m Pag a 8 TOE DAIL,Y NEWS. Monday, May 10 . , ' ii in -' - - - - - G. H. Arnold Manager I Local News Notes Special, TUESDAY Only Ilobcrt Smith of Port Essington FOR SALE arrived in town last night lor a Fels-Naphtha On 5th Ave. near; Dunsmuir St. Lot 14, Block 0; Section short stay. ,:1 5 An excellent buy for Dan Deyoy was fined 910 this $700.00 Cash (JrunkenesB.morning in the police court for Soap i-Roomed modern house, Borden St., near school flex Beach's big Panama story 10 bars to the carton $2,900.00, TERMS ARRANGED. "The Noler Do Well" at the Em- Extra W buy United States Liberty Bonds and Canadian Victory press tonight, Special Bonds. Mrs. M. C. McKinley of Sunny-side 85 c cannery, arrived in the city H. LTD. G, HELGERSON, on last night's train. Phone 00 210 Oth St. Rupert Table Supply Co. All material for any kind of a PHONES 211,212 uilding can bo furnished by Al jert & McCaffery, Ltd. tf lvo $5.85 shoo specials for REX BEACH'S STORY Princs Rupert Dry Dock 8 Engineering Co. Wednesday morning shoppers. Both invictus shoes Wallace's. "THE NE'ER DO WELL" Boats of size Docked A. Mackie has returned to the any Play by Famous Author at the city and will rcsumo his former Empress Theatre Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. duties in tho fisheries olllco here. Tonight. Several boats can te docked together on one small Major j. II". McMullin, govern section, making fees ' light. Large slock of repair ment agent, sailed for Victoria Th9 hero in "The Ne'er, Do materials is being laid in. last night on the Prince George. Well" is Kirk Anthony, a college graduato and veteran football Keep your curtains new " A Ilex lieach story is always player and coach of his University Foundry Work good. "The No'er Do Well" at the team. Clean, cfcxinty curtains add greatly to Castings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Empress tonight is the best of On the evening following a the charm of the home. Reasonable Prices. lot. I football victory, the last of tho Lux adds season. Kirk and others start out greatly to the charm of the curtains. Mrs. A. Carss, accompanied by h colobrato. Lata that nieht he Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds her daughter Mrs. WilsonJeft on finds himself on shipboard and They are never quite so pretty as when the "George" last night for Van- when ho awakens ho is without they have been washed with Lux. Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries couver. Iriion'ev or bairfifasro. Durlnsr tho Solicited. inrntrn Kirk Imnnmoa npniininfpd Lux is an unequalled washing preparation in the form of fine flakes. Every particle is delicate Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. sand at lh Westholme. when the Courlandt whom ho learns lo big serial 'Lightning Raider' ( ai and transparently pure. Every particle mire very mucli. one is really a opens saves you labour and preserves the fabrics. Lux diplomatic agent of great in gives a lather rich and creamlike. fluence. Before buying a piano get Ono day while Kirk is.out hunt .r prices'on Gerhard Heintzman, and For curtains,Wt an J all Jaoraliant thai ho meets in forest bower ing a a Evans Bros. pianos. Singer Shop, pvri tealer ibelf may touch use Lux. TO SUBSCRIBERS Spanish girl, who is known only M. I STEPHENS 329 Second Ave. 20 as Chiquita. He. falls desperately LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. TORONTO. Subscribers to The News Women's patent colt button in love with her and tries vainly 60 NOTARY PUBLIO are asked to pay tho delivery boot, plain toe, Louis heel. Regu to discover her identity. boys .each month lar price $9.50; Wednesday morn The story of his making good, when they call, except , ing So.Bo. Wallaces. 18 of his winning of Chiquita des SPECIAL where 'payment has been pite tho counter plottings of Mrs. made for the year in advance. The remarkable durability of Courlandt, and of the clearing of The boys when the Heintzman & Co. piano makes his name is an intense ono of tho Modern House of Apartment collecting cany oincial receipts it easily a better investment than real Rex Beach variety. It is to two 5-rdorhed with flats, which shouFd always a cheap piano at any price. It be shown at the Empress Tonight. harbor view be preserved. Tho Canadian Fish & Cold Stor- $5500.00 "THE MARRIAGE age Co.'s halibut fishing schooner RING," Eight-roomed house, modern .. Carruthers arrived in port Friday ENID BENNETT STAR n : i i t 1 3 blocks from post office w i-ruvmuiui uuvernineni em with .a catch of 40,000 lbs. Seasonable ployment Bureau and Soldiers footwear $3250.00 Civil He-establishment; tempor Tho Andrew Kelly owned artd Serial Commences Today at the ary Olllco 621 Second Avenue, operated by the Canadian Fish & Westholme With Pear) White Prince Rupert. Employers having Cold Storage Co., Ltd., left for the In Chief ftole.. acancfes for men and women In fishing banks...this morning. Wo arc now showing a complete line of Summer siencai, ractory, domestic on The admirers of sweet Enid Footwear and Girls. for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys M. M. Women's extra kid Stephens fine boot, jther work should apply to above Bennett will turn out in force Our slock has been carefully selected and is up-lo-date Cravenet top, new Cuban, heel. Phone 553. tf when that popular and talented LOANS - REWMIS'-INSURANCE Regular price 88.50; special Tues star appears at the Westholme In every detail. A number of people have ad- lay and Wednesday"morning $5.85 Theatre tonight in her newest NEW OXFORDS NEW PUMPS, JUST ARRIVED 'ertised furniture for sale in this Wallace's. 118 photoplay, "The Marriage Ring.' We carry a full range of Tennis Outing Shoes in all styles paper and they have had dozens L. M. Fuller of Fuller's Grocery It is safe to say that Miss Ben FOOTWEAR IS OUR SPECIALTY of customers as a result. Some nctt's portrayal in this produo For Your left for Vancouver and Victoria AT THE tion is one of the best of her people want to keep their furni- last night on the Prince George ure. They do not advertise. on a business trip for a week or screen career. ten days. The personality of. Miss Ben Family Shoe Store W. Angus and wife are visitors nett serves to emphasize the ar in town from Anyox. Mr. and Mrs. John Dawson of tistry of her impersonation of Calgary arrived last night on a the role of Anne Mortons, the girl Third Avenue PLASTER Ask for Atkins' Sausages. tf short visit tn Mr. n.awsnn'f. who or a scounureny gammer anu GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM brother Fred and Mrs. Dawson of all-round crook who employs her Fifth Ave. las a tool in fleecing wealthy men The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 CEMENT Tfin litf'-.' rn.WW gi nccicv WWII. whom he entices Into his irct A building permit was issued to Vhn conscience awakens she re Building FOR SALE Large Taylor safe in S. Dawson last Saturday by the solves to quit her environment good condition. Phono 70. tf city engineer for an addition to and this results in a quarrel with his varanda of his residence on her husband. Ho threatens to THE NEW SPHINX. Materials 5lh Ave., W., to the value of $100. kill her and in a struggle over a revolver the weapon is discharged The Prince Albert arrived from and the man falls apparently COME TO WESTHOLME Vancouvor yesterday with a full dead. cargo, including some material There will also be shown tho Albert S McCaffery, Ltd. TONIGHT for the drydock. She will leave first 'episode of "Lightning Raid for tho Queen Charlotte Islands er" with peerless, fearless Pearl Phone 116 and 564. on Wednesday. White as star. Office, Second Avenuo, Next Lieut. A. L, Roberson, II. N., ac Launch "Provincial" leaves for Westholme Theatre. companied by Mrs. Roberson, ar- Slcwart and way points every nveu in wwn iasi nigm on ine Friday morning at 0, carrying train from Great Britain and mail, passengers and. freight were met by a large number of friends, Phone Red 391, A. Swanson. If fit THE Peerless, fearless Pearl White, ECONOMY STO E the queen"Lightning or tho serial Raider"kingdom,and the in Houses For Sale charming Paramount star Enid IS- ' Bennett in "The Marriage Ring" Phones 18 and 36 at the Westholme tonight. Good five-room house in NQ 417 6th Ave, Section Six SI,300.00 QUESTIONS Mrs. W. J. Pitman left for Vancouver Seize l'im9 by the Forelock, last night on the Prince Two modern houses in ANSWEREp Call or Phone Now for George to meet her faiher, John Section Five, five rooms and PURITY FLOUR Lawson, who was overseas with bath, each, $3,600 a forestry corps and who has just Modern house, Section 5, 49.1b Sacks, $2.90 returned, after eighteen months' foii rooms and bath $2,700 Purity Wheatlets service. V in Victory Bonds Provincial Government bought at 5-lb Sacks, 45c Bureau and Soldiers'Employ-nent Civil highest market prices. Economy Store, Phone one IN lo-Establlshment, temporary of- IT? I ight, uce oji becond Avenue. Prince Purchase htr and be up. "The Rupert. Returned soldiers', men McCaffery, Gibbons to-date. and women requiring nmnlnv. sit nent of any kind should register & Doyle, Ltd. ith tho above, No fees chanted. Iteallem Grocery Company Marriage Ring" Phone 553?p, O. drawer 1074. Insurance Real Estate Ne LTD. Subscribe for The Daily Tho best suit oases Evelelah'a. Prince Rupert, B. C. Agent J. F, Magulre, Smith Blook. The Leading Daily of Northern British Loiu 1