it June 3, 10 10. Til THE DAILY NEWS. Page 3 liiss 5 GOOD '$100,000 IS I HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY COMING HERE Gillett's Lye has long been regarded as a household There's A Reason necessity because of the fact that it is useful TO PAY WAGES in so many ways, and so satisfactory in every SERVICE AND QUALITY respect that no woman feels that she can keep Dolly Varden Employees to Oet house without it. Makes the finest kind of soap At the Right Price Large Sum of Back Wages for washing and cleansing. One can of Gillett's Earned on Railway. Lye will make ten pounds of good soap in twenty Down Town Store With ill a few davs a mini nf minutes. Many of its uses are shown in booklet something over iOO.'OOO will be under the label. PHONES 44 & 45 PHONES sent to this city to Le paid out in back wages to the men who were Branch Store, Seal Cove Ave. the employed Dolly Varden on the Railway construction but who of H Made in Canada. I PHONE 534 were unable to cash their checks when the company went into liquidation. This will be good news to many who have been IS GOLD STAMPEDE t0 0m-0 FULLER'S LTD. seriously handicaDDod through the failure to receive their wages. UP STIKINE RIVER To .Prospective This money will be paid through Williams & Manson who represent A stampede, headed up the BUILDERS &CONTRACTORS about one hundred of the men Stikine River to Telegraph Creek who placed leins on the property. and from there to the head of the !llllllllill!ll!llillll!!lllll!IlH!!lilll!ll!!l me current number of the ii. Whiting River, is reported by ills Feeling that up to us to assist in the Housing movement G. Gazette tells of the formation Charles Goldstein who returned we will quote rock bottom prices on any of the material of a big mining company known recently from a fur buying trip up and supplies handled by us, such as: as the -Taylor Mining Company, the Stikine, says the Alaska Empire. Electrical material of all descriptions, including Fittings J Dentistry capitalized at a million and a half and Fixtures, Lamps, Wire of all kinds and" size,.Pipe dollars, which it is understood is One outfit is leaving Telegraph Conduit, Electric healers and mantels, Automatic Electrio taking over the property and will Creek the end of this week for the Itangcs, etc., Galvanized and iblack iron Steam and Water ' operate it. new gold fields, Mr. Goldstein Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Radiators and Heaters, Pipe NEGLECT YOUR DON'T TEETH ! j said, and from all indications, Covering, Wood Stave Pipe, Boechk's Paintr Varnish and CROWDED HOUSE AT they will find something good. Ka Is online Brushes of all kinds. Hardwood Lumber Oak, S One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your f Prospectors are being put into Ash, Maple, Teak and Gum. Structural Steel and Iron j Efficiency" f- WESTH0LME THEATRE the field by the Canadian Government, Ornamental Iron Work, Firo-Escapes, etc. Rex Fllntkote and people in that part of Hoofing the Very Best Made. Manilla and Wire Hope and Wallace Reld In "The Source" the country are looking for good Cable. Derrick Castings and Contractors' supplies. Proves Qreat Attraction and results. We also, handle Goodyear Mechanical Rubber Goods, Dr. Will Be Repeated. including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Hose.1 and Bayne There was a great crowd at the Westinghouse Electrical equipment, including Motors, The great show which drew Westholme last night to see Wallace Generators, Transformers and all other Electrical -Equipment. OFFICE HOURS:" Reid in "The Source." The Being direct representatives, "ableUo crowded houses to the Westhohne factory "we are Morning, 9 lo 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 only, Theatre last evening is billed picture will be repeated tonight. make very attractive prices. again for tonight, and it is safe Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 H to say that notwithstanding the j SYNOPSIS OF weather, the Westholme will again LAND ACT AMENDMENT Prince Rupert Supply Co., UiL Dental Nurse in attendance. Pre-emption cauflned to surveyed, be filled with enthusiastic audi- now lands only. Fourth Street, off Third Avenue. EE Phone 109 for appointment E neea. land Records suitable wlU for be granted agricultural covering purposes only P. O. Box 772 Phone Black 389 The combination of stars-displayed and which is non-timber land. last evening was remarkable, Partnership pre-empllons abolished, but parties of not mure than four may and the quality of the whole arrange for adjacent pre-emptions, with Joint recldence, but each making necessary, evening's program was of the improvements on respective claims. Pre-emptors must occupy claims for best. five yeara and make improvements to Wallace Reid in "The Source" value of $10 per acre, including clearing and cultivation of at least 6 acres, before Just Arrived Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 had great opportunities. This receiving Crown Grant. Where i -emptor in occupaUon not photoplay is founded upon a story less than .vears. and has made proportionate For Comfort, Courtesy and Service which appeared in the Saturday of Ill-health Improvements,or olher cause,he may,oe because granted A Number of the Latest Models certificate of Improvement Evening Post recently, and it fol intermediate his claim. and transfer lowed the tale with remarkable Records without permanent residence be issued provided applicant makes fidelity. The business man who may improvements to extent of $300 per annum and records same each year. Failure Columbia, Royal, Paragon 1 is putting a new industry over, to make improvements or record owing to supplies being cut off same will operate as forfeiture. Title F. T. BOVVNESS. Munti cannot be obtained on these claims In from Europe; the aliens who do less than 5 years, with Improvements of Fifth and Eraser St., Prinre Rupert, B.C. 110 per acre, including 6 acres cleared their best to thwart the new venture; and cultivated, and residence -of at BICYCLES : the regenerating effect of least 1! years. Grant Pre-emptor holding Crown may I Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water I the woods upon the city dweller, record another pre-emption. If he re- land in conjunction with his SOLD ON TERMS OR FOR CASH and the final success of the new ?iuires -without actual occupation, provided venture -altogether make an en residence statutory maintained Improvements-on-Crown made granted and Also carry a complete assortment of accessories and f thralling photoplay. ''uiisurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 repairs. We also do light machine work, lock-smithing, Followed by Pearl White in acres, may be leased as homesites; title to be obtained after fulfilling residential fit and make keys; umbrellas repaired, WESTHOLME LUNCH "The Lightning Raider" and Fatty and improvement conditions. SEC OND AVE.; Arbuckle in -The Butcher Boy, areas For exceeding grailng and 640 acres industrial may purposes,be leased typewriters repaired and overhauled; phonographs. the whole makes a program which by one person or company. TWWWWWWW HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. is among the best that have ver PRE-EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. The scope'of this Act Is enlarged to been put on in the city. Include all persons Joining and serving McGGWAN & HANSON with His Majesty's Forces. The time Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. within deceased which pre-emptor the heirs may or devisees apply of for a Phone 4S9 135-139 SECOND AYE. P.O. Box 395 Short orders ail the time. Special'rates with room and board. JUNE ELYIDGE IN one UUe-year under from this the Act death Is of extended such person,from as formerly, until one year after the DELIGHTFUL PLAY conclusion of the present war. This privilege is also made retroaotlve. TOWMSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT June Elvidge. the charming ACT. e Provision is made for the grant"to BOSTON World star, appears at the Em persons holding uncompleted Agreements Qn GjRILL to Purchase from the Crown of press Theatre this evening in lau such proportion uf the land. If divisible, Special Prices stellar role in the photoplay "A as the payment already made will Week 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 cover 1 1' proportion to the sale price of Woman of Redemption." This the whole parcel Two or more pvrsons A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. Huh nlav tells of the manner in their holding Interests such Agreements and apply for may a proportionate group ' allotment Jointly. If It la not Room Suites in Fumed Oak Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. which an unsophisticated girl of considered advixable to divide the land Dining DINNER 11.30 to S.30; PRICE 45c. to.50c. Deitert at eery mea. the mountains redeems a young oovere allotment,by an application an ili'itment for a of proportionate land Short orders at any time. man who has been extremely dissolute. of eq ual value seleqK J from available Golden Oak and Crown landd in the locality may be The redemption occurs made. These allotments are conditional upon payment if all taxes due the Australian Gumwood only after a great many, extremely Crown or to -ny municipality. The Tights of peiions to whom the purchaser which the girl's exciting events jn front the Crown has agreed to Lounges, Beds, Springs and Mattresnes GOOD EATS brains and courage stand her and ell are also protected. The decision of the Minister of Lands in respect to the the young man in good stead. adjustment of a proportionate allotment Second Avsnue. Is final. The time for making application "A Woman of Redemption is for these allotments Is limited to breakfast 7:30 to 9 nlnv-and it is thorough the 1st made day after of May,tills Any will application not be BARR1E FURNITURE STORE Lunch 11:30 to 2 ly interesting from start lo finish. considered. Theso allotments apply to town lota and lands of the Crown sold, Dinner ... . 5:00 to 9 There will also be shown two at public auction. THIRD AVE. SECOND ST. AND comedies. For Information apply to any Provincial SHORT ORDERS ALL DAY splendid one-reel Government Agent or to O. R. NADKN. Deputy MtrJster of Lands, MAY Vlotorta. B. 1 HOUSE BUILDING Launch AliceB. . COMMENCE VERY SOON FOR SALE Prince Rupert Music Store At fiiA muftintr of the council OPPOSITE POST OFFICE for the Salt Lakes last night the mayor reported House Near Dry Dock. WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor that he had receivoa a roubii Four Rooms and bath. General Paenger Service. nf f tin nnw acreement submitted Plastered, Electric Lights. ja. "Everything in Music." JWV LATEf T POPULAR SONGS AND DANCES, VKJTROLAS Hunting, Fiiliing by the Provincial Government. $1600.00 tSjPkl ND VICTOR RECORD and Picnic Partie Ho said mat ii uie h'""'-satisfactory 2gMP Repair lo'Phonographs, Violins, Etc. Bows rebalred. they could draw on Wo have several level lots wauiuiiMti Woodwind Instruments repadded and adjusted, J. Myhill Jones the banks and get the money. The in Section Eight for rm wwTiitt Prlne Rupert Acadtmy of Mutlo In Connection finvfirnment had not MARKJNTHI WO.Lf ,,,, BU)p Swaason' Boatbouie vet received.. the appropriation lit. $60 each 'The Largest Stock of Pianos" and Organs i n unr.i from JJie uominiou jjui mc w North of Vancouver anxious to proceed with the building. The Heintzman & Co. Piano to Bonds at What they wanted was Victory Bought have the houses built immediately. Highest Market Prices The Weber Piano Georgetown Lumber Co. Thomas Organs All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments KfiJJ FISHING COMPANY McCaffery, Gibbons NEW PHONES 130 and 3. P. O. BOX 132 W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. O. The Somrne Fishing Co. Is a & Doyle, Ltd. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY private concern which has just E. L. VAUGHAN ftJjSrXSJvM received incorporation. Its head Insurance Real Estate SPRUCE FIR CEDAR offices are Victoria. Prince Rupert, B. C. Prince Runert Music Store Consult Us. ... ui ivrR'n. NAVY CUT" omom r - - - Cigarettes wrapped IN TIN FOIL.