...tnu June 18, 1910. ;:;: TOE DAILT Page 9 T I ' i 1 '- J n a I r AT EMPRESS TREATRE STAR BANK OF-MQNTREAf, ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEASS in -utile Miss No Account" This l m ij-&mi Dainty Actress Registers a Distinct Success. Save Regularly iiliTiSSl CWMW ! Pp? A uiue Ribbon Feature "Little Put In the Bank what you Mi9S No-Account" to be screened can spare comfortably, but save at the Empress Theatre this even that amount regularly weekly mg, with. Gladys Leslie in the or monthly. title role, is a story of an ill-used siepuaugnter. Little Miss No Ac Small, regular savings left in count is the poor little heiress, the Bank eventually grow into ncipicss in a great city, in the large amounts. Savings power of scheming foster parents Accounts may be opened with ! who plot to force her signature to CONGRATULATIONS TO the Bank of Montreal in lines to her vast estates. Virtually FLYERS FROM THE IKINQ AUSTRIAN GENERAL amounts of $1. and upward. a prisoner in her own house. Akerberghomson ; (Special via G.T.P. Telegraph-.) BLAMES GERMANS FOR she finally contrives to escape and W1NMPIO BRANCH I London, Juno 17. Congratula- pais up with a ragged newsboy, H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, Prince Rupert Branch. & Co., Ltd. been 8ent LACK OF SUCCESS but even then her troubles do not t 10 Captain cease. What really happens and Firit Avenue .Jack Alcock and Lieut. Arthur the final outcome are to be (Special via O.T.P. seen who Telegraphs.) . . jljrown successfully crossed nl IK 1. .r.1 ut nie impress, mere is also a Atlantic in i'aris,.June 17. .The refusal of a non-stop run by tne Sidney Drew comedy and another Machinists Oerman uurupiane, iro mthe King. generals, particularly ' instalment Ma.. ' of ."The Woman in von jraiKenhayn, to accept the offensive the Web," which is more exciting WITHDRAW FROM plans of the Austrian was MEXICO than Engineers ever. Dentistry the underlying cause of tho collapse (Special via O.T.P. TclesrtLbs.) of the Central Empires, says installed an Kl.Paso, June 17. neia .waranai von Hoetzendorff, HAZELTON Have up-to-date -The United niaies troops sent into Mexico the former Austrian Chief of Staff DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH 1 from here to prevent the Irregular He says that the Germans re- A pack train with six tons of Mexican troops flrinsr i ntn Lhn fused to push the war to the limit grub left the Hudson's Bay store One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Oxy-Acetylene city, have been withdrawn, after against Italy. this) week for Babine. Efficiency aispersmg the Mexicans. Welding Outfit FAVORS LIBERAL Two more cars of concentrates H. 0. Boswell, of aro ready for shipment by the Georgetown, TARIFF Silver Standard and the property POLICY came over on a short visit from Dr. is running very smoothly. Tho Bayne tho other side of the peninsula by Work Efficient carload of oil arrived last week boat last evening and will be in (Special via O.T.P. Telt-erapbs.) and the double shift will be put OFFICE HOURS: z Prompt and Perfect town for a few days. Ottawa, June 17. That ho is in on at the mine next week. favor of the tariff policy advocated Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 only; THE DAILY NEWS by Sir Wilfrid Laurier was the Several local prospectors aro H Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 statement made by D. D. McKen preparing for another trip into : Advertising zie, the leader of the opposition the Sibola country this summer, Dental Nurse in attendance. f in tne House of Commons, in con. Last year the boys did the pre GOAL WANTED. tinuing the debate on the budget liminary work and were much en Phone 109 for appointment which is at present occupying tho couraged. They believe that soinei Screened WANTED Woman for house-' House. He further put himself good properties are still to ba Sacked work. $40 per month. Apply; on record as being entirely in accordance found there. Mrs. It. S. Wright, Fifth Ave.j with the principles of I Delivered Phone 209. 47 the Liberal party on the tariff Mike Sheady is now engaged iii question and explained that in his the development of a large block Bring your furs to Goldblooin, recent speech which has been the of lanj in the Peace River coun-i Stoecial! Special! 13.00 Third Avenue.-est lie pays high subject. of so much comment,, he try. price. If had used the word protection 9 ytmEXCURSION The Morricetown the t ton WANTED AT ONCE experienced wiien he should have said bounty, bridge on 4 per, government road is being rebuilt i tinsmith or plumber. L. Letour and traillc is temporarily suspended neau. tf BACK FROM SIBERIA to and from the Valley. To Edmonton and Calgary Terminal Coal Co. f WANTED Experienced ironer. Victoria, June, 17. Th? balance Capt. Conkcy has returned to On sale daily to September 30th. rood to return unt'l pply Canadian Laundry. tf the Canadian Siberian omee pnone, puck 85 of Expedi Canada from and lie is; Ytrd Phone, Black 619 force aboard the overseas October 31 st. Going and returning O. T. P. direct $50.00. tionary now hi EMPLOYMENT on his old job in Ibo stores de WANTED Monteagle from Vladivostok are Going via G. T. P. Ry., returning via C. N. Uy. Vancouver partment for General Stewart on; YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK AS now due here. the Vernon-Kamloops construe-; and G. T. P. Steamships or vice versa $60.00. DRIVER of delivery wagon or tion work. taxi. Phone 110, or write P.O. TRAIN 8ERVI0E TOM LEE CO. Tassenger Monday, Wdntsdiy and Saturday af, 11:11 a.m. for Smllners, The annual June thunder storm; box 872. Ml The Portable . Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct eoanectlons ror arrived last Sunday afternoon all points east and south. 810 Second Avenue, West. FOR SALE Gasoline Saw from the east and returned on AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Tuesday. Since then it has been VEQETA BLES MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on building For Information and reservations apply te With real Clutch quite The rivers Loans. Prince Rupert a summer-like. City Ticket O fries, B26 Third Avsnus. Phon 290. Apply Wholesale and Retail are running full and the snow is, General Contractors and Housing Ltd., Geo. W. LIGHT, STRONG, FAST, EASr TO rapidly climbing the mountains Labor; Exchange. Nickerson, Secretary. tf OPERATE FOR SALE Open Franklin stove, Cuts Wood in rain or shine Czech Success. Edward Lipsetl, President Harry Lipsett, Manager Prince Rupert, D.C. Size No. 14. Price $10. Phone 8c a Cord. Geneva, June "17. The Czech Edward Cunningham, Vice-President Phone 57 - P.O. Ilnx 725 Jtlack 3C5. 42 forces under the command of LOST General llennocque of the French army, have begun a counter 'of Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. PREMISES MOVED LOST Small yellow kitten from fensive against the Hungarian Sixth Avenue East. Finder service troops. The Czech forces please call Green 245. tf ave captured several villages; LIMITED M. r. LEE LOST Small yellow kitten from while many field guns, maxims FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE of ammunition large quantities and Sixth Avenue, East. Finder Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories "DIES' & GENTLEMEN'S have also fallen into their nlease call 245. tf hands. Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage MERCHANT TAILOR I IMPROVED MISCELLANEOUS PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Third Avenue, Opposite the Portable LAND REGISTRY ACT McGOWAN CYCLE & REPAIR CO. (Sections 36 and 134.) Post Office. n Gasoline Registered Office: Prince Rupert Office: "Indian" Motor Cycles and By "one Rod 13G I DRAG SAW He Application I0. 10,577-1. File 6,001, 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 P.O. box 977 cycles. Get your keys cut by TAKK NOTICE that application nas been our new key machine. No mis- -with the made to register Hubert Henry SrultU or Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1698 i I'rinco uupert, u. u as owner in lee unafr Ills. Gramaphones and Sewing CLUTCH a Vax Sale Leed from the Collector or the machines repaired. 135 Second City or 1'rlnce Uupert, bearing date the 10 Hi day or December. 1818. or ALL A.NU ILl-l 111 1 Avnuc. Phono 489. tf SL'VUULAH that curtain parcel or tract-of laud and premises situate, lying, and being uinei lu tho City or rt'nce Uupert, more par nyfler IF ANYONE OWKS YOU MONEY, ticularly known anl lescribed as lots ten BOSTON GRILL Write U s. Low commission (10) and eleven (.1), uiock 37, becuou uvea 7i, city or rrince uupert, iip Portland Canal, B.C. basis, agents everywhere Pa- 13). the claim 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 contest You are required lo ciflc Commercial Protective of the tax purchaser within 35 days.from K. A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. JAM1ESON, Proprietor Pacific Building, tlm date or the service or this notice Association, ( Alilch may be effected by publication In and Home Cooking. Open Day Night. Vnnnnnvpr. '10 tne daily newspaper), anu your aueiiiiou Gil, it. culled to.section 36 of tho "Land Hegls-try DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 45c. to 50c Decsart at every meal. ""y lo Iht famou, 3)u,h Mint Act" with amendments, and to the orders Short at time. I'llE NORTON The place for a following- exiract therefrom:-- any Scalp "and in derautt or a caveat or cer-tlllcalo Hairdressing. shainitoo. or lis pendens belntf tiled before Nw Open for Business treatment. 210 Fourth Street ttie registration as owner or the notice of Intention to Apply to purcheee prson entitled under such tax sale, ftnon 10 a. m. or by appoint- all persons so served with notice, Land. . . . . and those claiming through .nl Plinnn 493. tf In rtange 3, Coast Land District., necord-ng or under them, and all persons claiming or i'rlnce and situate Hotel Prince Rupert any Interest In the land by. virtue pistrict Huperf., t Jenny bay, Deane Channel, B. C. and READING AND PALMISTRY of any unregistered instrument, James Z. Hall, of CARD all claiming Interest in TAKE NOTICE that 1, Bowling Daily 2 till 5 p. m. Parlies attended. ELECRTV ICAL CONTRACTORS ths l'i'sons land by descent any whose title Is Vancouver, 1). C, occupation baker and EUROPEAN PLAN oldler, Intend to apply ror permission to Alley SUPPLIES nut registered under the provisions East, tf, AND rollowlng described lands: 1057 7th Ave. or this Act, shall be for ever estopped urchase the $1.50 per day and up. gents for Regal.'Caille and and debarred rrom setting up Commencing at a post planted SO chains PERSONAL Engine any claim to or In respect or the northerly or S.W. cor. T. L. No. tit: THIRD Evlr.rude thence east eu cnains; ineuce iuuiu iu AVENUE land so sold lot taxes, and tne llegls-liar FIRST-CLASS CAFE chains; thence west 40 chains more or less eliall register the person entitled wanieu Electric Co. sale owner in shorn line: thence nonneriy u cnains. A La Carte. MANAGEMENT SNAPPER Explanation Parkin Ward under such tax as line to or the land so sold for taxes." more or less, rollowlng shore point why. no news since DecemDer n AMD WlitliKAS application has been or commencement and containing SO aero Fr Certain Thone 125 Night Phones, Black made for a certificate of Indefeasible Title more or less. Healthy Promises? honor? Exercise Wheri Red 513 to the above-mentioned lands, In the name JAMES Z. HALL, to Keep You Pit lime given for explanation. 148. Red 403, of Itobert Henry Smith. rer William A. Bauer, Agent. tho Dst'd 31 March, 1818. ANU WHEIlEAS on Investigating Registered letter sent you depot title It appears that prior to the lOlli day St. Jamfis Hotel Ci8ar8 discharged Vancouver. or October, 1817 (the date on which the Notice of Intention to Apply to purchase and Tobacc"o7" where said lands were sold for overdue taxes), Land. Southend. (Late Pur-flecU you were the registered and assessed owner (LATE "QUEENS") FOR ELECTRICAL WORK thereof. In Range t. Coast Land District, Record, " FUIlTlltn TAKE NOTICE that at the ng District of Prince Bupert, and situate FIRST CLASS ROOMS Go to Bame time I shall elTecl registration In t k'oeyr, Fill Hugh Sound. B. C. and Cold Water. pursuance or such application and Issue a TAKE NOTICE that 1. Marshall Beek of Hot TUITION certillcate of Indefeasible Title to the said Vancouver, B. C. occupation soldier. Intend DENTISTRY Waddell lands In the name or Hubert Henry Emiui to apply for permission to purchase STENOGRAPHY and TYPEWRITING Geo. unless you take and prosecute the proper be rollowlng oescrinea isnas: proceedings to establish your claim. If commencing st a post planted at south- Private tuition given n any, lo the said lands, or to prevent such west corner lot 8, thence east SO chains; 260 Dai y Avo. nntnnnon nrtlrn nn niv nart. thence south SO chains; thence west 40 TheGartiand" Boarding House box 2nd evenings. Apply 336 DATED si the Land lieglstry Office, rhalns, inoro or less, to shore line; thence Office. 42, Phones rrince. nupert, D, C, this i an day of northerly and easterly along shore line so Dn- News June, A D. 1918. rhalns.imgre' or less, to point of com 416 Sixth Avenue East J. 8. DROWN BLACK 367 GREEN 394 11. F. MACLEOD, mcncenient.'and containing 80 acres, more Near Drydock DENTIST REAL ESTATE District Registrar of Titles or less. ' I, t Sava Money In Lamps. To Francis F. Tupper. Esq., ,. . t MAHS1IALL DICt, Br4 lMaoU or WmIc. Phon Rd 145 I Block, Third Avnu. Mfirr. das' HASH FOR YOUR Milton, Querns County, Per William A. Bauer, Ageit. Dated h 18 1. "ion 4S4. V il Nova Scotia. April, t nrra Annlv P. O. bnX OOO, w I ' ' "y- - '"J"""n ' ""'ra" 1 1 " mmnmMim-jm- aBssBssBasBMaaMa