4 PAGE FOUR Don’t Forget that the Big Fire Sale Is Still Going On At Montreal Importers Meeker Block, Third Avenue Here are a few prices on new goods that were ordered before the fire. These are being sacrificed at Fire Sale Prices. We have low- ered the prices on many other lines for quick clearance, Atlantic Wool Combinations Heavy Ribbed. 100% $1.95 Reg. $5.50 Leckie’s Men’s Working Boots $3.25 : Pee he settled in Canada. Beef, boiling, lb., 10¢ to ........ i Ot Der eure ale pee Deceased is survived by a widow Beef, ER wis aoe “2 ee | Comedy — “The Girl Rush” St. George’s Heavy Ribbed These were made for the gov- ‘and son and daughter in England. | DOUKHOBORS Lamb, shoulder, 1b. sierecovins | am Apricots preserving, crates 1.40 Musical—‘Hello, Good Time’ 100% Wool Men’s Combina- ernment camps but as the A brother is John Neville Davey of | Beef, steak, lb. 25¢ to ................ 30 | Peaches doz 30c to .40 tions $1 95 camp did not operate we ;Los Angeles. Lamb, leg, Ib. 30 Filia teeta inns. Ib 08 PARAMOUNT NEWS at per suit + hought them at $2.75 a pair. The funeral took place at Queen _Lamb chops, Ib. - 25¢ to 30) Honey Dew Melons, each 35¢ to .50 Feature Starts 1:54 f Charlotte City last Friday after-| Twenty Men Are Taken Today From | Mutton, shoulder, i”: iad El idee Stelons 44 mani rts 7:50 & 9:59 Men’s Goodrich Hi-Press Rubber Boots, $4 25 noon with Rev. R. P. Graham, An- Okalla to Piers Island Ham, picnic, first grade, Ib. Wil wlacs Currants & baskets 95 conneniar Pel 5c & ite three-quarters length, best made in Canada, at bd )glican Church clergyman of Mas- Vegetables Seedless Gra “ Ib 20 Feat : St : 3:20 a at 2:9 |sett, officiating. The service took VANCOUVER, Aug. 11:—Twenty Potatoes, new, 13 lbs $s podieas Grapes, %. , ; eature Starts 3:20—15c & 35 ’ ’ ey -#9| Pears, doz. 35c to .46 qqeeeeneeT place in the Queen Charlotte City! poukhobor men were taken from] sack .. 150 FRIDAY and SAT s |Hotel and was attended by prac-| Oxalla jail today and sent to Piers| Vegetable Marrow, Ib. 6c, sack 1.50 vee ‘i v SATURDAY peer on people ade ates Island near Victoria where they | Beets, bunch 06| Wheat, No. 5 Alberta 1.78] THE TIP-OFF" niet Ww representation I©Om/| wij] serve the remainder of their|Parsley, bunch o— — Better Meals other parts of the islands. Burial) sentences for nude parading. Armstrong Celery, head large 15 - = took place in the. Queen Charlotte Golden Bantam Corn, des 90 ‘@ GOODRICH @ GOODRICH ¢ GOODRICH ¢ GoOoDRicH , LESS COST City Commepery. Garlic, imported, per Ib... 40 ; at oat . Cabbage, local, green 06 Goodrich Torture Chamber Presbyterian Head Lettuce. head . kT Hothouse Tomatoes, 2 lbs. ... .25 reveals the new 26% better Church Social W k End Radishes, 3 bunches 10 > : ee - B.C, Cauliflower, 20c to 30 SU o- A R olageent Onions, Washington, 4 lbs, 25 PER AV. LIE Rev. Dr. H. R. Grant to Be Chair- 6 Green Onions, 3 bunches ........ 10 man of Affair Tomorrow ecla S Bunch Turnips, bunch ...., — Evening 4 Bunch Carrots, bunch. .... . 06 ers Green Peppers, Ib. 40 o . A congregational social will be| Alberta Rose Flour— $1 35 Green Beans, lb. 15 held tomorrow evening in First} 49-lb. sack r Hothouse Cucumbers, each 10 | Presbyterian Church. Rev. Dr. H. R.| Swansdown Cake Flour— 30¢ Green Peas, Io. 08 | Grant of Fort .William, popular] per pkg. Wax Beans, lb. . AS | pastor of: ‘the church for many| Australian Seedless 25¢ Honey | & | years, will gecupy the, chair, An in-| Raisins, 2 Ibs. Extracted Honey, per jar 20c to 30} ° |teresting program has Ween ar-/ listant Postum- 50¢ Comb Hones vs 35 | jrahged and refreshments! will be| 8-0z.. tin Dried Fruits a | served. The program will be as fol- 7 5. 3 dates, bulk, 8c to. «lo AS) am” ., z j —* Malkin’s Best Fancy |Lemon and (range Peel... 29) Violin adie John Bremner | PI Ioee Sliced Pineapple | Citron Peel. ; ee 30 | ; | Voeal solopMrs. Williaft/Miflar. } 1 zs 30c Black Cooking Figs, | b. 10 | } os i mis Elizabeth saint ‘ tin : ; ane ony ; wal . | Vocal solo, Miss Beulah McHinley. ; i pples, Gr ' 18. | Vora! solo, John E. |Davey. 7 Del Motte “Dri-Pak" | Peaches, Pedled | 18)! _ as — | Vocal solo, J. A. Teng. Prunes 70c Apricots, Ib 18c to .20) barber bated: oe gla Piano and violin duet, Mk, and 5-Ib. tin Prunes, 60-70, 3 tbs ... eae g monsters are part of a never-ending ° | Mrs s. JB. MacKay. Prunes, 30-40, Ib 12%c fo “15 | determination to make better tres < Vocal solo, Mrs. H.N. Brocklesby. Eggs—Fresh Extras in 80c Prunes, 40-50, lb . 10 a os are worthy of the name SAVE with an Reading, Miss Adelia Thurber. Cartons, 3 doz Raisins, Cal. seedless, 2 Ibs... 35 j The “Black Maria” taste hundreds of Vocal solo, Mrs. Jarvis McLeod. 5 ee Creamery Butter ‘70c on seedless, lb, 15 stock tires and out of - constant ° Selection ,.Joh#Bremner ‘atid His} S-lb. brick urrants, 1b Aap) testing and proving El t R l orchestra. Heinz Catsup- 45¢e Sugar : eres Ft tenn Con oe €c ric ange | _— penneenaitehiiiineiacamii 2 large bottles White, 100 lbs 5.60 ae ee Seuidocer Wiel desis N Globe Lunch Tongue—l's 25¢ Yellow, 100 lbs 5.10 Standard Super —a heavier, tougher Get your electric range now—on easy terms— aval Day at per tin Lara ! ey ye oon -_ ; - aos at the sensationally low prices now in effect, : Pure, Ib. 13¢ to AS Sens a — throu h, , 26% | beer and start an era of real kitchen economy. Cook Rotary Club Malkin’s Best Nuts @ 9.50 11.80 ; electrically for a month and notice the dif- Pure Almonds, shelled Valencias 50 ference in food costs. Spoilage and waste has v4s stg hod ee eee RUPERT MOTORS been eliminated. Every dish has gone further hte eaten eee oe Jam ee oo ome 30 because all nourishing v. ‘ he ee f N. ¢ ther officers o e| 4-Ib. Walnuts, shelle alves AS : tained. The result is cok Se ake H. M. C. 8, Skeena, Lieut. Walter tin doc POAMUtS nanan. an nsennnsesernenennnnonves 16) ae = = ae pane as much in the month as the cost of a roast Hume, commanding officer, and) aiieinane Bacon, side, sliced, best grade... 35) Pee See eee . if not more. An electric range costs little other officers of the local unit of a Pork shoulder, Ib. ........ 15) — to operate; as little as $4 a month does all the the Royal Canadian Naval Volun-| pee Pork, loin, Ib seeeeee 20) cooking for most families, Investigate this way teer Reserve, and Mayor C. H. Orme 25¢ Pork, leg, Ib. wveess | | to better meals and savings. ' tia de Fae aati 4 dies tins. 45 eo a Ib ro ay” at the weekly luncheon of the yrshire Bacon, Ib ’ ¢\suie ms $1 AIR DRIED SHINGLES *.* ° Prince Rupert Rotary Club in the| 5-lb. basket Veal, shoulder, lb Northern British Columbia Commodore Cafe. G. A. Woodland,| Bartlett Ripe Pears— 40¢ Apples & Retain the cedar oil in the wood, affording extra and better pre- ‘ ‘ jpresident of the club, was in the! large size, per doz. California Gravesteins, Ib 10 servation than kiln-dried shingles from which the essentia! oll Power Company Limited chair and an interesting address| Fresh Ripe Apricots— 25¢ B.C. Yellow Transparents, 3 Ibs. .25 has been evaporated. Our shingles are made on Queen Charlotte oe given by Commander Jones. 2 lbs Frults Islands and, as a home product, deserve your preference. Shing!e S¢ Gold Sweet Oranges 95¢ Valencia Oranges, . doz. 25¢ to .80 makers wages on the Islands are spent eventually in Prince Ru- | Miss Alice DuVernet; secretary § 5 doz on Calif large 40c to 45) pert, while Vancouver wages never come north, Support a home | Twenty Years Ago girls’ branch, Miss Enoch, teamship Sailings Phone Your Order—We Deliver uahetiene ee o 2 23| industry and your own welfare by specifying Air Dried Shit i a Sar esta eee Rhubarb, field, Ib. Pri ° N l 5X $3. 15; N ] 3X $3. 9s In Prince Rupert FOOTBALL | | For Vancouver— » Alb rt M k t Bananas, 2 Ibs oe 2 rices: INO. 0. b maa Goes Sa ae TE oe cee 1 HYDET —-— sday—ss. Catala m, | Cherries () August 11, 1912 | August 9—Merchants vs. Cana-| |. ‘edeon Pr. Robert " . m.| P. GAMULA, Proprietor ? ‘Tbs in he ‘peer 5U RANSFER—PHONE 08 Great changes are being made at | dian Legion. | Friday—ss, Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m. | Fifth Street. Phone 20% Strawberries, upriver basket ' Hays Cove as preparation of the ae 1l—Regiment vs. Home Ss. Cardena ............ midnight | . . 124%ec to 15 — site for Prince Rupert's great dry | : ' Saturday—ss. Pr. George .. 7 p.m. RR. Se one Raspberries, baske "ee , thi ; oi ft dock proceeds apace. The old hos- | = : ; : : es 7 if ‘7 want anything, try a classified ad. pital has disappeared altogether — — ae and the residence of Dr. Ewing, until recently occupied by Mr. Stuart, is being used as Mrs. D. C. err LIVED LONG ON ISLANDS /Thomas R. Davey of Queen Char- lotte City Passes Away Thomas Rowe Davey, aged 76, for 23 years a resident of the Queen Charlotte Islands where for mahy lyears he was engaged in the. real ‘estate and conveyancing business as well as being a notary public and former stipendiary magistrate, pas- sed away early Wednesday morning ‘of last week in the Queen Char- Hlotte City Hospital where he had jbeen a patient for about a week fol- lowing an apoplectic stroke, | The late Mr. Davey, who was a jnative of Cornwall, Eng., came to ‘the Queen Charlotte Islands from! |the Kootenay district in 1909. In his | younger days, he had travelled ex- tensively visiting, among other lands, Australia and India. Finally TRE DAILY NEWS Moose Dance Is Enjoyable Happy Affair Hela Last Evening in Connection With Visit of Warship In coynegtion with thesyisit to port of H."M. C. S,Skeena, ‘an*en- joyable dance was held” by the Moose Lodge Jast night in the Moose Hall. A crowd of 175 persons was in attendance and a very happy time was spent by all from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. Splendid music was fur- nished by Mrs. J.'S. Black’s Orches- |tra. Gillis Royer was _ master of ceremonies and the committee in ;charge consisted of Charles Lemon, ichairman, Ted Rorvik and Cecil | Morrison. Another dance will be held by the Moose Lodge tomorrow night. MAROONING wre vet THE MARKET Retail prices current here at pre- sent are as follows: Butter Fancy cartoned, Ib. No. 1 Creamrey, 3 lbs .............. Flour Flour, 49’s, No. 1 hard wheat 1.65 18 Pastry Flour, 10 Ibs. . 45 to 50 Aust. Pastry flour, 10 Ibs. .......... 40 Fish Smoked Kippers, ID. ......-...--s-000 15 Salmon, fresh, Ib. ; 15 Halibut, Ib. . 2 Ibs. .25 Eggs Alberta Seconds, doz .. 18 B.C. Fresh First, aoz. .... co ae B.C. Fresh Extras, doz. .... . 29 Local, new laid, doz. ............. 35 Meats |Fowl, No. 1, Ib. Cn |Roasting Chicken, lb. lea cakiis ae Ham, sliced, first grade ......... 35 Veal, loin, lb. de 30 Beef, pot roast, lb. 15¢ and .. suai 18 STRONG DAY Yesterday Featured by Another ties and commodities joined forces | in bullishness on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday. under leadership of rails, utilities and farm implement issues, the market Toi eddek profit-taking and New York j In in the early session, With heavy “AREN’T WE AL 1” buying of motors in the closing} 4 minutes, prices came back some-| With Hugh WwW akefield what, closing from $1 to $3 under| the best prices of the aay. quotations bonds were buoyant. Thursday, August 1), ey ON MARKET Wednesday & Thursday Active Demonstration of Bul- TWO SHOWS — 7 ana aad lishness Despite Profit- Taking A Great British Comedy Romance GERTRUDE LAWRENCE The Darling of London NEW YORK, August 11- -Securi-| | another active demonstration of) After soaring $2 to $8 per share Owen Nares She keeps two men going round in circles Cotton, wheat, sugar and rubber | strengthened while! and a warehouse now. Chairman A. W. Smithers and | President E. J. Chamberlain of the; Grand Trunk Pacific Railway plan} to visit Prince middle of Rupert about the this month, travelling overland from Edmonton here. The Auxiliary follows: Vernet; C. McCroskie; dent, Mrs. Mrs. R. L. McIntosh; leaflet editress, Mrs. Keene; secretary babies’ secretary juniors branch, Collison; Anglican diocesan Woman's has president, first vice-president, Mrs. E. elected officers as) Mrs. F. H. Du-} second vice-presi- M. J. Hobin; secretary, treasurer, Mrs. | Ford; | branch, Mrs. W. E.| “TILLIE THE TOILER” A Shaky Position ' , FoR HIM WrbkRe Ss Mac? 'NE GOT A Horse TO ——— = rAORSE ® ibe For He StTaace iS GETTING —— tiny wir, | GUESS i ema Fvevue rwrese SEEMS NERVOUS —By Westover. WS TREMBiuUinGe LiKE A LEAF E> = Z