Page 1 l'BE DAULT NEWS. Saturday. junn u 19. J Local News .Notes j Just Arrived G. H, Arnold - - Notary Public From the South Use MUItESGO, the great sani Grand tary wall flnish. A. V. Edge Go Rally Fresh Hood River Strawberries, For Sale Bing Cherries, Cucumbers, fi. p. Rpil nf Fifth Avenue, ar Tomatoes, Lettuce, rivpfl back from the south this in our A flve-roomed house with bath in Section 0 Cauliflower, Spinach; Green morning. PRICE $2,300.00. TERMS: $600.00 CASH Onions, Radishes, new Beete,i new Cabbage, dry Onions, Ladies A $58 suit for $4i ffljYERSARY And the balance in four annual payments at 8 per cent. Cantaloupes, Apricots, and new and smart styles Anniver We pay highest prices for Canadian Victory Bunds PC.aches. nrv Sain Wallace's. 30 and United States Liberty Bonds. No Delay. Owing to the strike situation, the arrivals in low Amontr these goods had to be brought to Prince Rupert via vesterday was J. G. Spencer and H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Ketchikan. The expense of Mr. and Mrs.,I). J. Hrown of Port SALE " chartering a small boat from Simpson. Phone 90 210 Oth St. Ketchikan to Rupert was A baseball meeting will be held very heavy, and on this account in the Sons of Canada hall on For we will have to get nr Saturday extra freight charge. Monday evening at 8:30. Every bodv is welcome. 110 Prince Rupert Dry Dock a Engineering Co. Rupert Table Supply Co. P.Walter and the Hume,Flying late Corps,of the returned G. T PHONES 21.1,212 to town this morning from the Extra Specials in Bargain Boats of any size Docked south after being discharged. Women's rain-coats $7 Wal Bicycle drawing on Saturday Giving. Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. lace's sale. 139 June 21st tickets given on boy- Several boats can re docked together on one small suits -md shoes 25 per ccci. oil section, making fees liglit. Large stock of repair Just arrived, a car of Beaver Anniversary Sale Wallace s DRESS GOODS WILL BE Board. A. W. Edge Co., distribu materiels is being laid in. tors. . ' tf W. J. Jeilerson. manager of ' A SPECIAL FEATURE Butedale cannery, came up on the Foundry Work Mrs. Kergin, senior, returned.. rince Rupert this jnorning an 1 1 : i- --II 11 T 1 .' T 1 Castings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at pert irom this uie ,soma morning.on me riiim? uu Hotel.s registered at the Prince Rupert In the Shoe Section the binns -' Reasonable Prices. .: Up river arrivals in town sine II, K. Neill, one of' the owners will be re-filled with bargains Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds yesterday include Mrs. Wallace, of the Bush Mines at Stewart, ar in Footwear for Men, Women Clazten; J. O. Dorman. Claxton rived from the south this morning and it. O. Stone, Oceanic. and expects to leave for the Business of Industrial; Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries and Children. Portland Canal by the Tillamook Solicited. Store thronged with hundred this afternoon. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. - of pleased customers taking ad vantage of great price-cuttin The gasoline boat Zorra owned event Anniversary Sale Wal and operated by the Atlin l-'ish lace's. - 39 eries left port this- morning for H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. North Island, where shq will be For pillow and sheets, See Barrie for shades and cur cases, used during the summer months tain rods. blankets, see Barrie. tf ... if as a salmon carrier. Corner 3rd and Fulton St. M.M.Siephens Choose your own materials and Denny Allen, accompanied by Style when you get corsets made Mia. Allen, returned to town thi NOTARY PJBLIO by Mrs. Director. Phone Blue 92. WESTHOLMF morning after seeing service over . . . t seas. Many of his old friend All popular colors in silk THEATRE were at the wharf to greet him sweaters -a third less than regular TONIGHT and meantime Mr. and Mrs. AIIe Some choice residential prices $12.75 up Anniversary will be the guests of Chief and .lots for sale on monthly payments Sale Wallace's. 39 Mrs. Vickers. Shoe Service Second None to those who will improve The photodrama you've been wailing to them with suitable The Heintzman & Co. piano is for for a long time a Western picture Ex-Private Booth of Wenatchee dwellings only. unsurpassed for balance and with a new theme, plenty of thrills and WSd AT THE Wash., was one of the arrivals on depth of tone, for sweetness and a dainty love Btory. In it today's boat. He enlisted witl One lot near drydock for action delicacy,and for for responsiveness durability. The of WILLIAM FOX the American Legion but wa Family Shoe Store $250.00 Cash Prince Rupert -Music Store. Opposite PRESENTS Iqter transferred to a Canadian A beauty Six-roomed modern railway battalion which did'good the P. O. W. J. Pitman, Two New Stars liouse'and lot on Fourth -K service in the Ypres sector. .A We ure offering shoe service second to none in the Avcnu, cheap. Piano Dept. printer by trade, he is forsaking West. Our stock is complete with up-to-datn foo'wear i Tents. Pack sacks. Camp outfits. WILLIAM NIGH type and printer's ink to look for Men, women and children carefully catered to. Agent J. F. Magulre, Smith Block. land in the up river country. WHITE CANVAS SHOES FOR THE FAMILY and Special care taken with your children's feet, We fit thrsi Provincial Government Em M. M. scientifically with the best good shoes at reasonable p: : ;es. Stephens ployment Bureau and Soldiers Violet Palmer C(il Re-establishment; tempor COME AND TALK OVER YOUR FOOT TROUBLES 'LOANS SEED UHUIS- INSURANCE j ary oince 621 Second Avenue We have a cure for every foot complaint. Nole the addr ss Prince Rupert. Employers having FAMILY SHOE STORE For the Garden WATCH FOR AND SEE vacancies for men and women in Specially Suited for Prince ilerical, factory, domestic or Opposite Self's Cafe For Your Rupert soil. THE BLUE ither Phone work 553.should apply to above tf GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 Shoes for everyone at manu See "What Happened to Jones" at the Wcslh i:nc LUMBER KrJZAJ CHICKENS facturers' prices Wallace's. HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER STREAK J. O. McAuley, commercial agent for the G. T. P., returned PLASTER to town this morning after spend Written and Directed William by Nigh ing the last several weeks on To Prospective vacation in the south. Mr. Mc CEMENT PHONE 58 Admission, 30c and 15c Auley was as far south as Utal P. O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. builders&contractors Two- - Shows, 7.15 and 9.15 and attended the wedding of Mr Building and Mrs. Joe jloerig at Salt Lake City. He also visited Seattl- Portland and other of the coast Feeling that it is up to us to assist in the Housing move-ment Materials IN THE SUWIEME COUAT OF BIUTIBli cities before returning. we will quote rock bottom prices on any of tlie material To Contractors COLUMBIA. and supplies" handled by us,' 6uch as: IN THE MATTER np THE "ADM1KISTRA Only one day old aud still going Electrical irmleriai of all descriptions, including CGSi'E TO Offers TION ACT and strong--Anniversary Sale Wal tings and Eixtures,.Lamps, Wire of all kinds and sue, Pipe are wanted for the IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OJ lace';. 30 Conduit, Electric beaters and mantels, Automatic hlectrio construction o f Machine ilUULKT A, UHANT, DECEASED, IN Albert Water & lid. and NicCalfery, TESTATE. Ilanges, etc., Galvanized and black iron Steam Shop and OiTlce 45 feet by TAKE INOTICE Tbat b order of Ilia and Healers, Pipe Jack Edwards, well known old Pipe and Fittings, Valves, , Radiators Phone 116 and 564. 04 feet. Plans and specifications Honour F. McB. Vonnr made tbe 17 id day a and or jeuruary, a. u. iviv, i was appointed timer of this city, returned on the Covering, Wood Stave Pipe, Hoechk's Paint, Varnish at Administrator to tbe estate of Robert A. Uraiit, deceased, and all patties barlDg boat today after having seen- ser Kalsomine Brushes of all kinds. Hardwood Lumber -Oat. Office, Second Avenue, Nest Akerberg Thomson & Co., Ld. claims against tbe said estate are hereby vice with the overseas forces. Ash, Maple, 'feak and Gum. Structural Steel and Iron-Ornamental required to rurnlsb same, properly vended, Westholme Theatre. Office, Manson Way. to me on or before tbe lb day of June, There were many friends to give Iron Work, Fire Escapes, etc. Ilex Minlkolfl 1918, and all parlies Indebted to tbe eatate ana are required to pay trie amount or tbelr hi in a hearty handshake when he lloolliig-lhe Very Best Made. Manilla and Wire Itopo moeDtcaners JOHN to me'II.rortnwitn.McMULLIN, eame down the gang plank. Jack Cable. Derrick Castings and Contractors supplies. Good, omclal Administrator. left, with the ITrftt Pioneers and We also handle Goodyear Mechanical Rubber DATED tbls 1st day of May, 1919. Hose ana has been over fox four years, but including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Prince Rupert Music Store QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS' is glad to be back again- in Westlnghouse Electrical equipment, including s' jiuiit IHSTIUUT 8KEENA. Electrical equipment. 'civilization" among his northern Generators, Transformers and all other OPPOSITE POST OFFICE TAKE notice tbat Tbe Aeroplane Spruce friends, Being direct factory representatives, wo aro auie w Lumber Co., Ltd.. of Port Clements, B. C. WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor vuvuiouuu eaw uim, luieum iu apply ror make very attractive prices. permission to lease tbe following; described wavavMMaaaiwaatMaMaaaiaMaiaaMBM lands: . Iso reserves every shoe in "Everything in Music." Commencing; at a post planted at tbe lock at sale prices Anniversary Ltd. JJUT-fT POPULAR SONGS AND DANCE8, VICTROLA8 nortbeast corner of Lot 8. Block it nmi Sale Wallace's. 39 Prince Rupert Supply Co., AND, VICTOR RECORDS u, .uuuniiiuu ui umi. liui .to, mence north 8 cbalns, tbence west 80 degrees Repair to Phonographs. Violins, Etc. Bowa retialred. south to approach of Government Wharf, Fourth Street, off Third Avenue. Ml IUIII Vi&4 Woodwind Jcatrummta renadded and adluitit tbence southerly along- aald approach of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Milled Phone Black 389 Government wharf to northwest P. O. Box 772 - tr2SS.L??.MlZy:' Prlnc Rupart of Mualo corner of received Academy In Connection uui i, diuul n, mence easterly Hong- iht a warm welcome when ," With tha Stora. U'QtSrfpnnt tt Int. 4. o 1 K m - -J - tt w. w... v. " w, a4 u, y i aiiil fL they stepped oil' the steamer this The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs y?1" AEHJI'LANE 8PHUCE LUMBEH CO., LTD, morning. "Scoop" is one of the f North of Vancouver uutr, rniiu iv, IVIV, popular young men of the city, Tti Hpm frm n n ftr Cr Piann . NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE and before leaving here for An- P.O. Boa 1704 Phone 37 . or was one of the Miller-Phillips NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th The Weber Piano Mmm ii serve existing over Lot 418, Queen Char-lot Company here. He Joined the le Islands, bv reason nr ..C. i Thomas Organs llshcd In the B.C. Oatetto on the oth of lying Corps and was here a few For Comfort, Courtesy and Service All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments O. II. WADES, ago after being discharged go to Deputy Minister of Lands, fron the service. He then went W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. ands Department, THE SAVOY HOTEL Victoria, B. C, east to Toronto whenoo he return L. VAUGHAN E'pert eth March. tBta. M 3 ed this morning with his bride. pP:,7'p,,riPg' . F. T. BOWNESS. Mb Victory Bonds taken on rjiannn B.C. sowing machines and Albert & McCaffery,' Ltd., have Fifth and Frascr St., Prince Rupert, Prince Rupert Music Store graphs. Singer Shop. The home on hand 700 tons Nanaimo Wellington if Cold VV 01 tne oernard Heintzinan piano. coal. Home Cooking Runnlnr Hot -nd 329 Second Avenue, M.W.F, Aok. for Atkins' 8ausages. tf