f V t Page 8 THE D AIL'S NEWS. Friday. May 26. 9l9 j Local News Notes j G. H. Arnold Manager Saturday Special Shoes all ...kinds. Wallace's. This is the store where your $ $ FOR SALE PACIFIC For corsets sco Mrs. Director. -:- buy the most and the best :- Ladies' and children's canvas 1 Rooms wilft bath, and modern, near Cold Storage shoes. Wallaco's. 27 $1,400.00, HALF CASH AND BALANCE EASY MILK Our Real Boys' and girls' running 'shoes 5 Roma with bath.ond modern, 8th Ave., near McBride Shoo Store. all styles Family $2,300X0 AND EAS YTERMS 9 Tins for $1.00 W'buy Unitd Statat Liberty Bonds and Canadian Victor. ' Alex. S. Millar was among the SHOE Bargain SALE JJonds. 1 48 Tins to Case, $5.25 Smithers.train arrivals last night from , H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Rupert Table Supply Co. on Albert hand 700& McCaffery,tons Nanaimo Ltd., Wellington have will continue this week Phone 90 210 Oth St PHONES 2,11,212 coal. tf The tale of an unfrocked bishop We have a tremendous big stock of Smoke "PLAYEA'S NAVY CUT" who has become a tramp, at the Cigarettes wrapped IN TIN FOIL. Westholme tonight. White Canvas Prince Rupert Dry Oock& Engineering Co Special values in white foot Special for Fishermen.at Swivels, in Footwear wear. Family Shoe Store. tf 50c. dozen; hooks 3c each. Fuller's, Boats of any size Docked "A Mother's Sin"at at the Em Ltd. Phone 45.a tf Pumps, Slippers, Oxfords press tonight has a strong appeal George Moffat arrived in. town and Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. to women. last night on the passenger train Righ-laeed Several boats can le docked together on one small from Port Essington. D, II. Harris, accompanied by section, making fees light. Large stock of repair Mrs. Harris, arrived from Stew All material for any kind of a Shoes in turn or welted soles, with lrather or materials is being laid in. art last night for a few days stay uilding can be furnished by Al- rubber heels. We are still- selling them at the in the city. w . jert & McCalTery, Ltd. f tf Foundry Work . same prices as we quoted last week. 5 I). C. Loggers and Construction Charles Hoffman returned from v Castings in Iron,. Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Workers will(-hold a meeting in an' up-river trip to Hazelton last HATS HOSIERY Reasonable Prices. carpenters nan on sunaay, June nlglU on the passenger train. . for Ladies and Girls arrivals new of holeproof 1, at 3 p. m. All members are re Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds quested to be present. 26 The 'G. T. P. Steamship Prince going at One-Third hosiery in 8 George left Vancouver on time off. different shades. Victory Bonds taken on pianos, last night and is expected to arrive Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries sowing machines and phono here tomorrow morning on Solicited. graphs. Sing6r Shop. The home schedule. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. of the Gerhard Heintzman piano Jabour Bros., Ltd. 329 Second"Avenue. M.W.F. Boys I Boys I Watch your money I will pay five dollars in gold for Viola Pettinter was brought tho return of a Canadian quarter Third Avenue West before Mayor McClymont -and W. stamped J. B. in small initials E. Collison in the police court this JOHN BULGER, Jeweler. 120 CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT 1 morning charged under the vagrancy HW PWB I act for being drunk in a A building permit was Issued MLStephens New Telephone Directory. public place and fined $10. yesterday to Dan Kean of Section Z, block 40, lot 5, Hays Cove Please notify, in writing, the White canvas footwear for Circle, for the construction of a NOTARY PUBLIO Telephone Superintendent of any Family Shoe Store. $300 addition to his dwelling! everyone. alterations required in the new . . . directory", before June 4, 1919. Provincial Government Employ-nent Launch "Provincial" leaves for Seasonal) ooiwear Bureau and Soldiers' Civil Stewart and way points svery 8PECIAL Hair ribbon special 5 inches lo-Establishment, temporary office jriday morning at 0, carrying wide :25c. a yard. Wallace's. and freight. 021 Second Avenue, Prince mail, passengers House of Modern Apartment two 5-robmed flats, with Buy white shoes now and buy lupert. Returned soldiers men Phone Red 391,. A. Swanson. tf Wo arc now showing a complete line of Summer nd women requiring employment Footwear for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Girls. harbor view from the Family Shoe Store, tf Mrs. I. C. McLennan, of New of any kind should register Our slock has been carefully selected and is up-lo-date in hero who $5500.00 The Princess Mary sailed for ith the above. No fees charged. Westminster, was In every detail. connection with the founding of Skagway last evening at 5:30. Phone 553. P. O. drawer 1C74. JUST ARRIVED NEW OXFORDS NEW PUMPS, Eigut-roomed house, modern ' a Rebekah Lodge, sailed for her 3 blocks from post offlce Meeting of Prince Rupert Housing, '. home in New Westminster ' last Wfc carry a full range of Tennis Outing Shoes in all styles Ltd., Friday night 8' o'clock evgnfng. While in tho city -she FOOTWEAR IS OUR SPECIALTY $3250.00 in City Hall. -26 Notice to Advertisers was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. J. E. Jacks, Fifth Avenue East. AT THE "Pals First" is real Casual advertisements a story with a psychological theme that for insertion same day The qualification committeeof Family Shoe Store instructs as well as amuses. should be in the . Daily the Soldier Settlement Board will M. M. Stephens . News office before 10 a.m. meet in the G. W. V. A. rooms on A story of English country life Changes in advertisements Monday, June 3, from 9:30 a.m. . RENTALS . INSURANCE Third Avenue LOAN'S is seen at the Empress tonight in should be on band before to 5 p. m. Any returned soldier "A Mother's Sin." It is a tense 5 p. m. on previous day. wishing to tako up laud can get GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM story. all information necessary from ... this committee. 128 The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 Albert & McCaffery, Ltd., are . For Your expecting two scows of building Clearing out tho balance of our material- within the next two FOR SALE ladies' spring hats. Wallace's. weeks.- ' tf LUMBER Learning music is more than Prince Rupert Music Store Mrs. L. K. Ftuddick arrived in House Near Dry Dock. drilling fingers it is developing the city last night from Anyox Four Rooms and bath. the ear and the musical sense. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE on the Prince Rupert, which sailed Plastered, Electric Lights. The tone of tho Heintzman & WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor PLASTER last night for the south. Co. piano is none too good for !;......II.inrr in Hfll5ll' $1600.00 j- li. mine your child. Prince Rupert Music AND DANCES, VICTF0LM CEMENT The Sacrament of the Lord's We have several level lots Store. Opposite the P. p. W. J. LATEfT POPULAR AND SONOS VICTOR RECORDS Supper will be dispensed in the Pitman. Piano Dept. 12(V in Section Eight for Repair to Monorrapai. Violins. Etc Presbyterian Church on Sunday Building morning. Preparatory service $60 each White or grey canvas shoes ..i.nown,..!. Prlnc. Rup.rt Ac.d.my or Mmlo In Conniew" tonight. 126 and oxfords. Wallaco's. 27 km in ii-i oir With th Stort. - Materials The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs Specials for Saturday; 4 lbs. Bonds Victory Bought at North of Vancouver rcspberry jam $1.15; 4 lbs. black Highest Market Prices currant Jam, $1.15; 4 lbs. mar The Heintzman & Co. Piano COME TO WRSTHM MF malade, 95c,; Genoa and sultana The Weber Piano ii uuiiAuLiiJiu Gibbons tdi.e, 35c. per lb.; chow' pickles, McCaffery, Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Hoi'd. per pint; Melton Mowbray Thomas Organs Instruments TONIGHT pies, ouc.; salad dressing, -iao; All High-grade Guaranteed Phone 116 564. & Ltd. and Doyle, pickled red cabbage, 30c. per pint; W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. SCREEN CLASSICS INC. insurance Real Estate mixed pickles, 45o. per pint, at Pi.no Tuning .nd I T.P-. Expert Office, Second Avenue, Next Present tho Smealon Tea Rooms. 27 Pl.y.r. Specially Westholme Theatre. HAROLD L OGKWQQD rPrince Rupert, B. C. A scow load Mm of sand for the Music Store children's swimming pool at tho Prince Rupert salt lakes was brought in last IN night anil anchored in tho bay across tho harbor. It is being dis THE Diamond charged this afternoon. In order HIS HANDS FULUBW-i?-' to enable tho workmen to take it ECONOMY STORE Engagement in a plank runway has been buil from tho head of tho first lake to Phones 18 and 36 Rings tho place where the sand is to bo FIRST" deposited. 417 6th A., K. Wo take special pride in carrying in stock for this Everything you need in . foot FRUIT! ANO VEGETABLES ire now The thrill of the day, with riches, love purpose some very fine and wear, Family Shoo Store. tf coming in ever Incressinr variety, and comfort, in contrast with miserable, perfect diamonds. and we can sell you these at toe It was rumored around town helpless poverty. lowest prlcai MiiUleit kIU" tiptop We guarantee the'quality this morning that a settlement quUtf. and good value of these Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Drew had been arranged between J. R. rings as we have made special Wf have a wide raaie f SOFT in a selection of the stones Morgan & Co. and the men employed DRINKS, Includlnr lovely, thirst-quenching- on the slip excavations. before the last raise in and Invigorating Spill. Typical Drew Comedy .i price On inquiry from Mr. Morgan, Cider it 2Bo and 45c pir bottle.' and a '-i i diamonds. howover, this proved to bo incorrect. Wo recommend one at FORD GAZET7E Mr. Morgan said that Send your own Jara or bottles for Weekly $'. 5,00 in particular as being there was no change in tho situa a splendid Pickling Vinegar at only., quite desirable. ' eg cent per gallon. ' lion. So far as ho knew there Two-;- Shows, 7.15 and 9.15 John Bulger .was no organization with which he could negotiate. Iteallem Grocery Company Admission, 30c and 15c Jeweler Ask Atkins' for, LTD. Saturday - Wallace Reid The Store of Worth and Sausages. tf Beauty. Tanta. Paok aaoka. Camn outfits. Agent J. F. Magulra, 8mlth Block. Xm. IT