Friday, Mar THE DAILY NEWS. Page 3 IS GOOD NEW WILL STEAMER PLY TO PURITY - QUALITY - ECONOMY There's A Reason With, the increased cost of labor and ALICE ARM materials due to war conditions, it is SERVICE AND QUALITY Taylor Engineering Company has not reasonable to suppose that a really At the Right Price Just For Completed General Small Vessel first class baking powder can be made Business.Carrying and sold at the old prices. Rather than Down Town Store Coincident with the taking over sacrifice the quality of P,H 0 N E S 44 & 45 PHONES of Taylor the Dolly Engineering Varden Company Minos by the the latter company Is today running MAG Seal Cove Branch Store, Ave. tlio trials of its new large power PHONE 534 freighters for Iho British Columbia coast trade, says the Vancouver wo found it necessary to make slight increases Province. The Taylor Management in price during the war period. Even though FULLER'S LTD. control the Corporation,fleet, proposes which to will use Magic Baking Powder may cost a few cents the craft in conjunction with the more than the ordinary kinds it is still by far operation of the mines, carrying the most economical baking powder on the supplies and general to all cargo market to-day when and leavening way points en route to Alice Arm purity, strength and to the Dolly Varden properties, qualities are taken into consideration. '" """ """ " "" ""' I" and bringing back cargoes r"Z - i i of concentrates from the. mine Contains No Alum Made in Canada Storage Batteries House Wiring property.Additional war-time interest is lent to the new craft inasmuch as Charged and Repaired in all its branches hor crew will consist entirely of ,No Lops of Time While men from the motor boat patrol Your Battery Is Belnff ELECTRIC-irons service, under the command of "A MOTHER'S SIN" AT Overhauled. Another Is Lieut. E. C. Godfrey. Lieut. Godfrey, Always Available. GRILLS who is the son of Mr. God EMPRESS THEATRE To Prospective frey of the Bank of B. N. A., re CVINRUDE Agents Portable For TOASTERS RANGES cently returned from lengthy Tense Drama of Life In the BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS HEATERS service overseas, where he was Country In England Is to be Motors. in command of a motor launch on for VACUUM CLEANERS Shown Tonight. CAILLE Engines WASHING MACHINES anti-submarine and patrol work Feeling that it is up to us to assist in the.Housing movement Runabouts. in the Adriatic. i we will quote rock bottom prices of the material on. any REGAL Engines for A man's hatred of a faithless LAMPS The New Boat. and supplies handled by us, such as: wreaked wife his is the Trolling. on son. FLASHLIGHTS The Teco, which was designed Electrical material of all 'descriptions, including Fittings The Famous English theme of "A Mother's Sin," the GENERATORS and built by the Taylor Engineering and Fixtures, Lanips, Wire of all kinds and size, Pipe PETTER HEAVY OIL feature which will be the attraction Company, will have a 300-ton Conduit, Electric heaters and mantels, Automatic Electric ENGINE FOR in the Emnress Theatre to MOTOR SWITCHES, deadweight cargo capacity, and llanges, etc., Galvanized and black iron Steam and Water In this drama night. powerful SCHOONERS FISHING I ETO. is so constructed that she can be written by Hilda Sharpo, the Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Radiators and Heaters, -Pipe turned into an' oil tanker at 72 Covering, Wood Stave Pipe, Boechk's Paint, Varnish and Full line of Electrical Appratu In stock. hours' notice. She is 125. feet father permits the son to go the Kalsomine Brushes of all kinds. Hardwood Lumber Oak, pace, and then when he is hopelessly long with a 23-foot O-inch beam Ash, Maple, Teak and Gum. Structural Steel and Jron disinherits him in Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. in debt, and driven by 200 h. p. Bolinder the hope of gloating over his dis Ornamental Iron Work, Fire Escapes, etc. Rex Flintkote type enghfes. Her fuel capacity! the Best Made. Manilla land Wire 'and Hoofing Very Rope P. 0. Box Phone 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 67 grace. But the son thwarts him will give her a 1,600-mile cruising Cable. Derrick Castings and Contractors' supplies. the to the Tcxtent of leaving coun radius and she is designed to Rubber and the father dying realizes We also handle Goodyear Mechanical Goods, develop a speed of 8Vj knots when try tlio great injustice he has tlone. including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Hose and fully loaded. She has accommo YVestinghouse Electrical equipment, including Motors, He makes a new will which does dation for a crew of twelve men. Electrical not to light for several Generators, Transformers and all other Equipment. come her trials the' Teco to After -is. Being direct factory representatives, we are-able to be docked and is expected totake years,; make very attractive prices. Mpanwhilo a nrofliKate ncuhew her regular run in three weeks up gets the "estate and almost gets entistry time upon the arrival and instal the girl the son loves but anally Prince Ltd. lation of a special quickliandllng the will is discovered and all Rupert Supply Co., deck winch of a new type. Taking Over Mine. turns out happily. The- picture Fourth Street, off Third Avenue. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH ! .A.,J. Taylor, head of the-Taylor fa renlele with strong situations P. O. Box 772 Phone Black 389 which are well taken care of by Engineering Co., is in Victoria in One Tooth lowers Your Earle Williams, the star, and the Decayed or Missing conference with Hon. John Oliver rest of the cast. iik regard to the taking over of Efficiency The setting of the story is laid the Dolly Varden property. It is expected that work will begin at in the country in England. i the -mines within a few days, as . Just Arrived i m m ur-npp UH1IV r I ITI there is over 500,000 tons of ore i amoKe ruiitn o ni wu blocked out and ready for' ship Cigarettes wrapped IN TIN FOIL, Di Bayne ping. The composition of the SYNOPSIS OF A Number of the Latest Models mmo siau is saia iu no uu under j way. LAND ACT AMENDMENT OFFICE HOURS:- The action of the Dolly varden Pra-emptlon now confined to surveyei Columbia, Royal, Paragon Horning,;SXl2f Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30, Evening, 7 to 9 jj Mines Company in petitioning the lands Records only.will be granted covering only Legislature for the act unaer land suitable for agricultural purposes Dental Nurse in'attendance. 1 which the Taylor company now and Partnership which Is non-timber pre-emptions land.abolished, BICYCLES ) and in admitting but parties of not more than four may the property, Phone 109 for appointment assumes arrange for adjacent pre-emptions, with under the act the Taylor Joint residence, but each making necessary company's claim for a charge of Pre-emptors Improvements must on occupy respective claims claims.for , SOLD ON TERMS OR FOR.CASH llllllllllillllllllillllllillllllllll! illllllltl!lll!l!!II!!il!llllll!lllllllllll!l!llllll $462,500 out of the profits of the value Ave years of $10 and per make acre. Including Improvements clearing to Also carry a complete assortment of accessories and mine is regarded by Mr; Taylor and cultivation f at leant 6 acres, before reco: g C;own,Grant. We also do light machine work, lock-smithing, and his legal advisers as greatly Where i ' emptor In occupaUon not repairs. less than 3 mrs. and has made proportionate simplifying the work of organising imb'ruveinents, he may, because fit and make keys; umbrellas repaired, Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 which will of Ul-herJtli or o'her cause, be granted the new company Intermediate certificate of Improvement typewriters repaired and overhauled;, phonographs. take chargo of the mine development. and Records transfer without his claim.permanent residence For Comfort, Courtesy and Service With the new fleet or vessels may be issued provided applicant makes to extent of J300 per'annum Improvements plying to Alico Arm jmd the and records same ea.:h year. Failure McGOWAN & HANSON .1 - 1 i'i I iilll to make Improvements or record railway 10 me mines "F""';" will aB forfeiture. Title same opente for general trafllc, it is expecicc cannot be obtained on these claims in or Phone 489 135-139 SECOND AVE. P.O. Box 395 less than 5 years, with Improvements that considerable development 110 per acre, Including B acres cleared F. T. BOWNESS. Mn.,r will come to the Alice Arm district and cultivated, and residence of at Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. apart altogether from the ,erre-emptor"record another holding pre-emption.Crown Grant If he may re-aulres development of the mineral areas. land In conjunction with nls farm, without actual occupation pro-Tided statutory Improvement made ana om. Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water residence maintained on Crown granted 0n UNFROCKED BISHOP UUnsurveyed areas, not exceeding 10 Special Prices acres, may be leased a; hproesltes; Week AND ESCAPED CONVICT title to and be obtained Improvement after fulfilling condlt ona. For grating and Industrial purposes, areas exceeding 640 acres may be feased WESTHOLME LUNCH Harold Interesting Lookwood and Odd in mienauiy story by EMPTORS'person or FREE company.GRANTS ACT. Dining Room Suites in Fumed Oak SECOND AVE.J The scope of this Act la enlarged to At Westholme. Include all persons Joining and serving Golden Oak and HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. with His Majesty's Forces. The time within which the heirs or devisees of a iin.ln Ulna in n iirioiis story. deceased pre-emptor may apply for Australian Gumwood i'Uls -I II Ok title under 'this Act Is extended from i- nf. nn unfrocked death of such person, the from Fifty cent meals 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. 11 IS HID - -- one year from 11.30 to to a as formerly, until one year after the who has degenerated This Lounges, Beds, Springs and Mattres.'ies 5iort bishop conclusion of the present war. orders and board. all th tin.v- ui"""Qr.,.ii'rAtra with room -4 la lnlnrrl hv Har- privilege Is also made retroactive. j t in Uip cuise of nn TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT escaped convict, but who is in Trovlslon Is made ACT.for the grant to family persons holding uncompleted Agreements BARRIE FURNITURE STORE noble reality a scion of a to Purchase from the Crown of Of thq adventures such proportion of the land,.If divisible, . BOSTON GRILL of Tennessee. as the payments already I made will nf this pair and or tne wuy cover In proportion to the sale price of SECOND ST. AND THIRD AVE. "Pals the whol'j parcel. Two or more persons, which the title of the play holding such Agreements may group 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 l'lrsl" is worked out is a psychological theif tlonate Interests allotment and Jointly.apply for If a It proper-,Is not that is worth seeing. considered ud finable to divide the land HomnP A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. study. . i 1 , rlnml hill covered by an application for a proportionate land io allotment, an nllotment of DlNNeE?klnff- OPGn and Nlgl?fc- Harold lockwoou of equal value selected from available . work, still lives and instructs lands In the locality may be his Crown to R in. PDtfP An. - tint n-..ri t every me this, Launch AliceB. entertains the made. These allotments are conditional Short order at any time. as well as upon payment of all taxes due the Crown or to any municipality, The people. rights of persons to whom the purchaser for the Salt Lakes . Mn nf unusual interest from the Crown has agreed to It is the ell ave also protected. The decision of I, shown with this mm. the Minister of Lands In respect to the adjustment of allotment General Passenger Service. GOOD EATS suiu.o, a proportionate work of the luborcuiar Is final. The time for making application like three thousand for these allotments Is limited to Hunting, Fishing Second Avenue. something the 1st day of May, 1919. Any application and Picnic Parti who are under-foyem-mcnl made after this date will not be ,reakfast ....7:30 to 0 strong, considered. These allotments apply to L"ncl care and are town lots and lands of the Crown sold -. .;. V ii:30 to 2 suitable to their ebndition at public auction. JJ, Myhill Jones Uln"er to 8 For Information apply to any Provincial ..' 5:00 ind with a view to their cure. Government Agent or to Swan ion's Boathouia O. R. NADEN. SHORT ORDERS ALL DAY the Daily News- Deputy Minister of Lands. tst$ftt rr trrrr rrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrr rtrr "f f f" "'"Mi Advertise in Victoria, B. Q