4 HIM mn ! Local News Notes G. H. Arnold - - Notary Public SPECIAL WRKaL E. U. D. butter. 05c Fullo r s Phone 45. tf ForlSale The 1'rincess Alice is expected In the to. call hero Friday noon on her A flve-roomcd house with bath in Section 0 way south to Vancouver PRICE $2,300.00. TERMS: $600.00 CASH a sealed And the balance in four annual payments at 8 per cent. A. II. Holtby was among thos to hop off the train as it pulled Wk 1 I 1 1 package , We highest for Canadian Victory Bonds Inst evening. pay prices into tho depot and United Stales Liberty Bonds. No Delay. I I 1 1 HW sA Mr. Theo. Collart has been ap pointed notary public for th H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. province of British Columbia. Phone 00 210 6th St. Sunkjst Oranges Mr. and Mrs. 11. S. Wright re 1 ' turned from a fishing trip to Cassiar on the train last night. . 3 Doz. for $1.00 . 1 B. J. Bacon and Wm. E. S Prince Rupert Dry Dock a Engineering Co Rupert PHONES Table 211,Supply 212 Co. day,from Dudoward Port arc Simpson arrivals since in tho yestcr city I IE E 1 Y tfS All of Its goodness Boats of any size Docked t Boys. Drawing for bicycle nox 3 sealed In- Saturday. Lnsl chance to get Protected, preserved. I Repairs of alL kinds in wood or steel. Just arrived, car of Beaver tickets on shirts and shoes. i & The flavour lastsl Board. A. W. Edgo Co., dialribu-i Wallace's. 144 Several boats can te docked together on one small tors. tt section, making fees light. Large stock of repair Passenger travel from tho cast matericls is being laid in. lilack, white and tan silk lioso not last was very neavy evening K Regular prico $1,25, selling at 75c, but a fairly, heavy mail was JS .for and be SURE Jabour Bros... Ltd. . lrrought,'in. -1 Work; Foundry to fict WRIGLEV'S. It's in Castings In Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at In the polled court before, M.yjckers' iigang. is doing good Magistrate McMullin this morn wjrk the site fyr the tele Reasonable Prices. on new sealed package, but a look ing ficorgo Bernard was fined ten phone exchange at tho city hall dollars and costs for being drunk Thero three worthies tl; Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds rock pile.are on for the name-the Greatest Provincial Government Employ Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries nent Bureau and Soldiers' Civil Victory Bonds taken on pianos Name in Goody-Land. Solicited. lo-Establishmcnl, temporary of. sewing machines and phono lice 021 Second Avenue, Prince graphs. Singer Shop. The home Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. tupert. Returned soldiers,, men of the Gerhard Heintzman piano WRIGLEYS nd women requiring eniploy-ncnt 329 Second Avenue. M.W.F. of any. kind should register . ,-itli the above. No fees charged Regular meeting of the Car I'hono 553. P. 0. drawer 1074. penters tonight at 8 o'clock, Car ma -WRIGLEYSJ STREET CARS RUNNING penters' Hall. Special business IN WINNIPEG TODAY The children of the Catholic lull attendance requested, by or, I I schodl have gone across .lo.Digby der of Secretary. It MLStephens (Special by 0. T. I'. TelcgrapUi.) Island on a pienic for the afternoon. II: Made In m mi i Winnipeg, Juno 18. The street Father McOrath lias charge Coming Friday and Satin day Canada NOTARY PUBL10 cars are running regularly today of the affair and. a good time is Big double attraction. Vaudcvill .again for the first time sinco the promised to all. Games of every and pictures. Bigger and loiter declaration of the general strike description will be indulged in than ever. No advance in price Some choice residential and it is expected that it will be at tho Westholme Theatre. FOOTBALL TONIGHT weary party of boys and girls a lots for sale on monthly payments the launches Hegular meeting of the Team to those who will Improve who wjll return on them with suitable Great interest is being taken in this evening. stors, Chaffeurs and Helpers Sealed Tight-Kept Right the football to be" played this Union to be held in the Sons of dwellings only. evening on the Acropolis grounds Canada Hall on Wednesday, June Vornen who arc losing between the married and single 18 at 8:30 p.m. All teamsters One lot near drydock for members of the St. Andrew's So weight and energy who qhaffeurs and helpers requested $250.00 Cash ciety. The single mmbers have look pale and feel languid-need to attend., Important business. A beauty Six-roomed modern chosen a strong team, and it is thehealthfuleffectsof Shoe Service Second to None house and lot on Fourth expected that the married ones Provincial Government Em-- Avenue, cheap. will not bo a bit behind their op loyment' Bureau and Soldiers AT THK ponents when it comes to playing .ryil He-establishment; lempor- football. ary olllce 621 Second Avenue Arince Rupert. Employers having r AMILY MOE 5T0 M. M. Stephens Albert & McCaffery, Ltd., are Pills acancies for men and women In expecting two scows of building ilerical, factory, domestic or LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE material within the next two ither work should apply toabove Wc aro offering shoe scrviee second to non in the weeks. - tf Urtaat SaU of ur M.dlda in tka WorU. Phone 553. U West. Our stock is completo with up-lo-dal f v, ai Sold Twrwa la box.,25c a Men, women and children carefully catered to. tfoys' clothing all kinds sale Up river visitors in the city are WHITE CANVAS SHOES FOR THE FAMILY prices bicycle tickets free- Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Wright of Special care tacn with your children's foot. We ill lliem Wallace's. . 44 Oceanic; J. F. Strang, Sunnysldo; scientifically with tho best good shoes at reasonablr p. irs, ForYour Mrs. J. E. Lord and Mrs. II. liar TURKISH BATHS. Phone 40 for WE stholmF ris; Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Sprague COME AND TALK OVER YOUR FOOT TROUBLES 'M-Jk Wo have a cure for every foot complaint.- Nole the vMi ss appointment. Dominion Baths, THEATRE and family, Inverness; Mrs. G. A LUMBER Second Avenue. tf TONIGHT Taylor, Port Essington; Ben Ben son, Kitwanga, and J. G". Dorman FAMILY SHOE STORE Be sure to call and see our Claxton. seven bargain offers for this week . TEN REEL SHOW Opposite Self's Cafe PLASTER Jabour Brothers, Ltd. Bargains in all canvas foot TABRUM E. R. GEO. HILL WM. S. HART wear Jabour Brothers. Ltd. 43 Last ODDOrtunitv to erel tickets The Practical Shoemen " Phone 357 CEMENT on bicycle drawing Efaturday. IN You would not have your pre Wallace's. 144 scription made up by a butcher: Building neither would you get your inea When you hac read inc.news "The Cold Deck" from a furniture dealer. Get your look through the classified column piano .from a piano expert. Materials on Page 5. A 6 Reel Artcraft Masterpiece of great ; aye spent it my life with- . pianos Just Arrived western urama una personally guarantee every piano I; sell. The -Prince Rupert COME TO B.C. Loggers Union Two Single Reels Famous Christie Music Store. Opposite the P. O. gISCITS Comedies, W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. OLD C01TRY Albert 5 McGaffery, Ltd. Meets in 'The House that Jack Built" with Use MURESCO, the great sani. Phone 116 and 564. Maclntyre(Opp. Empress Hotel)Hall Bobby Vernon and Dorothy Dane Jary wall finish. A. W. Edgo Co. and other high grades as follow : Shortcake, Kinderganlen, Digestive, Pat-a cake, Osborne, Office, Second Avenue, Next Tonight at 8 ana there was a large numbir of Chocolate Eclairs, Coconut Petit-I3eurre, Floretto Sandwich, Westholme Theatre. Important Business "Many a Slip" people at the Salt Lake last even Gems, Molasses Snap, Graham Wafer, School Cakes, with ii;g and nronounced the everyone Jelly Arrowroot, Salted Wafers, Delicio, Chocolate Drop, Betty Compson : Smiling Billy Mason sviitei to bo in the hcry best con Dessert, Pineapple Dessert, Chocolate Cream, Afternoon dition for swimming. Many took Sandwich, Chocolate Gem, Nic-Nacs, Sultana, Apple advnnlago of the special offer Blossom, Fig Bar, Mexican Two Reel Fox Comedy made by U19 Alice B. for the Prince Rupert Music Store "The Cloud Puncher" across. Tho reliction of rates trip Ranging from 25c to 60c per lb. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE with Hank Mann will encourage many more to go Get your Picnic Outfitsjiere. Full equipment for WILL and tho same prices still holding 12 persons for 25c EDMUNDS, - Proprietor No Advance in Prices for this afternoon Dhould bring "Everything in Music." out all those who hiwo tho'aftm Admission, 30c and 15c LATr.IT POPULAR 60NQ8 AND DANCE8, VICTROLA noon ofT. FULLER'S LTD. AND VICTOR REC0RD8 Two - Shows, 7.15 and 9.15 HcpulM to Phonographs, Violins, Etc. Bows rcbalrcd. Coming, Friday and Saturday--Double Yesterday afternoon the flro iwuiiu'iiwi WwUwInd instruments repadded' and adjusted. ittraction, vaudeville and Pictures brigade had a call from Ambrose Two Stores. Phones 44, 45 and 534 iT2llti' Pr,inc Rup,rt Acdm o u"o In Connection No Advance in Prices -mfJl Avenue to pdt out bush With th. store. a flro ewe?"'- ijjiji which was rapidly getting under The. Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs way upon their arrival.. Tho North of Vancouver flarpes spread very quickly The Heintzman & Co, Piano through tho lonir arras wlilnh The Weber Piano FOR SALE has been dried put after the long Launch AliceB. Thomas period of dry weather. Tho flro Organs Seven-roomed houso with phlef, says that tho greatest care All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments bath and finished basement. must ho taken these days or tho W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. Newly painted. 8th Ave., W, same results may transpiro as Crneral P' " $2875.00 was the cose in nrovinuit sum 'h"" E. L. VAUGHAN Stl- mers, vice. Ilunlloj. Very Easy Tprms.. .nd Picnic rrli Prince Rupert Music Store. D0UQLA8 SUTHERLAND Tents. Pack,sacks. Camo outfits. JMyhill Jones 523 Third Ave. Agent J. F. Magulro, Smith Block, poilhouie Ask for Atkins' 8ausages. tf