Page THE OAILT WKWB. Thursday, May 29. If S Si INTERNATIONAL GAME PLAYED YESTERDAY mtmm S.L0US PROVES INDECISIVE the way; Zam-Huk relieves th burning and Irritation of eczema," Score Stands at One Qoal Eaoh writes Miss A. Gallant, of St. When Time is Called. Nicholas, P.E.I. "For" a rear I suffered with this disease, and tried all kinds of remedies, but nothlm The international football game helped mo until I used Zam-Buk, which was played last evening The continued use of this herbal balm Las completely cured me, ended in a draw, tho score being .""Although It Is now two year one each. The teams seemed elnce this euro was effected, there evenly matched in the first half has been no"return of the disease.' Cheap Implements, Zam-Buk Is equally good for but from the start after half time ringworm, scalp sores, pimple, the Englishmen got away with the bolls, teething rash, "barber'a DiRskin and only sheer ill lues rash," ulcers, old fjores, abscesses, prevented them winning. bad Iocs, blood-poisoning, plies, Livestock amd cuts, burns, scalds and bruises. All Day for the Sons of England Harness dealers or Zam-Buk Co.,' Toronto. made the only score for his side, EOc box, I for 11.25. but Wearmouth showed up well. V Murray for the land of the Soldier Settlement land, conveniently located, and (3) Up to $2,000 to buy ira. heather saved his side from defeat THE with financial assistance in by sending the leather under has arranged to give plemcnts, live slock, and the bar. Abbott also played well. " manufacturers of implements the way of loans to establish equipment. The soldier Jr- - - In of the inclement weath and harness soldier tliem the laud. will J ,7.1 f irfni H spite to give on begin to pay off this t er there was a fair attendance of settlers a wide choice of loan in the third spectators and considerable en year, thusiasm was shown when the first class implements at prices Land and Loans and will have four years scoring was going on. The teams substantially below those quoted to pay. were as follows: to civilians; and in the Prairie With certain exceptions, a "fflirro" Wearmouth,Sons of Menzies,England Whatman,Slocum, Provinces the United Grain soldier who has served wifh good Only five per cent, will be Kelsey, Booth, Hardy, Wells, Growers, Limited, will give soldier conduct in the Canadian, Imperial charged on these loans. Tinker, Day and Craggs. settlers cr Allied forces in an St. Andrew's Martin, Hamil- special prices on A cash payment of one-tenth toni W. Murray, Arthur, Kelly, implements, wagons, and other actual theatre of war or outside the price of the land will be Abbott, Lamb, Sellers, Kinghorn commodities. the country in which he enlisted required, except in special cases. Mitchell and Gray. By collective buying in large (or widow of any such man) may secure loans to purchase land, Qualified settlers on Dominion numbers for cash, it can also L0CKW00D IS AT HIS offer soldiers the lowest possible live stejek ncd equipment and Lands maysecure lcfins up to a BEST IN "PALS FIRST prices on horses and other live erect buildings maximum of $3,000 on a plan similar the above for to farm stock. (1) Up to S-1,500 to cover the Star Does the Most Distinguished live stock, and Brilliant Work of His Career It can supply a good harness cost of the land and discharge equipment, erection In New Picture. encumbrances. of tmiidings, provided security set for approximately S3 1.50 at offered justifies the loan. Harold Lockwood has the most point of manufacture. . - "(2) Up to $1,000 to erect congenial role of his brilliant All these concessions are in ' buildings. Both these If you figure you have more First,"career as a six-act Danny production Rowland in which"Pals addition to the Board's oITcr loans to be paid on the than a fifty-fifty chance to make is to be seen at the Westholme to secure for the soldiers good instalment plan. Payments good as a farmer, write to your Reflects Good tonight. extending over 25 Provincial Superintendent at As Danny nowland, a thief, a Housekeeping years. Rogers Building, Vancouver, B.C. pick-pocket, a safe-cracker ow The ing two years to San Quentin W. J. BLACK. prison, who finds refuge with his Chairman, Soldier Settlement Boar Fred Stork's pal, Dominie, in Winnicrest Hall Union Bank Buildine, when he is believed to be the long OTTAWA absent mastr Qf the house, Dick Hardware Casllemari, only to be exposed by mmm SECOND AVENUE his pal when Dominie hears of his engagement to Dick's sweet Phone Black 114 heart, Jean Logan, obliging him MINEItAL ACT. VAVIQABLE WATERS PROTEC to reveal himself as the real Dick TION ACT. . Castleman and to explain that his CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. n. s. c. us. deception was practiced for the NOTICE. Akerberg, Thomson Little Joker, Mineral 11111. Midas, Lookup purpose of bringing back the lost Mystery. Midas Lake Frac. Pais Frae- Tbe Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company lonal Mineral Claims, situate In toe Port. hereby gives notice that it has, under soul of his pal. Harold Lockwood Section 7 or the aald Act deposited with and Canal Mining; Division of Casslar Dis & Ltd. Co., SEEDS! has a most colorful role in a pic trict. the Minister or public.Works at ottaui. and In the office of tbe District Registrar ture which it is believed will be niver W tie located: On tbe East Salmon oi me Lana ttegisiry District or Prince DEPARTMENT OF LANDS First Avenue TAKE NOTICE that I. A. H. Green, nupert at prince Rupert. B. a. a descrlp numbered the most sue act. among For the Garden lion of the site and plans of car ferry ng- as agent for L. Watklns. F. M. C. No. cessful vehicles he has ever had U348-C; C. D. Carter, F. M. C. No. S.S88- slip and works proposed to be built In NOTICE APPUCATIONS FOR OIUZINO PERMITS Machinists i-rince narbor at prince Specially Suited for Prince As Danny Rowland, the hero k. m. Martin, r. M. c. No. t,87-C: II. urmsn nuperi Columbia, in Trent or water nuperi,fr under orating Act Itlt. Fetter, F. M. C. No. 9.697-C: H. E. fluperl soil. Lockwood does the best work of Carlton. F. M. C. No. B.598-C? Martin Block "C." stock Applications for permits to grate live and And take.notice that after the expiration on the Crown range within each Welch, F. M. C. No. t.tlt-C. Intend, aliiv his brilliant career. Only an oi one monm iron, me date or the erst Giailng District or the Province or British uoja iruiu tue uaia uereoi. Vi apply 10 me publication of this notice the Orand Trunk coiumma. as established by Order-In Engineers actor of the most finished abili Mining Recorder for a Certificate or Improvements, 1717 1? For the for the or racuic itauway uompany win, under Sec Council, dated tbe 10th or April, Itlt, and purpose obtaining rtLiLU ties could lion 7 oi ine saia Act, apply to the Minis published In the British Columbia Gazette this, light, romantic, essay, n urani 01 CHICKENS -row me aoove Claim. ter or Public Works at bis odlce in tbe on April 17th. 'Itlt. must be filed with spirited role of a rogue der And section further 85,take must notice be that action, un. City or Ottawa ror approval or the said tne District Foresters at Cranbrook. Fort Have installed an up-to-date HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER commenced before site and plans and for leave to construct ucorge. kamioops. Nelson, Prince Rupert, and i gentleman, and keep his me issuance or sucn certificate of Im ine sua worm. Vancouver and Vernon, or with the Com provements. DATED at Winnipeg, this mlssloner or Grazing, Department or Lands, audience in sympathy with the uatea this iln day or March, A. D. It It, Manitoba, 10th my oi April, a. u. lviv. Parliament Buildings at Victoria. B. C on character. His sense of comedy A. H. QUEEN. OIIAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY COM or oeiore jury isi, twiw. Oxy-Acetylene is equal to the finest in the history IN PROBATE. t-Ar.1, per m. ii tiansard. solicitor. plications Blank forms may be upon obtained which from to submit the Dis ap of tho screen, a talent which, N THE SUPREME COLUMBIA.COURT OT BRITISH LAND ACT trict Foresters at tbe above named places or irom me Department or Lanas at vie Welding Outfit PHONE 58 coupled with his romantic gifts, loria, ii. u. P. O. Box 333 90S 3rd Ave. places him far above the run of N THE MATTER ACT OF THE ADMINISTRATION iotlce of Intention to Apply to Lease Land! Deoutv O. H.Minister NADEN, of Lands. most stars, . N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF In Oueen f!harlntt l.l.n. I .nt ni,i.i.i Department of. Lands, william MCkKAZIL LUQAN. DECEASED, lecordlug District or Skeena, and situate' victoria, ii. INTESTATE. in Langara iiiana. 14th April, Itlt. Efficient Work NOTICE IS .HEREBY GIVEN TCI U'linM Take notice that Norman Brodhurst, or COLONEL PECK SHOWN T MAY CONCERN of an order maria hv fit mice nuperi. u. c. occuDat on maate and Perfect Ionour, F; McB. Young-, Local Judge, in the manner, intends to apply ror permission Prompt Dove mauer on the S5th day of ADrll. to lease me following described lands AT MOVIES TONIGHT Ill n a ,n .n... ' Commencing kt a post planted about to COAL IT IS ORDERED thaL the mid Jntin u eet In an easterly direction from the S. W. nie.nuiiin snail be allowed to ivmf m ih. corner of Lot ttt; thenre south too feet death of the said deceased as occurring on more or less 10 low water mark; thence Picture of Him and the northeasterly along low Screened Splendid mo oiu uay ui may, ivw, aner tne eiplra water mark about lion oi one month from the clam r th mains 10 a point due south or tbe S. E Other Officers Taken at nrst publication of notice or this order, corner oi loi www; tnence north about I Sacked Cologne. unless in the meantime proor is furnished chains to the S. E. corner of Lot ttl to the Registrar of this Court at Prince thence southwesterly to this,post and con Delivered nuici i. u. i.., iiiii me aaia deceased Wil talnlng three acres, more or less. WATER ACT, 1914. liam nic&enzie Lnran u-ii aitva mw NORMAN BROADIIUnST. 84 A. at the Taxi surprise was sprung RIPARIAN RIOIITS quently to the said nth day of May, itt7 Dsted May 7, lttt. Empress Theatre laat night when AND IT IS FURTHER Or.DEI.En tUt A,. NOTICE Is hereby given that under the $13.00 during the showing' of a British or said this John Order 11. Mc.Mullln In the Prince do publish Rupert notice Dally LAND ACT provisions 1014, every of riparian Section 6 proprietor of the Water claiming Act, current events picture, Colonel News, j) newspaper published at Prince any ngnt to divert water or to the ex ..ujcri, u, u., ior a period or one month. Notice of Intention to Annlv tn I .. i nrf elusive use of water ror any purpose,by Peck to the was seen stepping J. II. McMULLIN.i In Oueen Charlotte lIanri ton virtue only of his being such rlnarlan nro- CAR per front. There was a good deal of Official Administrator, Recording District of Skeena. and situate prlctor is required on or before tho nrst SEVEN PASSENGER on Langara Island. day of June, Iwto, to file a statement or ' SERVICE enthusiasm shown over the event N THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR Take, notice that Hume B. Bablngton or claim setting rorth the particulars or his DAY AND NIGHT and because of the special local Prince Rupert. U. C. occupation mauler claim. . Such statements or claim ahall be OF TITLE FOR LOTS 8 it t, BLOCK manner, iiuenns io- appiy ror permission llled n duplicate with the Water Recorder 84 Terminal Coal Co. interest of the picture it will bo PERT, (Map tt3. to lease me following described lands:. or tho Water District in which the water PHONE lAlllllltr I1-U1IT ai a nost manUri annnt ft diverted or used. repeated tonight. The Colonel is NOTICE IS hereby riven that It l. t Offles Phone, Plack 85 J mains in a soiithasier!y direction from Aner the first day or June. leSO. no Intention, unless 4 seen alone and also in valid objection is made iiiv a. . earner nr il u'jiit tiioniA .nitth Ight to divert water or to the exclusive X Yard Phone, Black 610 company thereto In writing-: to arior th ... ROSSI along tilgn D. water BOO reeti thence west se or water ror any purpose snail exist with other ofllcers at just imauuu ui uim luuma, irom me nrst Cologne llcatlon pub. about 100 rret to low water; Ihenre northwesterly uy virtue oniy oi any ownersnip or lana hereor, rresh after the victorious marched the above a Certificate of Title about t chains aking low water tonus or statement or ciaim can be od- army to mentioned lots In the name lo a point due south or the S. W. corner alncd from the Water Recorders of the Block Third Avenut In. Tho picture is an excellent of of Title Ronald Is C.dated Ferguson,ioth which Certificate or Lot 018: thence north about 8 chains several Water Districts In tho Province or Dawson j m April, IttJ, and Is io wis ,n. w. corner or tot 8j tnence rom the Comptroller or Water Rights. DENTISTRY one. All llalSC I CU I 2 Vl 11. southeasterly alonr hirh wator tn ni 'arllament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. Our Pool Room Taxi The feature film for the evening District r, Registrar MACLEOD,nt Till.. nu VVHI.I1UUI ii.o acres, mora or less. Dated at Victoria. B.C.. this nth day j II. B. BABINGTON. or iwiw. and marcn, Registry Office. is a new one "Neighbors," Prince Rupert, B. C. Dated May 7. Itlt. T. V, I'ATTULLU, i--1 OFFICE HOURS: John. 88th Minister of Lands. starring Madge Evans and April, itlt. 9 a.m. to 12 1:30 p. m. to 6:30 p.m. nie Uines. It is a five-part story QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DI3. WATER N6TICE DR. J. 8. BROWN and is said to bo above' the aver, DIVERSION AND USE. MAUETT SMITH & DENTIST ago. TAKE notice that Tha cn... Offlct: Smith Block, Third Anue. Tho seventh opisodo of "The Lumber Co., Ltd., of Port Clements, fi. c., TAKE NOTICE that E. F. Duby. lumber occupation saw mill, intmiia m manufacturer, whose address is care of Phono 484. Woman in-the Web" will prove permission to lease the following described Messrs. Patmore & Fulton, Prince Rupert. AND HEATING c, win apply ror licence to iae ana PLUMBING as full of tense interest as any Commencing at a nnat ni.nt. .... se too c. s. r. or water out or Union ENGINEERS of the former and as tho northeast corner of Lot 8, Block it, DEPARTMENT OF LANDS reek, which flows westerly and drains episodes of subdivision 6r nt lit tin .Vr-ri nto Union Bay about at the bead or said furnished. plot develops tho interest increases. i-iiauia, lueuce west so degrees bay. Estimates south to approach of Government trie water win be diverted rrora tne Wharf. WATER RIGHTS D RANCH tream at a nolnl where Union Creek leaves 37dAv"enue. hesJ Bowling Alley A Harold Lloyd comedy rounds Government Wharf to northwest corner of "WATER ACT 191 4." Union Lake and will be used for power Address. kVr'r "LWAh "'"'y long the and incidentally industrial) purposes Second Street. out a first ralo show. upon the land described as District Lot of 2'4 yS&J.Kll P"ce of beglnrilng. ' u iANCELLATION umber tuw. cass ar District. P."- Box THIRD AVENUE OF RESERVE OF WATEn This notice was posted on the ground Phono 174 - Queen Charlotte Islander' can- NOTICE Is hereby given that His Honor on the 3rd day of April. 1019. A copy of UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT lie Lieutenant Governor or British Colura- this notice and an application pursuant tot do better than mall their NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OP REIERVP i.. us iiiu wm ine aovice or his Etecu. thereto and to the "Water Act. It 14." will printing, needs to Tho, News Print NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ive Council, has been pleased to order: be filed In tbe the Water Recorder For Healthy Exercise T.,,AT.puI,,ian, ,0 ,ue provisions of at Prince Rupert, B. C. Board ihop and got the work done :hC.,J?.n.5aB.0Lth.l,"vy.,,er 1014" being Objections to ' the application may be The "Garirand" to Keep Ypu Fit iiined In the n. c. nrtt .h. a.l Statutes of lOH. that filed with the said Water Recorder or with romptly and vrell. July, 1008. Is fawned: ",n or he reserve of the unrecorded waters of he Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Avenue East U. R. NADEN, C.rc"t'.. ''bushed pursuant Wo Buildings, Victoria, B. C, within 416 Sixth and Tobaccos Deniitv uini.t. .. Jrder In No. 48. approved on the hlrty days after tbe. nrst appearance of Cigars Never forget, to look through anria Department. ' '-"a, 7i'lY-nJX S!, 'iSVfl" ,9,- D ncelled. his notice In a leral newspaper. ticions, is, c, I7lh flay or February. Itltf. K. Y, DUBY, Applicant. PVAIU VI ------ the classified Hist on Pago 5. th March, itlt. T, D. PATTULLO. The date or the first Dubllcatlon of this H (9 Mln.ster of Lands. notice Is April 11, Itlt.