Page -1 THE DAILY HKW. Local News Notes G. H. Arnold - - Notary Public TUESDAY SPECIAL s E. C. D. butter. 65c. Fuller's. Clean-up Phone 45. tf For Sale Coys' clothing all kinds sale prices bicycle tickets free. of A five-roomed house with bath in Section 6 Waljace's. 44 PRICE $2,300.00. TERMS: $800.00 CASH SUITS AND DRF.SXFs And the balance in four annual payments at 8 per cent. Chief Vickecs reports every-thing quiet at the police station Drastic Price Reductions to effect We pay highest prices for Canadian Victory Dpnds this morning. , of Every Suit and oufsL? and United States Liberty Bonds. No Delay. Dress in Black, white and tan silk boss. Regular price $1.25, selling at 75c H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Jabour Bros., Ltd. 43 This season's suits are the Phone 00 216 6th St. Sunlist Oranges C. P. Riel was among those smartest we have leaving for the Islands by the ever stocked, but they are included in the Tillamook yesterday. sweeping price reductions. In some 3 Doz. for $1.00 caes as much $17.00 has Albert & McCafTery, Ltd., are as, been deducted from Prince Rupert Dry Dock a Engineering Co. Rupert Table Supply Co. weeks.material expecting two within scows the of next building two tf suits the regular on te-price. You will find Play these in all very the PHONES 211, 212 ... leading cloak I jV c&suit houses Boats of any size Docked Boys. Drawing for bicycle next 01 the country JU J and you can Saturday. Last chance to get be assured Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. Just arrived, a car of Beaver tickets on sliirts and shoes. that no more Board. A. V. Edge Co., distribu Wallace's. 144 stylish or better made garments Several boats can te docked together on one small tors, ... are to be tt found anywhere. We have section, making fees light. Large stock of repair James Brown, recently appoint determined not materials is being laid in. The Thomas Crosby which ha ed overseer in tho Dominion fish to carry any of them over and we have been in harbor for the last day eries department, left yesterday thrown all idea of profit overboard to or two left this, morning on fish by train for Port Essingtoti. accom-I Foundry Work cry patrol service. T- . . plish this result. Castings In Iron, Brfii;?, Bronze, Etc., made at ' 'Tho game scheduled to be Reasonable Prices. j.tie Li. i'. it, oiiices announce prayed laSt evening at the Market today that the Princess Alice will Place between 'the Cliaflours anu Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds her reach way Prince south ftupert and will tomorrow take pas on th Drydockswas bfTafn. called off on account Silk and Serge Dresses, Jersey sengers for Vancouver and Victoria. . . Dresses, Silk Sweaters Dusiness of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries The exact Jime of her nr The sewing of the domestic Solicited. I rival is not yet Known, but she science classes will be on exhibit are all included in these radical price will likely dock at the Govern at tho domestic science kitchen reductions and Patterns Made and Furnished. Designs ment wharf about noon. on Friday, the 20th curt., from 2 till 5 o'clock. it The little four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Allistone who J. E. Ormheim, the well known n Q recently broke his arm whilst fur buyer of Vancouver who has n. u. WALLACE CO., LTD. Use MURESCO, the great-sani playing with his companions is been up In this northern country tary wall finish....A. W. Edge Co, doing very well and will soon bo for the past two or three weeks, out to play with his chums again. returned to the city by launch Corner 3rd and Fulton St. MLStephens Last opportunity to tickets get The arm was broken near the elbow from Ketchikan yesterday. on bicycle drawing Saturday. and was set in place at the NOTARY PUBLIO Wallace's. 144 hospital but the boy was then The flshing boat Pair of Jscl-sj taken home. with 25,000 lbs. of halibut wae iiij uiai nanson leu Tor up river port yesterday but was unable to points on yesterday's train to . M. McDonald, at present discharge her catch,. She left for II Sonie choice residential visit his tie there. camps principal of the King Edward Seattle. The Satsuma with 7,0f0 lots for sale on monthly payments Public School, has been appointed lbs. also had to go to Butedale Shoe Service Second to None to those who will improve we sure 10 can and see ou.r superintendent pf all tho city '3 them with suitable seven bargain offers for this week schools by the school board. This Canada's Master Piano. The dwellings only. Jabour Brothers, Ltd. 13 - AT TlIK I means that a new principal will highest praise you can give cny The power boat Tillamook left have to be obtained for the fall piano is to say that it is as good One lot near drydock for Family Shoe Store yesterday morning for Massct and term, as Mr. McDonald's duties as a Heintzman & Co. The Prince $250.00 Cash Port Clements. She carried pa- hvilt be entirely taken .up with the Rupert Music Store. Opposite the A beauty Six-roomed modern sengers, mails and freight. On overseeing of the public schools. P. O. W. J. Pitman. Piano Lept House and lot on Fourth the We are oflerinfr shoe seiTico second to none in the her return she will visit the domestic science classes and Avenue, cheap. Yesterday afternoon there were West. Our stock is complete with Gp-lo-dats footwear. southern ports on the yiiecnjthe manual training s-ihool. The many visitors at the Salt Lake Men, women and children carefully catered to. Charlottes and expects to leave resignations of two teachers have and in the evening quite a number here on Saturday. also been received by Secretary WHITE CANVAS SHOES FOR THE FAMILY enjoyed the swimming in spite of Vance, thus making three vacan Special enre taken with your children's feet. We fit thra M. M. Stephens Provincial Government Employ cies for the next term. The mat B,the made incessant several drizzle.trips and The carried Alice scientifically with the best good shoes at reasonable pi icrs. nent Bureau and Soldiers' Civil ter of the erection of a new school a large number of COME AND TALK OVER YOUR FOOT TROUBLES LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE Ic-Establishmcnt, temporary of. building will como up again be passengers. We have a cure tor every foot complaint, Note the address fice 621 Second Avenue, Prince fore the City Council on Monday Last evening the Ord5r of th tupert. Returned soldiers, men evening. Eastern Star entertained their FAMILY SHOE STORE nd women requiring employ- friends at a Cinderella dance in nent of any kind should register When you have read the news the St, Andrew's hall. Quite Opposite Self's Cafe ForYour filh the above? No fees charged, look through the classified column number of guests were Phone 553. P. O. drawer 1674. on Page 5. and everyone had a most present,enjoy GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM able time. Music was supplied The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 LUMBER by Harvey s orchestra. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Your . Eye Provincial Government Em WANTED A good carpenter. Ap )loymcnt Bureau and Soldiers RED CROSS LIBRARY Victory Bonds taken cn pianofl ASTER is Like ply A. II. McPherson, Pioneer Jivil Re-establishment; lempor The library in tho Red Cross sewing machines and pnonii Carpenter Shop, 6th St. 44 ary oillce 621 Second Avenue, hut on Third Avenue will bo" open pranhs. Singer Shop. Tue bonH CEMENT FOR SALE- Twenty white lec- rince Rupert. Employers having on Tuesday evenings regularly of Iho Gerhard Heintzman piar vacancies from 7 to 8 and from 329 Second Avenue. M.W.F. a horn laying hens. Phone Black for men and women in on Fridays 259. tf slerlcal, factory, domestic or 3 to 5 in the afternoons and from Building Camera jther work should apply to above to 8 in the evenings. tf For corsets sec Mrs. Director Phone 553. tf Materials . . . Bargains in all canvas foot WEST holmc wear Jabour Brothers. Ltd. 4.1 , . .. COME TO THE tj-e Is an optical Instrument, w THEATRE MmU The local merchants are triad Silk JABOUR'S June to a camera In construction, TONIGHT that at last we have a little rain isrt & Ltd. RlcCaffery, and, like Intricate a camera. Its to keep down the dust. For the system of lenses is some-times Phone 116 and 564. disarranged, so that an Improper TEN REEL SHOW past week in spile of the efforts focus results. of the water wagon it has been Office, Second Avenue, Next I t Is our business tojlnd out lr WM. S. HART most disagreeable down town where the dust accumulates to Great Weslholme Theatre. the eyes at In perfect visual a Seven ondltlon, and to yrlnd lenses that great thickness and is th correct II slight deOclencles, IN whipped Into the air by the wind it has been difficult for the I ET us help you to clear com-1 fortable vision; with a Dalr or "The Gold Deck" grocers to display their fresh BARGA FOR SALE iiunaoie glasses. store vegetables windows.and fruit outside the It A 6 Reel Artcraf t Masterpiece of irreat beven-roomed house with Is an Investment well worth 1 Silk Pullover Sweaters, regular price, bath and finished basement. considering. Tents. Pack sacks. Camp outfits. $16.50... ...f....Sale Price, $11.75 m Newly painted, 8th Ave., V Two Single Reels Famous Christie Agent J. F. Magutre, 8mlth Block Comedies, Silk Sweater Coats, regular price$22.00 m: $2875.00 Fred Jbudry "The House that Jack Built" Ask for Atkins' 8ausages. tf f........ Sale Price, $14.00 Very Easy Terms. Prtctical Optometrist Vernon wttn and TIMBER SALE X1745. Silk Sweater Coats, regular price $35.00 DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND Third Ave. - . Prince Rupert Dorothy Dane Sale Price, $Z5.uu 523 Third Ave. Oppotlte pent Office ana Staled tenders win Waists, Black and White Habutai Silk "Many iwr, mow itupert, u. c, a Slip" -TV.later than noon on th 9ri v ni Sale Price, $3.0U with or the purchase of Licence regular price $4.25 Z Belly Compson: Smiling Billy Mason iidjolnlny Cedar.V4't0 Hemlock Lot,eut as,and 50,000 South n.u.rr.feet Bentlnck of n Spruce,n Arm, Black price and $1.25 White Silk Hose, regular Sale Price, 75c Two yeara will b aiinu-. r ...mnv.i NOTICE TO FISHERMEN Two Reel Fox Comedy ui iiuiuer. Hose, Further particulars or the r-hif rnt. Black, White and Tan Lisle Silk 'The Cloud Puncher" rr. victoria, B..C.. or District Foreater, Sale Price, 50c Print. ItlinnaM R n regular price 85c BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT with Hank Mann Sale Price, 25c TIMBEfl 8AI.E X 1747. Black and Tan Hose only and Ice at Butedale Cannery No Advance in Prices Sealed tender, u-ni ). M,UAt k .k. i Admission, 30c and 15c MlnlltCr Of Land nr.l ltF than nnn Ltd. the loth dar of June. 1010 h t.i-- Jabour Two- - Shows, 7.15 and 9.15 ehase of Licence X 1747, to cut oo,000 Bros., WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED Coming, Friday and SaturdayDouble ffnVMK.feet of Spruce, Cedar Ut'U'and BeDUDC,t Hemlock on A,m'an N Attractlon,Vaudeville and Picture Third Avenue f BUTEDALE - - - B.C. No Advance in Prlcei ef TWO timber.years Will h tllnvtii tn, Further particulars of ih r.hier rnit. er, Vletorls, B.C.. or District Forestar. rrince, Rupert. B. C 1