Page -1 THE fMLY NEWB. Tuesday,- JUn--- 1 iMUHSMsasnauMtaa MARKET AGAIN In medicines, as la every other Til :ZmK necessity.- the public la tatlsfled GIVES TROUBLE with nothing but the best I ThU explains the erer-incre&slng demand for Zam-Duk. Not only la this TO ALDERMEN treat balm the best household remedy to-day. but It li also the most economical. Zam-Buk'a superiority la da te Discussion Delayed Until Alder the fact that It Is all medicine, con Could be Present man Casey taining none of the coarse animal fata or harsh mineral drugs found to Explain Provisions. In ordinary ointments. Again, the medicinal properties are eo highly When is a market clerk? What concentrated that they contain the Cheap Implements, maximum amount of healing,soothing is a market clerk? Why is a I and antiseptic power, so that a market clerk? When will the little of this balm goes a long tray. City Council get rid of the market Another reason why Zam-Buk is worry? These are questions the most economical. It will keep Indefinitely, Livestock and Harness and retain to the last its mavor and aldermen would like strength and purity. Best for skin nnswered. . diseases and injuries, blood-poisoning Last nisrht an attempt was and plies. All dealers, 50c box. made to read the new market by Soldier Settlement land, conveniently located, and (3) Up to $2,000 to buy implements, law and but consider the aldermen it clause became by THE has arranged with to give financial assistance in live stock, and clause,so hopelessly conru9ed neiore manufacturers of implements the way of loans to establish equipment. The soldier they got far that they refused to and harness to give soldier them on the land. will begin to pay off this continue. The difficulty was that settlers a wide choice of loan in the third year, the infant's father, Alderman! Casey, was away and the child J first class implements at prices Land and Loans and will have four years could not be properly licked into) substantially below those quoted to pay. The Portable shape without parental aid. Some- to civilians; and in the Prairie With certain exceptions, a one suggested iaceiiousiy mail soldier who has served with good Only five per cent, will be Gasoline Saw its mother should also be brought Provinces the United Grain charged on these loans. With a real Clutch along, but the suggestion was Growers, Limited, will give soldier conduct in the Cauadian.Im-pcrial treated deserved.with the silent contempt settlers special prices on or Allied forces in an A cash payment of one-tenth LIGHT, STRONG, FAST, EASY TO and other actual theatre of war or outside OPERATE When the proposal was made implements, wagons, the price of the land will be Cuts Wood in rain or shine by Alderman Casey recently that commodities. the country in whiclrjie enlisted required, except in special cases. the building should be rented, ill widow of such man) Cord. (or any may 8c a was understood that all the wor By collective buying in large loans to purchase land, Qualified settlers on Dominion ries were over. but. last night numbers for cash, it can also secure they all came back when it was live stock and equipment and Lands may secure loans up to a offer soldiers the lowest possible found that the troublesome" features erect buildings maximum of S3.000 on a plan of the old bylaw had been prices on horses and other live similar to the above for farm incorporated in the new. stock. (1) Up to S4.500 to cover the The bylaw was finally laid over cost of the land and discharge equipment, live stock, and erection until Alderman Casey should be It can supply a good harness of buildings, provided security present. set for approximately S3 1.50 at encumbrances offered justifies the loan. point of manufacture. (2) Up to $1,000 to erect I IMPROVED GREAT RUSH FOR JOBS All these concessions arc in buildings. Both these If you figure you have more Portable CALGARY POST OFFICE addition to the Board's offer loans to be paid on the than a fifty-fifty chance to make M Gasolirve to secure for the soldiers good instalment plan. Payments good as-a fanner, write to your DRAG SAW Many Returned Soldiers Take the extending over 25 Provincial Superintendent at I -with the places of Sympathetic Rogers Building, Vancouver, B.C. I CLUTCH Strikers. The yenrs. w. J BLACK. Vttfothas mode good (Special by O. T. P. Telegraph.) Chairman, Calgary, June 2. The offices oldier Setthnwn oard Union Dank Building, of Acting Postmaster G. B. Cor- OTTAWA ley and staff was deluged with applicants for the positions as clerks and letter carriers to re- place the sympathetic strikers. The corridors from the elevators MINERAL ACT. lAVIUAULiJ WAXkilS VWJlMi- the office were jammed with TION ACT. men, a large numDer oemg re CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. R. S. C. 11$. turned veterans who are to enter NOTICE Akerberg, Thomson the service which will be re Little Joker, Mineral II 111. Midas, Look-lit. The Grand Trunk Pacine Railway Company Mystery. Midas Lake Frac. Pass 'nc-lonal bereby gives notice that it bas, under organized. Mineral Claims, situate in the Port-and Section 7 or the aald Act deposited with & Ltd. Canal .Mining Division of Cassiar Dis the Minister or Public Works at Ottawa, Co., trict. and In the office or the District Registrar PROTEST WILL BE where located: On the East Salmon or the Land Registry District or Prince DEPARTMENT OF LANDS First Avecue River Valley. Rupert at Prince Hupert. B. C, a description ELECRTFICAL CONTRACTORS TAKE NOTICE that I, A. II. Oreen, act-ng of the site and plans of car ferry AND SUPPUES SENT TO OTTAWA as agent for L. Watklns, F. M. C. .No. Hip and works proposed to be built In NOTICE 16349-C; C D. Carter. F. M. C. No. 8.688- Prince Rupert Harbor at Prince Rupert, APPLICATIONS FOR GRAZING PERMITS, Machinists Agenti for Regal, Caille and, k. m. Martin, r. m. u. no. .s7-u: it. British Columbia, In front or water front Under Orailnr Act 1919. Eviorude REGARDING DRYDOCK J. Fetter, ?. M. C No. 9,597-C; 11. E. Block "C" Applications ror permits to rrsxe live anJ Engine Carlton. F. M. C. No. 9.598-C: Martin And take notice that after tbe expiration stock on tbe Crown range within each Welch. F. M. C. No. 9.S99-C, Intend, suty of one month rrom the date or the nrst Grating District or the Province or British Engineers Parkin Ward EtectriG Go. days rrom tne date nereor, to apply to tne publication or this notice tbe Orand Trunk Columbia, as established by order-in At the meeting of the City Mining Recorder for a CerttOcate or Improvements, pacific- Railway Company will, under Section Council, dated tbe lOtli or April, 1919. and for the purpose or obtaining published in the British Columbia Oaiette 7 or the said Act. apply to tbe Minis Phone 125 Night f Kent., Council last night the Mayor was a crown urant or me above claim. ter or Public Works ai bis omee In tbe on April 17th. 1919. must be nied with 148, Red 403, Red 513 instructed to draw up a night And further take notice that action, tin City or Ottawa ror approval or tbe said the District Foresters at Cranbrook. Fort Have installed an up-to-date der section 85, must be commenced before Nelson, Prince site and plans and ror leave to construct George, k'amloops. Rupert lettergram of Drotest aeainst any tne issuance or sucn certificate or im tne sua worts. Vancouver and Vernon, or wltb tbe Com ., , ii j j I proveinents. DATED at Winnipeg, Manitoba, this 10th missioner or Grazing, Department or Lands, suggestion 01. moving me aryaocK Daied tni, ltn day or March, a, D. 1919 aay or aphi. a. u. ihiv. raruarueni uuuaings at victoria, is. u, on away from the city. A. H. OREEN. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY COM or Derore Juiy jsi, iviv. Oxy-Acetylene Blank forms upon which to subrrlt ap PANY, per II. II. Hansard. Soliclior. The members of the Council IN PROBATE. plications mar be obtained rrom tbe Dis N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH trict Foresters at tbe above named places were inciinea to treat tne mailer LAND ACT COLUMBIA. or rrom tne Department or Lanas at vie Welding Outfit lightly when it was introduced by toria, ii. u. 0. R. NADEN. lirro Alderman Barrie, but Alderman a THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA lotlce of Intention to A to Lease Land, Deputy Minister or Lands, McRae said it be useless to TION ACT In Oueen Charlotte Islands Land District. Department or Lands, would THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF lecording District of Skeena, and situate Victoria, B. a, holler when they saw it moving WILLIAM MCKENZIE LOGAN, DECEAS tn Lanrara island. 14th April, 1919. Efficient Work ED. INTESTATE. Take notice that Norman Brodburst, of down rhe harbor. He knew that NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN TO WHOM 'nnce Rupert, B. C. occupation master Perfect Vancouver had been making T MAY CONCERN or an order made by His narlner. intends to apply ror permission Prompt and Alumseum eyes lonour, F. Mcli. Young, Local Judge, in tne o lease the following described lands: at the pontoons for some time ote miner on tne una aay or April, Commencing at a post planted about 90 viv, as ioiiows: eet In an easterly direction rrom the 3. W past. IT IS ORDEHED that tbe said John 11 corner or Lot 999; tbence south 900 feet Me.Mullln thill be allowed to awear to tbe or less to low water mark; thence The protest will be sent to Hon more death or the said deceased as occurring on northeasterly along low water mark about C. Dalantyne. tuc tu uaj ui ivs, ivw, aiicr tue eiiurs- 4 mains to a poini oue sou in or tne a. fc tion or one montb rrom tbe date or tbe corner or Lot v; inence norm about I nrst publication or notice or tms order. chains to tbe S. E. corner or Lot 999 unless in tbe meantime proof Is furnished thence southwesterly to this post and con NEW HAZELTON to the Registrar or this Court at Prince talnlng three acres, more or less. WATER ACT, 1914. itupert, 0. c, mat tne sail deceased WU nunsi.u BnuAuiiLKST. 34 RIPARIAN RI0IITS Uam McEenzle Logan was .alive subie Dated May 7, 1919. iaxi quently to the said Stb day or May, 1917. NOTICE Is hereby given that under the D, P.. Willemar is in charge of a.iu n is ri'iuiiEit uitutntu mat roe said John II. McMullln do publish notice LAND ACT provisions or Section 6 or tbe Water Act, the office at New Hazeltun. claiming assay or this Order In tbe Prince Rupert Dally 1914. every riparian proprietor II o is a returned soldier who did News, a newspaper published at Prince elusive anr'rlrbt to or divert water water ror or purpose to tbe ex by itupert, a. c, ror a period or one month. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. use any splendid work in France and virtue only or his being such riparian proprietor CAR 4. II. MCMULUN. In oueen Charlotte islands Land District SEVEN PASSENGER is required on or berore the nrst married in England before re. Official Artmlnlitra tor. Recording District of Skeena, and situate day or June, 1910, to me a statement or SERVICE Lanrara island. NIGHT on claim setting forth the particulars or bis PAY AND turning home. N" THE MATTER OF AN APPUCATION FOR Take notice that Hume B. Bablngton or Such statements or claim shall be THE ISSUK UF A FRESH CERTIFICATE Prince Rupert, B. C. occupation master claim. OF TITLE FOR LOTS 8 & 9, BLOCK mariner. Intends to apply ror permission filed In duplicate wltb the Water Recorder PHONE 84 Water District In which the water Two cars of forty-four Ions , or tbe J; StClIU.-X CITY OF PRINCE RU to lease tbe following described lands: Is diverted or used. each of zinc concentrates have PERT, (Map 93), Commencing at a post planted about or June, 1990, no After tbe nrst day NOTICE Is bereby riven that It Is mv chains In a southeasterly direction rrom been shipped by the Silver Stan. Intention, unless i alia objection Is made the S. V. comer or L. 998; thence south right to divert water or to tbe exclusive D. ROSSI nr wiier ror anv DurDose man exist Reflects Good thereto In writing, to Isiue, after the iisa ex along high water t0 feel; thence west dard this month and carload of virtue only or any ownership or land, a by piration or one monin, rrom tne nrst pub bout too reel to low water: inence norm- lead is about ready. The nnrinai licatlon bereor, a rresb Certiorate or Title westerly about 4 rhalns along low water slued Kflrmi rrom or siaieuieui tba Water oi Recorders ciauu cu or w vw the Avenu Housekeeping io ine aoove mentioned iota in tbe name to a point due south or the S. XV. corner Dawson Block Third production of the mine is lltrcr or Ronald C. Ferguson, which CerllDcale of Lot 998: thence north about 8 chains several Water Districts In the Province or or Tine is aated otn April, 19 IS, and li to the S. W. corner of lot 998: thence rout the comptroller or water lugots. Taxi cars a concentrates a monlii one uuiuercu ixii. parliament Buildings, victoria, B.C. Our Pool Room southeasterly along man water to post i of lead and 11. r. MACLEOD, Dated at victoria, B.C., this 11th day two of zinc. ana containing live acres, more or less, District Registrar or Titles. II. II. UABINUTUN, of March. 1919. a and Registry Office, T. JJ. I'A l I UI.LIT, Dated May 7, 1919. Fred Stork's Mrs. Sterrett and daughter and Prince Rupert, B. a, Minister or Lands gth April, 1919. three grandchildren are hero for WATER NOTICE Hardware the summer. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS DIVERSION AND USE. MALLETT uuui uisuuur ur skeena. SMITH & gECQND AVENUE Sergt. Ponder, a brother of TAkE nonce mat Tne Aeroniane snrnee TAKE NOTICE that E. F. Duby, lumber Phons Black 114 Cons. Ponder, and Sub, Baynes', I occupation 'saw mm. intends to apply" for manufacturer,Messrs. Patmore whose k. Fulton,address Prince is rare Rupert,or HEATING of the K. B. S., Imperial forces. I permission to lease the following described . a, will apply ror a licence to iae auu PLUMBING AND se 800 e. a. f. or water out or Union ENGINEERS arrived here Saturday night and Commencing at a post planted at th av tvttirh finu-a witfrlv and drains northeast corner or Lot 1. Block ii. tmmi DEPARTMENT OF LANDS nto Union Bay about at tbe bead of said Estimates furnish11. havo gone out to 25.mile the subdivision on or or Dst. Lot 746, thence bay. . . Babino trail to look over some norm a cnsins, inence well 30 degreei Tbe water win be diverted irora toe south to approach or Government Wharr. WATEIl RIGHTS BRANCH Iresm at a point where Union Creek leaves heaJ land with a view to putting in a tbence southerly along said trrmi-h nf Union Lake and will be used ror power AHrlrPSS. 3rd AvnU jNTIST-RY herd of cattle. Lot Government I. Block Wharr to northwest corner of "WATER ACT 1914." and Incidental! industrial! purposes of Second Street. IS, tbence easterly along the unon tbo land descrioea as District t-oi waterfront or lets 1, . I. 4, S. 0, 7 and . iimh., too nuip liiiirirL. p o. Box 27 office iiounst BATTALION ARRIVE8 blortt 15 to place or beginning. IA.NCELLATION OF hESEnVE OF WATER tiih notice waa nested on the ground Phono 174 9 a.m. to 12) 1130 p. m. to B:30 p.m. AEROPLANE SrRUCE LUMBER CO LTD NOTICE Is bereby riven that Ills Honor on tbe Srd day or April. 1919. A copy or ime. waren to, 1919. ne Lieutenant uovernor or British Colum-la, mis notice ana an application pu DR. J. 8. BROWN Ldmonton, June 2. The 31st NOTICE OF by and with the advice or bis Esecu-Ive tbrreto and to the "Water Atl. 1911," will CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Counrll, has been pleased to order: be Bled in the office or the Water Record DENTIST Battalion arrived at Calgary on NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th.i ih- ... THAT Pursuant to tbe Drovlslons of er at Prince Rupert, b. c. Boar Officii Smith Block, Thlrs Atanue. serve existing over Lot 418, Queen Char. .ectlon 89 or the "Water Act, 1911" being Objections to tbe application may be Tlie"Gar-Hand" Sunday and were given a great j !?'.!..'iUn' J?JL rfon of a notice pub-l'.nf,.'nJn. :haptor 81 of the Statutes jf 1911. that (lied with the said Water Hecorder or with Phone 454. reception. The majority of the July, I90, Is B"cancelled.c 'e on the lOtlLor be reserve of the unrecorded waters of he Comptroller or water itignts, rsn- 4J6 Sixth Avenue Es leruge Creek, established pursuant to menl Uulldlnrs, Victoria, u. c, wiuun men of that battalion for Edmon DeDUtr U. R. N ViniiKr ADEN, )r1er In Council No. 68, approved on the hlrly days arier tne nrst appearaocn oi KearPrj t or ni. Smoke "PLAYER'S NAVY CUT" ton are oxpected to arrive here ,anda Department. un my oi January, iviv. ne cancelled. bis notics In a local newspaper. Moot DATED mil I Tin day of February. 191V. r.. V. DUlir, APpncani. Hoard by cigarettes wrapped IN TIN FOIL. Tuesday, Victoria, B. T. D. PATTULLO, The dale or tba nrst publication of this ett Much, itif, u t Minister or Lands. notics Is April II, !-