D TilE, OAIL1 NEWS. ThV" Page.2 fry Juno .. .. The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE Diamond PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Engagement Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat-lrdays Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. at 9:30 a. in. , From the East. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Rings Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays Wo take special pride in at 7 p. m. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: carrying In Btock for this Gity Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. purpose Bome very fine and For Vanoouver: By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. perfect diamonds. Saturdays 2 p. m. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. We guarantee the quality Sundays 10 p m. and good value of these Tuesdays -. 5 p m. Telephone 93., rings as we have made special Thursdays 10 p in. selection of the stones From Vancouver before the last raise in price Sundays 10 p. m. DAILY EDITION. Thursday, June 5, 1919. of diamonds. Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. We. recommend one at Fridays a. m. $75.00 in particular as being: Saturdays 10:30 a.m. Are, Merchants' Profits quite desirable. Higher Than Necessary? For Anyox: People who have visited the cities to the south and east say John Bulger Sundays 10 p.m pOR every War Savings Stamp which that many of the articles..sold in the stores there are higher than Jeweler vednesdays .......... 10 p. m. purchase today for a fraction over $4.00 you can Saturdays 10 p , m. the they are in Prince Rupert, and yet in Vancouver the official in The Store of Worth and From Anyox: Dominion of Canada is pledged to pay yOU $5 spector says that the profits made by retailers and wholesalers Beauty. Tuesdays p. m. in 1924. If you cannot make an outlay 0f $4.09 at are not high. The following is from Monday's issue of the Van Thursdays p in.I one time, accumulate sixteen 25-cent Thrift Stamps couver Daily Province: , Sundays p. m. and exchange them for a $4.00 War Savings Stamp "After three years' closest study of food prices, during whic Salvation Army. Public meetings, Tuesdays, For Port Simpson and Arrandale, C Should circumstances compel you to realize he had access to the books of every wholesale and retail grocery on lljursdaji, and Saturdays at 8 p. Sundays 10 p. in. your investment, your money with accumulated firm in the city and of produce house, A. G. indless, every ii. Sundays al 7:o0 p. in. From Pt. Simpson and Arrandale. interest is always available. inspector of taxation for British Columbia and the Yukon, state Tuesdays p. in. that he'had no hesitation in saying that the profits of those firms There may be something you NATIONAL WAIt SAVINGS COMMITTEE in the city handling foodstuffs were not exorbitant. want. See the classified column For Port Simpson and Naaa River (Dxltlnh Vancouver,Colombia II.IiivUlua)C. "I am just as keen as anyone 1 know in protesting against on Page 5. points: Fridays 10 a. m. the high cost of living,' said Mr. McCandless, 'but I must confess LAND REGISTRY ACT. From Port Simpson and Naasl Bvy Thrift that after the exceptional opportunities 1 have had to study the (Sections 36 and m.) River Points: Stamps question I do not think that the trouble lies with the men handling lie Application No. 10.607-1. File 6.100 Saturdays p. m. TAKE NOTICE that iDDllciUon bas been the produce here.' made to register Thomas McMauamon. ol Prince iiupert. ii. C. as owner in fee ud- Charlotte Islands: "Mr. McCandless .stated that he was retiring from office' and der a Tax Sale Deed from tbe Collector of Queen me city or 1'rince llupert, bearing- date For Massett, Port Clements and did not feel that there were any restrictions on him to give this lh. 4 Ath .lav fr f AAnvnHa. .O.B .11 AND SINOULAIt mat certain parcel or tract Upper Island points: statement to the public. of land and premises situate, lying and Wednesdays .......... 10 a.m. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN oeing in me city or rrince itupert. more "The profits of wholesale and retail grocery men and produce particularly known and described as Lot 7rom Mabset, Port Clements and men in the very large majority of cases are under 10 per cent, section Mnetecn cigm(10 ft-a,Block(Map Forty-two vxi;. (43), Upper Island points: BIG SUPPLY0F FRESH BAIT lou are reauired to contest tbe clum said Mr. McCandless, 'the profits for the last two years being of tbe tax purchased within SS days from 1 nursday8 p.m. much greater than in the preceding two years. Out of the profit ine wbleb nsie may 01 be"ine effected service by or publication mis noire In ?or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte and Ice at Butedale Cannery a aauy newspaper;, ana your attention is the firms have to write off depreciation and pay their taxes.' called to section 36 or tbe "Land fteglstrj City and Lower Island points: "Depreciation was a big item, he said. A firm owning 25, ing-Act"extract witb amendments,mererrom: and to tbe follow Fortnightly. OOOworth of motor trucks for instance having to write off 25 per tlncate ana in or aerauit lis pendens or a being caveat nied or cer be-Tore From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED cent on them after one year's service. In 1917 and 1018 some person tbe ecu registration tied under as sucb owner tax or sale,tbe City and Lower Island points BUTEDALE - - - B.C. firms made big profits but the government took 50 per cent up all persons and so those served claiming with tbrougb notice, Fortnightly. and 75 cent, of all in of 20 or under them, and aU persons claiming excess to U0 per cent., per profits per any Interest In tbe land by virtue For Skagway and the Yukon. cent The result was that in many cases the taxes were greater or aU any persons unregistered claiming Instrument,any interest and In April 28th, 9 a.m. than the net amount of money made by the merchant or con tbe land by descent whose title is not registered under tbe provisions tractor after paying the taxes. or ibis Act, snail be ror ever estopped From Skagway and Yukon. Hotel Prince Rupert and debarred rmm setting up any April 22, and May 3rd, a.m. The Little From his experience, the inspector declared that he was claim to or In respect or tbe land so sold ror taxes, and tbe Registrar satisfied the cost of not confined to sball register tbe person entitled under high living was any particular sucb tax sale as owner or tbe itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp EUROPEAN PLAN Home LABOUR Saver locality, or couiftry, but was world wide. Wild rumors and ex land so sold ror taxes." Point. $1.50 per day and up? A.ND WHEKEAS application bas been travagant statements of profits made in handling foodstuffs he male ror a Certlllcate or Indereaslble TlUe t or I nursdays ...... Bp, m. that the busy housewife to tbe above-mentioned lands. In tbe name CAFE asserted, were doing more than anything else, to create havoc or Thomas McManamon From Saturdays ...... p. m. FIRST-CLASS appreciates AND WHEItEAS on lnvestlratlna- tbe A La Carle. and unrest throughout the world J title It appears tbat prior to tbe lotb day or October, 1917 (tbe date on which, tbe If you have something to sell Influence Small saia janoi were sold ror overdue laitsj,. and want more than it is worth j vu n vi T tuv sovascu J i" cut SEWE-Z So fVHUItH JAKfc AUT1UE lui at ine advertise in some other paper, Why. Worry. j same time I shall effect registration In As mentioned in these columns before, Prince Rupert is pursuance Certlllcate or or Indereaslble sucb application Title and to tbe Issue said a I'he News cannot sell it. St. James Hotel very small insofar as it's influence in regard to the strike is con lands In tbe name or Tbomas "McManamon WATER NOTICE unless you .lake and prosecute tbe proper (LATE "QUEENS") cerned. Many persons both among the union leaders and among proceeding to establish your claim. If diversion and use any. to tbe said lanls. or to prevent sucb FIRST CLASS UOOMS Sews all day with ;:t efT-rt the take the affair seriously,, but we must re- proposed action on my part. employers very I TAKE NOTICE and Cold Water. Dated at ine una uegistry umce, prince that Hume B. BablnHon. Uot No more tread: g Sir.;p!r member that any action taken here will have little effect on the llupert, B. C, this 11th day or April, It IB. woose aaaresa is do sis rrince nupert. 11. t. NALLtUD, B. C. will apply for a licence to take and place the motor ca lbs sewing general situation. In view of this it seems very unwise for any District Registrar or Titles. use two cubic feet per second of water To E. H. I'acey. out or an unnamed stream, wblcb flows I machine, thus: action fo be taken here which would tend to cause friction or Prince llupert, B. a south and drams into Houslunr Bay. Lan r itunu, near me o. w. corner or 101 1 "start something." If there is to be. a lengthy strike, let us go Notice of Inttntlon to Apply to purchat vvs. 1 PREMISES MOVED Land. The water will be diverted from the thruugh with it and keep on good terms one with the other. stream at a point about twenty chains I In lunge 3. Coast Land District., Record north of tbe S. W. corner of Lot S98, and There will be bitterness enough" without inviting it ing District or Prince llupert. and situate wiu dc usea ror domestic ana steam nur- 1 M. T. LEE poses upon the land described as Lot S8, at Jenny Day, Deane Channel, B. C has We have and have not failed Queen charlotte Land DIsrtlcL Everyone an opinion. ours take notice tnat 1, James z. Hall, or Vancouver. 11. C occupation baker and this nonce was posted on the ground to express it as we intend to do on other issues that may come Soldier, intend to apply ror permission to on tbe Stb day of April, 1919. A copy or LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S up, or on other phases of this issue. Instead of giving our own purchase commencing the following at a post described planted so lands:chains this thereto notice and and to tbe an "Water application Act.pursuant 1914," MERCHANT TAILOR will be filed In the ofOce of tb Water opinion today we quote that of Hon. Senator Robertson, which norineriy inence east oi tu a.chains:w. cor.tnence r. i !o.south Jfll;so iteroraer at prince Rupert. -B. C Third Avenue, Opposite the bains: tnence west 40 chains more or less Objections to the application may be has a bearing on the present situation: 10 snore line: inence northerly so chains. filed with the said Water necorder or with Post Office. more or less, following shore line to the comptroller or water Itlgbta. Parlia point "Labor leaders, who advocate that might is right, who -hold ment Buildings. Victoria, B.C.. within or commencement and containing 80 acres Phone Red 136 P.O. Box 877 that law, justice and honor shoull be discarded at will, merit and more or less. JAMES Z. HALL, this thirty Dotire days in after a local tbe newspaper,first appearance of receive the condemnation of good citizens. In a general sympa Per William A. Eauer. Aa-ent. HUME B. BABINOTON. ADDllcant. Dated 31 March, it to. Tbe date of the first publication of this I thejic strike the force is directed against the whole community, nonce is may iu, 1VIV. Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to purchase who are innocent of any responsibility for the offence. Public una. indignation is immediately aroused because of the inconveniencet In nanfre 2. Coast Land District. Record. Bowling Alley tl.in. nt nnv BDCfid- a buIcd ai tag District or Prince Rupert, and hundred situate loss and suffering imposed upon innocent people Therefore hoese, Mil uugn sound, . c. TheSalvation n ifmA. nr eicht sympathetic strikes must always fail. Socialism has long recog ancouver.TAKE NOTICE 1). C that occupation 1. Marshall soldier.Reek In of Army THIRD AVENUE minute. Will sew the nized that trades unionism is an impossible bar to its revolution tend to apply lor permission to purchase UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT fabric or the coarsest. ary porgress and seeks through the One Big Union movement to the Commencing following described at a Dost blamed lands: al south. The same mol-r -- undermine and destroy the labor organizations whose policies are west corner lot 2, thence, east SO chains; For Healthy Exercise cuts out OUCH 0' thence south SO chains: thenra sm in Red Shield nttachmenls to regard obligations as sacred and inviolate." chains, more or less, 10 shore line; thence to Keep You Fit fmm hnusw r. northerly and easterly along- shore line id the drudgery chains, more or less, to point ot com-ineiiceuieiit. and containing no iri. mor Campaign Cigars and Tobaccos Al AnsnALL BEEK, & Ling Per William A, Bauer. A sect. Pattinson Hated )h April, Hit. STARTS MAY 19, MONDAY, LAND ACT IN HAZELTON Temporary Premises And continues all this month 331 Second Avenue Notice of Intention to Annlv in ! 1 .n In Ouefu Charlotte Islands Land District, along all points of the G.T.P. Next to SiWt Shop, ici'uruuig uiBinci or Mteena, and situate 590 In the vicinity of Indian lleserve Ko. 1, The 8alvatlon Army Did Its PHONE Langara Island. Bit, Let Us. Do Ours. Take notice that Clifton P. niel, of rriiiue mannirep jiupen,Intonria untisn in Columbia,.....I .... occupation . Support the Army behind 1....... ucau lucu the Army as well as the Army CANCELLATION OF RESERVE laiiuo at Home. west corner of Indian Reserve number 16. notice is hereby oivem that the re thfnrA. nnn hiinrtrnri.. an, fir... First to Serve, existing vacant Crown Land In .l(u 11 1 1 j ice, mure or erve over less In southwesterly direction to low water Last to Appeal. line vicinity or uueiasue Hirer, nan re , Mrs. Smeeton s uar; meucc 4vv teei westerly along low Coast Lilstrlct. bv reason of a notice pub water mark;, thence northerly one hundred NOTE Prince Rupert campaign lished In the Drltlsh Columbia Oazetie of feet more or less to high water mark: V6tb' May, 1910, Is cancelled. Seloct ... will start in and ""j vvv nu .iiuio ur less July along high water mark to point of com- Deputy Minister of Lands. all other Rooms places the coast. on Tea ui.iivbiuvii, .uu vuuiaiiuug 1 wo i hi acres Department of Lands, Lunch & more or less. victoria, n. u., CLIFTON P. IUEL. Ilth March. 1919. MJ 8 Rated 8th April, 1919. I.N THE SUl'HEME COUItT OF BIUTISH West. LAND ACT COLUMBIA. 309 Kfioond Avenue. Notice of Intention to Apply 10 Lease Land. IN THE MATTEIl OF THE "ADMINISTRA In Islands crew Queen Charlotte The Laud District, Gurvich TION ACT" ranches. Teas, Ice necordlng District of Skeena, and situate and . Drinks. IN THE MATTEfl OF THE ESTATE OF Soft Take notice that Charlee A CmiLa. Ort n 1 f ITl PTI t. nrplinitlnn . 110 1)E It T A. OKA NT, DECEASED, JH- Bread, CJJJ. ends to nDUlV for runnlaalnn in i... .... Transfer itsiAir.. Home -Made following .described lands,- TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Salad Dress nfl, CoiuMmiifirg Honour F. Mcli. Young made the 17tb day P,08, Chutney, e chains e.-st of the at a N.post W. planted about 3 of February, A. I). 1919, 1 was appointed marmalades, corner of Administrator to. the estate or Hoben a. Itesnrve Ru. IS; tlwnra nni.il. .a -k.TI.U Melton thence ...il Grant, deceased., and all parlies baring Famous West SO chains mnr, ni. lam Phone Green 548 claims against the said estate are hereby Ple9. In 1.x ' vl ljUl 'ii inence south 10 chains more or liu tn .hn, P.O. Box 102 required to rurnlsb same, properly verified, erly along shore to N. W. Office, FraaerJSt. to me on or before the 7th day of June, Indian Reserve corner of 1010. nr1 all nartles lndfhled to the estate TioTaTuJJ No. 1; thence Jer& east to are required to pay the amount of their nd 0.LIn.e1cem,n, containing to Indebtedness to me forthwith. acres, or We Sell Coal : : JOHN ft. MCMULLIN, Dailf CULB0''' the n..ed May 7, 191?: ' omcial Administrator vertise in DATED tills 1st dty of May, 1919.