Page 6 THE DAILY WEWS. Tuesday, May 2o, i9l9 Local News Notes G. H. Arnold Manager "SCHOOL" The Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order Ct. the Daughters of FOR SALE the Empire, cordially invite the ladies and gentlemen of Princo C5 "4 Rooms with bath, and modem, near Cold Storage Rupert to a public reception in DRESSES . $1,400.00, HALF CASH AND BALANCE EASY honor of Mrs. iLt.-Col.) C. V. Peck, to. bo held at tho Prince 5tlooms with balh.ond modern, 8th Ave., near McBridc Rupert Club Wednesday afternoon, $2,300.00 AND EAS YTERMS May 21st, .from. 4 to 6. It of Chambray and W buy United States Liberty Bonds and Canadian Victory Boys' and Girls' outlngr shoes. Sunkist Oranges Bonds. Family Shoo Store. tf Gingham for the 3 doz. for $1.00 H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. The Princess Mary docked here This price on oranges Is very low. Girls of 3 to 14 yesterday at noon en route to The opportunity to buy 3 doz. Phone 00 210 Oth ?L Skagway. oranges for 1 will not again pre-uent least another itself for at ft six months. Eat oranges while Special sale of ladies' Panama they are good and cut out the NEW STYLES for School, hats this week for $1.50 each. medicine bills. CHARMING Jabour Brothers. 10 that are pretty, neat and Prince RupeN Dry Docka Engineering Co. and Ladies brown,shoes,at factory kid patent,prices.suede Rupert PHONES table 211,Supply 212 Co. Any inexpensive.girl will be proud of owning one of Jabour Brothers. 119 these dresses, because they are made in the Boats of size Docked any new styles and even the youngsters look for All material for any kind of a Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. uilding can be furnished by Al- Tho Andrew Kelly owned by tho the new things in their clothes. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., J" Several boats can be docked together on one small jert & McCaffery, Ltd. tf Ltd., left for the halibut banks; They come in various combinations of colors section, making fees light. Large stock of repair David Jennings and Mrs. Jennings yesterday The Carruthcrs left in plaid and plain, with many effective trimmings. materials is being laid in. of Smithers, arrived from this morning and the G. E. Foxier the south- on yesterday's boat.. leaves tonight, after discharging Work a catch, of 45,000 lbs. of Mothers will be delighted with these because Foundry Two S5.S5 shoo SDCcials tai gro u nd fish,.wh ich s h e brought i n they are made so well that they will give ' Castings In Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Wprtnpsrlav, mnrnincr U I sl Sunday. unusually long service. Reasonable Prices. I & ' ' : I Women's patent colt button They are clothes that mothers would like to Before" buvinu a oiano Be oot, plain toe, Louis heel. Regu-. make their machines. on own sewing That's Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds and prices on Gerhard Heintzman, ar price $9.50; Wednesday morning Evans Bros, pianos, Singer Shop, $5.85. Wallaco's. 18 the kind ot garment we set out to secure, and Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills' and Canneries 329 Second Ave. ' 20 we have kept in sight the fact that mothers are Solicited. Sale of sample shoes for ladies) anxious to the lowest very pay possible prices. J. M. Carmichael, who left this all this week at Jabour Bros. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished.- several for the city years ago Priced from $1.50 to $5.75 east, returned yesterday on the Princess Mary. Jabour Girls'Brothers.hats from $J to $2.50 119 Cravenet Women's top,extra new fine Cuban kid boots,heelJ s incerity ight H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Regular price $8.50; special Tues- M. II. STEPHENS Just arrived Ladies' white kid lay Wallace's.and Wednesday morning $5.85 118 ervice Corner 3rd and Fulton St. high boots. Special $9.75. Family NOTARY PUBLIO Shoe Store. tf Mr. and Mrs. Grogan arrived ... you have been reading our. The Union Steamship Camosun from Vancouver yesterday afternoon IF advertisement, we hope you have on the Princess Mary. Mr. been convinced of at least one thing arrived from Anyox at 10:55 this Grogan is to work for the Prince our sincerity. SPECIAL morning southbound. Rupert Drydock & Engineering will notice that we make no Modern Apartment House of See Jabour Brothers' special Company. ... YOU or exaggerated statements. Seasonable Footwear We do not pretend to control two 5-roomed flats, with sale on canvas footgear for ladies Alderman Perry at the Council or manufacture somo wonder-ml harbor view and children. Jabour Brothers. glasses that cannot be obtained meeting last night suggested that Isewhere. $5500.00 Launch "Provincial" leaves for an inventory of the city lots should bo taken and a sale by WE try to deserve your patron-. ciewari ana way points every age, simply by putting Into We aro now showing a complete line of Summer Eight-Toomed house, modern Friday morning- at C, carrying public auction held with easy your glasses QUALITY of material, Footwear for Ladies, Gentlemen, Uoys and Girls. 3 blocks from post ofllce mail, passengers and freight. terms to" purchasers in order to INTELLIGENCE and SKILL In workmanship. Our slock has been carefully selected and is up-to-date Phone Red 391, A. Swanson. tf stimulate building. $3250,00 ... ... In every 'detail. The delightful responsiveness An application from P. J. Gib We service believe at that a moderate to give honest price NEW OXFORDS NEW PUMPS, JUST ARRIVED of the action of the Heintzman & bons for the position of weigh I In the long run the secret or Wc carry a full range of Tennis Outing Shoes in all styles Co. piano is a never-ending satisfaction clerk was read at the meeting of uccess, In our own, or In any other M. M. Stephens to the player. Prince Rupert the City Council last night and profession FOOTWEAR IS OUR SPECIALTY Music Store. V. J. Pitman, laid over. He offered to do the guarantee glasses that fit AT THE LOANS RENTALS - INSURANCE PianotepT. It work for $30 a month and 15c. for OUH not only the way j each vehicle...weighed. you see through them, but the wa) Family Shoe Store Provincial Government Em you look with them on. ployment Bureau and Soldiers' The Retail Merchants Associa Civil Re-establishment; temporary tion announces that all retail Fred Joudry ofllce 621 Second Avenue, 'stores will close as usual tomor Third Avenue For Your Prince Rupert. Employers having row. Wednesday, afternoon, but Practical Optometrist GEO. HILL ' E. R. TABRUM vacancies for men and jvomen in will remain open until 10 p. m. on Third Are. - Prince Rupert tlerical, factory, domestic or Friday. Saturday being a public Offlc. The Practical Shocmen Phone 357 LUMBER )ther work should apply to above holiday, stores will remain closed Phone- 553. tf all day. - It At the meeting of the City PLASTER Ask for Atkins' Sausages. tf Council last night Alderman Perry congratulated the committee on CEMENT TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY the work they were doing in improving .. the city park. Ho was COpC 40 per cent WANTED Saleslady at once, Jabour more than delighted at the im Building Bros. It provement and he met a number of others who were similarly Materials pleased. jnyLJ cheaper The Smithers Hall Company is WESTHOLME gazetted in tho current number COME TO of the provincial government's Albert 8 McCaffery, Ltd. TONIGHT weekly publication. It has a We have secured a large stock of manufacturer's samples, capital of $10,000 and the regis-, Phone 116 and 564. tered ofllce of'the company is at in the latest styles of Shoes, in Patent, Kid, Suede and Prince Rupert, B.C. This is tho Offlcc, Second Avenue, Next company which controls the now Brown, chiefly in ladies' sizes. Westholmo Theatre. public hall at Smithers. Provincial Government Employ-nent This stock we have secured at special discounts and are Bureau and Soldiers' Civil te-Establishment, temporary office offering them to our customers at FACTORY PRICES. C21 Second Avenue, Prince THE lupert. Returned soldiers, men and women requiring employ-ncnt Every lady should take advantage of these great reductions ECONOMY STORE of any kind should register llh tho above. No fees charged. in the high price of shoes. Phono 553. P. O. drawer 1074. Fhones 18 and 36 417 6th Ave., E. The reporl.of the Finance Com-milteo in regard to helping tho Our Sale will last till Friday Ni ght Seize Time by the Forelock, Northerly B. C. Agricultural and Gall or Phono Npw for Industrial Association was adopt PURITY FLOUR ed making last night.a grant This of a recommended sum not exceeding We have white canvas shoes for ladies and children for 49-lb Sacks, $2.90 $1,200 to tho society dollar occasion. for dollar with the amount every .Purity Wheatlets raised by tho citizens. It also 5-lb Sacks, 45c peconimonded control of giving the grounds the association for DO NOT MISS OUR SALE Economy Store, Phone one IK threo days as requested. The ight, matter of improving tho road to Purchaso her and be up. "The the exhibition building was left to-datt. over for tho committee to deal Mussallem with. Third Ave. JABOUR BROS., LTD. Third Ave. Grocery Company LTD. Marriage Ring" For corsets see Mrs. Director. Tha best suit casos Evelelah'a. Agent J. F, Magulre, 8mlth Blook.