THE DAILY NEWS. t Pags 5 WAR VETERANS ARE Gl 1I0RE0 PttASEDWITH TRIP Daily News Classified Advertising RHEUMATISM In a letter to rernier 0 C. Wesley Whittaker, president WANTED. FOR SALE House and lot in Section Have You Tried of the I'rovincial Branch of the WANTED Girl 0, ono block from McBride. FRUIT-A-TIVES" Broubt Quick Great War Veterans' Association, housework. Apply or woman Mrs. W.for E. A genuino bargain. Enquire expresses ofllcia! pleasure in con, Williams, Borden 212 8th Avenuo, East. 127 Street. Phone nection with the recent frin dcrtaken by the Association's Black 158. tf FOR SALE 88 acres of land, Provincial house and barn, about ten acres nomineo .in Bring comoanv with n, your furs to Goldbloom, ilon. h. U. Barrow. Minis! Third Avenue. He pays highest cleared, at Usk. Price $5,000. Andrew Pete. 127 agriculture. price, tf The letter reads as follows: FOR SALE Furniture, including WANTED AT ONCE an A-i lather inc appointee of the. nmni crockery and glassware. Scoble, $4.50 ar veterans' Association, T. A J. McGowan,per phono thousand.Black Apply 527 2 (JIapp Block. 126 FLOUR iunnra, wno accomnaniprf fh Minister of Agriculture on his WANTED TO PURCHASE Cord, FOR SALE Large Taylor safe in trip up country, has returned. wood timber. Apply box 250 good condition. Phone 76. tf am happy to say is delighted with News office. 130 FOR RENT the situation as he found It and speaks in glowing terms of the KITCHEN HELP WANTED, Apply i on RENT Bedroom with Dri- tiLA ii jffi' treatment accorded him by the Inlander Boarding House. Vale family, convenient to saw Ask Your Grocer Minister of Agriculture. He states BARMAID WANTED Wages $20 mill and.drydock, apply box 260 MR. P. H. MCHUGH that every facility News office. possible was a week. St. James Hotel. tf 103 Church Street, Montreal, granted him to make a complete December 10th, 1917. survey or the lands of that area.' WOMAN COOK WANTED at In-lander L08T "I was a great sufferer from Rheum, It will be recalled that the trip Boarding House, 2rd Av. LOST Between St. Elmo and St. clismfor over 16 years, I consulted was undertaken by the Minister FOR SALE Andrew's Hall, diamond stone gpcslaluts, took medicines, used for the purpose of "spying out' from ring. Finder please return Edward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager loti. :is J but nothing did me good. suitable tracts of land adaptable FOR SALE -Modern six rnnm to room 10 St. Elmo. 30 Edward Cunningham, Vice-President Then, I began to uso "Fruit-a-tires" for conversion into settlement house with bath, Section two FOUND J and in 15 days, the pain was areas for soldiers and others. It Harbor view. House and lot and the Rheumatism was to get the soldier of Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. est :r was point for less than house could be FOUND Bunch of keys belonging Gradually, "Fruitt-tives" view on the spot that Mr. Barrow teller. built for at present time. Apply to A. 0. Johnson. Apply tt rcame my Rheumatism; and now, asked the relumed men to select owner, P, O. Box 343. 131 Daily News office. LIMITED for five years, I have had no return a representative to go with him ofth. trouble. Also, I had severe The above is the result. SPECIAL IN DRESSES Dresses FOUND Bunch of Yale keys Ap- FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE . itnta and Constipation, and in crepe de chine, taffeta, poplin ply Daily News office. Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories "Frui''..-tives" relieved me of these and serge. Regular price ecmplaints ; and gave me a good SALE ARRANGED FOR $35.00, now for $17.95. and FOUND Purse with sum of Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage i;,pctiio ; and In every way restored HARRISON CLAIMS $25.95-Goldbloom's, 3rd Ave money. Apply Dally News. tf PRINCE RUPERT. B. O. us to health". P. II.McIIUGII. 50c.a box,0 for$2.G0,trial size 25c. FOR SALE 160 acres of ood ARCHITECTS Registered Office: Prince Rupert Office: According to reliable informa land in Kispiox valley. Lot 1563 At dealers or sen!" post paid on WILLIAM BRUCE, Architect and 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 rscipt of price by Frult-a-tles tion current at Hazelton, the next Cassiar. State your own price valuator. 4th Street. Plans prepared baited, Ottawa, Ont. few weeks is almost certain to Write E. Slockland, P. O. box for public and private Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1698 see the signing of papers for the 491 Prince Rupert, B.C. 3 4 buildings. biggest individual mining transaction FOR SALE Household effects, in J so far consummated in this FINANCIAL cluding Singer sewing machine, COAL section Interior of News.the country,The consideration says the China cabinet and cooking APPLICATION FOR LOANS at a S.S. PRINCE RUPERT utensils. 1009 Third Ave. West. low rate of interest received on or ' is somewhere between two hundred Screened thousand and a quarter of FOR SALE Fumed.oak sideboard, plans by specifications William Bruce,and Architect, tenders, S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Sacked a million dollars and the property dresser, small kitchen stove, 4th Street. SAILING involved is the Harrison and other household goods Delivered J group of claims located on White-sail cheap. 237 8th Ave.. E. 31 MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build THUR8DAY and 8UNDAY MIDNIQHT for 8WANION BAY, OCEAN FALLS, lake. Ono of the strongest ing Loans. Apply Prince Rupert VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. WEDNESDAY and 8ATURDAY MIDNIQHT FOR AN VOX. FOR SALE 10 at nominal companies on the continent will acres Housing Ltd., Geo. W. $13.00 rent for ten years. Spiller S. 8. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT take the property, and the price Nickerson, Secretary. tf set is said to be mutually satis wharf, Porcher Island Ed. II For Massett, Port Clements and Buckley Bay April llrd. and tOtb; May Mortimer. . 133 MISCELLANEOUS 7th, tith, Slst and J 8th. per ton factory. Southern Points Queen Charlotte lalanda April 8 5th, May lib. aid Slrd. The Harrison property consists niE NORTON The place for a Stewart, B. C, May 3rd, 17th and Slit. of twenty-nine claims, the principal night was extinguished without shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp groups comprising the Great doing very much damage. treatment. 210 Fourth Street. TRAIN SERVICE Terminal Coal Co. I Passenger Monday, Wdneday and Saturday a, It:tf a.m. for Smlthers, West, Silver Tip, Silver 'Dell, 4 E. E. Orchard has purchased Open 10 a. m. or by appoint prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, mating direct coanectlons far Oflic Phons, Plack ' 85 Nickle Plato and the Black Bear. ment. Phone 493. tf all points east and south. 4 the Hotel, Bulkley from Rs E. Wilr Yard Phon, Black 519 It is a silver-lead proposition and ft assays snow Uie silver ana leaai Hams, REAL ESTATE AOENOY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES For Information and reservations apply u while there is to high, run very Somerville of Francois Lake A. WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR City Ticket Offlea, 626 Third Anu. Prion S6S. also a good gold return. died suddenly at his home from LOTS. Apply P. O. box 606. tf Competent authorities declare MISS M. A. WAY this property to possess tlie heart failure. C. P. R. FARM TEACHER OF MUSIC strongest surface showing in the INJURED TWO HOURS ,.P.R FARM LAND Choice farms 309 Second Avenue. country. No work on an extensive HIS ARRIVAL AFTER in well settled districts in CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Tikloi with itudvnta tl. trll.bu. of the scale has yet been undertaken but Toronto Conwrvatalr. of Muilc. from Western Canada; low prices; the deal is mado on tho cxposuro Special by O. T. 1". lelegrapns.) primary t a lvsnce-1. Phone Blue 120 twenty years to pay; irrigated of a strong vein, the continuity Edmonton, June 2. Andrew lands in Sunny Southern Alberta, Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points ' for of which has been established Chalmers, within two hours after with loan of $2,000 in via Steamer to Vancouver and the distance of mile and a half. a a his arrival her.e from overseas, improvements to assist new Canadian Pacific Railway FOR ELECTRICAL WORK was badly injured when a motorcycle settlers. Act now they are SMITHERS Meals and Berth included onjSteamer collided with a telephone Go to going fast. For free booklets pole. His brother Fred also was and full information write H. 8. 8. PRINCE88 ALICE S. 8. PRINOE88 MARY Geo. Waddeli Jabo Ashman and A. McNaught badly hurt. G. Loughran, 744 Hastings St., For Vancouver, Victoria and 8attl frcm Prlnoa Rupart have gone to the Copper lliver Vancouver, or Allan Cameron, June i. It and SO Durirg July anl August every Saturday al o. country to start a stock rancn. General Supt. of Lands, 987 1st For Katchlkan, Junaau, Wranj.ll, Skagway, Alaaka, from Prlnoa Rupart June 7, It and SO. During July and August avery Monday al noon. May St; 336 2nd Ave. They will bring in cattle from the SEEDS! St., East, Calgary. Phones prairies. CANADIAN PACIFIO OCEAN SERVICES BUCK 3G7 GREEN 394 NOTICE For rates, rerervations and talllngi, apply la Richard Hayes of the cold star- For the Garden General W. O. ORCHARD, Agent. Save Money In Lamps. N THE ilATTEn OF THE WOODMAN'S age plant at prince Rupert, has LIEN ACT AND AMENDING ACTS AND nnrehased John Swanson's 320 Specially Suited for Prince IN THE MATTE1I OF AN ACTION IN 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C. THE COUNTY COURT OF ATLIN HOLD-EN acre farm in tho Houston district. Rupert soil. AT PRINCE UUPEftT ... Between: LAUIIITS E. STBOME. Plaintiff. Land in the Bulkley valley is And U.i 1 in 1 the FEED T. A. KELLEY LOGGING AND being taken up very fast with CHICKENS LUMDEIl COMPANY LIMITED, COAST SERVICE. wei nvaer result that there is now little Defendant. The (Union HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER TAKE NOTICE that HIS Honor Judge F. available In tho land settlement McB. Young: has appointed Friday, the For Vancouver, Tues., 8 p.m.; Sat,, 4 Portland thirtieth day of May. at the hour or eleven Canal, B.C. area. o'clock In the forenoon, at the Court House Steamship p.m. t Prince RUDert. B. a. as the day upon Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, M- R. Jack Henry which all persona claiming a Hen on the JAMIESON, Proprietor Harry Smith and loss or timber of the above named Defendant Co. of B.C. Mondays, 7 a.m. have returned from service m shall appear In person, or by their Naas River Points, Friday a.m. Solicitors or Agents before the aald Judge Caltway h ihe omouj fflojA Mint Palestine and France. PHONE 58 for the adjustment of their claims and the Ltd. settlement of their accounts. Jack Barnsley, General Agent P. O. Box 333 90S 3rd Ave. Dated at Prince nuperl. B. C this 14 in A fire in the old Tribuno build day of May. 1919. Now Open for B usiness ing on Main Street iuuibiw vv. is. nuiuui jv negisirar. IFST GREAT LIFE IF YOV PONT WEAKEN T BY GENE BYRNES . TOM LEE CO. j YXS 80 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail General Contractors and Lahon Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C. iZJlll 1 "ox 725 1 For C OA L TRANSFER Phone Red 529 A. L. Murray