Friday, Juno 20, 1910. Page 2 TUB iJAILI NEWS. The Daily News INSECURITY FOR SALE PRINCE ItUPERT, B.C. Eastern Prices on Just Arrived Published Sunday, every Afternoon, except by Tlio New Printing& Publishing AND DISORDERS A fine .seven-room houso Company. Silver II. F. Pl'LLEN, Managing Editor. Community OLD COUNTRY BISCUITS with bath, excellent harbor TURKEY RIFE IN view, in Section Seven. This We just received a copy houso is plastered, has electric of the Robert Simpson Co. Friday, June 20, ltJ0. and other high grades as follow : Hghta and furnace heat. catalogue and find that our prices on Community Silver, Young Turks Secretly Reorganizing Shortcake, Kindergarden, Digestive, Pal-a-cakej Osborne It cost $3,100 to build it a A Bolshevist University. are exactly the same as to Retard Progress In Petit-Beurre, Floretto Sandwich, Chocolate Eclairs, Coconut few years ago, exclusive of The "Radical Idealists' who.ais theirs. We mention this as Many Places Allied Gems, Molasses Snap, Graham Wafer, School Cakes wide lot. For a cash sale still misgoverning a part of proof that we. are trying to Vlotory Unknown. Salted Wafers, Delicio, Chocolate Drop, Arrowroot, Jelly we are permitted to offer Russia are full of zeal for educational give our customers as good Dessert, Pineapple Dessert, Chocolate Cream, Afternoon this property for reform. At Voronezh the service as they can get anywhere (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) Sandwich, Chocolate Gem, Nic-Nacs, Sultana, Apple local Soviet has created a "Street London, June 20. Admiral Blossom, Fig Bar, Mexican $2500.00 University," each of the principal Other things we can prove Webb at Constantinople reports Ranging from 25c to 60c per lb. thoroughfares being . placarded it by are Big Ben clocks. that insecurity and disorder in Get your Picnic Outfits here. Full equipment for with portraits and brief items of Waltham and lUher watches. the interior of Turkey are rife McCafFery, -Gibbons Information, and thus constituting Waterman pens, Rogers silver The situation at Smyrna where 12 persons for 25c a Faculty of Law, History, and almost any well Turks nnd Greeks are ready to & Ltd. Economics, etc. "In this way,"j known article. spring at each other's throats at Doyle, observes the isvestia, me organ John the slightest provocation, is typi FULLER'S LTD. Insurance - Real Estate of the Bolshevist misrule, "any Bulger cal of a similar state of affairs Prince B. C. citizen, instead of spending years Jeweler throughout the whole Turkish Two Stores. Phones 44, 45 and 534 -Rupert, at a bourgeois university, can pick Tho Store of Worth and Empire, up a general knowledge of the Beauty. Bands of brigands, even within principal subjects as he walks a few miles of Constantinople, along." Dr. Lemuel Gulliver ought are dominating the country and SEEDS! to bring an action against the NATIONALIZATION OF committing the most atrocious Yeranezh Municipality for plag murders, robbing peaceable truv iarism. It is not the first time be BRITISH COAL MINES ellers, cutting off their ears and LA CASSE'S the Garden Try For has been plagiarized. There was committing similar outrages. Specially Suited for Prince a French educational reformer (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraph.) Feeling is also running high be Rupert soil. who caught up Swift's ironical London, June 19. The Coal tween the Turks and Armenians, 3 SPECIALS idea, and wished to build a La.tin Commission, after taking evi and serious trouble is feared in town in which every wall would dence regarding coal mines from the near future. F Genoa and Fruit Cake FEED CHICKENS give a iessou in Ovid s language practically everyone interested in The Committee of Union and orence, fie also proposed to bore a hole tho coal getting industries, from Progress, which has been given 30c per lb. HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER to the centre of the earth and the miners' union officials to the time to recover itself, is secretly Voltaire, who overwhelmed him dukes who own the lands fron reorganizing with the utmost We Are Sure Any One Will Please You with ridicule (Diatribe du dacteur which the coal is won, has concluded energy and its propaganda will Encourage Home Industry P. R. FEED Co. Akakia) suggested his real rea its sittings. It is con- undoubtedfy be assisted by the son was that he wanted a hole lidemiy anticipated mat a ma news of the allied M withdrawal deep enough to hide his blushing from south Russia and the out PHONE 58 jority report will recommend the La Casse Bakery P. O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. imbecility.- -London Morning Post nationalization of the mines in breaks in Egypt and India. la.. ia i Great Britain. Many parts of tho interior are 717 Third Avenue Phone 190 A Splendid Opportunity. still completely ignorant of the Production is not only the na Entente victories, as the only WHETHER TO STRIKE would to tional need it is the need of argument which appeal Mrs. Smeeton's those engaged in industry, ilrst OR NOT TO STRIKE them, namely, the display of military CARD force, is impossible. It is Select and foremost. To restrict it de liberately now would be suicidal feared that the situation now, To the Purchasers of Grand Trunk Pacific Prince Rupert Lunch & Tea Rooms .'he time for a new order has ar (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) which is extremely precarious, Lots who are in arrears with their payments: rived and the opportunity. The Montreal, June 19. Whether will become acute, despite the co For the convenience of the above, the Lands and Tax public will expect it to be seized, to await'until the strike award is operation of the Turkish govern Agent of the G. T. Pac. has arranged so that payments 309 Second Avenue, West. ana win nol forgive failure on issued or strike in order to hasten ment to maintain order, and it can be made at the office of the undersigned, in Prince ither side. London Times. things with the Canada Railway will becomo even more acuto when Rupert, who is under instructions to push the collection of Lunches, Teas, Ice cream, , la. a. k Board is the question on which the decisions at the peace conference all amounts due on the lots, these being now long past due. Soft Drinks. Ghosts of the Past. the railway shopmen will start are known nmon? the Payments should be made at once at the office of voting tomorrow. people. The adverse terms for Home -Made Bread, Cakes, Berlin newspapers state that Turkey may result in a massacre DAVID H. HAYS, 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. Pies, Salad Dressing, Jams, ,000 German sailors lost their LAND ACT on a largo scale of those Christian Marmalados, Chutney, Etc. lives in the sinking of 198 sub- elements both in town and country, Famous Melton Mowbray m arines and that several thou- lotlce of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. who the are relying on protection Pies. and others lost their reason and In Queen Charlotte-Islands Land District, lecordlng District of Skeena, and situate of tho Allies. Wi erQ committed to asylumns. The .n Langara isiana. Picnic Parlies Catered for ghosts, of the Lusitania babies Take notice that Hume 8. Bablnglon of Georgetown Lumber Co. rlnce Rupert. B. C.. occupation master ROYAL HUNT CLUB CUP completed the work for the allied mariner. Intends to apply for permission to' lease the following described lands: WON BY "IRISH ELEGANCE' marksmen. New York Herald Commencing at a post planted about 8 PHONES 130 ana 423. P. O. BOX 1632 chains In a -southeasterly direction rrora the S. W. corner or Lot sotf: thence south (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. C. nonsr mgn water sua reet; uence west The Gurvich SHOWER GIVEN FOR about 200 reet to low water; thence northwesterly London, June 19, The Royal FI3H BOXES A SPECIALTY about 4 chains along low water Hunt Club Cup at Ascot was won to a point due south or the S.W. corner MRS. HARRY MILLER of Lot 898; thence north about 8 chains by "Irish Elegance" at 7 to 1; SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Transfer to the S.W. corner or lot 998: thence southeasterly along high water to post Orion at 100 to 1 was second, and Consult Us. ana containing- nve acres, more or less. Donsellow, 20 to 1, was third. Entertainment With Novel Fea II. B. HABINUTUN. Dated May 7, 1919. tures Given In Honor of Newly Phone Green 548 Wed Couple by Mr. and LAND ACT POSTPONED FUNERAL OF SIR SAM STEELE P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser St. Mrs. Frank Mobley. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. In Queen Charlotte Islands Land-District, Winnipeg, June 19. The-bodv Edward Lipselt, President Harry Llpsett, Manager We Sell Goal A very interesting gathering Recording District of Skeena. and situate Edward Cunningham, Vice-President will : : on Langara Island. of General Sir Sam Steele not look place last evening at the Take notice mat cnaries a. ucuison or be interred until the strike is orne of Mr. and Mrs. Frank II. 'ort Clement, occupation mariner. In- enas to nppiy ror permission to lease the over; owing to the mayor's tiiti-m Mobley on Fourth Avenue, when onowing ttcscriDea isnas: Lipsett-Cunninghani & Co. turn against processions. a shower in honor of Mr. and Mrs Commewtrg at a post planted about 3 chains erst of the N, W. corner of Indian SMITH & MALLETT Harry Miller had been arranged. Rescrvo To. 18: thence north 10 chains; LAND nEGISTHY ACT. thence west SO chains more or less to the LIMITED There about -fc were fifty guests west boundary of Lot 875; thence south present and on their arrival each 10 chains more or less to shore: thence (Sections 36 and 134. easterly along shore to N.W. corner of Re Application Nos. 10,597-! sad to,598-1 FiSHtuC CAKKZHY fcQUiFSCKT SARIME KAnDWAHE PLUMBING AND HEATING one was put on the string, at the Indian Reserve no. is: inence east to 1"!I iUV7. ENGINEERS ther end of which prizes were to point ere s, of more commencement or leas. and containing SO made TAKE'to r.'OUCE register that Dora auDllcaiiuu Stephens or ess Prince been Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories Estimates furnished. be found. Considerable enter C. A. COULSON. Itupert, B. C, as owner In fee under four Fish Netting, Twlnss, Lines, Ropes and'Cordago Dated May 7. 1919. rax saie veest from tne uoiieciur or toe tainment was afforded the guests City or I'rince Rupert, beirmg date the 9th day or December, 1918, of, ALL AMD PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Address, 3rd Avenue, head n following Mr. and Mrs. Miller -LAND ACT SINGULAR that certaio psftel or tract of in their pursuit of the end of the land and premiss situate, ijing and being of Second Street. in tne city or rrinre itupert, mora particularly RcRistered Ofllco: Prineo Hupert Olllce: tring they held. They followed lotlce of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. known end described as Lot Siity- Phone 174 P. O. Box 274 In Ouecn Charlotte Islands Land District. !x (S5j flocE'tweive (19), Section Two 68 Water Street; Telephone No. 05 it basement to in and from, attic, tecordlng District of Skeena. and situate (S), Lots three and four (3 and 4), Block out of the house, upstairs, down m Langara Island. fUteen (IS), Section Five (5), Lot ten Vancouver, B. G. I O. Box 1093 Take notice that Norman Brodhurst. or (101, Block rorty-uine (49), Section stairs, in and out of windows. 'rince Rupert. U. C. occupation master Seven (7), and Lot Sixteen (it). Block narlner. Intends to apply ror permission Twenty-nine (29, Section, eight (8) '(Map Wheaon tho slight tug veranda, a o lease trie ronowing aescrinea lanas: 933). the string released a pan of commencing at a post planted about so Vou are required to contest the emm cet In an easterly direction from the s.'W; of the tax pirs;c 'Wltuiiv 5 days from LAND REGISTRY ACT rice suspended from the ceiling, orner or Lot 999: thence south 900 feet ue 'aaie or . ins wrmce or mis notice nore or less to low water mark; thence (Sections 38 and 134.) bride and rtivM may be effected by publication In smothering the new ortheasterly along low water marie auout a dally newspaper), and your attention u groom with the emblems of luck. cna ns to a woim cue soutn or ino s.e. called to section 38 or the "Land Registry He Application No. 10,577-1. File 0,091. Akerberg, Thomson orner or Lot 999; thence north about 8 Act" with amendments, and to the following TAKE NOTICE that !m been Mr. and Mrs. Miller wore finally nains to me s. is. corner or loi vuvi extract therefrom: -onnijcstlon rewarded finding the ends of hence southwesterly to this post and con-alnlng "and in default or a caveat or tcr-tllicale made to tegisier Hubert Henry Smith or Prince under by Rupert, u. C, as owner In ree three acres, more or less. or ll: pendens being filed be-tore & Co., Ltd. 1 1 a Tax Sale Led from tlw- collector or the their string tied to a huge basket JMJItMAIX LHUADIIURST. the registration as owner or the City vl prince date the Dated May 7, 1919. person entitled under suet tii'saie; Rupert, bearing Fit"ai Avenua filled with containing VIU U Ul L-l A.'l : parcels, VI UVMUUJVI, ltflO, AS all person jo aerved with notice, SINfiULAH that certai'j psrcoi or tract or umioum some very handsome and appro LAND ACT ..... and those liaiiniiig through szi mnmses situate. Ivtns. snd being or under them, ond all rxr""; clilu,-!ns In the City of. rriuce nupert, more par priate gifts, among which was a sn? Interest iu me land by virtue ticularly known and lesvribcd as lots ten Machinists Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. or any unregistered InJtrniiM-n:. imi substantial cheque from the firm Muj sua eleven, (it), mocx 37, uecuon In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, all clatmlag Interest persons anv m sevrn (Ti. or Prince Rupert, (Map and Reflects Good of Stewart & Mobley, Ltd. Recording: District or Skeena, and situate the laud by descent whose title Is 993). In tho vicinity or Indian Iteserve No. It. not registered under the provisions You are required to contest the claim Af'.er a neat speech of apprecia La n gar a Island. or this Act, shall be for ever estopped or tho tax purchaser within 35 days from Engineers tion by the groom tho floors were Take notice tnat curton I'. Wei, or and debarred from settle; up any the iiUte W the aeriicc of this notice Housekeeping Prince nupert. Brltun Columbia, occuna claim f or In respect or the land so (which may be effected by publication In cared and the remainder of 'the lion manager. Intends to appiy ror remis sold ror taxes, and the Registrar the dally newspaper), and your Attention evening spent in dancing, which sion to lease the following- described ans:i register ino person rnuuen under 13 called to section -36 or the "Land Registry Have installed an up-to-date lands: such tax ;i as owner or the Ari:' with amor.d.T.enu, and to tne as knpt up until tho early hours. Commencing at a post planted at north land so sold for taxea." fullowlng extract thererrom; west corner or Indian Iteserve number ID, AND, WHEREAS application has been "and In default or a caveat or cef Fred Stork's Mr. and Mrs. Millor havo takon thence one hundred and fifty reet more or male ror a Certificate or Indefeasible Title incalo or lis pendens being filed be- i their residence In the MoMor- less In southwesterly direction to low water to the above-mentioned lands, In the name rore ths registration as owner of the Oxy-Acetylene mark; thence 700 reel westerly along low of Dora Stephens. prson entitled under such tax sale, Hardware die Apartments. water markr thence northerly one hundred AND WHEREAS on investigating the all persons so served with notice, reel more or icaa 10 mgn water mark) title It appears that prior to the 10th day . , . , and those claiming through thence easterly 200 reet more or Irm or October, 1917 (the date on which the or under them, and all persons clalm- .Welding Outfit SECOND AVENUE Frank Stephens was among along mgn water mark to point or com. saia tanas were sold ror overdue t ?. inenccment and containing two u) acres you were the rejistsrou and assessed or any unregistered InKtrument, and Phone Black 114 those arriving back in the city more or less. owner or tne lots opposite your respective all prions claiming any Interest In CLIFTON p. KIEL. names. the land by descent whose title Is from the east last night after a Dated 8th"April, 1919. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the not registered under the provisions 'brief visit to Usk. samo time I shall effect registration In or this Act, shall be ror ever estopped Efficient Work TFNDERS WANTED pursuance of such application and Issue a and debarred from setting up certificate or indereasible Title to tne said any claim to or In respect or the and Perfect lands In the name of Dora Ste.nhens land so told ror taxes, and the Registrar Prompt SEALED TENDERS are Invited ror the unless you take and prosecute the proper shall register tho person entitled erection or a Hall at Smlthers, D. C on proceeding to establish your claim, If under such tax sale as owner behalf of Hie Smlthers Hall Company, Ltd. any. to the said lanls. or to nrevent such or the land so sold for taxes." Man and specifications may be obtained proposed action on my part. AND WHEREAS application has been BOSTON GRILL on' application to the Secretary, Mr. 8. il, uaiea ai me Land Registry omce, rrlnca mada ror a Certiorate or IndereaalhlA Title lands In the name or Robert Henry Sinith noBKins, simmers, i. u. Rupert, B.C., this 4th day or June, A.I). to the above-mentioned lands, In the name unless yim lake and pnmecule the proper' A marked cheaue'ror 10 of he amount 1919. of Robert Henry Smith. proceedings to establish your claim. 606 THIRD AVE PHONE 457 Of tends- must accompany, all tenders. II. V. MACLEOD, AND WHEREAS on Investigating the any, to the said lands, or to prevent sucu The lowest or any Under will not District Reilstrar of Titles. title It, appear that prior to the 10th day proposed action oil my part. necessarily be accepted. To Edna Wllon, aasessed owner, or Lot or. October, 1917. (the date cn which the DATED at the Land Re-lstfV .0"lcoe A GOOD PLACE TO EAT, All tenders to be In the bands or Ihe oe. Block 19, Section i Francis r. Tupper, said lauua Were k-5ld for tiVvi'iiue iaea),: rrlnco nupert, B. C. this 3th Secretary at Smlthers, B. C., on or before registered and assessed owner r i.nta a you were the registered and assessed owner June, A, D. 1019. Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. the 18th day or July, 1919, at 6 o'clock and 4, Block 15, Section 8; John LUIeros, thereof. II. F. MACr.EOrJ,or Tin"-To DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 43c. to 50c Dessert at every rnraU m. rrgiaiereu aim asseuea owner or Lot IU, FURTHER TAkK NOTICE that at toe DUtrlct neglstrar The eheaues or all tiusuecessful tan. ninrlr ifl. flMlnn r, nniM n,.ntn ... I nit I MfTmAI ...l.t.iMnn in Francis F, Tupper, Esq., Short orderi at any time. derers will be returned to them. sessed owner or Lot sixteen (It), illock urspance of such arrnts'n and Issue ai Milton, Queens County, smitners, B.C., June nth, 1919. w$ pctiiuii a. ertincau or Indefeasible Title to the said Nova Scotia.