THE 0AIL1 MEWS. Thursday Ju Page 2 nc lo i&iol The Daily News HUNGER PINCH FOR SALE MINCE RUPERT, B.C. Eastern Prices on Just Arrived Published every Afternoon. except Sun day, by The News Printing& Publishing IN VANCOUVER A fine seven-room hoiiso uompany. Silver II, F-sPuLLEN, Managing Editor. Community OLD COUNTRY with bath, excellent harbor pMg view, In Section Seven. This Wo Just received a ccpy Retail Merchants Compelled to hotlso is plastered, has elec of tho Robert Simpson Co. Curtail Credit Kavanaqfi tric lights and furnaca hoat. Thursday, June 10, 1919. catalogue and find that our Jibes at World Taking and other high grades as follow No Stand dh 8trlke. Shortcake, prices on Community Silver , It cost $3,100 to build it a Will Qetrnany Sign? are the samo as Petit-Beurre Florette, Sandwfch. Ch'US? .-exactly few years ago, exclusive of Vill the Germans alga? Thoy theirs. We mention this as iSpeclal via O. T. P. Telegrapbs.) nut Gems, Molasses Wafrr .1 1 tQfo-Salted wide lot. For a cash salo will. They will grumblo; they proof that we are trying to Vancouver, June 18- Owing to Wafers, Delicio, Alocotat we are permitted to offer will whine; they .will 1111 the air give our customers as good tho strike conditions and tho Uif-ticulties Dessert, Pineapple Dessert. Chocolate Cream a ' JeI'y this property for with nmngled guttcrals; they will service as they can get anywhere. In obtaining supplies, Sandwich, Chocolate Gem, Nic-Nacs SultaU a rn,oon invoke the manes of the Fourteen many of the retail merchants!arc Blossom, Fifr Bar, Mexican $2500.00 Point and call on Thor und all Other things we: can pfovo finding It absolutely necessary to Ranging from 2Sc to 60c per lb the donizens of -Valhalla to shak it by are nig JJen clocks. curtail credits to their-customers Get your-Picnic Outfits here. Full equipment I their spears, they will sign Waltham und other watches. Many of the strikers are alroady for McCaffery, Gibbons i ! MnnAnnvpiiitf fnr rlnlnv will nn. Waterman pens, Rcjers silver feeling the pinch of hunger, as 12 persons for 25c cur. It is necessary for the Ebert and almost any well they are not receiving any strike Government, none too stable, to known article. pay, the Ono Dig Union having no FULLER7 UL. JLUJIC. LIU. appear highly indignant. - The John funds. Many of the workers (are LTD. Insurance Real Estate delegates will sigh and they will Bulger unwillingly forced to remain idle sob; thoy will bewail the sad fata Jeweler when there is lots of work for Two Stores. Phones Prince Rupert, B. C. 44, 45 and 534 of poor innocent Germans, sur Tho Store of Worth and them to do and they havo no quar. rounded by ravenous wolves; Beauty. rel with the local conditions. Th there will be an ecstasy of self- women and children, making Jth pity. Hut they will sign. families of tho strikers, are feel s D I '2'Y.UC, ttrill Will OIQU oirrn lUlgVri lonrcflttr UVbUUi dnAtnaa; REV.F. W.KERR GETS ing it most, ! of Papa Foch. There's a man Tho San and Province news whoso tjlauce is- not liked. Ger CALL TO EDMONTON paper plants are still lied up. The TjyLA GASSE'S For the Garden many had a taste of birn not only World declares its news is un Specially Suited for Prince at the Alamo but in the wood of Westminster Church, Edmon censored, otherwise it would not Rupert soil. Compeigne when tho armistice ton, at a congregational meeting publish.. Kavanagh declares It is ,5. 3 SPECIALS was prepared, it is realized that gave a unanlmousicall to the Rev. afraid to;comment upon tho Win ho is not an easy man to argue W. F. Kerr of New Westminster, nipeg arrests. Florence, Genoa and Fruit FEED CHICKENS with. He Is fond of such words C. The Rev. Mr. Kerr five Cake as "unconditional surrender," and VICTORIA SCHOOL GIRL years ago left Prince Rupert to 30c per lb. HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER it is feared he is capable Of again tako up his present charge in MAKES RUNNING RECORD giving the order "Forward 1" New Westminster, and he still has We Are Sure Any One Will Please You They will sign. There is talk friends in-l'rince (Special via O. T. V. Telegraphs.; very many good Encourage Home Industry of trade isolation if signatures Rupert who will bo pisased to Victoria, June 18Vt St. Mar-, are withheld. But threatened boy hear of his advancement. garet's School sports held here on PHONE 58 colts do not alarm. What gives As Mr. Kerr is not at home in Saturday the world's record for La Casse P. O. Box 333 008 3rd Ave. concern is fcocn. .New iorK New Westminster at present, be the 100 yards was mado by Bakery Tribune. ' ing out of town on church busi fourteen-year-old school girl, Ada 717 Third Avenue Phone 190! ja. yx a. ness, it lias not yet been learned Algar. She did the dash in nine The Ennui of War. whether Jie will accept the call or and a half seconds. The existing We are coming to be a jaded not. world'9 record for 100 yards is Mrs. Smeetons world. We get the afternoon nine and three-fifths seconds CARD Select news from. Europe the samo FIRST STRAWBERRIES which was made by Kelly and liar morning. We can believe inf that FETCH HIGH PRICES old Brow. To the Purchasers of Grand Trunk Pacific Prince Rup-ert Lunch & Tea Rooms phenomenon", but frequently don't Lots who are in arrears with their paymentsi- believe the news. Are there no Victoria, June 18. The .first A SIX-ROUND DRAW For the convenience of the .above, the Lands and Taxi thrills left at all? If men cross carlot of strawberries' nipp of the Agent G. T. Pac. has arranged so that payments! the Atlantic in air Philadelphia, June 18. Denny the we ought 309 Second Avenue, West. from Gordon Head this season can Do macte at tne onice 01 tne undersigned, in Prince to be thrilled, because it really is has been consigned to the prairies Leonard, the lightweight champion, Rupert, who is under instructions to push the collection of Lunches, Teas, Ice cream, a rather unusual thing. But now for distribution. The retail prices and Johnny Dundee fought all amounts"due on the lots, these being now long past due. Soft Drinks. it is done, wo probably shall hear for these strawberries are from a Hard six rounds to a uraw. rayments snouici ce made at once at the office of that they have started to bore a Home - Made Bread, Cakes, tunnel under the English Chan $4.80 to $0 a crate DAVID K. HAYS, 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. Pies, Salad Dressing, Jams, nel, and for a few minutes that LAND ACT IN THE LETTER BOX Marmalades, Chutney, Etc. will engage our thoughts on the Famous Melton Mowbray lotice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land way to the picturo show, where Editor Daily News, Pies. In Oueen'Charlotte islands Land District we will see the lady leap from the lecordiug District of Skeena, and situate Dear Sir, I have entered Picnio Parties Catered for cliff into the tree top, followed by n Take Langara notice ls.snd thai Hume B. Bablngton ot charge against Mr. A. Farrow, Georgetown Lumber Co. her pursuer, see the tree bend to rlnce llmicrt. B. C. occupation master steamboat inspector, for unjust mariner. Intends to apply for permission the ground to which she escapes to lease the following described lands discrimination against the "Nar-betliong" PHONES 130 and 423. P. O. BOX 16321 Commencing at a post planted about 8 and the tree fly back and hurl see chains In a southeasterly direction from and have asked permission the unpopular character clear the S. W. corner of Lot 90i: tuence south to sue the Government in the Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. C. along high water 80i) feet; thence west The Gurvich over the top of the mountain about 200 feet to l'w water: thence north sum of 925,000. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY Even then we willtfemark, on the westerly about 4 chains along low water to a point due south or the s. W. corner s Respectfully, way nome, that it was just a otsLot 998; thence north about 8 chains 1IOOMES K. FREEMAN. SPRUCE FIR CEDAR la the S. W. corner of lot 998; thence 1 register camera tricK. mo trutn seems southeasterly along high water to post Consult Us. to be from which a trans-At ana containing nve acres, more or less. LAND REGISTRY ACT. II. a. IJAUINUTON, lantic air (light can turn us but Dated May 7. 1919. (Sections 36 and 134.) Phone tGreen 548 for a moment that we are get r ne Application Nos. 10,597-1 and 10,598-1 LAND ACT P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser St. ting back to where our idea of TAKE NOTICE me that 6U97.amplication has been real excitement will be a three- made to register Dora Stephens of Prince Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. llupert, D. C, as owner In fee under four . 1 - . , r 1 a tf T 1 .11 llnnnr(ll ( alarm fire. rKansas City Star. in uueen Charlotte islands Land District. lax sale Deeds rrom the Collector of the i-.uwaru liinseii, l'resiaeni imrry uipueii., .uuuu-. We : Sell : Coal Recording District of Skeena, and sltucte City of Prince llupert, bearing date the Hdward Cunningham, Vice-President on Langara Island. ' th day of December. 1918. of ALL AND Take notice that Charles A. Coulson ot SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of DISSOLUTION OF THE ort Clements, occupation mariner. In-ends land and premises situate, lying and being to npply for permission to lease the in me uuy or rnnce ituperi, more par ollowlng described lands: tlcularlv known and described as Lot sixty' Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. STRIKE COMMITTEE Commencing at a post planted about 3 six (66), Block twelve (IS), Section Two chains em or the N. W. corner of Indian uuis mrce ana rour i.3 ana 4), uiock SMITH! MALLET! CALLED Ileserve f'u. 16; thence north' 10 chains; nrteen (15), Section Five (5), Lot ten IN VICTORIA thence west 20 chains more or less to the ii0), Block forty-nine (40), Section . -, . LIMITED - west boundary of Lot 675; thence south oven. (7), and Lot Sixteen (16), Block iu cnains more or less to snore: tnence Twen ly-nine,(29, Section eight (8) (Map Fl'sHING HflRDWAHE (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) easterly along shore to N. W. corner, of 93) & CANNERY EQUIPMENT -MARINE PLUMBING AND HEATING Indian neservo Mo. 18; thence east to You are required to contest the claim ENGINEERS Victoria, June 18. There will point of commencement and containing SO of tho tax purchaser within 36 days from Steamship Supplies, Qas Engines and Accessories cres, more or jess. ne oaie ot me service or tnis nonce Estimates furnished. bo no strike in Victoria. The striko C A. COULSON. (which may be effected by publication in Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage committee has announced to the Dated May 7, 1919. a dally newspaper), and your attention Is called to section 36 or the "Land Registry Address, 3rd Avenue, head members of the unions that the LAND ACT Act -extract wnn amendments,therefrom:-ana 10 tne 'following PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. committee voted 8 to 8 on the "and in default of a caveat or eer-tllicatc Office: ,of Second Street. or lis pendens being Iteglstered Ofllce: Prin-ju llupert question of a general strilfo in totlce of Intention to Apply to Lease Land the roro registration of the as owner 05 Phone 174 P.O. Box 274' sympathy with Winnipeg. This in Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, person entitled under such tax sale, 68 Wuter 8trect, Telephone No. tecoraing uisinci or SKcena. ana situate all served with deadlock called for tho dissolu in Langara isiana. .....persons and so those claiming through notice, Vancouver, B. O. P. O. 13ox i598 Take notice that Norman Brodhurst. of or under them, and all persons claiming tion of tho striko cornmitteo. rince Itupert, B. C. occupation master any Interest in the land by virtue On the vote being doclarcd a narlner. intends to apply for permission of any unregistered Instrument, and o lease me following described lands: tie, Chairman Daikers refused to commencing at a post planted about SO all the persons land by claiming descent any whose interest title In Is eet In an easterly direction from the S. W. LAND REGISTRY ACT vote and the committee then dis not registered under the provisions orner of Lot 999: thence south S00 feet this shall be all9 of Art, for ever estopped (Sections 36 ana I3i.) solved. This means that there nore or less to low water mark; thence and debarred from, setting up any orlhcasterly along low water mark about claim to or In respect of the land so Akerberg, Thomson mm will bo no strike here. mains to a point aue south or tne s. e sold ror taxes, and the Registrar Me Application No. 10,577-1. File 6,091. The street carmen held two orner of Lot 999; thence north about 8 shall register the person entitled under TAKE NOTICE that application has been hains to the S. E. of Lot corner 999; such tax sale as owner of the made to reirlster lloberl Henry Sinllh of meetings yesterday, but never nencc soutuwesteriy 10 mis post ana con land so sold for taxes." rmce llupert, IJ. C, as owner lit fee under & Co., Ltd. alnlng three acres, more or less. mentioned striko at all. Tho Re-tall NOHMAN BflOADIIUrtST. AND WHEREAS application has been jai saie Leeu rrom ine uonecior oi mo male ror a ccrtiiicale or Indefeasible Title City or rrtnre Iluiivrt, liearliiK date the Avenue Alummnm Clerks, Teamsters and Truck Dated May 7, 1919. to thcnbove-mcntioned lands, In the name oin duv or uen-iiiiier. ibis, or all Ann First or Dora Stephens. SIAOULAH ihat certain parcel or tract or Drivers at their meetings yoster- LAND ACT AND WIlLliKAS on Investigating the land and prejnlses situate, lying-, and being day both decided against taking title It appears that urlor to the tuth day in me uuy or rnnce ituperi, mure yar-llcularly or OctobeiT1917 (the date on which the known and lescrlbed as lots ten Machinists part in a general sympathetic Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. said lands were "Bold for overdue taxes). iu) anu ejcven ill), uiock sv, bccuuu In Oueen Chirlotte Islands J.anil niitrir.t. and you were tne registered and assessed seven (7), City or rrlnce llupert, (Map strike. Reflects Good Recording District of Skeena, and situate owner or the lots opposite your respective 93). In the vicinity of Indian Ileserve No, 16, names. Vuu are reaulred to contest the claim Engineers Langara Island. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the or the tax purchaser within 3D days from Housekeeping THINK GERMANS WILL Take notice that Clifton p. met or sam time I shall effect registration In me dale of the service or mis noiiyc iTincs iiuncri. uruisn column a. nrriinn. puriuanec of such application and Issue a which may be effected by publication in lion manager, Intends to apply for permission certlllcate or Indefeasible Title) to the said the dally newspaper), and your attention installed an up-to-date NOT SIGN PEACE TERMS to lease the following described lands In the name of Dora Stenhena lo called to section 36 of the "Land Herts- Have landsi unless you take and prosecute the proper Act" wllh amendments, and to me Commencing at a post planted at north proceedings to establish your claim. If following extract therefrom i-- west corner of Indian Ileserve number 16, any, to tne said lanls, or to prevent such "anu in uerauii or a cavcai or in-llllcale Fred Stork's Pan's, June 18 Tho majority thence one hundred and nrty feet more or proposed action on my part. or lis. pendens being nled before of tho members of the Peace less In southwesterly direction to low watvr naicu ai me Lanu ilea- strv iimce. prince the registration as owner of the Oxy-Acetylene mark; thence 700 feet westerly along low Rupert, B.C., this 4 th day of lune, A, D. prson entitled under such tax sale, Hardware Council believe that Germany wjll water inum; incnce norineriy one hundred all persons so served wllh notice, not sign tho feet more or less to high water mark: II. P. MACLEOD, , . . . and those claiming through Outfit peace treasy, according thence easterly 800 feet morn nr ie District nerlilmr nr Tltlon or under tlicm, and all persons claiming Weldinir SECOND AVENUE to Marcel Su(n, of the along high water mark to point of commencement To Edna Wilson, assessed owner or Lot any Interest In the land bylitue ' mj and containing two (S) acres oo, jjiock i, section s; Francis F. Tupper, or any unregistered instrument, and Phone Black 114 Echo do 'Paris, who made a canvas IJ1UICX vi- 1VBB, registered and assessed nwnor nr i nn a all prsnns claiming any Interest in of a number of tho leading CLIFTON IV IUEL. and 4, Block 15, Section 6; John Lllleros, the laud by desrent whose title Is Dated 8th April, 1919. rrgiBicruu aim assesaea owner or LOl 1U, not-registered, under the provisions Work peoplo of tho peace-making body, lllnrk id. KpMln.l 7 rinnal.1 nnnm mm. cr this Act, shall be ror ever estopped Efficient TENDERS WANTED sessed owner or Lot sixteen (16), Block and oebarred rrom setting up Perfectl 4V, ptti:uuii O. any claim to or In respect or the Prompt and land so sold ror taxes, and iheitegls-trar SEALED TENDERS are Invllcn rnr thn the MATTEn. or sn application ror the shall register Ihe person entitled erection of a Hall at Binitlieri, 1). c, on issun or a rrean certli!1 to of Title ror under suclv tax sale as owner behalf of the Smlthers Hall Company, Ltd. tha East llair (Vi) Lot 3S, Itango rEOSTON I i wu miu BiieviiicaiuHiB limy do obtained AND WHEliKAS . application lias beim the nameoi . GRILL on application to the Secretary, Mr. 8. llJ. NOTICE IS HEUEIIY C1VEN thaOlt U my made ror a Certificate of Indefeasible line lands in take " t vrvm Ilolna, Smlthers, I). C. (Intention to issue, arter the expiration of to the above-mentioned lands, In tho name unless you to eswbllsli Jl,"rreVfnt claim,s j one (1) month rrom the date or the first of Hobert llenrv Smith. - saiu 606 THIRD AVF PHONE 457 of tender must accompany all tenders, publication... hereof, a rresh. Certificate...... ....of AND WllEnEAS on Investigating the proposed tne"ion on ray P art. omi The lowest ot any tender will not ..i.v ... fhA...wj )uu To-iiiciiiiuiiuii.1 i laiius in inn lltlo It appears Ihat prior to the 10th day at the Land "i- diy. A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. name or Allien F. Youngr, which Certificate of October, 1917 (tho date on which the DATED All tenders to be In the hsnrln nr ih. or Title Is dated the sixth day or July, iri iimii worn soM fop overdue taxes), Prince iiuperi. j Home and Secretary at Smlthers, D. C, on or before 1911, and Is numbered 819-1. you were the registered and assessed own-r June, A.D. l i w. M4r,KoD, . Cooking. Open Day Night. the ist.1 dax or July, 1919, at o'clock II. F. MACLEOD, thereof. District or ih DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 43c. lo EOc Dessert at nvtry mc1. in. District Rensirar of Titles. FUHTIILIl TAKE nuilic mat ',' Francis F. Turper, Short orders at tinit. The cheaues' of all unsuccessful i.o. Land netlstry omre, ' mn i nm I .hu erTirt regisirainn m To any derers will be returned lo them. - 1'rlnee rtiipert, n. C. purspance of such application and Issue a Milton, Scotls. " onmners, is, u, June ilhr 1919, June 13ih, 1919. certificate of Indefeasible Title to the said Nova