Friday. June 0, 1010. THE DAILY NEWS. Page 3 UNITED STATES mmm 19 BUS! in ADVERTISES STOP LOOK amd LISTEN There's A Reason PRINCE RUPERT may possabhj corrterin inju inured SERVICE AND QUALITY Consular Report Contains Good ients.Maatry food scientists claim that At the Right Price Description of Shipbuilding Operations Here Down Town Store Consul for use in foodTAeinem fact that some PHONES 44 & 45 PHONES wide Prince Rupert is getting world brands of baMrpcferli2ive thewor advertising through the Branch Store, Seal Cove Ave. United States commerce reports oAIxmioathelabelisnot sufficient which is issued daily. In the PHONE 534 number for May 23 there is an proof that theg are-what thei) are rep-reseated article on the shipbuilding at to be. Our chemists find a Prince Rupert by Consul E. A. FULLER'S LTD. Wakefield which reads as follows: good inaraj haveNb Alutribathe outside After long the delays splendid dry dock built by the Grand Trunk but laie quantities of it inside Pacific Railway Co. at Prince Ru pert is to be operated and ship- MMS BAKING uuuuing on a very considerable POWDER scale has been begun at this most northerly Pacific port in Canada. Contains No Alum Prince Rupert Music Store This dry dock, which has a ca-DacitV Ptxre 'Wholesome Economical of 20.000 Inns, was com OPPOSITE POST OFFICE pleted in 1910 but has not been WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor used to any extent. The Prince Rupert Drydock & "Everything: in Music." the Orient and Siberia than any LATEST POPULAR 60NQ8 AND DANCES, VIOTROLA8 t-ngineering Co., Ltd., has recent other Pacific port. AND VICTOR RECORD8 Iv leased the dry dock for the Dur With a splendidly built transcontinental To Prospective Repair to Phonographs, Violins, Etc. Bows rebalred. pose of establishing a shipbuilding railway lino for conveying tKi ViO'iUwina instruments repadded and adjusted. plant at this port with a bite thiiiii NtHiv.o.Lr miowiitwt' Prlnct Rupert Academy of Mutlo In Connection repair plant as an auxiliary. The merchandise from the Atlantic BU1LDERS&C0NTRACT0RS "' With th. Store. seaboard and interior company is financed by American points to this natural shipping The Largest Stock of Piano3 and Organs capital and has New York office1 It is port certainly well within North of Vancouver at 42 Broadway. reasonable limits to predict that Feeling that it is up to us to assist in the Housing movement The Heintzman & Co. Piano Building Canadian Ships. Prince Rupert is destined to become we will quote rock bottom prices on any of the material The Weber Piano A contract has been signed with one of the greatest of the and supplies "handled by us, such as: Thomas Organs the Canadian Government to build Pacific ports. The splndid dry Electrical material of all descriptions, including Fittings two 8,100-ton ocean freighters of dock and repair plan will then and Fixtures, Lamps, Wire of all kinds and size, Pipe All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments the standard traverse type to cost justify its construction. Conduit, Electric heaters and mantels, Automatic Electrio W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. over $1,500,0.00 each. .The ships Such comparatively small additions Ranges, etc., Galvanized and black iron Steam and Water are to be 400 feet long. 52 feet as may be required for the Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Radiators and Heaters, Pipe EI XT VAUUnAll A IT" LI A M Expert Piano Players Tuning a Specially and Tepiiring, beam, 31 Vi feet hold depth, speed construction of steel ships are Covering, Wood Stave Pipe, Boechk's Paint, Varnish and 11 knots, and developing 2,500 now under way or will be commenced Kalsomine Brushes of all kinds. Hardwood Lumber Oak, horsepower. They are to be com at once. These consist Ash, Maple, Teak and Gum. Structural Steel and Iron. Prince Rupert Music Store pleted within 18 months after in part of plate and angle fur Ornamental Irony Work, Fire Escapes, etc. Rex Flintkote signing the contract. The ships naces, bending- slabs, and an as- Roofing the Very Best Made. Manilla and Wire Rope and are to be built side by side to be embling shop. Cable. Derrick Castings and (Contractors' supplies. launched stern first. While con Wo also handle Goodyear Mechanical Rubber Goods, struction work on one of the Advertise in the Daily News. including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Hose and ships will slightly precede the Westinghouse Electrical equipment, including Motors, other, both will practically be Generators, Transformers and all other Electrical Equipment. Synopsis of built at the same time. It is the Being direct factory representatives, we are able to expectaton of the officials of the make very attractive prices. company that this is but the beginning Land Act Amendments Dentistry nent industry of an in important northern perma unusii Prince Rupert Supply Co., Ltd. .Minimum price of first-class land uoiumma. reduced to $6 an acre; second-class to Fourth Street, off Third Avenue. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH f In connection with the ship $1.60 an acre. '388 P. O. Box 772 - Phone Black building plant particular attention Pre-emption lands confined to eur-reyed One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your is to be given to ship repair Records-will be (ranted covering;only work and no effort is to be spared land suitable (or agricultural purposes Efficiency and which Is non-timber land. to'make this a complete success. Partnership pre-emptions abolished, but parties of not more than (our may Full lines of repair parts and re-Dlacements arrange for adjacent pre-emptions for vessels of every with Joint residence, but each making necessary Improvements on respective type are to be-stocked in connec claims. 1 Dr. Bayne tion with the repair plant. This five Pre-emptors years and must make occupy Improvements claims for to Just Arrived value of clear-tag will prove a very great convenience (10 per acre. Including and cultivation of at least 6 acres, to ships in northern waters before receiving Crown Grant. OFFICE HOURS: Where pre-emptor In occupation not A Number of the Latest Models as the nearest dry dock is the less than s years, and has made proportionate Morning, 9 to I2; Afternosn, 1.30 (o 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 on'y; Government dry dock at victoria, Improvements, he may, because of Ill-health, or other cause, be Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 B. C. which is often not available granted Intermediate and transfer certificate his claim.of Improvement I and the next nearest is at Seattle, Records without permanent residence Columbia, Royal, Paragon 000 miles south. The dry docK may be Issued, provided applicant S Dental Nurse in attendance. f makes Improvements to extent of is a modern structure in every 1300 per annum and records same each J S Phone 109 for appointment H detail COO feet in length and hav or year.record Failure same to will make operate Improvements as forfeiture. BICYCLES ing a capacity of 20,000 tons. It Title cannot be obtained In less than 6 years, and Improvements is built in three sections, each of 110.00 per acre. Including 5 acres !ll!lllll!ll!!lllfli!ll!lll!lll!l!lllll!lilillll nanable of independent action, cleared and cultivated, and residence SOLD ON TERMS OR FOR CASH of at least 2 years are required. measuring 29 feet over the keel may Pre-emptor record another holding pre-emption,Crown grant if he Also carry a complete assortment of accessories and f7 feet wide in the land in blocks and requires conjunction with his air and fresh farm, without actual occupation, provided repairs. We also do light machine work, Jock-smithing, iear. Compressed statutory Improvements made .. , water are ootn iaia on m and .residence maintained on Crown fit and make keys; umbrellas repaired, granted land. Launch Alice B. dock floor. A power kilowatt house equipped acres,Unsurveyed may be areas,leased not as exceeding homesites;20 typewriters repaired and overhauled; phonographs. with two 1,000 gen-nrninrs tlUe to be obtained after fulfilling residential suDDlies electric power and Improvement conditions. for ihe Salt Lakes For grazing and Industrial purposes for driving all shop machines and areas exceeding 640 acres may be McGOWAN & HANSON leased by one person or company. and dry General Paoenser Service. Hunk tools,numDs.air compressors,In addition to the .timber Mill, land factory not or exceeding industrial 40 sites acres on Phone 489 135-139 SECOND AVE. P.O. Box 395 Hunting, Fithing may be purchased; conditions Include dry dock the plant comprises a payment of stumpage. and Picnic Parties Natural hay meadows Inaccessible 50-tin electrio shear-leg derrick by existing roads may be purchased 15-ton locomotive crane and conditional upon construction of a road 'J. Myhill Jones a to them. Rebate of one-half of cost of lnrcro. fullv eauipped machine, road, not exceeding half of purchase Swanaon's Bothouie blacksmith and wood - working price, la made. and foundry. All shops are PRE.EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS shops ACT. annnlied with overhead, traveling The scope of this Act is enlarged to n fire Include all persons Joining and serving Special Prices RTh?s cranes and have special pro- with Ills Majesty's Forces. The week lection both municipal and pri- time within which the heirs or devisees of a deceased pre-emptor may apply ate. far title under this Act Is extended Co. Location and Natural Advantages. from such for person,one year as formerly,from the until death one of Dining Room Suites in Fumed Oak Georgetown Lumber year after the conclusion of the present Situated at the Paciflo terminus war. This,privilege is also made retroactive. of the Grand Trunk Pacific uaii- No fees relating to pre-emptions are Golden Oak and PHONES 130 423 P. O. BOX 1632 iana- due or payable and av Co. on a lino harbor, by soldiers on preemptions recorded after June 26, ltls. Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. O. nnkfid. vet easily accessible, Taxes ara remitted for five years. Australian Gumwood Hupert has distinct ad-nirs Provision ,for return of moneys accrued, FISH BOXES ft SPECIALTY Prince due and been paid Blnce August nf location for a ship '4, 1914, on account of payments, fees Lounges, Beds, Springs and Mattresnes or taxes on soldiers' SPRUCE FIR CEDAR building plant. This is particu Intel est on agreements purchase in connection wun conditions town ox city lots held by members of larly true Allied Forced, or dependents, Consult Us. which may be expected to direct or Indirect, remitted from acquired enlistment BARRIE FURNITURE STORE to March II, 1920. prevail in the comparatively near 8UB.PURCHASERS OP CROWN future. LANDS. These deposits of coal and Provision made for Issuance of SECOND ST. AND THIRD AVE. Crown grants to sub-purchasers of imn in various Darts of northern Crown Lands, acquiring rights from merely waiting purchasers who failed to complete Ph one 37 P.O.'Box 1704 nritish Columbia purchase, Involving forfeiture, on fulfillment development and this seems certain of conditions of purchase. Interest and taxoa. Where sub-purchas-ers short to occur within a very do not claim whole of original parcel, Minine activities are more purchase price due and tuxes may . iim Service and For be Comfort, Courtesy distributed proportionately over marked today than at any Umo whole area. Application must be BOSTON GRILL made by May I, 1920, Inco tho war started, omv ."-tructlon THE SAVOY HOTEL material will soon bo CnAZINQ. Orating Act, 1919, for systematic 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 at hand. development of livestock Industry provides for grazing districts and range GOOD PLACE TO EAT. are A F. T. BOWNESS, Manastr The launching foundations administration under Commissioner. Fifth B.C. hnince of solid rock with an Annual grazing permits Issued based Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, on numbers rar.ged; priority for estab-llahed easy slope and deep water front owners. Stock-owners may DINNER 11.30 to 8.30 PRICE 45c. to 50c De.tert at very neal. form Associations for range management. Short orders at time. any is nearer uy onto and Cold Water age. Prince Rupert Free, or partially fioo, permits Cooking Hot Running about 500 miles to the markets of for to ten settlers,head. camper or travellers, up