Pagl riltt DAILY NKW8. Wednesday, j 181 The Daily News Diamond Liii Act Arwadniati BANK 0F-M0T PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA ESMDUSUHI OVER 100 YEARS , Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Engagement Printing mid Publishing: Co., Third Avenue. reduoed Mlalmum to if price an aore of ftrrt-olaae eeoond-olaao land to Joint A ft.89 an aero. II. F, PULLEN, Manaqino Editor. Rings Pre-emption now oonflned to ur-vyed Wo tako special pride in Record lands will only,b yranted oorartna only Bank Account SUBSCRIPTION RATES: carrying in stock for this and land whloh eultabU la non-timber for aarlcultural land. purpoaea City Delivery, by carrier or mall, per month 75c. purppso sonio very flno and but Partnership parties of not pre-araptlona more than abollahM,four may A Joint Bank Account By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. perfect Wo gunrnntco diamonds,"tho qaality arrance with Joint for residence,adjacent but pre-empUona each making: enables man and wife, or To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.C0. necessary improvements on rsspeotlTe members of the nnd good vnluo of these claims. two same Telephone 93. rings ns wo hnvo niodj spec five'Pre-smptor years and must make oocupy improvements claims for to family, to have a Savings inl selection of tho stones ralus of'810 per sere, Including; clear-ins; and cultivation of at least I acres, Account in and hdforo tho Inst ralsojn. prico before recelvlnar Crown QrsnL common, Where pre-etnptor In occupation not make and with DAILY EDITION. Wednesday, Juno 11, 1010. of dinnionds. less than 8 years, and hss mads proportionate deposits Wo recommend one at Improvements, he may, because drawala individually. of Ill-health, or other cause, be 30.00 in particular as being ranted Intermediate certificate of lm Strike and Revolution quite desirable. provement and transfer his claim. Records without permanent residence Bolh Tiixllng Out? may be Issued, provided applicant H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, makes Improvements to ettsnt of Prince Rupert ' The big strike is fltzling out and there will be no revolution. John Bulger 1100 per annum and records same each Branch yesr. Failure to make Improvements That, is,cerlajn. Thoso who have been looking for 'dcr ta" will Jeweler or record ssme will operate as forfeiture. ' Title cannot be obtained In ho grievously disappointed. ' The Store of Worth, and. less than 8 years, and Improvements This Is not the kind of country n which to start a revolution. Beauty.' of cleared 110.09 and per cultivated,acre. Including:and residence 8 acres We ore not sunicienlfy excit&blo. Sometimes wo fly off a littlo, or Pre-emptor at lesst 1 years holding;are required.Crown grant may record another pre-emption, if he BUSINESS IS hut very soon wo como to our senses. Wo are conservative by requires land In conjunction with his WATER NOTICE farm, without actual occupation, provided nature, ns a people, do not like our changes too abrupt. slstutory Improvements made ' The dear deluded lupes who have been polluting on up-sotting TAKE MJT1CK DIVERSION thai Hume AND USB I). Babtniton, and ranted residence land. maintained on Crown There's A whose iddrcs Is box 848 Prince Reason hupen, Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 10 things and taking over tljo affairs of state themselves a, c, will arptr for licence to tike tad acres, may be leased as homesltss; use two cubic tret ir second or wuer title to be obtained after fulfilling residential may very well forgot it for a few years. out ot n 'unnamed stream, filch now snd Improvement conditions. south and drains into llouslunr Bay. Ln-tara For grating and Industrial SERVICE purposes AND There are peoplo who still do not believe that a revolution QUALITY somp Island, near Uie S. V. corner or Lot areas exceeding (40 acres may b was contemplated. They .are as easily deluded as were Tbe water will l diverted rrom the leased Mill, by factory one person or Industrial or company.sites on those who ready to outer into the now workingman's oligarchy. stream at a point about twenty chains timber land not exceeding- 40 ama At the Right Price Nyero north -or the S. w. corner or Lot 983, and mar be purchased; conditions Include of will lw used tor domestic and steam pur payment of stumpage. Revolution talked for months bofore tho "1 was 1 1 11 - many (uses 'upon the land described as Lot (98, Natural hay meadows Inaccessible r striko, hut it was not intended that tho capitalists" should have yueeil Charlotte Land Durtlct, by existing roads may be purchased the cround conditional Down Town Store Tlill none was posted on upon construction of a road been overthrown until tho One Big Union was properly established. on tbe Uti day or April. 1919. A copy or to them. Rebate of one-half of coet of mis none ana an application pursuant road, not exceeding half of purchase Kven in Prince iVuport thcro wcro those who wer,e talking thereto and to the Water Act. tI4. price. Is mads. PHONES 44 & 45 PHONES will be tiled tu the onice or the Water revolution and .expectantly 'waiting for i'U feveii ,yet (hey find it HecorBor at rnnce lUiptrt. u. C fC"EMPTORS'ACT.FREE QRANT8 tbe be Objections to application may hard to,believe that they have becu such poor fools. llled with the said Water Recorder or with The scope of this Act Is enlarged to Branch Store, Seal Cove Ave. the Comptroller or Water Kltbti. Parlia Inolude all persons Joining and serving; ment Uulldlnrs. Victoria. B.C., within with Ills Majesty's Forces. The PHONE 534 End Is Only time within which the heirs thirty days after tbe Crst appearance or or devisees tms nonce in a local newspaper. of a deceased pre-emptor may apply Matter of Time. HUME B. BABINOTOX ADDllcanL Jor title under this Act Is extended The date ot the nrst publication or this from for one yesr from the death of In WJimipeg the peoplo going back to and in most such are work, notice is Nay to. mv. person, as formerly, until one year after the conclusion of the other places tho striko has gone off at half cock. Skilled crafts-lien LAND ACT war.reactive.This privilege Is also made present re--t FULLER'S LTD. who aro well paid refuse to bo at the beck and call of a lot .Notice Cf intention to Apply to Lease Land. No fees relating to pre-emptions are In Vuern Charlotte Islands Land District, dus or payable by soldiers on preemptions of inenwho cannot read and wruo the English language. They Becordlnr District or Sieena. and situate recorded arter June U. in tbe vicinity or Indian Reserve no. it, Taxes are remitted for five years. feel thattho tail is the are ,begiming g wagging dog and they Lanrara Island. " Provision ror return of moneys accrued, .itr' Take notice that Clifton F. Rlel. of due and been paid sines August rosont . -, Rl'JZUmm 4. 1114. on , rnnce Hupert. unuin Columbia, occupa account 'of payments, fees t44y Most of thoso who belonged to international unions' of repute lion manarer. intends,to apply ror Dermis er Interest taxes on on soldiers'sgreementg purchase sion to lease the rollowinr described refused to break with their organizations for an evauescent lands: V.T!'?.elLcl,y Forces,o's held by members of or dependents, acquired Launch AliceB. Conunenclnr at a post planted at north west corner or Indian Reserve number It, direct or indirect, remitted from en-llatment phantom of revolution, no matter under what guise it might be to March tl. mo. thence one hundred and orty reel more or parading. . less in southwesterly direction to low water SUB.PURCHASERS OF CROWN for the Sail Lakes mark; thence TOO feet westerly atanr low LANDS. "The end of tho .strike is now just a matter of time. It is a water mark; thence northerly one hundred Provlelon made ror Issuance of reel more or less to mm waur man; Crown wearing down process and the workiugman gets the rough side thence easterly sot) reel more or less Crown grants Lands, to scqulrlng-sub-purchasers lights from of General Pasienier Sef aionr man waier marc io point or com purchasers who failed rice. Huntiaf, Fitkinr of .the stone. He is the man who sutlers. He is the otte every mencement and containlnr two (S) acres Involving forfeiture,to complete Rurchate. on and Picnic Partiti more or less. time who, win or lose, lias the short end after industrial conflict. CUFTO?t P. KIEL. and taxes.conditions Where of purchase.sub-purchae-era Interest For'I hat reason it was so foolish to listen to a few hotheads who Dated 8 th April. 1919. da purchase not claim price whole dae of and original taxes parcel, may -Sl J. Myhill Jones derudd''them'' wUhsmoplh. talk. LAND ACT be distributed proportionately over whole area. Applications must be fj 2 Swacsoa's BottlioeM .Notice or Intention to to Lease Land. Apply made by May X, i!0. Uoubtle,ss the unions will striking .hold out for some time in uueen uurtojie isianas Lana Disinci. cU It is uot to be expected that they will yield without a good on Recordmt Lanrara District Island.of Skrena. and situate Oraslng Act.GRAZING.1919. for systematic struggle. We should hardly admire them if they "did. At the ran Take uemenu,notice that ocrurauon Charles A.manner,CoaUon in or development for graalng of livestock districts Industry snd range provides satpe time it is now clear to everyone that there can be but one ends to apply tKscnceu for permission lanos: U lease the admlntetratlon under Comml'Uloner roitowicr Annual graalng permits Issued based outcome. The men an? lighting a losing Jgtii The odds agaiust chains CommetMirr rtsl ot tbe at a.N.pot V. corner planted of about Indian en numbers. owners.ranged;Stock-Owners priority for eetab-tlsbed may Georgetown Lumber Co. them are too .strong. Reicrre ?i. t f: thence north to turns form Associations for range management. thence west 90 chains more or less to tbe Free, or partially free, permits west boundary of Lot 671: thence, south for settlers, campers er traveller, ub PHONES 130 and 3- p- - BOX 1632 Nothing in Law to wains mere or icm to snore: uence to tea head. To Compel Work. Indian easterly Reserve alonr shore.No. 1;to XW.thence corner east or to Largest Assortment of Loimber In Central B. C. point ot commencement and caauminrtO There is nothing in the law of the country to compel a man acres, more or teas. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY to Avork if he does not wish to do so. He can, remain out indefinitely. Dated May 1. 1919.C A. tULUSU.T. SPRUCE FIR CEDAR The community is being injured of course, but not Metke r IntMlloii to Apply i purcteea so much as the idle individual. The leaders of the labor movement UM. Consult Us. In Ranre 9. Coast Land District- Record here haw no interest in the community. Some of the leaders mr Dutrtrt of Prince Rupert, od situate l mnj oay, uttw nannci. o. u. iold The Jyews so. They do not care whether the place is TAkE OTICE that L James X. UaO. of DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Vancouver. B. C, occupation baker aad prosperous or not. They would just as soon it should not be, at oldler. Intend to apply for permission to WATER RIGHTS BRANCU purcbase the loUowtnc described lands P.O. Boi KM 37 any rate that is what they say. It is useless to argue with such uwuneocuii: a( a ptui pianiea i cnauu "WATER ACT 1914." .Phone nortaerty or S. w. cor. T, L. Ma. lit: UCEULATiai Or RESERVE OP WATER men. They are in & class by themselves. They form an aristocracy thence east 40 chains: thence south to .NOTICE is hereby given that HI Honor cnalns: thence west 40 chains more or leas be Lieutenant uovereor or Brwsn aaom-la. and Service For Comfort, Courtesy of indifference to everything except their own selfish ends. to snore line; uence nortnerty so cnams, by and with the advice or bis Execs more or Vesa, rollowinr ahore line to pomi Ive CounctL has been Pleased to order: They like to hear themselves talk at .labor, meetings, but when oi roauwTKnneui aoa coniamur I B acres THAT pursuant to the provtsioos or it comes to work, they are never among the leaders there. Union more cr less. JANES Z, HALL, Stapler action 19 81 or of tbe tbe-Water Statute Act,cr 1914"1914.being that THE: SAVOY- HQTEL Per Willi am A. Bauer. AreoL be rreerve of tbe unrecorded water of men seem to be divided into two classes, workers and talkers, Dated SI March. 1919. lerare Creek, established pursuant to the rder In Council .No. 6S. approved on tbe F. T. BOWNES5, Meaaaw latter the leaders and the others their are are dupes. Netlc f lateatlea to Afpij t rcJtaec 7th cut of January. !!!!, be rasccSed. DATED this 17th day or February, 19 IV Fifth and Fraser SL, Prince Rupert, B.C No Hostility In Ranre t. Coast Land District, Record-&r T. D. PATTULLO. Dtstrvrt or rrtnre Ropert. and situate Minister of Laada. To Organized .Labor. t to)' ntt Hern sound, b. c aJ CeU Water Het TAktAoTICE that L Marsnall Seek of 9 Home Cookinc Runnint The News believes in organized labor. It is necessary that Vancouver. B. C. occupation soldier. Intend to apply tar persuasion to purchase men shall organize in self protection and to advance their owe ur (wuowiar oesmoea awxs Mrs. Smeeton's ccimmencinr at a post runted at aonth. peculiar craft. The News does not believe, however, in the west corner tof t, thence east to cnams; Sl-ct - I.,,,,,, -. 4 thence south chains; thence west 40 solidantypf labor. There is no more reason for a skilled craftsman chains, more r less, lo snare Une. thence following a loud mouthed agitator than there is for a business cnalns,noruerry more and or easterly less, ak-to pout shore or Cne com tfi Lunch & Tea Rooms To Prospective man following a flimsy hair-brained politician. Bolh arv or meoretneBt,less. and coeninlnr acres, more J. tti abhorrent! WhetTOr proletariat rule the world it will uot be rer U-URaa MARSHALL A. Bauer,BEEX. A rent. ' 309 Second Avenue, West, BUILDERS &CONTRACT0RS through men who are not themselves workmen, not through tie Dated Aprtl. 1919. crafty schemers and revolutionists who would upset the established A THE SCTBXME I.N PROBATE.CO CRT Or Lunches, Teas, lee cream, IflMltieMailBVjBValBVjBVBlJBtBVjBVjBlBllBVJ! B1UT15H oVreal COLUMBIA. 1 eeHng llial il is up to us to assist ia tbe a --' -5 order of things, but through the great mass workers Soa Drinaj. X THE MATTER OF THE ADMLMST1U-TH.N oienl we will quote rock bottom prices on ary : who do their work well, who have brains and use thenv ACT Home - Made Bread, Cake, .N THE MATTER HP THE ESTATE OF lerial and supplies handled by us, suc xs: Cost of Living WILLIAM INTESTATE.MckEAUE LOCA.N. DECXA5-EP, Pies, Salad Dressing, Jams, Uectrica materia i of all descripi - Karmalades, Chutney, Etc It .NOTICE IS HEREBT COVES TO WHOM tings and Fixtures, Lamps. Wire of all Um&s - i Much Too High. T MAY CO.NCER.N ex an order made y His Famous el Ion Mowbray loBttU-, T- McB. Tear. Local Jcire. tn te Conduit, Electric heaters and mantel. Aw" The cost of is much too Pi. living high. Everybody aaciits that, bote auiiwr co tbe tiO day of AsrU, Ranses. etc. Galvanized and black iroa Steaa: a' Wss go up and then there is another jolt up in the prices. It IT 19,IS s-t ORDERED f.lki that ti saU Jfes n IMpe and Fittings. Valves. Radiators aa - Picnic Parties Catered for j McMsUba si&aa t allowed id swar La t 1 is like a pup chasing his tail, lie never gets him anywhere. . death r the said tfeortW as eeccmxr c(ia, hwu jm ri. - - 2yo one seezns to know T.hy costs are too high. Spat of the me SU CT tlay est Scs May, tlim toil, u Xlu diu the eapara-SSS n tn. Kalsomine Brushes of all kinds. Hardwrf L merchants become millionaires unless il be Timothy Eaton, tbe tnt rMiratM or atuie ct txt arder. Ash. Maple, Teak and Gum. Slructaral SX csless u li DKxausDt proof ti rcrsuneJ man who is reputed to sell cheap goods. Many men in business u ue iwranv uu cart at Piw OrnamesUJ Iron Work, Fir Escape. tU. find il impossible to make a living. There have not been many Rspeit.tin Mcaesse R- C till uraa tne saU wis derease4 as sxIm.VU- SEEDS! Roofing: the Very Best Made. Manilla aa f -Cable. failures, in Prince Rupert lately, but in the past there have and ejsentty v vt tst IU Cay er May. soiT Derrick Castings and Contractor" AND IT IS rihtHUt UftPtKEO tUt doubtless there will be a recurrence. uil Jeta n. McXiUra 9o rbtMJi tutjee For the Garden We Also handle Goodyear MecaaBal -w-. From time to time some crazy profiteer figures are quoted ti New-s.lbs a Order ewsyjpr ta tb pctJW Prvavce Rirt at Prince INaJty including: "Extra Power" Belting; FackBsrs. - and then the gullible open their mouths and swallow them down Rcjyet. IV C, tr persM cf eat sacaiv Specially Suited for Prince Weslinghouse nectrical equipm. ! , and repeal them with proper embellishments Usually the figures J. 0-Qgxtal XCSICLLUV.AaatflntMratrr Rupert -oiL U-aeralors, Transformers an4 alt other Ewv - -menL are false. Being direct ftclory repreiesttsii. L" X THE XaTTER. OP AS APPUCATrOS PGR The Dominion Government is now calling a con rent ion of the rs-stE or jt rrn asnnari make very attractive price. retail merchants, not only to discuss the question of profiteers w 50. Ttrtx SECTW.N rxR V CUT um Or t a PRLNCX o. block Rt FEED CHICKENS but to find oii way by which the business of the country may PERT.OTICS tl MkI SwrekT 9t--.cnea U.H it t. HAY, GRAIN A FERTILIZER Prince Supply Co., Ltd. be conducted on what may pro're a more equitable basis. Whether tatetv. 9aks iM dtjeetva B isane Rupert tkereM ta wtictt. issot arur tw they will do anything rrcaaias to be proved. Doubtless the rrats(a tl e asuttOk. rnua tne Xrst pes.i. Fourth Street, off Third v Government will bar something to tU the merchants as wU $ a ocaanm tne s mi.aMntW a rrvu urrascase lees ta M Ttue P.RiEEDCo! P. O. Box 772 P3 gv S hearing their side of the story. It is not to be aa ordinary investigation tt R.-aoli c rerrxos, wsora Cerciraae but a trade conference with a. view to evolnng a better Tttie u etwit tlix AjcU, Hit. kiu as condition of aS&irs. It seems aa ejepeasu way of doing n. p. Mirxtoiv. PHOKE U -f.yrv tf Title, things; but possibly some good may come of iL Until we fcnow anj ttnratrr P. O. Bos 333 90S 3rd At. "The Daily News more about tt w feel il coir just to withold criticism. Pltwe J Kt?ee.ijnJ. R.ttit.41. Advertise in