JFor Bicycles Repairs and 8f Daily Parts PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue PHONE 75 PMNCE RUPERT, B.C.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1919. PRICE FIVE CK.N1 q RIKE MAKES BLEW UP TRAIN MUZZLED KETCHIKAN AT.RUPERT'S BENEFITS EXPENSE V. C. CONSTABLE UTTLE CHANGE IN ALPS TUNNEL Unsettled Conditions Result in SHOTBY ALIENS IN SITU ATIOW Anarchists and Secret Agents on Fresh Here Fish Going Catches to Ketchikan.Purchased WINNIPEG Trial at Zurich Tried to Clock Mont Conls Tunnel Today's fish arrivals are very First Clash Occurs Between the Nlaht at ...t-nB Quit Last During War Time. small and nearly all the fish . Strikers and 8peclal ConstablesOne t P.M. at ueiio - - which was sold yesterday was for Injured; Comrnii""'' (Special via 0. T. C. Telegraphs, points away, from Prince Ilupert. Others Hurt. Zurich. JiiniT 11, Ilemnrlcnhip Tho Ojoa, 14,000 lbs.; Bayview', nlRht at six p clock tlie disclosures have been made here 9,000; M. M. Christopher, 7,000, rlt O.T. P. Telegraphs.) started (Special Ll s rike, so called, during tho trial of a gang of an. and the Nuba, 10,000 lbs. were town. Tho Half packers archists and alleged foreign secret bought by the Atlin Fisheries ut Winnipeg, June 11. The first ! e first to go out. Tho shift agents. It was testified that 10c and 5c for delivery Bt Ketchikan. really serious conflict between'the cold storage ai and forces of law and the strikers jand the lbs., n at an anarchist hand blew up a train The Venus, 15,000 in the Mont Cenis Tunnel durinc Norma, 4,000 lbs, sold to the Ihe strike, sympathizers occurred afternoon in Winnipeg several uuuu.cu Pacific Fisheries for 10c ana o.c. yesterday leaving' ,t November, 1917, on which train and Main at the corner of Portage ,.nd nounus oi u there wore" hundreds of trench the National Fish Co. bought the mounted , Street, resulting in one n u exnected Uiat.tncy win soldiers returning from Italy on eaten of tne speculator amuuui.- constable"'being rather seriously . tn WOrK iur u ou ..."v Isave. tnir to 12.000 at the same price, waste of this rooa delivered at Ketchikan. injured and others being hurt. A ..ni the also to bo It also aliened that the prc""" . ... was arrests have been - f number of morning a "i"'"' The Satsuma, 5,500 lbs. and the flij large sums of money which the failed to return to 17,000 lbs. were bought made. ron Hindu loaders had spent so freely Haysport While performing his duties sawmill, however, Jack Donnelly for 8c straight. The by ,v in propaganda work for the past as n sneciai mountea consianic ,t!mied as usual tins morning decade and particularly since 1914 The Hun Q But Mv Tear Sirs, . Can't Of Cdursf These two boats will discharge Sergt. F...O. Coppins, V. C, was Q 11UI1I..m nntwaru- appearances- m ... was supplied not only by Berlin i Vill Sign. their fish at Butedalet attacked, by,the striking aliens. returned to Tim Geo. Foster . would have Known uiai v . ..!!.- ! II. but by the Hindus In America, especially Tin VaxaivoH turn hllllfits on ihb pounds wa8 a general siriae m we in California. port yesterday with 85,000 chest and' his his iPROf IT SHARING IS of ground fish for th9 Canadian right side of but hopv badly injured, ribs arc teamster's are at worn as LOCAL, NEWS ITEMS Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. lie is held out for his recovery. DEPARTMENT BEAT EXPERIMENTED WITH .1 ,i unrk Fs proceeding on FIRE ,building operations in various MACHINE SHOP FIRE R. E. Allen left on a business FAST BALL GAME WAS FOODSTUFFS ARRIVE j. Ifio r.ilr. trip up the line this morning expecting Farm In Alberta and Industrial Ia?airy at the drydock brougm to return in a few days.' Concern In Toronto Both PLAYED LAST NIGHT . ik. .rot iimL .i few of the Prompt Action Saved Valuable Have Plans. Beef, Butter, Pork and Eggs Corns 1 n!nnH nWAV llltfl Machineryfrom destruction; Uu river arrivals on last evening's Won From Sons of Canada In By Train Yesterday ror jrnin?, but otherwise work was Blaio Quickly Conquered. train include II. J. Brown Colts Local Firms. A profit-sharing scheme for 8 to 7 Large Attend., By oceeding much as usual. and L. II. Osborne of Port Es-sington. strike ofllcially farm labor has been announ'rJd anco of Fans. Those not on Shortly after half past eight The welcome sight of wagon il. JAlii(nna P n PnPTI t f PS. by the Noble Foundation, of faii rtflrka and members of the last evening,- an alarm was rung J. Bruce Johnstone of the hotel Nobleford, Alberta, which was In the baseball game last even- loads of beef, pork and other in from the Imperial Machine Hill supplies being hauled from the ..m.aV.iaaI I In Inn. at ilakelso Lake Hot Springs was organized as a company seven inir nlnverl OH the Acropolis uvcr " Shop near Cow Bay, which had from the depot last night to the local stores At meeting of the Machinists a passenger aboard this morning's ve'afrs ago. says tho Labor Ga grounds the Colts won much a tho arrival of which afforded ..irrl.l (t Wail lIoPlllplI 1(1 caught fire. Upon train for Terrace. zette. This company is offering Sons of Canada by a score oi o 10 was one y last ui&u the brigade, flames had caught a employment to experienced farm in an exciting 11-inning game. satisfaction to the citizens on the irood hold at tho back of the shop Mrs. James Adams of Port Es-sington laborers and teamsters at the Mntheson did the twirling for the route. A car load, which has neon IUC gt'Ukiui mv--..o nml worn snrpaiiincr raDidly. It 4j arrived by the train in winnprs and Dav and Harry. Lau alleged to be on the way for the to ahon IL will be definitely following rates. April July in yesterday ti-holhnr Ihn members of was not long, however, before the last night is registered at the clusive, $05 per month; August to der took their turn in ine box lor last day or two, came unloaded blaze was .brought under control Prince Ilupert Hotel. ihn Canucks. and was promptly i uiti In (Via avm November inclusive, $75 per Ui UU1UM will JUiil in w.v "J extinguished. and delivered, to the local stores. and finally Anderson, the fast stepping ilhelic strike or not. month, with a bonus of 20 per tne There were two tanKS 01 oy-aeelvlenc Haln or shine our June Silk short stop,: was the fielding star Apprehensions regarding ceiilMwn the amount of money gas in the building used Sale will ko on just the same, of the came, Dulling down a Kcireitv of fooil which have.been,: those who give' good M.ll.LI iiilii 1III1ULI1I11.iiiriii i for welding work, and grave fears Thursday, Friday and Saturday. earned, for nn.inlo nf fAst drlVeS. bOlll Of excited through strike conditions through were entertained for a while mat Jabour Brothers, Ltd., loo satisfaction and remain which would have counted for at and rumors were allayed nv.tne- 1 WITHOUT A SCRATCH m m the fall season. In addition to last night,' at w of the heat might cause them to ex least two bases. There was fine breasts many plode. This, however, was pre Mrs. P. O. O'Brien was among this, not later than thirty days stick work throughout. Nearly least for the time being. ' '' from Usk on the after December 31, the company those arriving l Arthur Hamblln Returned vented and not even me glass two hundred fans attended and ;..-r.. and will holiday win nnv n. dividend on the wages FOOTBALL TONIGHT After Three and a Half dials on tho faces of the meters train last night, the rate as the mine of the players were spared for short time before returning earned,-at same were iounu 10 u a ana encouragement; Years Overseas. on the tanks from criticism to shareholders, broken. homei dividend paid The Sons of England and the has averaged 20 cent which per Pk Arthur Hainblin of this The loss, which is not yet esti Tho hnve been no replies as St. Andrew's Society, will play a of sale, but It is fur Bill, descriptive its organization. since ...... 1 I...I nt mated fully, is partly covered by to President Ben Self's chal frmihall match this evening on 7 muriieu huiiio msi. uigut containing- only partial list of ther proposed to pay an extra ten yet interest confined to tne team norm oi Van the Acropolis grounds. Great f spendine threo and a half insurance. Being lenge to any who those re bantams being onereu. now ueing ner cent bonus to hnnk nf the building, none of the The date of tne nexi is boing taken in these as- vi overseas ricni in inu wuu. Anniversary Sale. and com- couver. distributed the following machinery was damaged, although turn year mat ) helween these two teams enpiatinn Kames by the local iooi- ! nlete tho of 1920. A few- Wallace's. season M lima . I .1 ...III, 1 1.A II O.I some belting ana puueys weie which now hold equal honors will ballers and some real good style m s irvico with the Sixth Eri- ilnmntrnd. The prompt action in Dr. H. C. Wrinch and son liar- men winter will lie rates retainM of wages,on each and farm a be announced later. is being displayed by the players. at of match is in aid it from evening's This saving tho roof prevented reached the city old, of Hazelton, bonus and dividend will be paid and admission Club, sui nn inn i rim? line rnucii ui falling in, which wouia nae by the train last night and will REINDICTED the Swimming to them in the same propprtion. LW.W.'S ticket. is by utime ho without damage to the ma neiore to the game came through caused .great spend a short lime here Th Robert Simoson Company is: Slocomb, iTHirn 1 1 a to nna tx enven chines. As it was a new ne n. returning to the interior. The S. O. E. team large departmental Kel-sey, a of Toronto, Tinker, "III n ft f .liintnm I lift motor and several expensive i Special Grand Jury Finds True Darton, Wearmouth, p. announced a has recently F. Workers Local store, of Consplraoy Menzies or Booth, Wells, Electrical tools were destroyed. The for the bene Bill on Charge 3ii have received instructions profit-sharing plan Against U. 8. Government. Hardy, S. Hardy, my, Liraggs; fit of its employees.. Any mom. have, chos headquarters that their international - while tho St. Andrew's from : HON.C.CBALLANTYNE wiUi hpp nf tliu.staff who has been a H. Hamilton, J. cur-rie, look Wharton, does not June 12. Members of en with tho store may, if he dc. Wichita, J..Gray, W. Murray RUfERT sympathetic strikes. year of tne G.Abbott, . Workers favor ittiuuiin iiiim iiiiini 1 1 1 lt ui; in WILL VISIT upon the Industrial sires, participate in the scneme, D. Main, A. Kinghorn, G. Mompanied Mrs. and Miss World, who have beenjn jail for J. Stone, by event he must deposit which caught in Williscroft. and W. E. Affamo .1 ...in . l i I L. V. Patmore yesterday awaiting trial, Sellars, auu nui Ulljuy U BUUIb UIIU i.v.n information received by n n en littlo strins 01 ime nun- to tho credit of the firm five per more than a year "fu earned vacation boforo ro. Commissioner Tinker of the Board i n Wnodworth Lake. cent of his salary up to the maximum and who succeeaea in uuvhks ma 'wimgto resume his duties here hundred dollars a indictments against them quashed that the local nf one Trmirt. it is learned number of r As n result a .. reindicted by a L lkAl h.iva been reaching Vancouver Mr. Adams - - Minister of to visit the Tins limit is sei uu mas. Ballantyne, year. preparing llori. O. C. are '"I anglers on cnarges oi identify George Smith who special grand jury sws snau a paid employees will higher the pay Marine and Fisheries, this afternoon ana evening Govern-mnni w spot against the lately months conspiracy n it. sentenced to six . . t during t" not benefit disproportionately. To States. The ' - . - nf Mm United . ?.rv,ncIal Jail for breaking) "sentember, travelline Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Aaker of these savings of the staii tuo or consists uiiy- - mine out on bail. TUo sen-, " . Co, peck( Grand Forks, North Dakota, ami company will add annually a sum group accused was pronounced in the local I , , - a, 0 Board Miaa M fiilbertson of Ada, -Minn., equal to five per cent of its net two members. FOR QUALITY 'I C" P:lLf,S,l.;, recently, mentioned the are among those registered at tho earnings. The deposits will be RPRUlCIt AND SATISFACTION of tno NOTICE food Board Licence No. 10-7340. ai nvoafnH for the benefit "uo " f mo ministers ui lminr-n nuncrt Hotel, having ... . .. fllnlllA. Iiutcoijii; v i .V,n(Tnura SnAA'nl 9 Tf.i . . .S...I l Prince Uupcrt i rived from the east" on the train empiuyoco.. v. All leaiUSlBl , tliuuoui -rvw.ai iUr risuerinen. jswiveis, Uliunw ovc themselves,- and last night. Sators completing ten years of men and he Iper.lare.Wto for dczenj hooks 3c each, ful-!58' Us problems ; - l.rt narm'.IIOil tn WlI.Ilo 1 n 1 1 iTlfl II II UlKUUUauuii o ENGINEERS Ltd. Phone 45. ' tf i,u suecestion nas um"-"-' n b unfortunate traveller . ... .i ii ...iih on in-'i,. h hPid in tho Longshoremen s been acted upon, n train last UraW lllUir UClU3lkO leaving'" l" Thursday,V June 12, at 8.30 reached tho city by torest and profits. Those Hall A meeting of SCORES IN night expecting to get immeuiaie before completing their ten years' ,p. m. Business taPlanl' nirrtinl 1 I.U.S.O.E. Local 510 GAMES I nnsnnrf flt.inn to tho south. Ue m k,. iio nniv in thfiVnnirntion. election,of officers, UX3 JH-J vw r Will "DENIERS1 YESTERDAY'S train again this OCVVIUU Will be held at 8 p. m on had to leave by amount of their deposits plus live etc. New York C, morning and, will reach yancou ner cent interest, save in tno case, signeo; D. S. CAMERON, June 12 T.nnKue ear TCn 1 Inn!i 1 Thursday, Queen Qualitysllt LouU the circuitous rouio. to be married L. J. BELL, Boston 2, St. er by of a woman leaving Moves. We have Cincinnati 3; Gimvicii. Smelter-men's & them in who wouia do J. at the Mine, Mill a" shades Philadelphia 3, tinicubu . being made re- after five years, all and sizes. When 1 UnnnirJes arc to the profits as if she Hall. Imperative entitled Jou think of gloves, think UrooKiyn u, "iv0" on.Hnc tho whereabouts of Chas n.nvinninl flovcrnment Employ- attend. Cleveland 3, ten years' service. u' Queen Quality. American League ii vmrnnii.'. annoosed to be some- had completed nent Bureau and Soldiers'- Civil .... Sf I.OU1S J. 1-HUU- n the case of death, penencianes of-n.i in the West. Agea ooouv temporary New York 2, where will also receive the accrufia to-Establishment, hlelphia Detroit 1, and COME AND SEE 5; 45 years, fair complexion i9t Second Avenue, Prince profits as though tho deceased nw - Chicago 0, liosion nve feet nine incne innert. Returned soldiers, men had completed tho ten years . -!i,i ;n rAivnrri. Knnuines uio nH ivnmpn reauiring eiv'" Wanted at Once POLICE COURT and any term. being made by relatives r.f nnv kind should register , . iii h received iii No fee charged. New inioriuonu" - - , .i Jones? ,'lth tho above. Show Magistrate What happened to Tonight i.fn, siinendiary court thU the Royal orth west . i. Phono 553. P. O. drawer 1674. 10 Carpenters Enpress McMullin in the police Theatre . . ,.r.n:.,, nrmvn ana ueo. Police. Albert &. McCaffery. Ltd., aro morning "i.u .nr.d of building Victory Bonds taken on pianos, for Construction .. . -- Wills, expecting two scows o I'tihi) i f vi-prn uuiii B.inn. Runert Spruce prewnts ana pnono-.ervho fascinating machines w."e " fientonced to material within the noxi iwo sowing 'Work OLADrS dlmenr LESLIE any home Willi VUBluw - Ltd.. can furnish you ' tf filntrar Shoo. The "AN,.atYurorphan" in Ihe city lock up. lumber ai anon. weeks.: piano. Mr. mcneill Hve.,,ar thirty days two cases oi .i" in sDruce ... a a. Mm of tho Gerhard Heintzman Apply BTR,7't" NEWS feature.GAZETTE There were one also man oem .1.- 1 AxAiitt 4f RACond AiDen Avenue, tf 1.000 tons Ladvsmlth Coal, tho 329 Second Avenge. M.w.r., Prints Rupert Dry Dock and 1 and drunkenness,. n. niimr will come up oauoi i -""i Ast on the Paclflo Coast, Just Engineering to., ui n.. serious, rrlved. Send your orders to the Carhartt's overalls and gloves. -JgACWACK OOMEDV Spain tomorrow on ore l di AVER'S NAVY CUT smim biook. jin'ttttttet'erm ' ' ' TIN FOiL rlnco RuDert Coal Co. Phone io. Agent, J. F.- Magulre, charge If furtner Olflsrett;. wrapped IN ' bo obtained, ) MK8S