LgutlT Library r For rjRSt ORMESLIIVIITED AID KITS Bicycles and Repairs fo If salt workmen's requirements Com. DAILY NEWS Parts " pens"0" PRINCE RUPERT AUTO pnonesf82and200 707.Second Avenue PHONE 75 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENT FOCH'S MILITARY PLANS DEEP SEA PIER ALDERMEta TWO DOMINION MINISTERS ON WAY ARE LAID BEFORE COUNCIL TO BE BUILT WARMED UP AND TO WINNIPEG TO RESTORE ORDER OF FOUR IN EVENT OF WAR HERE THIS YEAR MAKE CHARGES (Special lo The Newty.fla O.T.p. Teleg-raptu.) Ottawa, May 20. Hon. G D. Robertson, Minister of Labor, rERMANY WILL BE GIVEN EXTENDED TIME TO ANSWER Captain Nicholson of G. T, P. Alderman Rochester Complains of and Hon. Arthur Meighen, Minister of the Interior, left for Winnipeg YES" OR "NO" REPRESENTATIONS BEING Steamships sas Another Wharf A Vote Being Railroaded yesterday morning. There, they will take the strike situation MADE BY THE POPE REGARDING Also Needed for Increasing Through at Former in hand and endeavor to restore ordor. MODIFICATIONS Traffic Meeting. Accurate word of what was happening in the beleaguered city Work A somewhat heated discussion is awaited here with considerable anxiety. During yesterday (Special to Tbe JVews via 0. T. P. Telegrnpns.) unit of on the construction deep-sea piers of ono in took place at the Council meeting among the members and in iht corridors of Parliament it was the Paris, May 20. Marshal r'och is ready for any warlike steps Prince Rupert, in conformity with last night over the action of the topic of eager discussion. . .... that maybe necessary. at.me uogue ti pians, will ne iUiii-f.Council at a nrevious meetinc., a in Reports of the establishment of a soviet government have no I inPnnoinn Mm cnln-., r 'I' t . ToJay AiarSHUl ruin mm unuic uunutM ui ruur Ills jnuu menced this year. according to oamiv ui j. confirmation, so far as official advices are concerned. for military operations that are to be put into euecl m case of Hie information given by Captain wuui;aii,So aupsrinienaeni oi uiui-ties.. Winnipeg, May 20. The strike here is more serious than at Nicholson of the G. T. P. Steamship warm and personal was firman planipotenlinries declining to sign the peace treaty, Service to the Vancouver the discussion that the mayor had first reported. Business is at a standstill and generally speaking the conference between Marshal Koch and the Council to off from the rest of the 4fler Province. This unit will cost request aldermen to address Winnipeg is a city cut world. of Four, President Wilson had a talk with General Pershing. It 3500,000, and will be constructed the chair and not talk across the became known later that Oerenal Pershing's visit to London may at l'airvicw. It will Include 5a room to each other. PROPERTY LOSS The matter was introduced by double-decked i poslponed in order 10 awaii developments warehouse tho M only one in British Columbia-,.-Alderman Rochester who said he RETURNED SOLDIERS A Extended. Time ! and full equipment for handling' understood that the Utilities Committee 8AILORS Germans probably will IN BIG FIRE Ihe PREPARATIONS had recommended an increase . end of the first cargo. the lave until -yes It is also altogether likely that to $250, and when it came Don't forget the banquet rcel in June to say signature or to no the ) the G. T. P, will build another to the Council it was changed to to Lieut.-Col. Peck, V. C, AT EDMONTON regarding their j $275. D. S. and John TO ENTERTAIN coastwise pier, 1000 feet long, to O., Capt. peace treaty. handie coast trafilc. The expec Alderman Mcltae, chairman of McGregor, V.C., M.C., D. Tiie German counter proposals the committee, said they were C. M., Wednesday next lalion is that 750.000 of on elaborate cases Damage Yesterday Afternoon Is are expected to be so undecided as to the amount, but at 8:15 Tickets $2. COLONEL PECK Alaska p.m that If submitted salmon will be handled at Estimated at $35,000 In South ,nd voluminous when they met second time a they Hand in your names to the Prince Rupert this and the the year, 8lde of city. limit for by May 2-, the lima were unanimous in regard to the committee. is making this reply, the inter-allied company prepare-tfcm Ocrnan Round of Events on Four Days on to handle it. recommendation. (Special via O.T.P. Telegraphs.) their finish delegates can scarcely Alderman McMeekin said the Which He Is Expected Edmonton, May 20. Property before Juno 1. consideration utilities had been put on a paying to be Here. loss resulted from wind-swept Rome, May 20. -Responding to NINE CATCHES OF basis and the superintendent thought it queer the committee a fire on the south side of the city. u appeal from the entire German should be well paid for it. did not find out about the value Lieut-Col. Peck is expected to HALIBUT SELL TODAY The damage will exceed $35,000. Episcopate. Pope uencaict is Rates Were Raised. of Mr. Duncan until they came to arrive hero on Wednesday morn Blackened shells of offices and a:.. .Iflno tn hpfner rpnrpspn I n I Alderman remarked that " Casey the Council Chamber. He had r " ,rn:r, i ,," ing and to remain here for the charred piles of debris represent r Higher Prloes Paid for Halibut the paying basis was reached by seen tho minute book and it plainly . 'remainder of the week. Subject ing a property loss of at least tn n, .nnrr..,.., n Vesta Sells 7,000 Pounds raisLig the rales. He thought showed that the recommendation ' . iu ilia $35,000 are the aftermath of a i uiuiiutiuu itic iuiiumu la of Salmon. 25 rather much of an advance, decided on was $250. Why . '. ... on n ni, 'the schedule which has been ar fire which swept its way through til least .$2o too much, but he the change was made he had no i ranged locally: a portion of the business section dorff-Ranliau and eleven prominent Nine catches of halibut sold at supyci-ed the aldermen had their idea. He believed in paying a man I Wednesday Banquet by Great on Whyte Avenue Monday after members of the German the fish exchange this morning at v. ( pen when they did it and all ho was worth, but they had an , War Veterans.. noon and was only checked by the peace dele&ation with their bag the following prices: ho would not take any further expert here who did not agree 1 Thursday Ball at Prince Ru herculean efforts of the entire pge left here for Berlin. Treo with 15,000 lbs, and Viking, action in the matter. with Mr. Duncan and it was found pert Club. fire fighting equipment of the city Austria's Case. 5,000, at 13c. and 12.6c. to Alderman Perry referred to the that tho expert was right. He FridayBanquet by Tsimpspcn after it had developed into one of Viscount Milner, Britisli Min the Pacific Fisheries, Ltd. superintendents at Anyox and charged that the committee had ami Tyee Lodges of Masons. the most 'dangerous and damaging ister lot the Colonies, will preside jTho Maghnel, 7,000, and Gyoa, Ocean Falls each getting $300 seen a chance lo railroad the.vote in the of tho i?a turday Canadian.Club lunch fires history TEfrTJek at Tie meetings or iho 13,000 at 12.9c. and i,2.(5c. to the and a free house. through and ha. objected to what f v south"-sido. The origin of tho flra m, mission appointed by r iho p. Pacific Fisheries, Ltd. Alderman MeRae said hat Mr. lie cnaraclerized as snarp prao Monday Entertainment by tin is a mystery. peate confer mce to examine the The Markwell, 6,000: N. & S Duncan was earning $275 and lice." Unionist Association. Italian 'on.al claims. Henri 7,000; Wanderer, 0,000; Satsuma they should pay it to him When Why the Change. stock of white shoes The banquet Wednesday will Complete Simon anj Frr.nch Colonial Min on 2,700, and the Clara N., 2,500, at he had left tho employ of tlie city Alderman Perry saw no reason bo held at tho Hotel Central end high or low heels Family Shoe ister and Signor Crespi of Iho 13c. and 12.Cc. per lb, to Booth. the profits dropped and when he why tho members of the com Store. tf Italian delegation are also mem-teri will bo a pretentious affair. Fisheries, Ltd. returned the profits increased milteo should not cnange tneir of the commission. Tho ball on Thursday is for Salmon. He was a good conscientious minds if they wished. The oldest Canadian Life Co. members of the club and their Tb Italians request the in-itrtion The Vesta sold 6,000 lbs. of red worker and was doing good ser "Why did you changeT" in wives. The tables are to bo taken rhe Canada, J. F. Mag u I re, Agent. m the peace treaty of a salmon and 1,100 of whites at ice. 'They were iot paying him quired Alderman Rochester. wiise providing for tho return of out of the billiard room and the 12.20c. for the reds and 1.40 per more than ho earned. "Because we had a right to,' fl art treasui ' removed by the floor well prepared. The West-holme lb. for the whites to the Inverness The Minute Book. was the reply. iostrians, Theatre orchestra has cannery. Alderman Rochester said he Alderman McRae suggested that SPECIAL MEETING been engaged for tho event nnd to exchange of credentials took under a former regime some peo JlM between tho Austrian peaco every preparation made for a hig ple were getting concessions they Ration and the Allied powers tvent. AUSTRALIAN AVIATORS ARE were not entitled to and Alderman G.W.V.A. I 3:30. p. m. veslerdnv. Rochester knew it. - Alderman Casey wanted to know ' e PROBABLY LOST-NO WORD whv the advance dated back to NOTICE will be held MAX March 1. HEILBRONER Alderman McRae explained that Tuesday, May 20 Reliable Jeweler tho The Prince annual Rupert meeting Musical of OF THEM HAS BEEN RECEIVED dated it was back becauss to that the time.-application Important Business diamonds, Watches, Clocks Society will be held on All members requested to attend c"t the 27th day of Glass, Tuesday Sllverwaro, Ivory (Special to The News via O.T. P. Telcirraplis.' PORCUPINE WIPED Umbrella, May, at 8 p. m. in the Coun Community Plate, There is of the Aus news London, May 20. (Noon). no cil Chamber at the City Comir 3rd . , 6th e,,,, Hall. tralian aviators and it is thought that they have been lost, unless OUT BY BIG FIRE Business: To receive the they have been picked up in any of tho smaller coasting boats. WANTED ' financial report; to re-cnroll The sea is being thoroughly searched for any trace of them. (Special by O. T. P. 1 elegrapns.) old members, and Cobalt, May 20. Word ha 20. London 10 Muckers London, spent' May to elect officers for the in lenso wait Monday wa boisterous with rain ht eh received here that a larg yesterday suspense part of Porcupine has been wiped 50c hr. coming and has year. ing tho result of Hawker's bold haze. The Admiralty per Evcryono interested in attempt to fly across tho Atlantic sent out all the ships possible to out by fire. tho society is invited to in search for tha aviators. and after a day of anxious "Tho Second Coming of Christ" attend, and new membors and unverified rumorsj Washington, M a y 20. The will be welcomed. quiries speculations tho fate of tho steamship Iona picked up the is the subject, illustrated by tho i J.' R. MORGAN, LTD. FOR . and use of a large chart, on which QUALITY C. C. PERRY, Hawker and United States airship N.C. 1 in gallant aviators Rouse each nigitt at Drydock J. speaks RCE Secretary-Treasurer. the Azores. The the .A.ND SATISFACTION still unknown. The ocean near Grieve was Corner of Cth Ave. and Fulton "uara leenc.e, No, 10-7340. fato of Hawkor and Grieve cannot N.C. 3 is still missing and N. C. St. All welcome. U bo definitely stated and last night i is still at Azores. Popta Delgara, Azores, May 20. it was impossible even to assert William Brown brought Mm! fli m'auhino found at sea Tho ti, C. 1 fell into the sea was two hours outsido the islands. beforo Mayor McClymont this WESTHOLMp Empress Theatre was nawKer s. - . morning in tho police court : The weather off the Irish coast The airship carried a crow of six charged with being drunk and men and 1.G3C gallons of gasoline. fined $10. j!l2Hy and Tuesday No Advanced Price DOUBLE ATTRACTION St. John'i, May 20. Two aviators Prince Rupert wero. injured when the Mar-tynside 1,000 tons Ladysmlth Coal, the ENID BENNETT EXTRA SPECIAL ATTRACTION jest on the Paclflo Coast, Just to plane in an attempt Dainty Inee-Paramount Star make a get away on Sunday. arrived. Send your orders to the charming exemplar of the beauty Selig PrcienU Spruce Mills, U'i rlnce Rupert Coal Co. Phone 16. of Australasian women in New York, May 20. There is the SEAL COVE MILL an unoillcial report that tho Hawker : The Marriage Ring' Ne'er-Do-Wef land,machine has arrived at Ire. "DEMER8" This plant is now operating, Peerless, Fearless London, May 20. Hawker and and their agents we in as position to deliver his companion have not been of. Special discount on' all PEARL WHITE Rx Beach's aro a of dimension, flcially heard from since starting trimmed hats. Queen of the Serial Kingdom marvellous story of love and romance all kinds shiplap, spruco double dressed en thoi.- daring night. Make your choice while in the 1st Episode of featuring . . there is a nice assortment and rustic NOTICE The Lightning Raider KATHLYN WILLIAMS Ask for our prices. on hand. Special meeting of Trades and Children's Hats, Bonnets the most Interesting and exciting Showin And All-Star Spoiler Cast Labor Council will be held in the and Infants' Coats, at serial ever produced lntermim,ni8t,rue,V?n ot tho Kreat canal, rugged life in Panama, Albert&McCaffery Carpenters' Hall Tuesday, May 20. Special Prices. with a beautiful story of love and romance. LTD. Business Cdmmittee's report on Admission, 15c. and 30c. plan of organization of O. B. U. COME AND 8EE WllfllSSlON, I5c and 30c InrlndiM u t 9 shnui5 7 and 9 Phones 564 and 116 All workers urged to attend. Shows 7.15 and 9.15 SECRETARY, 18 w