Wednesday, June 11, 1910. Page 3 latitude fifty-five degrees forty .twp minutes Iwenly-one seconds north, loniritiiri A nnA hnnrtrpH nnil thirty-four degrees twelve min-5 ules thirty seconds west; thence southeast (magnetic) nineteen riilfcjj to a point approximately latitude fifty-five degrees twenty. four minutes north, longitude one a Smile JjuJj LIJI three hundred minutes and thirty-four forty-two seconds degrees west; thence northeast eight and A smile of salisfac- 4d iCL I six-tenths miles, touching the tion from radiant north shore of-the outer and bi -fgWSa seeling the Inner of the two islets V V J youth and beauty s$F f ift PF southwest of Cape Addington, - Noyes Island, to u point on Noyes ll wearers of clothes . iTl pifej- kf island. I wase w1 Sun- --y I ittt l rom the northwest extremity of Capo Lynch, Hecata Island, Yj light because the 0MW UJK MWH 1 1 southeast three-fourths south k 1 arments cleansed fo HmuW WA M' f I V approximately miles, to fourteen a point on and Noyes five-tenths Island in range with the peak sliown on chart numbered eighty-one hundred and fifty published OJJ Sunlight by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, said point being approximately in' west longitude one hundred and thirty-three degrees thirty-nine minutes thirty seconds. "That any person or persons, firms, association, or corporation, or its officers, violating any provision WRIGLEYS Vvl the Preservation of ffl )ffif Vk of this act or any regula tion established or to be established in pursuance thereof shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished The Flavour Lasts by a fine not exceeding $1,-000, tr imprisonment at hard OaVvJIJ. No other Laundry Soap y W A l jj ninety labor for days,a term or by of both not more such than fine All three kinds sealed and Imprisonment, at the discretion; in air-tight of tho court; and every vessel, impurity-proof its catch, its apparatus, or equipment used or employed in Packages. Be violation of any provisions of this act 'or any regulation made thereunder SURE to get WRIGLEYS may be seized by order of tho Secretary of Commerce and 'AFTER MADE shall be held subject to the fine EVERY IN or fines that may be imposed. CANADA That the violation of any provision MEAL" of this act may be prosecuted in any district court of Alaska or -any district court of the United Stales of Washington, Oregon, or California. And U shall be the duty of the Secretary of Commerce to enforce the pro 50 visions of this act and the rulss and regulations made and to b made thereunder, and such of ficers and employees as no may cnip'oy or designate for this pur po:-e shall have authority to en ter on and search any vessel sits S.S. PRINCE RUPERT pected of violation of this act. or And it sljall be-the duty of the S.S. PRINCE GEORGE district attorney" 10 wncir. an) violaiion is reported by any ag.nt SAILfNG or representative of the l;part-ment THURSDAY and 8UNDAV MIDNIGHT for 8WAN80N BAY, OCEAN FALLS, of Commerce to institute VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. proceedings necessary tc carry WEDNESDAY and 8ATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANY OX. out the provisions of this act S. 8. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT "That all acts or part6 of acts For Mett Port Clement, and Buckl.y Bay, Jun. 4th, 11th, 18th 28th. UNITED STATES inconsistent with the provisions and July 2nd. far inconsistent, Southern Polnta Quean Charlotta lilandt, una Cth, 20th, and July 4th. of this act-are, so ns 8twart, B. C, June 14th, 28 and July 12th. Shoe Service Second None hereby repealed. . ( , to WILL PROTECT "That this act shall take effect TRAIN SERVICE as soon as possible after the enactment Passenger Monday, Wdneeday and Saturday f, 11:39 a.m. for Smlthers, AT THE of concurrent or essentially Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg1, making direct connections for HALIBUT BANKS similar regulations by the . all points east and south. Government of the Do.minion of Shoe Store AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES aily Canada, either by act of Parliament, For Information and reservations apply to Draft of BUI Introduced Into order in council, or other City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. Phone 260. Wo are offering shoe service second to none in the Congress Nearly Two Weeks proper means; and the Secretary West. Our slock is complete with up-to-date footwear. Ago But not Yet Law. of Commerce is authorized and directed to take steps as may be Men. women and children carefully catered to. Congressman Alexander intro necessary to inform himself of WHITE CANVAS SHOES FOR THE FAMILY duced into the House of Representatives the enactment of such regulations Special care taken with your children's feet. We fit thern, the following bill dealing and when in his opinion such CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY scientifically with the best good shoes at reasonable prices. with the halibut industry: regulations have been made, he COME AND TALK OVER YOUR FOOT TROUBLES "Be it enacted bv the benato shall set a date on which this act Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points We havo a cure for every foot complaint. Note the address and House of Representatives of shall, become effective, after not via Steamer to Vancouver and the the United States of America in less than two months' nor more FAMILY SHOE STORE Congress assembled, that it shall than four months' notice. And Canadian Pacific Railway be unlawful to fish for or catch if the Dominion of Canada shall Meals and Berth included on Steamer Self Cafe Opposite halibut during the months of De-comber pass regulations, similar to or GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM and January in each year concurrent with one or moer of 8.1). PRINCESS ALICE 8.8. PRINCES8 MARY Phone 357 in any and all waters of the Pa-ciflo the provisions of this act but not For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from Prlnca Rupert The. Practical Shoemen Juno 2, tl and 80 During July anl August every Saturday at noon. its bays, sounds, or tho of Commerce! ocean, with all, Scpretary " Sec "What Happened to Jones" at tho Westholme. For Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, Skagway, Alaaka, from Prlnca Rupert 5 tributaries over which the United is authorized and directed May 99; June 7, 16 and so. During July and August every Monday at noon. States exercises jurisdicton, or to to give effect to the provisions su land, deliver, or offer for sale at concurred in but not to the others. CANADIAN PACIFIO OCEAN SERVICES any port or place in the United "That if at any time the regu For rales, reservations and sailings, apply ts States any halibut taken in sucn lations of tho Dominion of Can W. O. ORCHARD, General Agent. waters or in any other part of the ada should, in the opinion of the 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C. LA GASSE'S Pacific ocean during the said Secretary of Commerce after due ; Try months, or for any vessel or boat investigation, be inadequate in of tho United States or person their provisions or enforcement, 3 SPECIALS belonging to or on such vessel or the Secretary is authorized and boat, or person owing obedience directed to suspend the opernti'-u The Union to the laws of tho United States, of this act until such time as h Florence, Genoa and Fruit Cake to flsh for or catch halibut jn any may be satisfied that such prc-visibns For Vancouver, Tues., 8 p.m.; Sat., 4 Steamship part of the Paciflo ocean during and their enforcement p.m. 30c per lb. tho said months of December and hav hfifijx made adequate for tho Anyox, Aliee Arm and Port Simpson, Co. of B.C. Mondays, 7 We Are Sure Any One Will Please You January of each year. protection of the halibut fisheries, Naas River Points,a.m.Friday a.m. "That it shail be unlawful for "That nothing In tnis act snau Encourage Home Industry any vessel or boat of the United be construed to prohibit or pre Ltd. Jack Barnslcy, General Agent States or person belonging to or vent any person or persons fro;a on such vessel or boat, or any fishing for or catching naiiDut ior La Casse Bakery person owing obedience to the domestic consumption and not Phone 190 laws if the United States, to usn for sale." 717 Third Avenue for or catch halibut at'any time NOTICE TO FISHERMEN within tho area circumscribed by . iinoa ns follows, or for any vessel, boat, person, or corporation to Notice to Advertisers BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT land at any port or piaoe m m-a STON GRILL United iviiMn such States area,any which halibut area taken is for Casual insertion advertisements same day . and Ice at Butedale Cannery hereby recognized and designated should bo in the Dally 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 for halibut: News ofllco before 10 a. m. as a nursery WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. "From the northwest extremity Changes in advertisements Home Cookinrr. Open Day and Night. of Cape Lynch, Hecata Island, should be on hand beforo BUTEDALE - - - B.C. at meal. southwest (magnetlo) eighteen 5 p. m, on previous, day. DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 43c. to 50c. De.eert eyery Short orders t any lime. miles to a point approximate