it if For ,f.:ilon'.,0cTAlDK"5,H retirements Board THE Daily NEWS Bicycles Repairs Parts and W 31 Fflcnes.32and 200 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue: PHONE 75 hot. x, .no. i3 PniNCE uUPERTrTHURSDAV. JUNE 19, 1919. 77 PRICE FIVE CKNT STRIKE LEADERS WINNIPEG RESCIND PROHIBITION LAW BE DfcrUKlfcD IF CONVICTED WITH THE SIGNING OF PEACE 0tti DECIDE AGAINST CONTINUANCE OF SYMPATHETIC gTRIKfc !"'' uri-"ii;u t c.a TbRDAY AND SENATE MAKES DOMINION C RDER-IN-COUNCIL LAPSE COINCIDENT RAI'-WMT iriHrriu BtlNU HANDLED WITH THE SIGNING OF PEACE TERMS, WITHOUT A HITCH PROHIBITING INTER-PROVINCIAL TRAFFIC IN ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR (Special to The via a. T. P, relegraphs.' Winnineir. June 10. Today concludes the fifth week of h,p (Special to The JHcwi via O.T.P. Telegraphs. pathetic strike and there arc growing evidences of th ,n. " Ottawa, June 10. That the Orders-in-Council prohibiting the jlfgration or the movement, which has been repudiated by the iftnufacture and transportation of intoxicating liquor shall terminate jtfrnational 'trades union organizations. The back to work with the signing of the peace terms, has been declared by cement has become more marked this morning as nracliilv the Senate. jlhe utilities are being operated and many workers are back A bill was received in the Chamber from the House of Commons jjll trades affected, which sought to enact as a statute law the various orders-in-council WnJSM?Uble t.h UUn,iS at he haa Poking , The railway passenger traffic was conducted yesterday with. at and hi f i f proclaimed under the War Measures Act, was taken up jiahilch, and the movement of freight continues to improve straijiit one naturally is something of a shock. by ihc Senate in comtaitlee of the whole. Senator Deveber offered Hij applies iiuv - an amendment striking out the words "and for twelve the 0 T-p but also lo tllc STORY months thereafter" from the dec-; Itmd which was the railway OF ST. KILDA NEW BRITISH DIRIGIBLES : laration that the regulations j,lim hardest hit by the general BOMBARDMENT IS NOW "Shall continue in force during ACTIVITYIN tie. the continuance of the war and Deportation will Follow. GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC DEMONSTRATE PREPAREDNESS for twelve months thereafter." REE ESTATE Ottawa, J uue iu ino iriai or The amendment was carried by lie-eleven men arrested on the M . .. m. 34 votes tu 24 after a number of Hccouni or Lonely Island's War FOR BLOCKADE OF GERMANY or seditious conspiracy speeches dealing chiefly with the the government will be Experiences Last Summer Is constitutional point raised on the Greater Interest Sclng Taken In Iiarge a special board appointed Only Now Given Out second reading of the bill, that by Residential Properties With in London. (Special to The News via O.T.P. Telegraphs. section 121 of the British North House Building In Viaw. me UOUlimuu juki mucin. 11 1 ancled thIr deportation will Copenhagen, June 10. The new British dirigible B.-3'i has America Act, inter - provincial lilo- immediately, and tho fain. .London, Juno 19-The full been reported flying over the southern Baltic. It was seen to be trade could noi be interfered with During the past, week, or two lies of the men shall also be sent particulars of the bombardment flying in the direction of the Hanseatie ports, thus demonstrating by the Federal House. there has been a revival of iiu Methodist terest investors liit uf the country, "if the last summer of the island of St. the Objections. displayed among preparations which the Allies have made in order lo carry Toronto, June 19r-The Metho in real estate. Man? citizens the order-iiucoun-iKilda, which lies under out in toes the At- 'antic out the threat of enforcing a complete blockade of Germany dist conference in session here, have been purchasing lots with j providing for deportation fail, west of tho British Isles, Has should the Government refuse to sign tthe peace treaty. upon receipt of the news of the the. intention of building houses liminal charges will follow," now been made public by the action of the Senate in amending and ohb.of Ui features has been i.ik.3. Andrews, K.C., the chief Government. The bombardment The big airship, which is the largest ever launched in any the Prohibition orders-in-counui! tho mannerfo: which have which had for its object the destruction country, is equipped with machine guns and bombs ready for instant snaps confirmation bill, the: passage of been taken up for c&a.ljV The chief Unfrocked. of the wireless station action Ipueculor. should demand. occasion which will leave only the nooYin Interest has been shown in. Sec-. of the session of on the island, which, isolated and The R-33, her sister ship, is also reported to have left Great cial prohibition laws in effect Hon Two property and in "site? lie Methodist conference unprotected, yester intercepted much Britain last lo station and will the dryrieck plant, both of night take up her over Heligoland and tiie throughout Canada, per near the Ilev. Win. Ivens, one of valuable information regarding Kiel Canal. mit citizens in one province to which di?tricts are in .the meantime strike leaders under the movements of the U-boats Iaj, now ar-1 residential. import supplies of wet goods purely was given "notico of loca- operating off tho northwest coast scarcity of houses from another, passing a resolution The seems In, ahich under tho Methodist or tcouand, was carried out by a RUPERT'S FISH LADIES MUSICAL CLUB vailing for either the reform to, be the chief cause of the increasing or the abolition of the Senate. business in real estate, fu any more as a Methodist class, neavuy armed WINDS UP FOR SEASON as many of the citizens are realizing, .SlbAl. .J I. .Mi ak W I I.L few shells into -A- nhrgwn 4hc GOES SEATTLE ' "T SELF'S CAFE TAKEN that their only "hope of. little Kettlement drove the fright Entertains Reading and French getting a house to suit their requirements iftOnferred upon him at ordina- ened inhabitants up to the rocky Clubs to Mendelssohn Program OVER BY J. C. GAVIGAN is to have one built. i'i. heights, the wireless station was More Fishing Boats Compelled to At Home of President. These people, wth this event in Cack to Work. quickly made a heap of ruins by view, are now securing their lo foe ursi street cars ran at shell fire. The little church on Take Their Catches to Com-petltive Yesterday afternoon the Ladies Famous Third Avenue Restaurant cations before the expected rise eit o'clock mnrninir the island was also damaged, City for Musical Club held its closiug Acquired by New Owner at in values takes place. Ei the company has intimated which was pierced on roof and Disposal. meeting of the season at the Midnight Last Night. One Important deal was made iit the full service will be re- walls in several places. home of its president, Mrs. V. E. lately, when the house of Mrs. " - 1. 1 I ml. A detachment of the submarine lo the strike conditions A business deal was put through hm-m icry suuruy. iue sirin-f Owing Williams. At this meeting the Beveridge on Fourth Avenue was members of tho Brotherhood crew made a landing and inspect still prevailing on the waterfront musical club entertained the last night whereby, Self s Cafe sold to Geo. Bryant through McCaffery, i Carmen passed a resolution ed the damage, which on ascer. which prevent,, the local firms Heading Club and the French changed owners, the business Gibbons & Doyle. Raring against the Continuance taining the demolition of the sta handling the catches of the fishing Club. having been purchased from Ben Uie sympathetic strike. lion to be complete withdrew. boats on their arrival here, During the past season the Self by J. G. Gavigan. On the CANNING THE CACKLE After tho report had reached the few of the fishermen are coming Musical Club has been studying stroke of midnight, Ben Self 1F.0FL Admiralty regarding the destruction into Prince Rupert with any hope the lives, works and particular ceased to have anything more to (Special via o.T. P. Telegraph.) DECLINES TO of the station, a gun was of disposing of their fish. In place in history of the leading do with the cafe and its new Ottawa, June 18. The party RECOGNIZE SOVIET mounted on the Island and the some cases tho sale of the catch composers and has spent a very owner took it over. whips have cut the members? wireless plant restored. is effected at the Prince Rupert instructive and enjoyable time. Self's Cafe has become one of speeches on the budget debate Fisli Exchange, but in practically The closing program yesterday the institutions of the city and down to twenty minutes each, in (Sptcial via o. T. P. Telerapn.) every case the fish goes to some was confined io Mendelssohn and from now on the name will be order to reach a decision earlier. Waotic City. June 18. The THREATENING other port to be landed. was as follows: changed to the St. Regis Cafe. imerican Fedorallori or LaLor The arrivals yesterday and to Reading, "Life of Mendelssohn" The same,high standard of' service "Mention has refused to endorse day are the Tide with 5,000 lbs. by Mrs. A. T. Parkin; piano solo will be maintained under the 4 recognition the Soviet GERMANY FROM Sat- new management and nothing will of of halibut; Joe Baker, 7,000; "Deatto," by Mrs. Williams; NOTIOE Jian Government. It also suma, 8,0130, and the Minnie . vocal solo, "If with all your be left undone to make it the best the recognition by the with 110,000 lbs. These caicnes Hearts," .Mrs. Monroe; reading, place for its patrons. Tho St. Regis Cafe Company d Slates Government of the ALL QUARTERS after being sold here will likely "Mendelssohn's Epock - making under the management Ming Irish rtcDubiio nnd voted go to either Ketchikan or Bute-dale visit to Goethe," by Mrs. Lord; PEACE DELEGATES of Mr. J. C. Gavigan, fainst tho general strike proved for disposal. piano solo "Hondo Capriccioso," has purchased the business for Jub in protest ngainst If Germany Chooses Resumption Two other boats, the Doreen Miss Way; reading, "Berlioz' first WILL RESIGN IF THE known as Selfs Cafe Wnvi(!t,on of tho innocent for Of War, Ring or Allies iteaay with 11.000 lbs. and the "Pair of meeting vith Mendelssohn," by TREATY IS SIGNED and will continue the.same wbomb explosions in Sun Frnn-oico. To Close In On Every Jacks," with 25,000, arrived last Mrs. Monroo; vocal duet, "Adagio as the St. Regis Cafe. All Side. eveninB, but sailed immediately from A Minor," and Hunting claims against the previous for Seattle. Meantime, trinco Song," by Miss Way and Mrs. Berlin, June 19. The German management will be Carhartt's overalls and gloves. (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) Rupert's markets, which nao Williams; piano solo "Elegie," peace delegates have drafted a paid by Mr. B. F. Self and NH J. F. Magulre, Smith Block. Pnria. Juno 19. The Poles and been built up siowiy ana tauur- Miss Willett. memorandum recommending that and should be presented .i r:r:.. Czecho-Slovaks will Join the Al iously, are being supplied hy her the cabinet refuse to sign the for payment before June rtt. lies in throwing a ring or sieei competitors. ACCIDENT AT THE peace treaty. Count von Brock-dorff-Rantzau, 30, 1919. 45 Wanted at Once around Germany in caso ac head of the delegation, chooses war ramer man BRITISH DIRIGIBLE SEAL COVE SAWMILL has intimated that he will ' Accordingly Marshal iocn s plans TO CROSS ATI-Ann iu resign, as well as other memhers 10 Carpenters in the event of the Hermans refusing Shortly after ten o'clock this of the delegation unless this view to sign the treaty provides (Special by O. T. P. Telegraphs.) morning J. I). Thibeau, a millwright is adopted. WEStholmP for Construction for tho rapid connection of the Minnonla. N.Y.. Juno 18. Great at the Prince Rupert sawmill, T TDMir.UT Work military forces west, east and preparations are being mado hero was admitted to the Prince SETS THE LIMIT south of Germany, wnicn win in order to fittingly receive tho Rupert General Hospital suffering Edmonton, June 19. The limit Apply Mr. McNEILL thus encircled on tnreo siue giant British dirigible U-34 which from very sovero head wounds. It of 100 prescriptions for alco-holio WM. S. HART Priscj Rupert Dry Dock and the allied armies. is expected to arrive on Sunday appears that a heavy timber liquor per week from any has been set the from ono physician by in Engineering Lid. Pnlos would advanco from Kngland. swung around ana pinneu me Co., tho east, the Czecho-Slovaks from man's head ngainst another projection, attorney-general here. "The Cold Deck" the south and neany u ... - Sneolat for Fishermen. Swivels, causing a fracture at tho r"i- Delg an l. A. It'll 1 1,000 tons Ladysmlth Coal, the A 6 Reel Artcraft Masterpiece of and French, British 50o. dozen; nooKS oc cuu.., base of the skull. Earnest hopes the Paolflo Coast, jusl Great VeUm Drama jest on Empress troops wouiu ouvuiw-o ler's. Ltd. Phone 45. are held for his recovery. Theatre orders to the While from ho north Uw Mr. Thibeau, who is aged 30, trrlved. Send your Two Slnglt rati. Famot:. OhrlalU west, ...... .... .... rlnce Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. OomMlM New Show Tonight nritish fleet wouiao -r - was torn in PemurooK, untario, "THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT" cu... but has lived for some timo With many's ports ana now Bobby Vernon and Dorothy Dane. Albert E. Smith presents economic helplessness. NOTIOE in the west, having married a "MANY With A SLIP" " short tims before his arrival here. "DEMERS" Betty Cominn tnd Smiling Billy Gladys Leslie Mason. MININONVENTION Anyono holding accounts Two-rel Foi Comedy AT NELoura inw". against Self's Cafe please Albort & McCaffery, Ltd., have Wear Queen Quality silk "THE With OLOUO Hank PUNCHER"Mann. tle Miss No-Account" second mail thein to P.O. box 1540 on hand 700 tons Nanaimo Wellington gloves, We have them In A Program that cannot be beat. unTTT-The and tf Full of thrills, eielteme&t coal, Nelson, J City. After this date, I all shades and sizes, When Laughter, WnJtF:pi80de of tl,e session of tho Internauou ., ..-In will not be responsible for you think of gloves, think WOMAN IN THR WF.R Convention will open here on any debts incurred by the Prlnco. Rupert Spruce Mills, of Queen.Quality. No Advance in Prices Ltd., can furnish you any dimension Thursday. Cafe. Admission, 15c and 30c. .. BEN SELF. In spruce lumber at short 1 COME AND BEE and 9.15 Shows 7.15 All material for any kind of a notice. Agents, Albert & McCaffery, tZJ in?. 'P. cent. can bo furnished by A -,ort Ltd., Second Avenue, tf - nlldlng 'i nig ana v. & McCaffery, Ltd.