For o FIRST salt requirements AID KITS i he DfflL Bicycles Repairs and . 'f vvorkmen's Board Cora-peflMifcw y News Parts Hones, 82 and 200 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue PHONE 75 NO. i 42. X. VOL PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1919. PRICE FIVK CKM HON ROBERTSON REV. DR. GRANT SPEAKS ON THE EXPLAINS WHY STRIKERS' Nf nrrrt coot ytt PROBLEMS OF RECONSTRUCTION LEADERS NOT GOT BEFORE INSPIRING ADDRESS GIVEN TO SON8 OF CANADA AT BAN-QUET TO LIEUT.-COL. McMORDIE, D. 8. 0., UPON wit IKItlVIRIA w a .mm CHARGED Wiin iiwumu ruuiut TO NEGLECT DUTY J PROBLEMS FACING THE DOMINION FOR PRISONERS BMUUuni uthUHE JUSTICE OF PEACE SOLUTION AT PRESENT TimE AND REMANDED FOR EIGHT DAYS IN PENITENTIARY Hi (Special to The Newt vl 0. T. I'. Tclcgioptij.) Adequate recompense for war widows and children. Winnipeg, June 18. Remand has been granted in the sedition Kotherhcod p?nlon8., ,.as f"r e'Snt days The len strike lenders arrested early on Unemployment Insuranoe. Tiiisday morning appeared at the Stony Mountain police court. !l Old age pensions. " Tin ir labor friends were unable to reach the court room in time " Compulsory high school education! for Hie hearing, owing lo the bad state'of the roads. The announcement Hia First Square look at EiWlt i in i(i"Mn,ni"i'"' in.' II More university scholarships. is made thai application will be made this morning (or bail. ...... Speaking-on Monday night at the Sons of Canada banquet h ooriuuD vtunspiraoy. SERIOUS CONSPIRACY Documents seized in the raid on the Labor Temple yesterday SHOWN given, in honor of the return of Lieut.-Col. McMordie, D. S. O., in tho Hotel Prince Rupert, the Rev. Dr. Grant, after welcoming a deep and serious conspiracy, says the Hon. Gideon Robert- yw BY DOCUMENTS Col. McMordie, spoke on the problems of reconstruction which iou Minister of Lnbor, who is still in the city. The correspond- SEIZED IN face Canada at the present tipne. the of Rolsheviki fn,ealso shows that receipt money was ackuow The said Dr. to be a wall raised across Grant, seems war, (edged by the strike leaders, it also indicates that a special com WINNIPEG LABOR TEMPL our human affairs. And behind that wall is the past. As Canada .jijee was selected on June 10 to investigate and report upon proved her worth in the war, so now she has duties lying at her 1,1111 Ul ,;,,ll,"o u" l"K cicumu puwer jru.m me cuy. tic possl J Deportation formalities. STRIKERS HAD CONSIDERED CUTTING OFF ELECTRIC POW land, the accomplishment of needful and that is that every boy ER TO CITY COMMITTEE APPOINTED .vhich will make her worthy of should have a high school educa. Ottawa, June 18. It is understood that the government will WAYS AND MEANS BOLSHEVIK MONEY TO FIND her place in the concert of nations. tion, and the government should p:etd with the deportation formalities. Government action WAS ACKNOWLEDGED see they should have. And in jftmst the Winnipeg agitators will be taken under the amended What are we going to do for British Columbia, where the university iSpcclal those who'gave their all, for the lies in the southwest corner lo The M:ws vu C..T. P. Telejrapns. Immigration Act. it is ueneveu inai steps win be taken im- Winnipeg, June JS.--Hecords widows of those who did not return; of the province, the govern of the Strike Committee the Federal authorities lo out the order. The which niediately by carry were seized when the Labor Temple-was raided vesterd indi for the men who did return ment should offer more scholarships av Toronto Metal Trades Council has sent a vigorous protest to cate that a special committee had been selected on June 10 for incapacitated? I believe that every to. enable the youth of the tf Premier Uorden. wie purpose of investigating and reporting on the possibility of widow and child of a fallen sol-, province to acquire its learning. culting the electric power off from the city of Winninecr. The dier should, so far as the state These' things will cost money, PRICES G.T.P. PRINCE RUPERT correspondence also shows that the receipt of Dolsheviki monev can, be adequately recompensed. concluded Dr. Grant, but just as IY was acknowledged by the Strike Committee. We are rich enough, and great the nation during the war TO LEAVE VANCOUVER in natural proved itself capable of great Information lo the above effect Vvas triven last nicht bv Ihn enough resources, so REMAIN HIGH Hon. Gideon Robertson in the court house here on his exolaininc far as the state goes, and we must sacrifices, we must also prove as FOR NORTH THURSDAY wny uic siriKe leauers naa been always remember that if the victory individuals that we are capable -4 arrested yesterday, and not before had gone otherwise we of great sacrifices to humanity in It is expected that the G. T. P. that date, as being suspected of ALLIED REPLY would have had tj surrender tho the best interests of every man, fcsi of Living Committee Brings whole. and child in Canada. vvpman steamer Prince llupert will sail taking part in .a seditious conspiracy. Out Some Remarkable Per-t from Vancouver at 4 p. m. Thurs Then the soldiers themselves. centages of Profits day-a f ternoyn -for Prince-Hupert The Federal Governjnentunado REGARDED AS Ve cannot expect these men to Paid on Stock. and Anyox. The steamer will the dramatic raid in connection return after four or five years SMITHERS MEN leave for Anyox on Saturday with the local sympathetic strike. just as capable of peace condi (Spc.UI v.a O, T. I'. Telegrapbt.J night and for Vancouver on Sunday As a result ten of the leaders, AN ULTIMATUM tions as they wero when they OUawa, June 18- The cost of night as usual, according to most of whom have played an important went away. RETURNTOWORK mng c miiltee of the House of her schedule. She will bring passengers, part in the movement, The problem of reconstruction :-41 tomm lias boen taking figures express and baggage, but are behind Iho bars. The arrests Modifications In Peace Treaty so at the present moment is the reconstruction ' (ton the manufacturing firms? at present it is not known whether were based on warrants charging Slight as to Cause Dismay In of our whole social All Q. T. P. Employees Except Dominion and economic structure.' It is all Four Back on the Job Today 'A examination .the she will have any freight for them with inciting the police Berlin Treaty to to Intile Company showed net the local merchants on board. force to neglect of duty and" with Be Discussed. very well to the govern At Smlthera Mors Returning rdls last year of considerably responsibility for the publication ment for this or that, done or undone. Hera Today. rtr 300 per cent. on.its paid up n the strike bulletin last Wednes (Special via O. T. P. TeieKi apbs.) Ilut after all we are the ALLIES ADVANCING the All the employees of tr G. j.. apiai. The present market government. They are men of article contain day a special Berlin, June 18. The impres m havo elected to Parliament. P. at Smithers who have been out n!ae of we its stoCk is $4,500,000, ing false and libellous statements. sion of those ON PEFROGRAD CITY who were engaged with the the on sympathetic strike, jt miiiclx not one cent was paid. The story was headed "Police throughout the night in translating In former years govern ment bonused subsidised emi exception of four men, are back 3 or 'ompany carried a reserve Replaced by Toughs" and it vig tho reply of tho allied and 6 work this morning, according i million and full Reduced Seven grants and brought them from at dollars pre-cautions jOuter Defences the orously attacked special returned associated powers is that it will information received today on Surren all over Europe, giving them to against possible loss. Bolshevik Regiments soldier constables. The bo utterly impossible to sign, and enquiries being made as to th hlSl8 the company paid 70 per der to British. civic authorities were criticised that it is probable that another cheap fares anu free homesteads. affairs.- In But government has attended general position or ever "at on its common stock and fqr dismissing the regular police set of counter proposals will be no Prince George the men are llainj aw urned forward of (Special via JO.T. )'. Telnraobs.i lo the natural birthrate. a surplus $1,-1(1,166. force. Twelve hours after being forwarded to Dr. von Haimhauzen outer native bom Canadian is worth up too, in orner to get syiucu Stockholm, June 17. The placed in the penitenitary the for submission to Premier Cle"-menceau. down again to their nccustomeii V. E. Halton, of Halton, County defences of Pelrograd have practically Winnipeg strike leaders were It is also considered many aliens. Yet there are many Siutrooke was examined re-fwiiis been reduced and the Allied brought before a justice of the possible that Count von Brock- Canadian couples not reproducing duties.North of Vancouver it is prac their kind because una n pronts of his firm. For forces are advancing upon Deace and were remanded for dorff Hantzau will not return to they tically only in Prince Rupert that There financially impossible. M of 1919 these figure at 0.88 the former Russian capital. Seven eight days. Versailles on account of demon should be motherhood pensions. there is any considerable body of ft nt, For 1915 profits were Bolshevik regiments have surrendered strations made against tho dele men not working, and many of Women producing offspring for ! pei- cmt; 1916, 35.38 per to the Hritish at Kron-stadt. gates. them are expelled to H;urn to" the slate should be subsidized for M m 1917 they wero 40.81 per STRIKE WANING Universal Dismay. work very soon. doing so. A pension of mother- Wli while iho profits -for his The changes fn tlie- lext of the lood would bring about a better "r ending January '31, 1918, A STRIKE CLIMAX peace treaty are so 'glight as to condition of things. RED CROSS LIBRARY I08.3? . or 17-percent on IN VANCOUVER cause universal 'disniay among ' The most serious causes of un UapilaJ'stock of" $000,000. This (Special via U. T. r. Telcaraplu.) these who have had" Iho "oppor rest wero that the workers never The library In the Red Cross It u after deducting contributions Lbndon, June 18r-A climax in tunity of examining the document. knew when lltey would bo out of hut on Third Avenue will bo open a U Patriotic Fund. for is expected Longshoremen Going Back and The financial modifications . While the nation-wide strike a Jdb and fear for old age. We on Tuesday evenings regularly A'i . Tear ending January 31, 1019, today as the commercial telegraph Working Alongside Volunteers are considered unimportant and hould havo a compulsory scheme from 7 to 8 aad on Fridays from tt were 75,9 per cent. employees have agreed to abide C. P. R. Ultmatum Expires objectionable, while the terms of insurance against unemployment. 3 to 5 in Ihe afternoons and from by the decisions reached by Goin-pers Tomorrow. covering Germany's admission to When a man after working 7 to8 in the evenings. tf 311'- the League of Nations de are union executive. and their own all his lifo reaches sixty-five Wanted at Once TELEPHONE SERVICE clared to bo unsatisfactory. ears of age, ho should have a Carhartt's overalls ami gloves. 5' ALMOST NORMAL AGAIN 8pread of Bolshevism. oinpetence guaranteed. It is a Agent, J. F. Magulre, Smith Block. 4 In government circles it fs GEORGE AT VERDUN disgraco that who has become LLOYD anyone W Carpenters Vancouver, June 18. The fifteenth staled that they cannot conceive a respectable citizen of striko finds the any government wining to sign day of the June 18.-Premier Canada should be relegated to an London, for lire as such terms as have been present WESTHLMp domestic Construction this ordering its Llovd George will leave Pans city old man's home to end his days. is admitted that ed, although it Work ' to visit the Verdun battle usual and very Utile aueuieu m The great thing that is needed TONIGHT - morning life. The strikers in the treaty will be fully discussed its business into is the sympathetic looking APPly fields. going because it'is realized that serious Mr, McNEILL trades are the different the other man's condition, the effects with the spread of Hoi, WM. S. HART and threes. Wmi work in twos Rupert Dry Dock and, for Fishermen. Swivels, back to pplication of the spirit of broth Special have shovism in Gemany would be en 3c each, ru Some of the Longshoremen erhood. For after all there is but engineering co., Ltd. 50c. dozen; hooks already and are working tailed in refusing to sign. Tho 'miittMttwl ler's, Ltd. Phone 15 11 pone alongside hack of the volunteer Fnlento's answer also is consder- one run mankind,tho industries and the and men the men who "The Cold Deck" There has not ed as nothing less than an ultimatum. Albert & McCafTery, Ltd., have longshoremen. lo who work them are complementary A 6 Reel Artcraft Masterpiece of Nanaimo been the smallest approach forces. Great Weatern Drama 700 tons Wess Theatre on hand tf rioting anywhore. For the sake of the rising gen- - - llngton cool. to tho freight BIG STRIKE POSTPONED Tw Slngl rla, Famout Chrlatl Tho ultimatum .... ....... Nevv ration, one thing is particularly OomdlM Show Tonlaht the handlers, clerks and station employees "THE HOUSK THAT JACK BUILT" Coal, Ladysmlth (Special via 0. T, P. Tlefrapha.i With tons Canadian lht LO00 Just issued by the Bobby Vernon and Dorothy Danr. E. Smith presents jest on the Paclf)o Coast, Railway takes effect on Winnipeg, Juno 18. Tho Do "MANY A SLIP" the Paciflo With Gladys Send your orders to Wednesday morning. The notice minion-wido striko of the Cana "DEMERS" Betty Comion and Smlllnf BUly 15. Leslie irlnce n,,n.rt Coal Co. Phone j i- Iho avmnntlietlC dlan railway shopmen which wasl, Mason. was issueu iu iv "'.;. Two-reel Fox Comedy that ir mey were mn set for today has been postponed! Wear.Queen Quality silk "TH CLOUD PUNCHER" strikers p Hank Mann. Miss'No.Account" A 1 .. . i-u- ,.. n "nn Wpdnes- by order of tho secretary received gloves. havo them in A Prorram Will)that cannot be beat. tneir jou u, yo on , "aaA hero last night. Full or .thrills, excitement and day tho company wouiu in-to all shades and sizes. When Laufbter. fill their places. The telephone ypu think of gloves, think MANINTHEWEB servic is almost normal again. Prlnoe Rupert Spruce Mills, or Queeq Quality. No Advance In Prices Ltd., can furnish you any dimen and 30c. Admission, 15c Sidney Drew Comerlv All material for any kind of a sion In spruce lumber at short COME AND SEE 7.15 and 9.15 tdi j F OH ywnwi.I I TV uildinr can be furnished by Al-jert notice. Agents, Albert & Mc Shows and SO cent! SATISFACTION Ltd. Caffery, Ltd., Second Avenue, tf 1 II and o. RPRUICE AND & McCaffery, . 7. T.i'nr.a No. 10-7J". HlOU XJUUi u .- n