Friday, June 0, 101P Page 5 g NOT STOP VEGETABLES ARE 4 .MORE PLENTIFUL iJDaily News Classified Advertising j HEADACHES THE WANTED. SPECIAL IN DRESSES Dresses Have You Tried Coffee Likely to Go Up In Price; HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Christ- in crepe de chine, taffeta, poplin She Tried Frull-a-tives" -unsn Biscuits Again lan woman who would be good and serge. Regular price UnH! On Sate Here. $35.00, now for $17.05 and to two girls of 5 and 7 From Fruit Juices can have years $25.95. Goldbloom's, 3rd Ave, -Made The season for green outdoor good home and easy 112 ConuBO St., St. Johic, N.B. vegetables js now well advanced position. Apply Daily News of-ilco FOR SALE 100 acres of good Provincial .'1 feel I must tell you of the great hence a. considerable drnn In th0 box 2G2. 135 land in Kispiox valley. Lot 1563 Jiaro received from your prices, paid for green stuff at the WANTED To rent space suitable Cassiar. State your own price. 'Fruit-a-W. Serfs! medicine, iciau stores. Cheese nrwl anr for lady barber will Write E. Stockland, P. O. box v'.ea a sufferer for many dines shop, or . 401 Prince B.C. 3i ifcavo (Norwegian) Rupert, are small advancing buy l'iole"1 adachtst and shop already established. LlJ from no permanent relief. uiuu. jioiriouse tomatoes are Address Windsor Hotel FOR SALE Household effects, in FLOUR P-'t now 40 to 50 oniy cents lb. room 12. A friend advised mo to Cako 'Fruit-Ut,9 per 132 cluding Singer sewing machine, and I did no with great iUurKOl IS VPrv llpm WANTED China cabinet and cooking and a considerable Girl or woman for and now I am entirely free advance in utensils. 1009 Third Ave. West. access; thanks to prices is expected very shortly, housework. Apply Mrs. W. E. Headaches, your cf medicine". possibly as much as five cents nP Williams, Borden Street. Phouo FOR SALE 10 acres at nominal .nlcnuid MRS. ALEXANDER SHAW," puunu. Black 158. tf rent for ten years. ' Spiller 50c.a box,6 for$2.60,trial sixe 25c. Imported English biscuits, fho Bring your furs to Goldbloom, wharf, Porcher Island Ed. H. Ask Your Grocer At ill dealers or sent on receipt of kind that were sold here hefnm Third Avenue, He pays high-tf Mortimer. 133 Mice, postpaid, by Fruita-Uvcs mo kct.war, are now back on the mar est price. FOR RENT limited.Ottawa.. ine current prices for this KITCHEN HELP WANTED, Apply FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms week are as follows! Inlander Boarding House. $4 per month. Apply 627 Ninth SEEDS! Sirloin steak Meats. 500 WOMAN COOK WANTED at Inlander Avenue. 133 Ueef, pot roasts, lb 32c Boarding House, 2rd Av. ARCHITECTS Kdward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager Beef, check roast, lb.. . .32c to 35c WANTED Smart waitress for Edward Cunningham, Vice-President For the Garden DISCHARGED MEN FROM THE Ueef, rib roast, lb 40c Smeeton Tea Rooms. tf Specially Suited for Princo Ueef, boiling, lb 25c and 30c Army and Navy can obtain Rupert soil. Hamburger, lb. 30c EMPLOYMENT WANTED drawing from William Bruce, Lipsett-Cujnningham & Co. btewing beer, per lb 35c WOMAN WANTS Architect, at greatly reduced WORK, sewing fees for proposed dwelling rr,T7r For the Lamb,Lamb, loin leg 45c by the day. Apply box 263 Daily houses. Modern houses can be LIMITED ' rLfcilJ 50c News ofllce. CHICKENS 135 Mutton 350 built from $1,500' to $2,000. FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER ork FOR EfiLC Send particulars of your requirements sausages 30c Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories to Mr. Bruce. 38 www ww wWwwwwww wmpm Tomato sausages 35o ' FOR SALE Weanling pigs from Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage Pork, leg 45c WILLIAM BRUCE, Architect and PlFEEDCo. 'ork Chops 55c pedigreed Berkshire boar and valuator. 4th Street. Plans prepared PRINCE RUPERT, . O. grade sows. Seven weeks old. ork, shoulder, 40c for public and private PHONE 58 iVyreshire bacon, sliced 55c $10.00 each. Prudhomme and buildings. Registered Ofllce: Prince Rupert Office: Fisher, Fairview Stock Farm, 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 p. 0. Box 333 90S 3rd Ave. Dacon, piece, per lb 67c B.C. Telkwa, 34 Bacon, sliced, per lb 70c FINANCIAL Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1698 Ham, sliced 60c FOR SALE Large Taylor safe in i APPLICATION FOR LOANS at a Ham, Smoked, 50c good condition. Phone 76. If '11 low rate of interest received on Salt backs 45c COAL i Chicken,owl, per per lb-lb. . 45o 50o LABOR AIDS VICTORIA plans 4th by specifications William Street. Bruce,and Architect, tenders, S.S. PRINCE RUPERT ickled pork, per lb 45o IN FIGHT FOR DOCK or Screened Bologna, per lb 30o MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Sacked Head Cheese, per lb 30c ing Loans. Apply Prince Rupert Cooked ham, per lb 70o The Victoria Trades and Labor Housing Ltd., Geo. W. SAILING Mm i Delivered Spare Ribs per lb 25c Council dispatched to Sir Robert Nickerson, Secretary. tf MIDNIGHT for 8WANSON OCEAN THURSDAY and SUNDAY BAY, PALLS, Dairy Produce. Borden, the Prime Minister, the VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. Butter, per lb 65c and 70c following telegram: MISCELLANEOUS WEDNESDAY and 8ATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANVOX. $13.00 "The Trades and Labor Council Butter (cooking) lb.... 50o per rilE NORTON The place for a S. 8. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT of Victoria the extreme Cheese, lb 40c urges shampoo. Halrdressing. Scalp For Muult, Port Cl.m.nt .and Buokley Bay, June 4th, 11th, ISth ESth per ton Limberger cheese, per lb. ... 50o importance of an immediate start treatment. 210 Fourth Street. and July 2nd. Eggs (case) 60c on the Esquimau drydock. Labor Southern Point. Queen Oharlotte Island, line tth, 20th, and July 4th. Strictly new-laid eggs ..... 70c situation very grave. Much unemployment Open 10 Phone a. m.493.or by appointment. tf Stewart, B. P., Juno 14th, 2 an July 12th. Coal Co.J Margarine 45e unless steps are TRAIN SERVICE Fish. taken to deal with problem." It. F. TIENOFF, LADIES' TAILOR, Passenger Monday, Wednesday and Saturday af, 1!:'a.m. for Smlthere, Offlci Phon, PUck PS Fresh salmon 25c Room 14, Alder Block. tf Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, miking direct coaneetlons for Vara- Phont,-'Black S1 Provincial Government . Era- all points east, and south. . ..od, saltrAIasfcar. ."." 77. .7 15o ployment Bureau and Soldiers' REAL ESTATE Cod, 2 lbs 35o Civil Re-cstablishment; temporary AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Cod fillets, smoked, 20c ofllce 621 Second Avenue, WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR For Information and reservation aptly t "resit black cod, 2 lbs. 25c City Ticket Offlee, B23 Third Phon IN, Prince Rupert. Employers having LOTS. Apply P.O. btx 606. tf MISS M. A. WAY Finnan haddic, lb 20c vacancies for men and women in Halibut, lb. . 20c C. P. R. FARM TEACHER Or MUSIC slerical, factory, domestic or Herring kippered, 2 lb. for 35c 309 Second )ther work should apply lo above Avenue lb. lOo ...P.R FARM LAND Choice farms Tiklnr with students the lyll.bu. of the Soles,Skate, 2 lbs. 25o -tPhone 553. tf in well settled districts in CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Toronto Conwrretolr of Mu.le, from low Western prices; Canada; primary to aiv.nced. - 1'hone Blue 120 alt Acadia Cod, 2-lb. boxes 6O0 Smoke "PLAYER'S NAVY CUT" Canned whale, per can 50o Cigarettes wrapped IN TIN FOIL. twenty years to pay; irrigated Norwegian sardines, per can, 35o lands in Sunny Southern Alberta, Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Fruits and Vegetables. with loan of $2,000 in via Steamer to Vancouver and the FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Onions, dry, per lb lOo improvements to assist new Canadian Pacific Railway 10o settlers. Act now they are Go to Bananas Letluce , 50c and 60c NOTIC E going fast. For free booklets Meals and Berth included ori;Steamer 3 for 25o and full information write II. Geo. Waddell Grapefruit (California) To the Public G. Loughran, 744 Hastings St., 8.8. PRINCESS ALIOE S.S. PRINOE8S MARY Grapefruit (Florida; ..2 for 35c For Vancouver, Victoria and Stattl from Prlnee Rupert Apples, per lb 15c Vancouver, or Allan Cameron, Juae 2, It and 30 Durirg July anl August every Saturday at Been. General Supt. of Lands, 987 1st Wrangall, Skagway, Alaska, from Prlno Rupert 336.2nd Ave. Carrots, per lb 3c I have just bought in For Ketchikan, Juneau, St., East, Calgary. Mty 39; Jun 7, It and 30. During July and August every Monday at noon. Phones Parsnips, per lb 4o Vancouver, 6 brand new BLACK 367 GREEN 30 Lemons 35c NOTICE CANADIAN PACIFIO OCEAN BERVIOES Save In English walnuts 50c White Enamelled For rales, reservations and sailings, apply te Money Lamps. Australian Currants 30o N THE HATTER OF THE WOODMAN'S W. O. ORCHARD, General Agent. LIEN ACT AND AMENDING ACTS ANU Comb hdncy 50o IN THE MATTEK OF AN ACTION IN 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C. BATH TUBS THE COUNTY COURT OF ATLIN HOLD-EN Figs, per pkt 20o and 40o AT PRINCE RUPERT 35c to 7oo Between: )ranges (navel) LAURITS E. STROME, Plaintiff, Dates (Excelsior) per box .. 30o guaranteed, and will sell And MHMHHMHHMM Hotel T. A. KELLEY LOGGING AND Hyder Rhubarb 10 LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED, 35o same for cash at Defendant. COAST SERVICE. French peas, per can, The jUnion Dates (drom) 35c TAKE NOTICE that His Honor Judge F. Portland Canal, B.C. $52.50 each McB. Young has appointed Friday, the For Vancouver, Tues., 8 p.m.; Sat, 4 Cucumbers, each, .... 25c to QOo thirtieth day of May, at Hie hour or eleven Steamship p.m. M- K. JAMIESON, Proprietor Strawberries, per box 35o First come, first served. o'clock at Prince In tlie Rupert,forenoon,B. C,at as the the court day House upon Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, Spinach 3 lbs. for 25c which all persons claiming a Hen on the Co. of B.C. Mondays, 7 a.m. logs or timber or the above named Defendant Cf(u)oy Radishes 3 bunches for 100 Harry Hanson shall appear In person, or by their Naas River Points, Friday a.m. lo the omout ffiuiA Klin 3 bunches for too Solicitors or Agents before the said Judge Green Onions, of their claims and the Ltd. for the adjustment Bird's Custard Powder per pkg 20c The Reliable Plumber settlement of their accounts. Jack Barntley, General Agent Second Avenue J'Jione 4S9 Dated at Prince nupcrt, B. C, this llth Now lb. 40c to 50o 139 Open for B usmess Hothouse tomatoes, day of May, Hid. Asparagus, per bundle 20o W. E. BURRITT,. Registrar. TOM LEE CO. fT'S A GREAT LIFE JF YOU DON'T WEAKEN By UtISK BYKPTCS 810 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES General Wholesale Contractors and Retail and EHTEEM MILES I I C$oOX k M.DccSv&Rl '1L! wE Labor; Exchange. Prince Rupert, D.G. Phono Ri7 n r t s" " TRANSFER COAL and 1 1 in Phone Red 529 I A. L. Murray J