENGINE FOR MOTOR the rear and commenced fingering from beneath, and the machine FISHING SCHOONERS ETC.SWITCHES, the controls. The large, appeared to be going over. As I I smiling mechanic went to the looked down expecting to see the llllilll!llllllllli!llllilllllll!!SllillllllIlill!ll Full lins of Electrical Apparatus in stock. front and commenced to turn the earth, I saw the sky, and on looking propeller after the style of a man up I saw the earth, so decided But PLUMBING Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. who tries to spin a Ford when: it that I must be upside down. The Tell Your your j is fussy about starting. Then a engine was shut down so that the i Troubles, tell them to Phone 125 ELECTRICAL CONTT.ACTORS V. O. Cox 67 small man placed two chocks in swish of the propellor was quite HARRY HANSON, I II II I II II I il II I II I II llllll' II II I imnitgSTHg front of the small wheels. The discernible above the drone. With the Plumber with large mchanic brought the pro lightning rapidity the world Troubles peller to a horizontal position. rushed in beneath, and there I twenty-five years ex- The pilot and mechanic com seemed a great pressure on top perience. . He guar- 5 menced to talk to one another in of my head, as though the plane S.S. PRINCE RUPERT aeroplane language and with a, was trying to press me down, and the antees to remedy any s or lunge the mechanic swung the also a doubling up sensation. to Plumbing trouble. If prop" and the engine commenced Then the plane flattened out and intend building, S.S. PRINCE GEORGE to fire. As the engine was opened the pilot indicated that this had you SAILING up there was terrific draft, scented been the loop. I will lay out your with the exhaust fumes,of oil an POLICE ! plumbing plans to best E THURIDIV and 3UN6AV HIDNIOHT for SWANSON BAY, OCEAN FALLS. petrol. Every cylinder was hit STORE CLOSING suit climatic condi- 5 VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIOHT FOR AN VOX. ting beautifully and when th Quesnelr May 17. G. If. French tions, etc., and this EE carburetor was opened wide there superintendent of Hudson's Bay free of charge. S. S. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT was a perfect purr, which indi posts for 13. C, with a staff of ilusott. rort Clements and Buckley Day April 3rd. and SOtb; May Tib. Hit), Slst and ?8t!i. cated that everything was O.K men is busy at the company's post South. Point. Qu..n Charlott Ulanda April 25th, May th and JJrd. Off to the Skies. hero preparatory to closing up HARRY HANSON SSSf lUvirt, B. C, May 3rd, 17lh aDd JIM. The engine was shut down and the company's business in this TRAIN SERVICE the chocks removed. Once more town. 139 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. the engino was. opened out an There has been a rumor cur Pisscnger Monday, W'dn.aday and Saturday af. 11:30 a.m. for Smltbers, rent that the store a mechanic straining on each premises are I Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections for all points fast and south. wing tried to hold the plane not to remain idle, a firm of in check. Finally they broke into private individuals taking over AQENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES a run,and on a wave of the pilot's the company's interests here, but For Information and reservations apply to arm they let go and the "Path Mr. French would not' Confirm Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 ' City Ticket Office, 820 Third Avenue. Prion" 260. finder" was off. Running along this-. the grassy oval for about 100 For Comfort, Courtesy and Service yards the plane gained speed very rapidly. One could feel that the tail of the machine had lifted oil THE S A V Q V H OTEL the ground as ho assumed a more l CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY uDrifrht position. Then the F. T. BOWNESS, M.n.g.r Kround commenced to recede Fifth and Fraser St:, Prince Rupert, B.C. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points slowly, indicating that the plan NOTICE was in the.air. A slight dip fol APPLICATIONS FOR GRAZING PERMITS. via Steamer- Vancouver and the Home Hot and Cold Water to lowed by a steep ascent to the left Under Grazing Act 1919. Cooking Running Applications for permits to graze live- Canadian Pacific Railway known in tho aviatioa world as a stock on the Crown range within each Grazing District of the Province of British Meals and Berth included on Steamer "climbing turn," the "Pathfinder" Columtra. as established by Order-In-Council, commenced to make height very dated the 10th of April. 1810. and published In the British Columbia Gazette rapidly. on April 17th. 1010. must be Med with ton VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT Water Transparent. George,the District Kamloops,Foresters Nelson,at Cranbrook,Prince Ilupert,tori WESTHOLME LUNCH May, IS S3) June 2, It and SO. Tho thing which strikes one Vancouver and Vernon, or with the Commissioner of Grazing, Department of Lands, SECOND AVE.; .'OR KETCHIKAN, ALASKA most forcibly in a flight over Parliament Buildings at Victoria, B. a, on JUNEAU, W RAN d ELL, SKAQWAY, is tho transparency of the or berore July 1st, 1919. HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. From Prince Ilupert May 8, 1 and 89. water Blank forms upon which to submit applications water. One can see to great, may be obtained from tbc District Foresters at the above named' places nx depths and can easily understand or from the Department of Lands at Vic Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. why the seaplane was used toria, B. C. Short orders all the time. Special'rates with room and board. Corner Fourth Street, rnd Third Avenue-. Prince Rupert. B.C. so extensively in conducting tho Deputy Minister of Lands. im sub Department of Lands, mi the German warfare against ticiona, u. u., ll marine. Where the surface is 14th April, 1919. free from ripples it is possible to see down a great depth, and no Tl doubt the: aeroplano some day BOSTON GRILL ine Union COAST SERVICE. will steam bo whalers used in for conjunction the purposes!with -The Salvation Army i For 8 Sat., 4 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 Steams h.n Vancouver, Tues., p.m.; spotting whales. p.m. It is impossible to convey 10 mo A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, lay mind......the magnificence of the Red Shield Home Cooking. Open Day and Nighy.- Mondays, 7 a.m. view ouiainou 1 irom r w ol-lni fin DINNER 1UO to 8.30; PRICE 45c. to 50c Detecrt at every meal. 7, 7i i Naaa River Points, Friday a.m. earthly comparison can bo drawn. Short order, at any time. . . f 1 1 1 Campaign I..I. H 1 r1 .l A rrnf Z I'ha nearest approach lo a com parison might bo tho submission STARTS MAY 19, MONDAY, tho of the view obtained from IN HAZELTON Summit when looking northward up the Saanich Inlet to Salt Spring And continues all this month GOOD EATS Island and across the peninsula along all points of tho G.T.P. Second Avenue. to tho Gulf Island and multiplying The Salvation Army Did Its , Launch AliceB. (his panorama a hundred fold. Bit, Let Us Do Ours. Breakfast 7:30 to 9 Tho rapidity of travel uoes iio Support tho Army behind Lunch 11:30 .to i for the Salt Lakes dawn on one until ne comiucuu tho Army as well as the Army Dinner 5:00 to 8 to mark objects on the ground, at Home. SHORT ORDERS ALL DAY General Passenger Service. and even then lie is not aware First to Serve, Hunting, Fitting M,n it is himself that is moving, Last to Appeal. and Plcntc Parties Tho ground appears to do alf the NOTE Prince Itupert campaign Jones yourself movement.directly On ounuio above the yuu maln;mm, will start in July and Advertise in "The Daily News" Myhill gj. hnmiichfares. w hero small all other places on tho coast. ' Swtnton'i Boathouie The Paper that gets Quick Results groups turn tneir neaus UVjui..