Ma 1919' Thursday, THE DAILY NEWB. Pago 6 ONLY MEDICINE LIBERALS WILL Daily News Classified Advertising MADE FROIVI FRUIT CONVENE SOON WANTED. PENDING THE DISPOSAL OF Have You Tried National our business,"shipments of new Convention to be Held WANTED Extraordinary Success which In Ottawa Early In Girl or woman for lines in Ladies' Ready-td-Wear August; housework. Apply Mrs. W. E. Trade are still coming in. We give Has Achieved Policy. Williams, Borden Street. Phono "Fruil-a-iives" prompt attention to mail orders. 0n9 reason why "Prulfc.-Ure." A National Liberal Convention Black 158. tf Gbldbloom'8, Third Ave. Provincial ,o extraordinarily successful in is to be held in Ottawa on August WANTED FUrnished house or Prince Rupert, B.C., tf in? relief't those suffering with Oth, Oth.and 7th. The convention rooms suitable for light housekeeping., FOR SALE 160 acres of good fLsm'i0' Torpid Liver, Indiges-I has been called by the Liberal Apply box 257, Dally land in Kispiox valley. Lot 1563 Chronic Headaches,Neuralgia, representatives in the HnnsA nf News office. 126 Cassiar. State bladder Troubles, your own price. Ktincy "" commons, under Iho leadership of Write E. Slockland, P. 0. box WANTED rain in the Back, Three or four roomed gknnMtism, u. l. MCKenzie, M, 1'. for North 401 Prince' Rupert, B.C. 3i FLOUR Skin house t .ma and other Affections, Cape Breton. The purpose is or apartment, furnished u l.cciuse it is the only medicine in threefold: or unfurnished. Cameron, FOR SALE 88 acres of land, th'e world made from fruit Juices. Phono 71. 126 i. 10 make a declarnl nn nf house and barn, about ten acres It is composed of tho medicinal Liberal principles cleared, at Usk. Price $6,000. found In apples, oranges, as applied to Bring your furs to Ooldblooin, L principles and prunes, together with the present conditions throughout Third Avenue, He pays high-tf . Andrew Pete. 127 jerre tonics and antiseptics of t-anaua. est price. FOR SALE Furniture, including Ask Your Grocer: i repute. f. lo establish a nation-wide troren WANTED crockery and glassware. Scoble, trial sire 25c. party organization. Second-hand chicken ' for$2.60, box,C -'3i 50c.a 2 Clapp Block. 126 jit ill dealers or sent postpaid d. lo select a party leader in incubator; State size and make. bj Fmit-a tivc3 Limited. Ottawa. Hie place of the lato Right Hon P. O. box 800. tf LOST orable mi. Sir Wilfrid j v Lauricr.... WANTED A stenographer. Ap-pIyBrackman-Ker i.OST Between Summit Apartments inu convention win comoriso Milling Co., and Conrad, ladies' three purse delegates from each federal STEEN&LONGML Ltd. election district throughout tho 26 containing $15. Finder please Dominion elected at a district WANTED Woman to do sewing return lo Mrs. J. R. Mclntyre, Edward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager 5ANITAR. mD HEATING convention. by the day, apply Inlander, 2nd Summit . Apartments and receive Edward Cunningham,' Vice-President suitable reward. 125 , ENGINEERS Calgary Platform Avenue; 'The policy of the Liberal FOUND BARMAID WANTED Wages $20 & Co. Agents for party of Canada with respect to Lipsett-Cunningham a week. St. James Hotel. tf HcCLARY FURNACES reciprocity and lower tariff met FOUND Bunch of keys belonging defeat in 1911, was reasserted in WOMAN COOK WANTED at .Inlander to A. O. Johnson. Apply LIMITED s the Winnipeg platform of 1917 Boarding House, Daily News office. PLUM3INQ 2rdrAvu FISHING A CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE and in the Calgary nlatform of and FOR. SALE FOUND Bunch of Yale keys Apply 1919. As thereis now a prospect Daily News office. Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories SHEET METAL WWIKS of an early election in which the FOR SALE House and lot in Sec .Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage) phone 5, 834 Second Avonue. trade question will be the most FOUND Purse with sum of Night phones 576 prominent issua, it ;s a matter of tion 6, one block from McBride. money. Apply Daily News, tf PRINCE'RUPERT, B. O. A genuine bargain. Enquire and Blue 270 supreme importance that all who believe in greater freedom of 212 8lh Avenue, East. 127 ARCHITECTS Registered Office: Prince Rupert Office: work, at the right time,The right and at the right prlo. trade, wider markets and a reduction rO CLEAR Folding deck chairs, WILLIAM BRUCE, Architect and 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 of the present 42 per slightly used, at Brochu's Fiir-niture valuator. 4th Street. Plans prepared Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1698 cent, tariff, should attend, the Store, 309 Third Ave. for public and private primaries and district Liberal - buildings. conventions and so assist in the FOR SALE Large Taylor safe in Pianos in Stock selection of delegates to the National good condition. Phone 76. tf FINANCIAL Convention at Ottawa and S.S. PRINCE RUPERT APPLICATION FOR LOANS at a HEINTZMAN & CO. the nomination of candidates for FUR SALE HELD AT low rate of interest received on or KARN ENNIS the House Powerful of Commons.Forces. HAZELTON LAST WEEK plans by specifications William Bruce,and Architect, tenders, S.S. PRINCE GEORGE MORRIS "Lack of unity of action among 4th Street. SAILING CLINTON the producers and consumers of The third fur sale was held in THURSDAY and 8UNDAY MIDNIGHT for 8WANSON BAY,' OCEAN FALLS, DOHERTY Western Canada would be fatal Hazelton on Wednesday after MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on building VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. now. The powerful forces which Loans. Apply Prince Rupert WEDNESDAY end 8ATURDAY MIDNUHT FOR ANYOX. Sold on Easy Terms. noon, when $7,157 worth of furs We rent out pianos have always been against us are were disposed of, or ten times Housing Ltd., Geo. W. 6.-8. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT by the montli as ilarmcd and onlyby dividing us the amount of the first sale, says Nickerson, Secretary. tf For Massett, Port Clements and Buckley Bay April JJrl, and'SOth; May- into factions and classes can they the Ornlneca Herald. 7th, 14th, Stst and 98th. low as 20c. a day. MISCELLANEOUS Southern Points Queen Charlotte Island. April 81th. May tth and S3rd. again attain power. The plan of There were nearly $10,000 Piano Tuning Musical Stewart, B. O., May 3rd,. 17th and lilt; and their campaign is now becoming worth of furs offered, the left rilE NORTON The place for a Instrument Repairing clear and encouragement is being TRAIN SERVICE overs included 15 fisher, and the shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp given lo the formation of new reserve bid was $2,555. Seven treatment. 210 Fourth Street. Passenger Monday, Wdneaday and Saturday it 11: a.ra. for Smltheri, Walker's Music Store Edmonton and Winnipeg, miking cennectleas for; Prince George, .direct and multiplicity of candi parlies other fisher were sold. The,, fur Open 10 a. m. or by appoint ill points east and south. 2nd Ave. Phone Blue 389 dates. This Is Iheironly hope of was offered in sixteen lots rariflr- ment. Phone 493. tf again defeating us. We cannot ling from $2,000 down. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES hope to have any large section of The buyers represented firms REAL ESTATE For Information and reserritlom ipply te the press support our cause; and from New York, Edmonton, Van WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR City Ticket Office, B20 Third Avenue. Phone 160. MISS M, A. WAY tho powerful agencies of the Big couver and Prince Rupert and tho LOTS. Apply P. O. box 606. tf TEACHER OF MUSIC Interests are everywhere. This goods were fairly evenly divided condition has become intolerable. among them. C. P. R. FARM 309 Second Avenue Only united action can emancipate .P.R FARM LAND Choice farms Toronto Tikint with Conwrvttoire ttudrn'ti the of ijrlUbut Muilc of from the us." Mrs. C. R. Starrett arrived in in well settled districts in CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY prtairitoalvMiced. Phone Blue I lown yesterday from the south to Western Canada; low prices; join her husband here. twenty years to pay; irrigated PRINCE GEORGE lands in Sunny Southern Alberta, Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points with loan of $2,000 in via Steamer to Vancouver and the FOR ELECTRICAL WORK This district sold $5,407 worth FOR SALE improvements to assist new Canadian Pacific Railway of war savings stamps during the settlers. Act now they are Go to Meals and Berth included on Steamer month of March. For April there going fast. For free booklets was a slight decrease in the House Near Dry Dock. and full information write H. 8.6. PRINOE88 ALIOE 8.8. PRINCE88 MARY Geo. Waddell amount. Four Rooms and bath. G. Loughran, 744 Hastings St., For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from Prlnee Rupert Plastered, Electric Lights. Vancouver, or Allan Cameron, June !, 11 and SO During July anl August every Saturday at noon. 336 2nd Ave. C. W. Moore of the Waverly General Supt. of Lands, 987 1st For' Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, Skagway, Alaaka, from Prince Rupert Mining Co. who is in town says $1600.00 May SO; June 7, 1 tnd SO. During July ind August every Mondiy at noon. St., East, Calgary. Phones that drilling is to be done for We have several level lots BLACK 367 GREEN 394 CANADIAN PAOIFIO OCEAN SERVICES exploratory purposes near Bark-erville. in Section Eight for NOTICE For' rates, rer rvatloni ind sailings, tpply ta Save Money In Lamps. W. O. General Agent. ... $60 each N THE MATTER OF THE WOODMAN'S ORCHARD, William Lowery who was as IN MEN THE ACT MATTER AND AMENDING OF AN ACTION ACTS AND IN 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C. THE COUNTY COUHT OK AT LIN HOLD-EN sistant postmaster, "here for a at prince nursnT lime after his return from over Victory Bonds Bought at LAURITS E. STROME, Plaintiff, Hotel Hvder- seas, has taken a construction position as Highest Market Prices A"dT. A. KELLEY LO001NO AND - - m timekeeper with a COMPANY LIMITED, LUMOEn COAST SERVICE. Defendant. The jUnion gang near TAKE NOTICE that Ills Honor Judge F. Portland Canal, B.C. McCaffery, Gibbons un vnnnir has anno n tea Friday, me For Vancouver, Tues., 8 p.m.; Sat., 4 Neil McDonald, a pioneer from thirtieth riav of Mav. at tho liour of eleven Steamship M- at the Court House p.m. R. o'clock In the forenoon, JAM1ESON, Proprietor this district, has returned after Ltd. it Prince iiuperi, i. ... m u.j upuu Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, & Doyle, which all persons claiming- a Hen on the in Frac.ce. of B.C. four years logs or timber or the move namea ue-. Co. Mondays, 7 a.m. Caltoay l0 ,hefamou, flu,h Mine Insurance Real Estate solicitors fendant shall or Agents appear berore In person,the or said by Judge their Naas River Points, Friday a.m. C. Thompson who left here last for tho' adjustment of their claims and the Ltd. fall for the east returned yester B. C. settlement of their accounts. f ' Jack Barniley, General Agent Now Open for Business Prince Rupert, Dated at rnnce itupen, a. i.., una nm day on the Prince Rupert fron day or May, 1019. -:riHr Vancouver. ITS A GREAT LIFE IF YOU PONT WEAKEN mmmm"By GENE BYRNES 80 Second. Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail Qeneral Contractors nnd Labor, Exchange. HUUtb SHOti- -- OH" rHtVJER PcJ A tLT ON tAOvJ V" J Prince Hllnnrt Tl C Id S5 - P.O. Box 725 10 AL TRANSFER phone Red 529 A' L. Murrav