= ¢ PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS. | PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA { TRY Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert "EM sen Prublishec Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.00 I er periods. paid in advance. per week 100 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia Thin, strong and pliable paid in advar for yearly period 30 . a really better cigar- By mail t& parts of British Columbia, the British km- ette paper for all who tr naid j Se » ’ pire an ni f said in advance, per year $6.00 roll their own. aad, at the By mail ili other countries, per year 9.00 : : ; same price as ordinary ADVERTISING RATES cigarette papers .. ready Classified advertising, 1 insertion, per word j ddnhmenititt ‘ 0? gummed. Local readers, per i ion, per line Sissi 25 Legal notice Ca n tion, per agate line il 15 120 leaves for 5¢ Transiet display advertising, per inch, per insertion a. 1.40 Contract rates on application Advertising and Circulation Telephone hii os Editer and Reporters Telephone _.. jocnahihaniie Member of Audit Bureau of .Circulations Ea DAILY EDITION Thursday, August 11, 1932 They're Great! CIGARETTE PAPERS ROUND HOUSE Young Empress LOSES GAME Won Baseball FRIDAY, AUGUST Won Olympic Program ll Station Exeiting Softball Young Sens of Canada Lose By Morning Match By Score of 5 to 4 Score of 15 to 5 in Inter- Gymnastics Last Evening mediate League Fencing ‘sabre’, men mbvienil Rowing In a re Ca ian Nationa! Young Empress defeated Young Equestrian ross country Recreation Softball League fixtur sons f Geteiie' ter 2 ceed of 18 to Shooting ee last night’s Intermediate Yachting the first defeat on the R He Swimming—high diving League baseball fixture. Ear! Batt ladies team in tl econ { S€ .. final ae) i aliees " \was the pitcher for the Empress a : nm by Se +. Thi Swimming—400 metres free style while Alex Walters did mound duty was wit 1 ( ime a ladies, semi-final! for the Sons . of the seasor iT well n- Water pok ted by & . Afternoon 1 ner for Batten, 6 ennis Fencing UsUds i : wees Gymnastic demonstrations hand avd, wit h 0 Boxing n Tourney pens Halifax Mic Macs. four-oared without a coxswain, lost by a margin in their heat to an Italian crew The Leanders and the Mic Macs ire still in the running and will race with seeend position crews for he ri to enter the final In the second eight-oared event, sprang a surprise by defeat- Great Britain. Japan and Bra- Italy zil Pratt and DeMille Vancouver double romped to victory in th first heat with their Italian anc izilian opponent Baseball Scores Nationa! Leacue urg vJ- utelassed B on 3 Cineinnati tet Rrootivr 6 10 St. Louis Ty Philadelphi: American League Philadelphia 6. Chicago 3 Boston 2, Detroit 6 New York 7, St. Louis 6 Baschall Standings National League W L Pct | Boston 53 53 523 Brooklyr 7 6h 514 Philadelphia 4 COST 496 St. Lonis ; 53 56 484 |New York 506 472 Cincinnati 8 67 47 American League FOOTBALL HOME OIL ys. REGIMENT TONIGHT - 6:45 | | ; SPORT CHAT | | Rev. J. 8. Perkins, a Manchester |}ing., Congregational minister, at- | tended five Sunday boxing matches | for the purpose of informing on the | people conducting them contrary jto the Sunday Observance Act. A jury at the Manchester Assizes aw- }ardedl himh $7,900. Of this amount | $5,000 was against William Milward |manager of the ‘Manchester Sta- idium, where the bexing contests |were held, and $2,500 against Coun- leillor L. B. Cox, said to have been |master of ceremonies. This was the }full amount claimed by the minis- ter. Judgement was entered by Jus- OE | ce Hawke. Mr. Perkins said that Thrift Cash & Carry 201 Third Ave “CARRY AND SAVE” jwhen he went-to the boxing mat- lehes his collar-was covered with a \scarf. He told a reporter that he j}would not use a simgle penny of {the amount awarded him for his personal interest but would give it jto some philanthropic or religious — : News of The Sport World Thursday, August 1} 198 Sa sos eee eee pe eR OER REET Ae ae © fig, aaa ee eeaeee Hamilton Girl Shows Good Hurdling F orm — —_—__-- ———- meee tn lil inane e hn nil said to have as good or better hurdlin Here's how, folks! Betty Taylor of Hamilton wa as any boy or git] entered in olympic games at Los Angeles. Here the is giving y an Real Sailing Weather Here re kind of weather sailors enjoy and Donalc Dowglas, owner of the Gallant for repetition of it when the six met division gets away in the sailin race at p hi Galla shown crossing the finish line in U. S. elimination race ————_~# —= Perret eee nchtinte gers mn nnentnnnnmanen ABANG-UP BIRTHDAY PARTY means plenty > — of hospitality. When you make a lot of prepara- ‘ tions, naturally you want good results. Use BUD- | WEISER MALT and you'll get results. BUDWEISER uniformity is due to 75 years’ ex- perience and the finest ingredients money can buy. ALL SET... for Dad's birthday y ir ele \ Mer Te oe ia BMc-#5 = MALT . “ANHEUGSERSBUSCH + 8T, LouiIs