Page a THE DAIL1 NEWS. Thursday. May 29 Ifilo The following lines j Local News Notes J G. H. Arnold Manager Arriving Thurs. Boat Boys' and girls' running shoes Ml W all styles Family Shoo Store. FOR SALE ON 8 ALE FRIDAY LOWEST PRICE8 Just received a new "Bell" shoo 4 Rtims with bath, and modern, near Cold Storage Fresh Kennewick Strawberries, for ladies, in grey kid. Family $1,400.00, HALF CASH AND BALANCE EASY ' Firm ripe Tomatoes, Shoe Store. tf M Cucumbers, head Lcttuo?. 5 Rooms vith batli.ond modern, 8lh Ave., near McBride Meeting of Prince Rupert Rous- iagiirfslk Cherries, Pineapples, New $2,300X0 AND EAS YTERM8 ing, Ltd., Friday night 8 o'clock Spuds, Green Beans, Green in City Rail. 26 Wo buy United States Liberty Bonds and Canadian Victory I'eas, Rhubarb, new Cabbage, Bonds. New Bunch Beets, New Carrots, Albert & McCafTery, Ltd., have Green Onions, Radishes on hand 700 tons Nanaimo Wel Parsley, etc. lington coal. tf H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Phone Your Order Early. . Phone 00 210 Glh St. Remember wo have two Special for Fishermen. Swivels, phones no waiting for connection. 50c. dozen; hooks 3c each. Ful ler's, Ltd. Phone 45. tf A delayed sliipment Grand dance on Friday night just to hand in Rupert Table Supply Co. In St. Andrew's Rail in aid of the various Prince Rupert Dry Dock & Engineering Co. PHONES 211, 212 War Memorial Fund. 25 popular combinations All material for any kind of a Boats of any size Docked SCHOOL PUPILS GET uilding& McCafTery,can bo furnished Ltd. by Albert tf of colours, in pullover Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. and coat styles; USEFUL sleeveless, some PRESENTS K. Y. Ling of Pattinson &Aing, also Several boats can re docked together on one small electricians, returned to the city I section, making fees light. Large slock of repair Five Hundred Toothbrushes Given yesterday after a business visit some for the small chileren. materials is being laid in. To Children of the City to Vancouver. By Dr. Bayne. Prices from G. B. Robb, of the G. T. P., left range Foundry Work Ti,r ,vnc .m o,ifoD., i yesterday on a holiday trip for 4.l s " J o I V U V VAV 4 liVIIIUk fc I- Castings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at I the schools today when the children Chicago. Re is expected back in $3.50 to $18.50 about two weeks. Reasonable Prices. were presented each with a tooth brush and a capsule of tooth Jelect your piano as you would Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds paste by Dr. Bayne, the local a friend and see that it has those dentist. The folks young proudly qualities that enduro. Prince Monarch Silk Hose carried their gifts, home but Rupert Music Store. W. J. Pit Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries before going were given full in. man, Piano Dept. 125 Solicited. Istructions by the teachers how Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. I to use them. B. C. Loggers and Construction black or white, very special, $ 1 .95 pr. No less than 500 tooth brushes Workers will hold a meeting in were given away today to pupils Carpenters' Rail on Sunday, June of the public schools. 1, at 3 p.m. All members,are re quested to be present. 20 1 FISH ARRIVALS Special values in white foot- H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. One fishing boat sold her catch wear Family Shoe Store. tf Boys I Boys I Watch your money this morning, the Maud with 4,000 I will pay" flvo dollars in gold for lHStephens Colonel Peck at Cologne is to Corner 3rd and Fulton St. pounds at 14c. and 9c. to the the, return of a Canadian quarter I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., bo shown at the Empress Theatre stamped J. B. in small initial NOTARY PUBLIC ;Ltd. tonight. JOHN BULGER, Jeweler. 126 V The other arrivals were the J. 'S. Capt. Martin passed through Launch "Provincial" leaves for P. Todd No-. 2 with 25,000 lbs.; P. here today on the Princess Mary Stewart and points Doreen, 7,000; Giffen, 4,000, and way every SPECIAL en route to Skagway, Friday morning at C, carrying the Ingred, 3,500 lbs. There will be sold mail, passengers and freight. tomorrow. Modern Apartment House of Albert & McCailery, Ltd., are Phone Red 391, A. Swanson. tf two 5-roomed flats, with expecting two scows of building Seasonable Footwear. NOTICE material within the next two harbor view Does a man lose his pal when Special meeting of all delegates weeks, tf he marries? In "Pals First" this $5500.00 : of Trades and Labor Council May question is well answered. It is 29 at 8 p. m. At request of strike Victory Bonds taken on pianos, the! feature at the Westholme to Eight-roomed house, modern committee. All workers invited, sewing maenmes ana pnono. night, starring Harold Lockwood. We are now showing a complete line of Summer 3 blocks from post office SECRETARY. graphs. Singer Shop. The home Footwear for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Girls. $3250.00 of the Gerhard, Reintzman piano. TJie civil sittings of the Assize Our slock Jias been carefully selected and is up-lp-date uuy wnite snoes now and buy 329 Second Avenue. M.W.F. Court will commence June 24, In every detail. from the Family Shoe Store. tf when a number of local cases will NEW OXFORDS NEW PUMPS, JUST ARRIVED Provincial Government Em- port ine today I'rincess at 1:30 wary p.m.arrivea with in a be dealt with. There are five Wc carry a full range of Tennis Outing Shoes in all styles divorce cases to come before the M. M. Stephens ployrnent Bureau and Soldiers' large number of passengers for court. FOOTWEAR IS OUR SPECIALTY Civil Re-establishment; tempor- Alaska, also about 250 tons o AT THE LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE ary office C21 Second Avenue, freight, including several head of Which comes first your sweet Prince Rupert. Employers having cattle for the north, heart or your pal? "Pals First" vacancies for men and women in Government with Harold Lockwood in the Family Shoe Store ;iericai, lactory, domestic or Provincial Employ. leading role tonight at the West. ither work should apply to above nent Bureau and Soldiers' Civil holme will show how to combine For Your Phone 553. tf le-Establishment, temporary of. the two. Third Avenue flee 02 1 Second Avenue, Prince " lupert. Returned soldiers, men Everything you need In foot GEO. HILL E.R. TABRUM LUMBER TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY nd women requiring employ- wear, family Shoe Store. tf The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 - nent of any kind' should register WANTED AT ONCE an A-l lather nlh the above. No fees charged. The qualification committee of I S4.50 per thousand. Apply Phone 553. P. O. drawer 1674. the Soldier Settlement Board will PLASTER i J. McGowan, phone Black 527. meet in the G. W. V. A. rooms on White canvas footwear for Monday, June 3, from 9:30 a.m. FOR SALE New tent 9x10 never everyone.- Family Shoe Store, to 5 p.m. Any returned soldier Prince Rupert Music Store CEMENT been used. Apply box 258 Daily wishing to take up land can gel News office. tf Although resident in Canada all information necessary from OPPOSITE POST OFFICE ror trie last, thlrtv-twn vpnrs. this committee. 128 WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor Building iwi.yuiin nt.ur VAiTiiU, Apply Frank and Charles Zieman will Inlander Boarding Rouse. appear before the magistrate this "Everything in Music." Ask for Atkins' Sausages. If Materials afternoon charged with not hav LATCf T POPULAR 60NOS AND DANCES, VICTR0UI AND VICTOR RECORDS ing eitiier registered as enemy Tents. Pack sacks. Camp outfits. rcbslred. Etc Bows riepalrs to riionorraphs, Violins, aliens or having naturalization I Agent J. F, I Mag u re, Smith Block. I4IUIII'IK unrulu-lnri In I tiiTnjn! renlriripd SDd SdJU!l?d come to papers. Tne accused are father rxs knowntkal.' Prides Ruptrt Acadmj tX Blaslo In Conntctlos WESTHOLME and son, the father being here MARK IN TMi Mir VUUk IK Ktnr. from Ottawa on a visit to his son Albert & Ltd. IKaNerg, The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs TONIGHT who is a brakeman on the G.T.P. Your Eye North of Vancouver Phone 116 and 564. Did you see Colonel Peck in the The Heintzman & Co. Piano SCREEN CLASSICS INC. movies at the Empress? The film is Like The Weber Piano Office, Second Avenue, Next Present is to be repealed tonight. Westholme Theatre. Thomas Organs HAROLD LOCKWOOD .a All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments TO'SUBSCRIBERS W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. IN Camera Expert PUno Tuning nd Tcp.mng. Subscribers to The News E. L. VAUGHAN Pl.yert a Speculty THE are asked to pay the delivery i "PALS boys each month Prince Rupert Music Store ECONOMY E when they call, except where payment has been THE cjre Is an optical Instrument, Phones 18 and 36 made for the year In advance. I similar to a camera In construction, FIRST" The boys when and, like a camera, Its 417 6th ., E. Intricate system or lenses Is collecting carry official receipts sometimes Agra.'? j. .t-r.ii v u xi'v-m,1.1 ii hi.! i.i! l i'k. !jiiliLf'iUlggj disarranged, aiiASi-f-J-. --r--r tt-i ii so that an Improper n nnn which should al rocus results. Capital and Tteaerye. - J FRUITS AND VEQETABLE8 ire DOW The thrill of the day, with riches, love ways be", preserved. Total AaaetaNor. 30tli. 1018. ortr 1 153.000.00 coming- la ever Increasing: variety, and comfort,in contrast with mieerable, m It is our business to Ond out If and we can sell you these at tn the eyes are In perrect visual lowest pries censltttot with tiptop helpless poverty. LAND ACT condition,;and to rrlnd lenses that HOW TO SAVE quality. correct all slight deficiencies. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Drew Notice of Intnttnn to Annlv tn r.n4 The one safe way is to open a Bank account and We have a wide range or soft in vueru uuaiiuue iiauus i.ina unirici,I LET us help you to clear pat something in it regularly. in iictui mug umirici oi sieeaa, ana situate DRINKS, Including a lovely, thirst-quencbinr a it. .ic .mint; ui juman jicierve no. lo. vision, with. ri Then yon will think twice before drawing and invigorating: Spits Typical Drew Comedy Lang-ara TalfA Island.tint Ira thai rurtn n m.i - I suitable glasses. ,cheques against your ''nest egg". Cider at 25 e and 45o pee bottle. i-riiiiT uriiisii Is half spent. nuperi, Columbia, In and a occupation Money your pocket money manager, Intends to apply for permit-slon I T Is an Investment well worth the FORD to lease toe followlnf acconnt today and enter on Send your own Jars or bottles ror Weekly GAZETTE lands i described considering. Open a savings ,0 road to splendid Pickling Vinegar at only Commencing- st a post planted at north-west happiness. 50 cente par gallon. corner or Indian Deserve number te. tlienre one hundred and nrty feet more or UNION BANK OF CANADA i :JP Two- - Shows, 7.15 and 9.15 . ...... ... . 'I'M mark, th.n.. inn r -1 OF WESTERN CAai" ivv icti wrBirrtjr auuiir low Fred THE PIONEER BANK Mussallem Grocery Company I Admission, 30c and 15c ....water marks" v.thence. northerly.v uiijj water one hundred ilia rK: Joudry HEAD OFFICE WINNIPEG, MAN. JJUW, Inn hlfi-h .. ..... .. Practical Optometrist LTD. Wallace wit.. ! -1, n Saturday - - Reid - --. .ubim u iuiui oi com mencement and contalntnj two () acres Third Ave. . . Prince Ruoert PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH, CUFTON r. niEL. Opposite rt Office A. T. BRODERICK, Dsted 8th April. 19(0,