rage 2 tue oailv MKwa. Tuesday, Mny 1919. ' . PRINCE The RUPERT Dailv- BRITISH News COLUMBIA To Make Your To Prospective Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Book BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F.-PULLEN, Managing Editor. More Enjoyable WATER ACT, 1914. niPAIUAN IUGHTS Feeling that it is up to us to assist in the Housing ment wo will -quote rock bottom f, 0Vc-lerial under tbe prices that .NOTICE Is hereby given on anv SUBSCRIPTION RATES: You should be able to see the provisions of Section 6 of the Water Act. and supplies handled by us, such m!U easily and without and claiming as - type strain, 1014, every riparian proprietor City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. lo follow thfough page alter pare any right lo divert water or to the ei Electrical material of all descriptions, includin elusive use of water ror any purpose by lings and Fixtures, By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance; per year $6.00. without effort. virtue only of his being such riparian proprietor Lamps, Wire of all kinds 1 Is required on or before the llrst Conduit, Electric heaters and mantels, AutomnL ,pe A Might rhuure la rlasses To United States and other in your day of June. 19(0, to file a statement of r, countries, advance, $7.50. may make h 'remarkable difference claim selling forth the particulars or bis llangcs, etc., Galvanized and black iron Steam and i 5 ,r,c in your mdlnj. claim. Such statements of claim shall be Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Iladiators nied In duplicate with the Water Recorder and We hare the necessary Instruments of the Water District In which the water Covering, Wood Stavo Pipe, Uoechk's Paint v ".'uIjpe DAILY EDITION. 1919. Tuesday, May 20, and experience to tell If Is diverted or used. ' you Kalsomino Urushes of all kinds. ADer the first day of June, 1980, no Hardwood Lumber l you need any chanre. right to divert water or to tbe exclusive Ash, Maple, Teak and Gum. Structural n.? ' I Steel u.e of water for any purpose, shall exist nnrt Our fleet are fair and reason, of of land. Ornamental Iron Work, Firo Oriental Question by virtue only any ownership Escapes, etc. Rex Fi.nii , able. Forms or statement of claim can be ob-alned Under Discussion. from the Water Recorders of the Hoofing -the Very Uest Made. Manilla and Wire none 7 , several Water Districts In the Province or Cable. Derrick Castings jiud Contractors' The labor speaker at the Westholme Theatre on Sunday said rom' the Comptroller of Water nights, supplies John Bulger parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. We also handlo Goodyear Mechanical some things which no politician would have dared lo say to the Rubber this tllh Dated at Victoria, B.C., day workers. lie told' his hearers that he favored the admission of Jeweler or March, 1919. including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Hose TnH Orientals to this province under proper conditions. What he was T. D. Minister PATTULLO.of Lands. Weslinghouso Electrical equipment, including Moto', apparently meaning was that as long as there was ignorance and The Store of Worth and Generators, Transformers and all other Electrical Paul a low standard of living in an country of theglobe there could Beauty. ment. Being direct factory representatives, wo are able t not be complete freedom in any other. No nation can live to itself make very attractive prices. any more than can any person live to himself. The policy of hedging the country in and picking the immigrants may be all Salvation Army. Prince Rupert Supply right as a temporary policy, tut eventually all nations have to be Public meetings, Tuesdays, Co., Ltd. educated up to the others and their standards of living raised else Thursdays) and Saturdays at 8 p Fourth Street, oil Third Avenue. there can be no true democracy. . Sundays at ?:30 p. in. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS P. O. Box 772 Phone Black 389 To bring about a condition like that mentioned is of course ideal. It is only necessary to travel through Asia to see how im mere may pa somctning you WATER IUGHTS BRANCU raense is the gulf between those countries and ours. Only the want. Sec the classillod column "WATER ACT 1914." visitor to Japan, to China, to India and to Egypt can realize what on Page 5. Cancellation or reserve or water the problem is. 'While Japan is further advanced than any of the NOTICE Is hereby given that Ills Honor LAND IlEGISTRV ACT. be Lieutenant Governor or urttisn col urn Mrs. Smeeton's other countries, judging from appearances, even there the life la. by and wim the advice or his Execu of the people is crude and in China it is repulsive. The brotherhood (Sections 36 and 134.) tve Council, has been pleased to order: THAT pursuant to the provisions of Select ave i our of mankind is'a nice thing to talk about, and it is possible Re Application .No. 10.607-1. rile 8.100 eetlon S9 of the "Water Act. 1914" being that there will time when nations will be able to deal with TAKE .NOTICE that application has been :bapter 81 or the statutes or 1914, that FROM come a made to register Thomas Nc.Mananion, of he reserve of tbe unrecorded waters of Lunch & Tea Rooms each other as equals, but it will be several generations lo come Prince Itupcrt. B. C. as owner id fee un lefuire creek, established pursuant der a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of )rdcr !n Council No. 88, approved on the and in the meantime there is & vast work to be done. tne city or prince nupert, bearing date 7 th day or January, 1919. be cancelled. the 10th day of Lecember, 1918. of ALL DATED tbls 17lh day or February, 191V Wash Main AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract I. U. I'Al IULLU, 3Q9 Second Avenue, West. Day Objection or land and premises situate, lying and Minister or Lands. To Asiatic Races. being In the city of Prince Ruperf, more particularly known and described as Lot Lunches, Ice NOTICE OP CANCELLATION RESERVE Teas, The main objection to Orientals in this country is that they .Nineteen (19), Block forty-two (it). OF cream, work for low wages and live under conditions to which a white section You are eigm reaulred(si, i.Map to contest v3). the claim NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the re Soft Drinks. of the lax purchased within 33 days from serve existing over Lot 418, Queen Char Home - Made Bread, Cakes, maii does hoi care to descend. The tendency is to lower the the date of the service of this notice lolte Islands, by reason of a notice pub Worries standard of living and to give employees a whip with which to (which may be effected by publication In July,lished 1808,In tbe J J B.cancelled.C Gazette on tbe 30th of Pies, Salad Dressing, Jams, a dally and attention Is newspapers, your flav those who show a spirit of independence. This is an un called to section 35 of the "Land Registry U. Jl. 7l ADL.N, Marmalades, Chutney, Etc. answerable objection and one which the speaker on Sunday night lng Act"extract witn amendments,therefrom: ana to the rouow .anils Department,Deputy Minister of Lands, Famous Melton Mowbray Save her from the back taw, for he qualified his statement hy suggesting that Ins pro "and in dcrault or a caveat or cer-tliicate Victoria. B. a. Pies. aches of the or lis pendens being filed be-fore 6th March. 1919. Ml old fashioned nosal was only to be considered under proper conditions. the registration as owner of the We in British Columbia are on the border line between the person entitled under such tax sale, MINERAL ACT. I Picnic Partieateredfoj washboard. all persons so served with notice. Occident and the Orient and the Oriental question is naturally a and those claiming through Give her an very important one here. "We probably have a duty to perform in or under any Interest them, and in tbe all persons land by claiming virtue CERTIFICATE,NOTICE.OF IMPROVEMENTS. educating the races across the ocean and helping to bring them or any unregistered Instrument, and Utile Joker. Mineral 11111. Midas. Look in line with our own standards. To what extent we should sacri all the persons land by claiming descent any whose Interest title in Is lonal ut. Mystery,Mineral Midas Claims,Lake situate Frac.In Pass-tbe Frac Port Hotel Prince Rupert ELECTRIC fice our own comfort and wel. being in carrying out this program of not this registered Act, shall under be for tbe ever provisions estopped ana tanai Mining Division or cassiar dis Ys not very clear. All reforms are brought about by sacrifice and and debarred from setting up any trict.Where located: Ou tbe East salmon claim to or In respect of the land so there must always in every age be saviors, sometimes individual sold ror taxes, and the Registrar River till Valley."VI 1 1 1 L ihat I II I:ii n , .I EUROPEAN PLAN WASHING men or women and sometimes groups of.nations. shall such register tax tbe sale person as owner entitled of under the ng as agent ror L. Wstklns, F. M. C. No, $1.50 per day and up. 16349-C; C. D. Carter, F. M. C. No. 9.588 land so sold for taxes." R. M. Martin. F. M. C. No. 0.587-C: II is Prince AND WHEREAS application has been Rupert J. Fetter. F. M. C. No. 9.597-Cl II. E FIRST-CLASS CAFE male ror a certificate or inaereasihie Title F. M. C. No. 9,598-C; Martin Carlton, MACHI A Wicked Town. to the above-mentioned lands, in the name A La Carte. Welch, F. M. c. No. 9.S99-C. Intend, slity The morality of Prince Rupert was mentioned at the City of AND Thomas WHEREAS Mc.Manamon on Investigating tbe days rrom the date hereof, to apply to tbe Council meeting last "night wnen Alderman Kirkpalnck brought title-it appears that prior to the loth .day provements,Mining necoraer ror tbe ror purpose a uertincate or obtaining or im i ..j;. or October. 1917 (the date on which the ;imii .mmiw viiur i tii a u vvn. ud the question of the proper enforcement of the Prohibition said lands were sold for overdue taies), a crown urani or tne anove ciaim. " o Act. She charged that Ihe'cify had' a bad reputation. The mayor you were toe assessed owner inereor. der And section rurther.take 83, must notice be commenced that action,before un your life partner. There is FL'ltTIIEH TAkE .NOTICE that at tbe St. James Hotel on the other hand defended the town and intimated that conditions same tune I shall effect registration in provements.me issuance or sucn cernncate or im NO necessity for rubbing pursuance of such application and issue a here were not any worse than at other places, probably Certincate of Indefeasible Title to the said uaiea tnis tin aay or jturcn, a. v. iviv "QUEENS") small (LATE the skin her A. II. UHKt.N. from not so bad. lands in the name of Thomas McManamon Both Mrs. Kirkpatrick aid the mayor have their backers. In proceedings unless you take to and establish prosecute your the claim.proper If WATER NOTICE FIIIST CLASS ROOMS hard working fingers, and a town like this we are apt to know pretty much everything that any, to the said lanls, or to prevent such DIVERSION AND USE Hot and Cold Water. thank proposed action on my part. she will you. goes on, whereas in a big city the bad is hidden from the good uatea at me una negistry umce, rrince unpen, v. u., tnis tun cay or April, I9iv. TALE NOTICE that Hume B. Bablngton, and vice to extent. We ail know that is AROUND versa a very large liquor II. t. WAULtUU, whose address Is box 84 8 rrince Rupert, BRING HER being sold here in large quantities and there are occasionally District Registrar or Titles. B. C, will apply ror a licence to take and To E. II. Pacey, use two cubic feet per second or water to inspect this modehvash-ing drunken men on the street. It is possible that conditions could Prince Rupert. B. C out or an unnamea stream, wnicn now: PREMISES MOVED be improved if an honest attempt were made lo dp so. On the south and drains Into Houslunr Bay. Lan machine. Notice ot Intention to Apply to purchase gara Island, near the S. W. corner or Lot other hand it is probable that we are not" any worse than other una. 998. The water will be diverted rrom tbe M. T. LEE places. For those wHo have not lived in other places within the In Range 3. Coast Land District.. Record stream at a point about twenty cbalns Inst two years it is difficult to judge. At any rate it is to be hoped lng District or Prince Hnperj, and situate north or the s. W. corner or Lot 998, and Pattinson & Ling at Jenny bay, Deane Channel. B. C will be used ror domestic and steam nur LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S that the laws will be enforced by the proper authorities and that TAKE MOTICE that I, James Z. Hall, or poses upon the land described as Lot 998 Vancouver, B. c, occupation baker and Uueen Charlotte Land DIsrticL MERCHANT TAILOR Prcrr its not become the cities of the coast. Temporary we may a by-word among Soldier, Intend to apply ror permission to This notice was posted on tbe ground purchase the lollowing described lands: on the Stb day or April. 1919. A copy or 311 Second Avenue, near 331 Second Avenue Commencing at a post planted 10 cbalns this notice and an application pursuant normeny oi a. w. cor. r. 1 ;io. ill: mere io ana to tne -water Act, ivii, . . Second Street Opposite . . Next to Singer Shop thence easf. 40 chains; thence south 20 will be filed In the omce of the Water Dr. kergin's. cbalns; thence west 40 chains more or less Recorder at rrince Rupert. B. C. PHONE 590 to shore line; thence northerly SO chains, Objections to the application may be Phone Red 136 P.O. Box 877 Prince Rupert Music Store more or less, following shore line to point filed with the said Water Recorder or with or commencement and containing 80 acres the Comptroller or Water nights. Par OPPOSITE POST OFFICE more or less. ment Buildings, Victoria, B. C, within JAMES Z. HALL, thirty days alter tbe llrst appearance or WILL Per William A. Bauer, Agent. tnis noiH-e in a local newspaper. EDMUNDS, Proprietor Dated 31 March, 1818. HUME B. BABl.NQTON. Applicant Tbe date of tbe first publication of this "Everything in Music." Notice of Intention to Apply to purchase nntire is way io, ibis. Theo Coliart LATEfT POPULAR SONQS AND DANCES, VICTROLAS Land. AND VICTOR RECORD8 In Range 8, Coast Land District. Recording GOAL Repair; to Phonographs, Violins, Etc Bows rebalred. uisf.rlct or Prince Rupert, and situate at k'oeye. Flu Hugh Sound, B. C. M tsAJItl VOtCA Woodwind instruments repadded and adjusted. REAL ESTATE TAKE NOTICE that !, Marshall Beek or BARGAINS th -:! mmi , Prince Ruptrt Academy of Muslo In Connection Vancouver, B. C, occupation soldier. Intend and t Screened With th. Store. to apply Tor permission lo purchase the following described lands: In Crepe de Chine and INSURANCE Sacked The Largest Stock of Pianos and Commencing at a post planted at southwest Organs corner lot 8, thence east to cbalns; Georgette I Want Your Listings. Delivered J North.of Vancouver tbence south SO. chains: thence west 40 chains, more or less, to shore line; tbence Westholme Theatre Block. The Heintzman & Co. Piano northerly and easterly along shore line SO The Weber Piano chains, more and or containing less, to point 80 acres,of more commencement, Silk WAISTS Phone Red 3S7 P. O. Box 1 $13.00 Thomas Organs MAH3IIALL, I3EEK, Per William A. Bauer, Agent. AH High-grade Guaranteed Instruments Dated C.h April, 1818. per ton W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. LAND ACT Worth $10.95 ET VAUUnAll T ATT1 OA M Expert Piano Players Tuning a Specialty arid Trpairing, Notice Recording In Queen of Intention District Charlotte to of Islands Apply Skeena,to Land Lease and District,situate Land. Now $3.95& $4.95 Terminal Coal Co. ; In tho vicinity or Indian Reserve No. 16, . L SIC 7 Lan gara Island. Ofne Phon., Prince Rupert Music Store Take notice that CUfton P. Rlel, of New Shipment, in Ladies' Coats v.rd Phons, Black B1 nunc siui'cri, uniiaii uoiumDia, occupa CANCELLATION OF RESERVE tlon manager, Intends to apply for Dermis and Dresses, . J Slon to lease the rnl1nu'ina Hoii.a lands: v, New York Styles in Dolmans and Commencing at a Dost nlanteri it nnnh. NOTICE IS HEREBY OlVEN that the re- west corner or Indian Reserve number 18, Capes. erve eilstlnar over vacant Crown Land In thence one hundred and the vicinity or Chelaslle Itlver. lunge 4, nrty feel more or less In southwesterly dirertlnn In Inw urn.. Coast District, by reason or a notice pub lished in the British Columbia Gazette or mai, iiicmu jvu icei weiieny along low LONGfLL Edward Lipselt, President Harry Lipsett, Manager ni.i.i lucutc jiunucny one nunareu G0LDBL00MS iClh May, I9I0,u.is 11.cancelled. STEEN & ic. uiuio ur less iu uign water mark: nftutii, Edward Cunningham, Vice-President Minister of Lands. i thence easterly 800 feet mnr nr iu Deputy ym m along high water mark to point ot commencement Third Ave. Department or Lsnas, M0 Victoria. B. C. -r.0 and containing SANITAR. two (3) acres 1 1 III March, i9t9. M 18 uiui e vi teas, Lipsett-Cutiningham & Co. Dated 8th April,CLIFTON 1910. P. RIEL. IN THE SUPREME CULUMUIA.COUflT OF BIUTISH ElVOINEEnS LAND ACT Agenta for IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMIKISTHA. ; , limited f7 Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. TIUN ACT ' FURNACM In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. The Gurvich and MoCt-ARY FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE Recording District or fiknna nri .f,.,., IN THE MATTEIl OF THE ESTATE OF on Langara Island. nOHEIlT A. UllAnl, UEtCASCU, in Take notice that Charles A. Coulson of TESTATE. Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories rort Clements, occupation mariner. Intends Transfer to apply for permission to lease the take NOTICE that by order or Ills Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage following I'cserlbed lands: Honour F. Men. Vounir made the I7ih day METAL WOKK . Commencing it a rmm niniai ,. or February, A. V. 1810, 1 was apnointeu SHEET PRINCE RUPERT, B, O. chains st of the N. W. corner or Indian Administrator to tne esme oi iwiwi ... c qqi Rprond Avenue. Reserve fo, 18; thence north- 10 chains: rirant fip(i nil all nartlea having thence west SO chains more or less to the Phono Green 548 claims against the said estate are hereby Jtegi8tered Office: Prince Rupert Office; yst boundary or Lot 875; thence south required to rurnlsh same, properly verified, Nipht Phones 10 chains more or less in nin."ih.nu P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser.St. to me on or before the 7th day or June, 68 Wuter Street, Telephone. No. 95 fI 'Dlf shorf to N.W. corner of 10 ID and all npirMpa, Indebted 10 the estate ..l .1 the no1 Indian Reserve No. lj thence east to are required to pay tbe amount of their Th0 rign"--hl Vancouver, A. C. P. O. Box 1698 point of commencement and eontalLlngio Indebtedness to me rorthwlth. prl. acres, mors or less. We : Sell : Coal JOHN II. MCMULLIil,Administrator. "0L"0"' omclal ..... t. ml PATE tbls 1st day ot May, 11.