Tuesday June 17, 1019. THE DAILi NEWB. Page i PRICES FOR SALMON KoioRENERVOUS AT CANNERIES ARE INDIANS CLAIM FOR LOSS OF FISHERIES HEADACHES 4 The prices SAME of AS this LAST var'a YEAR Sny Domestic Cannot Sscure Fish fop Their Have You Tried Purposes at Shnw-atlans inon pack were decided at a meet-ing "FRUIT-A.TIVES", , Tried of the British Columbia Can-ncrs' Mosonlto an ri. Any More. The Famous ' bites Will nnt trnnKI. last Association held in Vancouver Jf you use Zam-Duk. This A letter from the Indian agerit week. The prices remain herbal balm ends the draws Irritation, was read lo the City Council last P incia oui.io us last year and the out the pol.oa and pre! vents Inflammation. evening in which it was stated rov uwuiiig appues lo district No 2, or from Zam-Bafc Is also best for son-burn, that he was instructed to bring Quathiaski, Cortez island, heat rashes, blisters, sore the claims of the Mellakatla north: feet, cuts -Indians and all skin troubles. Keep It handy at before the council in respect your Sockeyes, cohoes summer j and steel-pleads, cottage as a "first aid" for all to the loss which they have suffered and wilb when caught in gill nets Injuries. Dr.u,.m.ttnn..im, through not being able to FLOUR nead' cannery gear, 30c per get any salmon at Shawatlane owing I 'i'he same when muchi with to the lowering of the lake. independent gear will be paid In limes past the Metlakatla I for at the rate of 45c per head. Indians had been in the habit of The fishermen will receive 4 "f&ecuring their domestic supply of i els. per pound for all red springs "BROADWAY BILL" GETS salmon at Slmwatlanb, but of recent caught with Ask Your Grocer j spring nets and can-inery years they had not been able WARD gear, and 7c per pound when EMPRESS A FULL HOUSE to get this, owing to the fish not ANNIE MISS caught with their cvrn gear being in the creek. This, it was 112 xlazen St., St.John,IT.JJ. i hb prices or humpbacks or Thrilling Tale of the Woods and claimed, was owing to the lowering sal 1i u wmii pleasure that I writo to pinks.. 1 a are...to bo 5c per fish when Lumber Camps Proves of the lake level for civic purposes. fell you of the great benefit Ircceived uuugm wiin cannery gear, and A Winner. ; torn the use of your medicine, 7MiC a fish when caught with in A copy of a letter from Stewart Fniu i-i I was a great sufferer aepenuent gear. 8c is tho price There was a full house at the Norrie, fisheries overseer, was enclosed for many years from Nervous Head-uta nxou ror each dog salmon or Empress Theatre last .evening in which it was slated that and Constipation. I tried chum, when caught wij.fi. cannery when Harold Lockwood appeared he thought there would not be Try LA CASSE'S (tprvthinff, consulted doctors ; but gear, and 12c when caught with in "Uroadway Bill," one of the sufficient fish there in any cas?j senxned to help me until .ang independent most realistic gear, of motion pictures owing to natural causes, I 'Fruit-a-tlves. seen here. Some of the scenes of There was some discussion as1 3 SPECIALS (!. I bad taken relieved several of boxes,these I SCHOOL'BOARD ASKS the lumber camp in winter are to the habits of salmon, and their ,is completely and hare been masterpieces 0 f photography, changes of location. The mayor Florence, Genoa and Fruit Cake unusually trebles since." FOR $150,000 FOR NEW Ihe play itself is a most interesting stated that this matter had been leuevi Miss ANNIE "WAKD. SCHOOL story of the city dweller up before 6ome five years ago, 30c per lb. BUILDING thrown upon his own resources and he would have all the information anccntratcd'Froit-a-tlTes'and Is fresh IncreiSod fruit juices,In in a lumber camp in Maine. How on file brought before Ihe We Are Sure Any One Will Please You fn a combined with finesttonlcs, At the City Council meeting last he makes out is well worth seeing. council later. Encourage Home Industry evening, a letter from the secre This play is followed by a m ,i a V'--'-'vo an reliable remedy tary of the School Board was re travesty on the Kaiser, called in lie u. :i"'3 and Constipation. CAN'T SELL ARMY BEEF ceived, for "The Geeser of Berlin" iOc a box,6 for$2.00, trial siso 25c. enclosing plans the and a La Casse Bakery itsll dealers or Fruit-a-tl ves Limited, proposed new school building and splendid comedy making a pro TO HOME MERCHANTS Ottawa. making application for the sum gram which should fill the Empress 717 Third Avenue Phone 190 of $150,000 for the construction tonight again. of the school and for a site. Washington, June 14. The Gurvich The site proposed is on Acrop Final reconsideration of the War Department has been unable The olis Hill near to Summit Apartments. market bylaw was moved last to find a satisfactory market in 2 The application for the evening by Alderman Barrie. The this country for the large amount Special! Special! Transfer money was referred to the Finance bylaw was passed and the cor of canned meats it has on hand, ) Committee and the plans were porate seal affixed. C. W. A. Hare, director of sales, submitted to the Board of V0rk3 told the House Military Affairs EXCURSION i for examination and report. Committee. Phone Green 548 Dumping the large amount of The Portable P.O. Bi x 102 Office, FraserJSt. Smoke "PLAYER'S NAVY CUT" meat owned by the War Department cigarettes wrapped IN TIN FOIL, Gasoline Saw on the market would not To Edmonton and Calgary only mean a big loss to the army We Sell Coal On sale daily to September 30th. good to return unt'l : : THE DAILY NEWS With real Clutch but it would be disastrous for a many business interests, Hare October 31st. Going and returning G. T. P. direct $60.00. Classified : Advertising LIGHT, STRONG, FAST, EASY TO said. Going via G. T. P.Jly., rsturning via C. W. Ry. Vancouver OPERATE "It would undoubtedly drive the and G. T. P. Steamships or vice versa .,. . $60.00. & MALLETT WAITED. Cuts Wood in rain or shine small grocers out of business, lie said. TRAIN SERVICE Bring your furs. lo Goldblootn, 8c a Coid. "The amount of meat held by Fasscuger Monday, WdnMday and BaturSjr af. ll:lt a.m. for Srallhers, Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, malting direct coanectlons Tor PLUMBING AND HEATING Third Avenue, He pays high- the government is now about all points east snd south. ENGINEERS est price. tf 141,000,000 pounds, valued at 1 t0J Estimates furnished. 800,000,000. AQENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES) WANTED AT ONCE experienced "All our efforts to dispose of For Information and reservations apply to iii tinsmith or plumber. L. Letour-neau. City Tloket Offlca, B26 Third Anu. Phon 200. Aiidr 3rd Avenue, head tf the meat in this country brought bids offering about 50 per cent, of Second Street. WANTED Experienced ironer. of the cost to the government, and Phone 174 P. O. Box 274 Apply Canadian Laundry. tf we have been of the opinion that this is too large a sacrifice," Hare CARD EMPLOYMENT WANTED 1 Improved said. To the Purchasers of Grand Trunk Pacific Prince Rupert FOR ELECTRICAL. WORK YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK AS Foreign demand, however, has Lots who are in arrears with their payments: Portable already bid for about 70 per cent, Go to DRIVER of delivery wagon or of the total supply at prices For the convenience of the above, the Lands and Tax taxi. Phone HO, or write P.O. M Gasoline Agent of the G. T. Pac. has arranged bo that payments under tho government slightly Geo. WaddeH box 812. I W I' DRAG SAW cost. Roumania is willing to take can be made at the office of the undersigned, in Prince 1 -with the Rupert, who is under instructions to push the collection of nearly the entire supply and offers FOR SALE I CLUTCH notes in all emounts due on the lots, these being now long' past due. 336 2nd Ave. treasury uayment. Payments should be made at once at the office of MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build mode CUCK 367 Phones GREEN 394 ing Loans. Apply Prince itu-pert gfctRathas good The present means of access DAVID H. HAYS, 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. r- Housing Ltd., Geo. W. to the plant here is very inconvenient Save Money In Lamps. Nickerson, Secretary. tf and now that the work has started up a better .means of mhhh FOR SALE Open Franklin stove, communication is found to be i Size No. 14. Price $10. Plione necessary. BOSTON GRILL Black 3C5. 2 GOAL FOR RENT LAND REGISTRY ACT 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 (Sections 36 and 134.) A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. Screened TO RENT Three-roomed flat. Re Application .No. 10.S77-I. File 6,091. Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. Sacked F. W. Hart, or phone Black 451 TAKE NOTICE thut application has been DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 45c. to 50c Detsert t wery meal. made 10 register Kolieri Hcury Siullli ot Short orders at time. In fee under any LOST I'rmco Uupert, 11. C, as owner Delivered a Tax Sale Leed rroin Hie Collector or tlie City or 1'rlnce Hubert, bearing date tfce LOST Small yellow kitten from lutn day or December, let 8, or ALL AND SliNGULAJl liwt certaiu parcel or tract ot TENDERS WANTED $13.00 Sixth Avenue, East Under ELECRTB1CAL CONTRACTORS land and.preiutacs situate, lying, aud being SEALED TENDERS are Invited for the 245. f In the City or Prince Rupert, more particularly Hall at Smlthcrs, B. C, on please call AND SUPPLIES known and lebcrlbed as lots ten erection nt a Ltd. DENTISTRY behair oi" the Smlthers Hall Company, Caille and (10) and eleven (11), lilock 37, Section be obtained for Regal, Agenti i'lans- and specltlcatlons may (Map ot rrluce Rupert, MISCELLANEOUS seven (7), City S. 11. on application to the Secretary, Mr, per ton Erir.ruJc Engines 923). Hoskins, smlthers, u. C. OFFICE HOURS! the claim MeGOWAN CYCLE & REPAIR CO. of You the tax are purchaser required to within contest 33 days from A marked cheque ror 10 or the amount I a.m. to 12; liSO p. m. to BtSO p.m. Go. of tender must accompany all tenders. Parkin Ward Electric date or the service of this notice the and By-cycles. will not "Indian Ilotor Cycles In The lowest or any tender iwhlcu may be effected by publication DR. J. 8. BROWN Terminal Coal Go. f Get your keys cut by Phone 125 Night Phones, Black u the called dally to newspaper),section 36 or aud the your"Land attention Registry npeessarlly All tenders be to accepted.be In the hands or before the DENTIST No misfits. Secretary at Smlthers, D. a, on or 1m our new key machine. 148, Red 403, Red 513 Act'' with amendments, aud to the ihe i&th day of July, 1819, at o'clock Offtoei tmlth sjlook, Third Avenue. Phone, Plack 85 therefrom: extract and Sewing following Phon, 484. v,r1 Phone, Blaok E18 Gramaphones "and In default or a cat cat or cer-tlllcale p. The in. cheques of all unsuccessful ten-defers 135 Second or lis being filed to-fore machines repaired. peudeus will be returned lo them. tf tl registration as owner or the Snilihers, B. !.. June Uth, ll. 489. Avenue. Phono prson enllf.ed under such tax sale, MONEY, .alt .persons, . and so those served claiming with through notice, notice of Intention to Apply to purchas OWES YOU Hotel Hyder - IF ANYONE or under them, and all persons claiming In Han; S, Coast Land District,, Record Hotel Prince Rupert commission Write U s. Low any interest In the laud by vlrtn;and ng District oi Prince Huperf,, and situate Pacific or any uureirirt- lubi'uuicnt, Deane Channel, B. C. t Jenny Hay, basi3, agents everywhere B.C. sll arsons claiming any interest In TatL- KTIfL" lint I lamas T. Hull nf Protective Portland Canal, tlio land by descent whose title Is Commercial Vancouver, B. C, occupation baker and EUROPE? not registered under the provisions Iirro Pacific Building, or this Act. shaU be Tor ever estopped $1.50 and Association. M. U. JAMIESON, Proprietor and debarred rrom setting up urctmse the follow!nr escriWl Unas i pr day up. rAmtti-T-.- a tA,( nlantArt OA a"hatnft Vancouver. U? any claim to or In respect or U northerly tf 8. W. cor. T. L. No. ts laud so sold f"' t:iiii, ami me Registrar thence east 40 chains; thence south 80 FIRST-CLA88 CAFE ITIE NORTON The place for a Gateway lo the famous mh Mine snail under register such tax the sale person as owner entitled chains; thence west 40 chains more or less A La Carte. northerly 80 chains, Hairdressing. Scalp or the land so sold ror taxes." lo shore line; thence Aluminum shampoo. WHEREAS application lias been more or less, following shore line to point Strecl. AND and containing 80 acres in Fourth of remmencement 5 Title -i lndereaslble or . for Business made ror a Certificate ireiiwiww . , Now Open to the abovo-mentioned lands, In tho name mure or less. or oy nvvvw-rhono JAMES i. 1IAU1., Open 10 a. m. Smith. or Robert Henry Pep William A. Sailer. AreBt. 403. M AND WHEREAS on irtVestlgatlng the St. James Hotel rnent. Pitrd Si March, It to. title It appears that prior to, the 10th csy Reflects Good CARD READING AND PALMISTRY ) . ft 11 r I js'.a or October,iauas were im?sold the for uie overdue on which taxes),the Notice of Intention Land.to Apply to purchas (LATE VSXiii") Daily 2 till 0 P- m. " ; li.-.i.riinfT a Slav you tiipcor were the registered and assessed own-A In Range 8, Coast Land District. Beor4-ng Jousekeeping " East, -u that at the District or Prln:a Rupert, and situate FIRST CLASS ROOMS TAKE NOTICE Ave FURTHER londod. mr.7 7th i IJU vv 11112; niiw same time of I shall uc6 application effect registration ana Issue la a t TAKE Kurye.NOTICE Fits Hugh that Sound,1, Marshall B. C.Beek ot Hot and Cold Water. TUITION AVENUE purspance hulincate of lndereaslble Title to the sa d Vancouver, B. C, occupation soldier, Intend THIRD lands In the name or Robert Henry Smith to apply ror permission to purchase Fred STENOGRAPHY and TYPEWRITING UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT proceedings unless you lake to establish and prosecute your the claim,proper if he Commencing following described at a post planted lands: at southwest Stork's in iny. to prevent such corner lot 3, thence east 80 chains; tuition given to the said lands, or Private nronosed action on my part. thence Bouth 80 chains; thence west 40 Th3"Gartland" Boarding House evenings. Apply box 260 Daily For Healthy Exercise UATEn at the Land Registry ornce. chains, more or less, to shore line) thence hardware Ui C. this Sin dsy of northerly and easterly along shore line 80 Princn Rupert,: Nows Office. - to Keep You Fit a i. ivi. chains, more or less, r.3 point of commencement, 416 Sixth Avenue East SECOND june, H. F. MACLEOD, and containing 80 acres, more Near Drydock AVENUE ESTATE District Regtstrar of Tltl's, or less. J. 81 REAL and Tobaccos To Francis F. Tupper, Esq. MARSHALL BEEK, BMrabr UoDtborWMk. rboneEeditf phone Black 114 Cigar Milton. QuMis County, rr William A. Bautr, Agsat, YOUR WIUU in niv nARH FOR Nov Scotia. Dated t.B AP'tlt Itl. , ,-. 1 i d n in it 600. 11 LiLUB- H'J" w-