Page T1IK DAI LI WEWtt Tuesday, May 20, 19 j 9. Firemen Got Advanco of $10 Each And Telephono Operators $5; City Hall New Schedule. Mis S. A. Wernicke of Certain advances in salaries Hilton, B.C., writes that she Is convinced Zam-Hok cared her were made by the City Council last when blood-poisoning set the -recommendations of arm night on In as result of an Injury She the various committees. The re says 1 How Returned Men Can committee recommending' "I was sewing when the port of the fire needle slipped -and penetrated an increase of 110 a my finger to the bone. Soon month front May 1 -was carried my finger and then my hand began to swell,.nnd became so without discussion. stiff that I could not use It. I The telephone committee re Bee Farmers teen me Hnx loin and tried rem. commended that the operators me ecljr after remedy. As each one failed I tried another, but my eet an increase of $5 a month and hand only got worse and the this was adopted. Alderman! poison spread right np my arm. Kirkpatrirk asked some questions Large lumps appearettfand the pain recommended its awful.Zam-Buk Then a friend and I suggested regarding the that salaries some were paid and not! t"pVERY returned man who wants to become a iarmer and is lost no time In trying it. It getting living The mayor wasn't long before the pain a wage. sliding qualified for that vocation can get real, practical help grew less and less, the lamps explained that there was a disappeared and then the swelling scale running from S40 a montli through the Soldier Settlement Board. was reduced. Zam-Duk for beginners up to over $70 a drew out all the poison and month and some got as high as then healing commenced. I continued using Zam-Buk until $90. The Government's programme maximum of $3,000 on a plan In addition to these advantages I was completely cured,and A recommendation for in includes: similar to the above for farm the Board has planned a system of am beci convinced for -this that wonderful If It hadn't balm creases for city hall employees 1)-The securing of land. equipment, live stock, and erection collective purchase, so that it can I should have lost my arm." was carried, the salaries to be as "of buildings, provided security guarantee settlers the best value No It matter should how have small immediate the Injury, follows: E. D. Johnson, $275; (2) The loaning of capital needed offered justifies the loan. obtainable anywhere in live stock, attentica If you would avoid II. V. Birch, 165;-A. Brooksbank, to purchase: equipment:and implements, lumber, and serious consequences. Apply $160; W. D. Vance, $155; E. S. Iivci stock, and erect buildings. other Zam-Buk ot once and you will Allistone, $155; E. A. Woods, To' Whom Granted needs. It will also assist soldier have nothing to car.- Zam-Buk settlers with advice and Is equally J forburns,scalds, 145: Miss Sullivan, sue: Miss supervision, goo cuts, eczema, ulcers, rashes, Verick, $65; John Exley, $100. (3) Agricultural training and r To be entitled to these privileges if necessary, in the management SOc bolls,box.arid piles. All dealers. The report advised giving the farm supervision. a man must have served with an of their activities, so that the anitor $95. but Alderman Casey best results will be obtained. honourable record in the Canadian, said he thought that was not a The -Loanc Gianted British Colonial forces Imperial, or rm a m at. living wage and in this he was supported by Alderman McMeekin. Loans may be approved by-the in an actual theatre of war or outside Where to Apply The original motion was then Loan Advisory Committee, according of. the country in which he ithdrawn and the report adopted to the needs of the' settler, enlisted (service in U.S. or Bermuda Apply to the Soldier Settlement as amended. on the following basis: not included). Others eligible are: Board in the Province in which you live. The address is given HAUFFERS WILL (1) Up to 1,500 on the purchase A British subject who lived in below. of land. , Canada before the War arid who "Mirro" PLAY TWO GAMES (2) Up to $2,000 on the purchase was on active service with the Allied of. live stock, implements "Forces in an actual theatre of war. ' Offices Cadets and High School to Meet BRITISH COLUMBIA and other equipment. A member of the.Canadian Expeditionary SuruiwriNDKNT, Sotdirr Smlrtnrnt Board. Same Team on Different Ptrabcrton Huildinj, VlCTotu, B.C Days (3) Up to $1,000 on the erection Force who served in SuriiiKTiKDiNT, Sotdirr Emitmtnt Board, Alumimon Rogers Building, VANcotrvsa, B.C of buildings and other permanent Canada only, but is in receipt of a ALBERTA The Chauffers baseball team improvements. -pension fcr.disability occasioned by ScriirxTKXDKMT.Edmonton Public Sotdirr Smltmrnt Board, Building, with Robert Arthur as captain, Edmonton, Alta. 'The first and third such service. ill play the Cadets in a game of are'rcpayable SurgMNTIHDCNT. Soldier Settlrmrot Board, baseball on Wednesday evening in twenty-five equal annual instal- These benefits are also granted Btverldge SASKATCHEWAN Building, Caloait, Alta. at the market square. The play- merits; the second in four equal to widows of such men. SvnaiNTINDiNT, Soldier Settleintnt Board. rs are: annual instalments beginning the Whitmor Block, Kecina, Sask, Serf MNTKNoa'irr, Soldier Settlement Board, Chauffers Catcher, H. Astoria; third year, no interest being charged Canada; Building, Saskatoon, Sajk. itcher, II. Lauder; 1st base, D. for the first two years. . A. Broad Policy ScnttxTNDxT,Empress Building,Soldier Pim:k Settlement ALsaur,Board,Sasc Graham; 2nd base, G. Tite; short MANITOBA stop, J. Karkle; 3rd base, It. Ar On all these loans the low interest AH soldiers whose best interests StjrilNTlDNT, Soldier Settlement Board, thur; right .field, .S. Weston; left r. rate of five per cent, will be charged. wilj be served by taking up farms liodertoq Building,ONTARIO WiNNtrio. Man. Held, F. Cameron; centre field, C. A cash payment of ten per cent, of will be assisted, Only suitable SoraaiNTtNDCNT, Soldier Settlement Buaid. Whatman. 33 Adelaide St. E.,Toronto, Ont, the purchase price will be required land will That is Cadets G. be) approved. QUEBEC Catcher, Hill; pitch- on the land but this may be Soldier Settlement Board, (a) land that is near to existing SuraaiirntxDINT, er, R. Smith; 1st base, G. Roberts Dramraond Bnilding. lloitnu Qi. waived the Board in 2nd base, E. Clapp; short stop, W by special railways or organized communities; SurciiNTgMOiNT. Soldier Settlement Board, Sun Ufe Building)buaaaaoon, Qcs. Reflects Good Mitchell; 3rd base, II. Frizzell; cases. - (b) land that will make money for NEW BRUNSWICK-Supiiuctindint. right field, J. Kelly;; centre field, i Qualified' settlers on Dominion thesoldier; (c) land that will provide Soldier Settlement Board, iP.O. Building St. John. Housekeeping Bulger. lands may secure loans up to a a first class home. NOVA SCOTIA Another game will be played lo SurKaratTSNDiNT, Soldier Settlement Board, th Chaffeurs on Saturday even 529 Barriojion St,. Halifax, N.S. The ing against the nigh school. The PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Fred Stork's players for the latter team will bo Sui-!NTNrNT.Kiler Building, Soldier CiH.or,c.Srttf r:it l'.E.L B-ard, alcher, J, Fotos; pitcher, Ar SdldiQr Settlement Board REPRESENTATIVE IN GREAT BRITAIN Hardware chie Grant; 1st base, M. Syrotuck; Lt Col. K.Orchard C. Boon.Street 7 Pat:Victoria r Mit f.treet Mansions. 2nd Base, S. Suga; short slop, G. (adjoinlnf llirh Commissi-:iei, 1" SECOND AVENUE ' (W. J. BLACK, Chairman) don, S.W.I, England. Mitchell; 3rd base, D. Cavalier; Union Bank Buildlnj. OTTAWA. Phone Black 114 right field, C. Currie; left field, S. Hunter; centre field, R. McRae. STEWART Twenty-five returned soldiers are at work on'the new road from NOTICE of Lot 808; thence north about 8 chains NAVIGABLE WATERS PJIOTKC. to the S. W. corner or lot 998; thence Stewart to Hyder. Good progress southeasterly along- high water to post TION ACT. Taxi 84 is being made and the road when N LIEN THE ACT MATTEil AND OF AMENDING THE WOODMAN'S ACTS AND and containing live lt. acres,Bi BABINQTON,more or less, It. S, C 115. SMITH & MALLETI completed will connect the wagon . IN THE MATTKH OF AN ACTION IN Dated May 7, 1919. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com-" roads of the Bear and Salmon THE AT COUNTY I'HINCE COURT HUTKHT OF ATLIN HOLD-EN 'WATEIl NOTICE pany hereby gives notice that It has, under river iieiwecn: section 7 J me aaia Act aeposuea wuu PLUMBING AND HEATINO valleys. DIVERSION AND USE. line Minister or rumic works at uttawa, , . . . LAUIUTS E. 8THOME, Plaintiff, ENGINEERS And 'and In the ontce or the District Registrar SEVEN PASSENGER CAR The Portland Canal T. A. k'ELLEY LOOOINO AND TAKE NOTICE that E. F. Dub, lumber or the Land Registry District or Prince furnished. -Trading LUMBER COMPANY manufacturer, whoso address Is care or Rupert at Prince Rupert, B. C, a descrlp-Messrs, Estimates DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Co. have commenced business in LIMITED.npfpndant Patmore k Fulton, Prince Rupert, Hon or the site and plans or car ferry TAKE B. C, will apply for a licence to take and slip and works proposed to be built In NOTICE head thai Ills the building formerly occupied by Honor iudge T. se 500 c. s. r. or water out or Union Prince Rupent Harbor at Prince Itupert, 1.1,1.... -r,i Avenue, PHONE 84 ni&u. luuiiir uas BDDOintea Krinsr. tua reek, which flows and drains British Columbia, In front or .water front ihe Boyfl Young Cp. at the cor inuruem aay or JUV. at tbe hour nr eleven westerly Street. u'cJock In the nto Vnlon Bay about at the bead or said Block "C." nf Second forenoon, at the court Home ner of Fifth and Columbia Streets. at J'rince nupert, B. tho uajr, i .?uu ittu iiutuD i.iak aiitrr 1110 cai'iiaiiuii , 274 C. as day upon The water will be diverted from tbe or one month from the date or the first no. P.O. Box Archie Paterson, formerly with nuiiu an priMiua cunning" a lien on me of this the Orsnd Trunk rliwiiu D. ROSSI tun or iiinuer or Ilia atmv nnrnort rin. trearn at a point where Union Creek leaves publication notice the Harry Smith Co., is'manager rriulant ahall appear in moil L,aae ana win De used ror power racnic itauway uumpany win, unuer sec-and or their person, by Incidentally Industrial) numoses lion 7 or I lie said Act. apply to the Minis- for the new firm. ?uui.iiui vrnsciiia ueiure me asm JUdtre upui the: land described as District Lot ter oT Public Works at Jits office In the Dawson Block Third Avenue settlement ui ma aujuauijciii of their m accounts.iieir claims ana tne umber 199. cassiar District. ' 'city or Ottawa ror approval or the said Datcl at Prince This- notice was posted on the around site and plans and for leave to construct A. Creelman arrived with 20 day or May, 1019.Rupert, B. C, this Htu on ihe 3rd day or Aprils 1919. A copy or the said works. Our Pool Room Taxi . horses. He has acauired the Rnlf W, E. BUnniTT, Registrar. .ma iiuiivo oiiu nil appilcallOll pursualllf ir.-iici a. iiiiii'ch, mauiiuua, 11119 iviu inereto ana to tne -water Act. ion." uill.nay or April, a, n. iviv, Akerberg, Thomson building on Fourth St. and will bo filed In the office of the Water Record- OltAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY COM LAND ACT er at Prince Itupert, B. C. PANY, per II. II. Hansard. Solicitor. conduct a general teaming and Objections lo thA annllraflAn miv hA I " ' contracting business. filed with the said Water Recorder or with,IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR & Co., Ltd. Notice or Intention to.Apply to Lease Land. he Comptroller or Water Rights. Parlia THE ISSUE OF A FRESH CERTIFICATE DENTISTRY . In-Oueeh CharlnttA l.l.nrt. i .ni r,i...i-. ment Buildings, Victoria. B. C. within OK TITLE FOR LOTS 8 & 9, BLOCK Avenue Many new comers have arrived Rocordlnr District or Skr-rna. anri aitti' uiriy aays arter tne first appearance or 39, SECTION 5, CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, First on Langara Island. in iiouco jii a wcat newspaper. (Map 983). during the past two weeks, mostly Tane notice that Norman Brodburst, or E. F. DUB Y. Ai.Dllrant OFFICE HOURS: Prince Itupert. B. C. occupation master The- dale r the ft ml publication or this NOTICE Is hereby given that II Is my 9 a.m. to 12) 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. prospectors and others, inter mariner, intends to arply ror permission nonce is April 11, iviv Intention, unless valid objection Is made Machinists ested in mining. New mining w mo luiiuwiiia" uescrioea lands: thereto In writing, to Issue, arter the ex- Cuminenrlnr at a nnat niantoH ,ia,,i oa ration v( one month, from the llrst pub-Icatlon ' DR. J. S. BROWN enterprises are being oricned up feet In an.easterly, dlrertinn rrnm it., u u IN PROBATE. hereof, a. Tresh Cerllilcate or Title DENTIST and large arrivals of corner ol Lot 998: thenri anitih 9nn rlli THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH to tho above mentioned lots In the name Engineers freight aro more or less to low water inarkiMhence . ., nr Ronald C. Ferguson, which Certificate Ofllctt Smith Block, Third Arsnus. taxing the capacity and strength I.icoaicujr niuiiK low water mark abOtll I I Tmiv .,.-.ULUMlIlA-Ai aumnijiiui' or Tlllo Is dated 80th April, 191, and Is Phone 454. tins-to ft point or Dia a p '. alt numbered ISS3-I, of Ilia wharf. It is expected that corne r or IbencT norm about 8 ,,X T.TEn fr T,IE ESTATE OF it. t. niAi-i.tuu, -date work Will be rhalns to the 8.E. corner or Lot 9991 WILLIAM' MCKENZIE LOGAN, DECEAS-a District Registrar or Titles. Have instaiieu r . commenced on tho southwesterly to this post and V. TV I ED, INTESTATE Land Registry Oillce, now wharf by the end of, next laming turro-arrea, lliorfl or less. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM prince nupert, u. nuitniAn liltUADIIURST. IT MAY CONCERN of an order made by His a H in April, mm month. Daled May 7, 1919. Honour, F, ,McB. Young, Local Judge, In the above matter on the 25th day or April, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS- Oxv-Acetylene Bowling Alley Practically a6t 1919, as follows i I Itlt.I UIO i IUU I DkLblin, continuous firm LAND IT IS ORDERED that the said John II. weather has prevailed for tho past MCMlllJIn Shall lie allowed tn awpar In IhA talk nnticn that The Aeroolane Snruce VAAtt Outfit . B. C, iimhAr r.i l td., or Port Clements. ucoui ui uie aaiii ucceasea as occurring on - THIRD AVENUE month and the snow fs going- last Nnllrp J, rh.nS.iA i.F.Pn'J.1? Land. 'the "h day or May. 1917. after the eiplra. occupation saw mill. Intends to apply ror WW flllllll. w UNDER n the hills. ' Already- the RecoX mstr.i?,',J'nfLnl District, lion .or ono month rrora tho dilo ot the permission p lease me loiiuwiug uuwu NEW MANAGEMENT nros- fflr. iiitni and situate Ural publication or notice or this lands i pector8 are abroad, and with the ra unless in iun inonii,n i. r.,rni.h.l r.ommenrlns- at a iiost planted at tbe till Prin W, "S cc'ijn'.S!; tt hA.W' I" Sour .M prince northeast corner or It 8, Block it, post Work For llJalthy Exercise great extent of country still or subdivision or Dst. Lot 744, tnence Efficient to be north 8 chains, thence west 30 degrees Perfect to Keep You Fit systematically ipplorod new rowin ii ii. lanus; i ucmiy to tne sain sin day. or May, 1917. south to approach or Government Wharf, Prompt and discoveries will no doubt be Jnade, Chains aonthJaiSr vPT.Led.. b0l11 AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that ftie ihn.A armtiiAHv atnnir aalrl snnroach or in a bsm iAhn tt .n.. .h.l. Oovcrnmenl Wharf to northwest corner or and Tobaccos ilon?' w,hSr,r.;"latMH l,"ce ,0lH? i.f ,h" 0rd" I" the PrinVnupert 'Dally Lot t, Block 45, thence easterly along the nil- I'' Cigars Smoke Players Navy Cut clcar- about o5 re? l&? wat.,V th?nZlWv'.'?ll'tr Pbhe1 t Prince waterfront or lots I, V, 3, 4, 5, o, 7 and 8, Scp the c Iasncl il'l' aboVt'l coins'1'onV C" monlh- block 45 to plare of beginning, (cttcs, wrapped la tin foil. 1 to westerly. point ilvWcor4n?;i ' MM. ?Lont AEROPLANE HPRUCE LUMBER CO., LTD. live. u. south .r ,h, 'UiaSliuintor. Dale, March JO, 1919.