IS Juno 19, 1010. TUB DAILY NEWH. Page 3 10 SET RfO ST. ANDREW'S TEAMS WHAT WINNIPEG j IN FOOTBALL MATCH THINKS WWJtKfi UKAMA AT !0iilliiii!l!!!llllllillllllllllllll!llllll!llllil IIllll!)llllll!lll!IIIIIIIIII!lh!!lllllii!lll!!il OF PRINCE RUPERT CITY WESTHOLME THEATRE 1 fHEDMATISM ra"e -Free ...cnt a Pr,.,.. Olwih, .NoPthern uroai Photoplay of the Cattle "-eiropoll, Some Descrlotlve Plains to be 8creenod Tonight Dentistry Ufu-Hies" Point Ike Way ngIe r"c"iber8 Publicity, of 11 ? Bt' Andrew's Society and Good Comedy. for the .8lr?.V2 mastery, Owing to C'TY MUST LIVE DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH 1 111 UUiun IIWUUI UP TO une or the most popular of VERONA, V.NT. "v ui iwo or Ui originally IT8 GOOD REPUTATION movie stars. Wm. S. Hart, de ChOSen . . v,,,.. r,.. imim I -suffered ior uu. . there would bo 'n understanding lighted largo audiences last night One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your ana tivac a uij ft 7'iniA J s Said I.1 ttciimtltsm.,, A-sl. caused bv turn up. and ihl7"c'u a m a Prince Ilupeft man, "Quite ai ins Wcstholme Theatre in a Efficiency" , OWff - lulled, which Zh. ,u" was made at one time great picture of the West entitled indue hoin" over us: "The Cold Deck." This is a stir t j if n linitA or v.r married players nnt .c We wero oivnn ,.n . fflMinaus""" t ring photoplay of . isatai a friend rccom- r.. muiw nee, mucn , . the west, the ' -.11 riirs!1'!- publicity. IL'A.I It..! t. it. .') I it--tIves' to mo and is last aisappcaring. il Dr. 'Fn Bayne "cte a W!'," wc were is action all the first box I felt bo inri, ma. a new terminus." the timo and there r"vcr: on ea" 8lde l0 ith this deliffhffni iimn.i.i. is not a dull moment from, be 1 continud to tliat n, ii.. .....;wv., hi be'tcr nimpeg reel1 ginning to end. Wm. S. Hart has OFFICE HOLfRSi- JIUcH.t of i health,a now thanks xo in ti.ijujjK to your married live, iiie men's..score team resulted wii in .u!tl.le riuopn a little ih article rpcrnrrlinrr lliln.n.V,".: in won ine for himself of a foremost place Mornlng, 9 to 12, Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 only, . mil medicine". iiiairh h . " . uay- vne liking cimema enthus saeni" W. M. LAMPSOH. mi.." "J m o LI I I' lasts and as the star in a srood Eve.1i.13s, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 . game wn n .,,.m hrar Vinnu .,,. . . LrralUtiTes" are sold by all t " oniiL iinfi,J " ""ycK vilii m ipn fool piay, oirers splendid entertain inrougnout. and i,h.,i. 4L: Irian . .." lis it 50c. a box, u ior .i, t ftlelll. Dental Nurse in attendance. . tjii-e 2 - or 8('nt Pos,Pl1 by S ylng 10 lhe ca" of llJe n'ce things its newspaper .fays "The Cold Deck" is followed by Phone 109 for appointment l-jtsires Limited, Ottawa. playing mannor n about ns nndit i . four reels of comedy. Ther9 are "uuoii, aia their! Jiiti? reaus two Christie reels and a two-reel Fox comedy, which altogether IlilHIillllllilllllliililillllllllllllllllllllll "76" l,,e siuoDorn defence 0f ierminu8 of llle - T- p- is uitu make up a splendid program, COAL I opponents. As a matter of ated on t!,e northern n rrt Qt n f U1U lwo goals-scored fnr fh ""Usli Columbia. 550 milo nnrih SPLENDID SHOW IScreened married team were shot by a Pr Vancouver. A few years ago AT Prince Rupert Music Store oMiKio ,an, winie the goalkeeper r"en 11 was selected as the ler EMPRESS THEATRE OPPOSITE POST OFFICK Sacked for the single team wn mmt.j minus of the O. T i PHr. n.. Delivered iiunseii. peri occunied a nrnminoni nino WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor Big Feature Billed for Tonight; Some good play was shown Pn the front page of Canadian Also Another Episode of "Everything in Music." . some or the younger nlavers ,n, newspapers from coast to coast LATEST'POPULAR BONOS AND DANCZS, VICTOOLAS Serial and Comedy. $13, 00 playing good form, and with A greal futuro was predicted for AND VICTOR RECORDS training ought to In acquisitions l"e 111116 l0Vfn and some en "Little Miss No-Account" is the ilepalra to Phonographs, Violins, Etc. Bow a,'rf haired. to the senior team. thusiasts mentioneH il a n nna niiumiiwi Woodwind Instruments repadded and adjusted. ton feature at the Empress Theatre rVJ,."r.i' p,ne Bir),rt er Mualo In Connection per BiDie rival of Vancouver for f to be screened this evening. Wth th tt0ft) honor of being Canada's greatesl Pacific city. yiaays L,esiie is tne star and a The Largest Stock of Piarios'knd Organs Women's Topics j very dainty actress she proves to North of Vancouver tainal Coal Co. f "It has 'developed rapidly since I be. The story of the play is one 1U14 when the line was completed The Heintzman & Co. Piano Offlc Phon, Plck SB which appeals to everyone, and y,ri Phone, Bltek 018 (From our own" . ?ul.u 18 a IonS way from the the experiences of the little lady The Weber Piano Xwrn.rin. ; leadership of the Pacific, u.. i..iuja uus iiiuru ueauii-i:ii obtain for her at once the sympathy Thomas Organs i ful lingerie been C! 1.he .town has an "ideal worn than now. of her audience. The act- All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments site. It is at the mouth . oinen are not deterred by the of th ing is good throughout. high prices, and although many bkeena river, and its harbor is This feature i3 followed by the W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. I0M LEE CO. make their own underwar, even sheltered by Kaien Island, seven ninth episode of "The Woman in E'pert E. L. miles VAUGHAN Zti'1'' Mill Second Avenue, West. then large sums are spent on the long.That Oriental the Web," the serial which is materials. For the prices of Line creating so much interest, and the VEGETABLES crepe anu silk and all the fine A number of steamship lines whole program is completed by a Prince Rupert Music Store to the Orient have regular sailings while cottons have gone up tre Sidney Drew Comedy. Wholesale and Retail from Prince Rupert and it mendously of late and now more General Contractors and than ever, dainty women like their also has steamer connections THE DAILY NEWS with all coast points. It has .. a Labor Exchange. I ;,l Ir! Ihii T "and-mad9 floatlng drydock and a shipbuild-f": Classified dearer : Advertising S.S. PRINCE RUPERT iS, aI?? m?ch Prince Rupert, B.C. ing Plant installed at a cost of iiiuu was in me uays wnen k three million dollars, and also or line 517 - P.O. Dox 725 linen thread and labor were less WANTED. expensive. two million dollar cold storage s.s. prince George plant. The city has several fine HOME WANTED FOR BOY, Six Fine while lingerie, handsewa public buildings, including a ma years ana gin four years, for SAILING PREMISES MOVED and trimmed either with lace or rine hospital and quarantine two months. Reply with terms THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY, OCEAN FALLS, HMlfnir. imnrt ,mh,i.i., i hospital, drill hall and large ex to box 207 Daily News office. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA end SEATTLE. "f tv -v. .o uvm , V,.,tl,i: TiV,- WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIQHT FOR AN VOX. M. T. LE out of fashion and many women IlllJlilUli UUIIUlll(j3. 111UIU UI C BIA WANTED Woman for house m churches, four schools, five banks S. S. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT nro conservative enough to pr and several sawmills. The municipality work. $40 per month. Apply For Maaeett, Port Clement! end Buokl'jr Bey, June 1Sth and 28th, and l-MIES' & GENTLEMEN'S fcr this to any of the smart col owns the water, light and Mrs. R. S. Wright, Fifth Ave., July 2nd. RErtCHANT TAILOR ored silks and crepes now in power plants and the city streets Phono 209. 47 Southern Polnte Queen Charlotte leland, June 20th, and July 4th. vogue. Still il requires much Stewart, B. 0., June 2Sth and July 12th. well lighted. The particularly are Wi Avenue, Opposite the strength of mind not to be tempt Bring your furs to Uoldbloom, residential districts beauti are TRAIN SERVICE ed into buying of the Third Avenue, Ho pays higli- Post Office. some ex- fully laid out and contain numer Passcng-er Monday, Wdneeday and Saturday af. tt: for JSmtlhers,. quisit? undies o f pale-toned est price. tr Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, maklnr direct eoanee'tlons Tor houses and the city has ftno "tone Red 136 ous P.O. box 977 and other soft silky fab all points east and south. crepes several largo public parks. Tho WANTED AT ONCE experienced rics and most brides of in loday population is 6,500." tinsmith or plumber. L. Letour- AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES vest in oiic or two sets. neau. tf I For Information and reservations apply to City Ticket Office, r2S Third Avenue. Phon 200. TURKISH BATHS. Phone 16 for lilnot linilorwonr h.n novpp Dominion Baths. WANTED .Experienced 4 ironer. Hydi er been popular in this country, but Second aPPoi"tment Avenue. tf pply Canadian Laundry. tf though pale pink, blue and mauve Portland Canal, B.C. aro the colors most worn, some- FOR SALE smart women have a craze for Launch Alice B. I MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build " , JAMi;- , Proprietor gayer hues. Deep cerise and The Portable ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru tomato red go to the making of for the Salt Lakes cami-knickers and cheni Gasoline Saw pert Housing Ltd., Geo. W. sonio It Iht foooti .Huih Mint Nickerson, Secretary. tf petticoats while various shades of General Passenger Service. With a real Clutch ycllov and vivid greens are also LOST Hunting, Fishing wOpen for Business on sale. and Picnic Parties L-. LIGHT, STRONC, FA&r, EASY TO LOST Small yellow kitten from Hlnnket stitch and button OPERATE Sixth Avenue East. Finder stitching often take the place of Cuts Wood in rain or shine please call Green 245. tf J..Myhill Jones fowling AIIpv I lace and many lovely garments of 8c a Cord. LOST Small yellow kitten' from VJ. kSwaoson's Boathouse this are crone finished in way Sixth Avenue, East. Finder auicklv made at homo by girls please call 215. tf THIRD AVF.NI IF. who are clever with the needl" Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 rinrnl vniln blanket stitched :n MISCELLANEOUS JRNEW MANAGEMENT thick thread tho color of the tlow-ers McGOWAN CYCLE & REPAIR CO. For Comfort, Courtesy and Service fashionablo,and most economical. rf Healthy Exercise is "Indian" Motor Cycles and By-cycles. 10 Keep You Fit Get your keys cut by satisfactory our now key machine. No mis Nothing gives such Gars and Tobaccos" wvar as tho flnf st of cambric"- fits. Gramaphones and Sewing F. T. BOWNESS, Mui machines repaired. 135 Second mi. ni in niner line mubuii IMPROVED Avenue. Phono 489. tf Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. P4., falirics trimmed with hand mad" Portable !aco Crepo needs practically no ANYONE OWES YOU MONEY, m ELECTniCAL Gasoline Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water WOnK adornment, and allhougn me Write Us. Low commission Go to beauty of undies of this material basis, agents everywhere Pa by a touch of -wththe Commercial Protective is much enhanced cific r,ollc, 0, it.tion to addi to nurchase k Waddell embroidery, or nn edging of fine I CLUTCH iVssociation, l'acnic uuiioing, -ano. Innn enma n t the newest am a i . .i. ..j Vancouver. 40 m Itamte 3. Cdast Land District.. Record (Mar ri2i mczc uuuu Hotel Prince Rupert finished with hem stitch v ,u ng District or-Prince itupert, and situate J36 2nd Ave. simply bands of crepe m a con- 7 rilE NORTON The place for a I 'fflaaW.'i.W of ru ing or Byii';"7r shampoo. Uairdressing. Scalp ancouver, n. c, occupation taker amt Irnsling color. oldler, Intend to apply for permission to EUROPEAN PLAN treatment, 210 l-ourtll btreet. urchase the following- described landsi S1.60 and pep day up. ""My In Ump.. WATEH' NOTICE Open 10 a. m. or by appoint- horct0hVmycnco 5!W"! DIVEnSIOJC ANP VSF. mcni. 1'IlOnO 41M. u mence easf u cnainsj inence soma su I chains; thence west 0 chains more or less FIRST-CCASS CAFE The Wiife Fish' CARD READING AND PALMISTRY n,0re or 'toHvFSSSi A La Carte. Hrlllh Cotumhla, will PfV'T. V.wr Dally x till o p. m. parties attended. of commencement and containing 80 acres ENTISTRY unit uso 5 mlneri,Cnv? more or less. Uk north-iut j or witun .n.ver, 1057 7th Ave. East, tf JAMES Z. HALL, - M..t r-er William A. Bauer. Agent U!r.J'rt'h. corner of Lo 7. Paled SI March. 1819. nriiuvMi i 0FPI(. ELECTRIC CO. I PERSONAL St. James Hotel ''!0 Notice of Intention to Apply to purchase p.m loB!80 pm ahout fl wanted kano. point SNAPPER Explanation irpam at a d wlu DR' J. S. 'll'.W'5.i"B,r l;,l0 n?llenUy, Indus- since December 12 District. (LATE "QUEENS") BROWN why no news In nange I. Coast Land Record- 1 uiu ,h i.nil neser dph i Where honor? Promises? Certain ng District of Prince Rupert, and situate FIRST CLASS ROOMS ' I noeje, mix nugn sound, o. v, Block, tm- ....... hirnoltrV on ne time given for explanation. TAKE notice that I. Marshall Beetc or Hot and Cold Water. Pnsml, ELECRTfllCAL CONTRACTORS Vancouver, B. C, occupation soldier, In AND SUPPLIES Registered letter sent you depot tend to apply ror permission to purcoasa ne ouowing aescnoea isuasi for Resl. CaiUe and where discharged Vancouver. Coumicncliiir at a post planted at south. Agenta Southend. (Lato Pur- west corner lot I, thence east 80 chains: Water neeorour ai ",r5-my lie nieii Erinrude Englnea i memo buuim u buaiuaj iuciiuo west -v The'-GartianLt" Boarding House fleet.) . I chains, more or less, to shore line; thence Willi inc mrhU. pariamein Ward Electric Co. norioeriy ana easterly aiong snore line xo r.nmr.iroller of Water..-..,-"., Parkin REAL ESTATE chains, more or less, to point of commencement, 416 Sixth Avenue East ' nullillnri, Vetoria. ,hi, and 80 ",e4 Avenu, containing acres, more ' NlgM Phonea, nt lasa J en Near Drydock S M-WlUbui of th. SS?iVln,Pi local n;PPVg Phone 125 403, Red 513 WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR MARSHALL BEEK, Board by Month sr Week. Phone Red 24J Red THE ppnnt. 148, per wuium a. Bauer. Agent. ri.... rT,tu,' of m.i., bnx 606. tf Nash. Agfni. LOTS. Apply P.O. Dated' 6tb April, 1019. I I'fcoiw PJuo J20 th. .... of tK Publication of thl. noilce l June l.