The Dally Kepi's S.OSU. KCMTS I7ttK GuimAm&mui XfMU'v n " FOR S ALE xiij jLimnu.TCv-.sta. -r gistuauuag ?uuUautrrvrrx Alie-tmon.earseiiS Etnv ,flay.ibrTbe ICewa grmtky ft yiil.lWrhrnr; ! A line fteasoroan) Sioiw Ooffliiiil Silver ?r4f5rtin; from Ittc usai Cimr- A BANK FOR MINERS p -witt) Sistb. ex&tSbaA Imrhnr uiOf Jiiliniac -were 3ELr- xsl! Hln, new., in Sssftieo Seven. Hu K.. Smmank xaiti TL Wade iff Buuiu j Xtsy D yuur ivn&a Jkttt Hk -rstT le Jty Buy. Bale Jnjin"lD r HKiV Trr yam ammauit Vt uC She 2aim Smgrnou do 42mtik.. Soifl aurnirr Jrorra S?j- 2utmrj-CtrAcit int antfl fensaoe iit;ie. ciamwrue smfi Said Una irar 2 uett ttM'V to Smiifl J5 x jjrjtH jm CniiimitnrT SiSvar Hc lintranDe dues iisrve Imfl ts- "BTc afiO' Xlxnax ctmgftte ttnfl wti-sicrtoTy Jew years Sipn. cxdroswe ff tiamtf liir seme air TiTTiTTiirinTic XLS Site EHil iff ilif. 2aifcinj;ervicc anfl irmc.ore jAwsy Jt6j-li Mlvoe llitarii- TX't mraitioi! Ihi fry-ffpTmiri?jjp uf lens iiaF lipw rmnit Stir itianul wide Itft Xttr x cant suie -we jtitoT liaa aire trymp m w aire 3ar3iiKfl tic oiler IS HTTED OUT .pave an- cuKtemerp he fronfl aoratHi Hie -witb Jri&cgii3 . UNION BANK OF CA2UDA Has yrvjtvrij iw Tin:to?cxe xaijt.ur vxznn eaija rftrsre. tbuwuKL Tiif prdR joid 3ie-e urt $2500.00 OtthsB- linns? txt em jriwe i.' 4y err 2rr Ben fltirJcs PKINCE BRANCH, SS jiittiini xmfi iiier caches. A. X lUOHfUCC. ... VWtt: McCafiaj, GSksts "Si&erxniiD 3 kief. lUjr-Ers; &&. rttber ff llt -vzaler. SOUS BrtXintt! imy tbb in She aJUermtsm the C ? Villi pens Off ihr 3L iClenniar 35misess J&Uot; sarsvet Inssrense - PtaJ Ftrle Jolm Bulger THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA P xiace Rnpert, B- C Jeweler A new rie 4 tad! -win i sasnj The TM-irr of HV'nnfc EnT, mucif Slip Tvimfl 3tq Tczu-obuvbt. MONEY ORDERS &urtlr n 4iie &4kai town tf diK- Gta liip itarts "Six? iiwa mub. v&es tin 44 Cara&tsti Ailirr did Mi cuS war iz iicrr i3 As Etfe nfl icaatnTrirr.1 method f remrtlir an ouirtE m Tiiew XatM7 Order lire ji'iiiiit- iKMlimul ctmxcr Hi' Mrs. Smeeton's umiici. trf i to snt to Ae inrrxT,, ftSfr iittJf 3trepM cm IiomrtS lor Hut Imuk in CaiifiB fTiikuD exEf3fi(j! . in X miudlairfi, 'gc ttw p-ni?;nL Ssfeest i pom! aait! tiif 3DBt w lumtflefl 1?J it the tTaiilrf Surly unc lire uerutiuuu iwi- W11 -jimrru II US 1SIB0OE3 is Greet Itrit&ir inti IrelanC 15 amfl xmoerr - - -toentt cr S11J,twl escvedhtf; J31. ji oenu ImckSilu Zooms titles jot bed X3 tan aiooecst ff Over Sit,not czzoedisc X3C ceots Ovr X5fc.-tnf4 cxoMfdn Xai otiui 9B Pxance Xaipet Smirtt - - - A. W- Ctsarrac. MtEtjtr KxutMes si Ojnrrx irioua .Show 7s e EPfssUsd Txin'tEtlL. suuiaitj- ml mtJl Irran itnz stseiA -lrtin n1 AlkA i4Mli iiuni umnMK Jfcjiwmf lnMe .lirrawmr Xrum Hit Ktrme- lTlar Z-rvtA, C&Kbk, "in TjyLA CASSE'S fwm my Tr.r- TT-anTtalaSw- Chutnpr, Etc. 3 SPECIALS I yaciiir ParSiis Cslerefl lor : "Xid,'' at Hie Florence, Genoa and Frtrit Caie i unite may niKt toiw to dpai5il1 mar issar 30c per lb. Mit TwdB carry a .fltaeu sxou Huf53". ." wnset, ind ratBroei uriy We Aes Sues JLxy CKe Wax Piease Tor j Hotel. Hyder Enceerage Home lufestij s 1 1 jzurrMtH -hi liirUiLC (fee fswtttfte fi La Gasse 1 SE 2Sh jaifi.ig' la!aifUa, stSIbAbt snrxs,'Smo. 5s Bakery 3C 3- JJ&ataiSSSSL Jncr-mr i ningMnmniii XiRX! nffiM 4i 717 Third Arenas Pb rae U?, wAtiW il i jjh x,.1l-0 JBBHE- JOMSJIHT JUFI.K t Caitmai)she it jonmm aSi Mir Sbt Site .txrxvenlk&i l ! lidfl si CARD j-ni&s flerflrJi, utiB tiie feni teui T tLe Pczrcnai.ers cf Grand Trrzr.V PxttdBc Fxinrr Rup-at. i-stE-wiso in xiti trtrfr ifxrdhita St jnifi IS 1 xrc jrrrtrs prjiagiU: Awe -srtHjiJcrsr. 5i. -rb lmiBfl in The Gurvich For the coavesaeace f tLe ziwTt tie larnds una Tix lit AnifiKailiiai Hu. MJKi 3 lie k.UPX AeTent d ihe GL X Par. hss sxruzgad fro tlait jainrrts s-rt ( ftiatS? J... lUKMMT 4ainfWV VIMW kT11Tt1 a.kl . . esa be 2na3e xl lie nSce of the sofleragjd. a Pr.ra i ransrer Sijiwr, "srho i cnaer iitraaaaas to pi ie tuiieruar . ! j OJW T J-T-mrr JlirwrL rb.u- ra sll due iibe these traocrtE cn Jots, ieir;C'Tnx Icr-p pairr j if iOo ul imennwr. tilt, ur jlLL tt.? r: Uit aealUf OOlafl yrrrTily PijTDentE should ie 2iatie xt ance it the a5ce : f tsuo .nits jriuM buuhc. 3j3ut uic iemri vke:D Tr 3tt;aLne loo xam&ex m tlie UI8' iC VniHX lumen, mure unr-! .4... trr..Vt. DAVID H. HAYS, 2nd Are. tnd 2nd St. AC "mfl ''3-. -liiuEs . it34i2 5erjenwiJ m cttcluiir Use Vt MDMit UL M&bl?. '-"SSumnl a it -was vordf"ton- We ; S-H : Coal flue w yuroiawr -wmuu Hi Otn iruml ti Salt ur Hje wa-Kitr J Uut iuai 8 lo Siefl it 2 sad Ibtn si' macaise Framwat- Gututaa ttteLQ, SrSSJ u ilinrun eriwsrfl lor lie Georgetown Lumber Co. aw -wilt. imiininnurmL t.h a innHn, xtrasa Itwretrom. liie jA ijrain vteri SsrcaHaKt lime mio ttf Odaiul la Jeuliai ur a caMaa SleO w be er-taicate fcane scd the -w as tiaien PHCBES ISO znt T3L P. O, BOX 1122 stir 1U& irttinauBtiuB aa hwiit ur st wUt the launch to kbIifIt Ihe J-tr-je-Bl Xntortmcnt of Lumhor ia Cerrtrn.1 S. C jmuro iettoiofi :imter aueti 2ex twle, all jKmaw si oerveil wise tiuxtse. &ze 4f ciiyue ca2 j lAk& FISH BOXCS & SPECULTY r jiuOer ttteoi. juid all avna clunt-iiir anr 3ti 4tw iauc Itf virtue SPRUCE FIR CEDAR a av imrf-cwiered iuarunem. ami 6ur -ttral 9uri prim to IPli- aX jMVjua ruiminir snj- jmeraa m UHr Jaufi 3fi fiaboaa w1uim; isitt is Seeend Avenne- II Consutt Us- 4 nui ttgunerea uuasr sue jiroruumis or 31ns AOL tuU lie 3ur wer -ujid Biui feiHorred irum esair up 1AKO 2EC1ETET ACT. MF rjlaim u ur a restped T fie gaud m uid far laaee, and ite liecik-Irur Fhtme 174 P. O- Bcr 27 alifeTJ noisier lt jrur entitled tsciita s and undue eu:S m ur aa vwita-ur Be jyruliaaiun u t.iaV3-f and SlliSJ-a IB laud jtuld tur laea." Tile LAwhtQ Laphf.ll, I-r-eEidexl Hurry LxpstfO, xd vr to France to iielji 3be JJU "WiliaXAE BPnlieBtiaD lias Jmeu T&I3: JitrnCE nal ramlieKlian lias boec tuitry loul. He-was tguifct3y 370. made Jur a Cenmcaae ur ludeieaaUJle TtuA maCe IB Rcmer liurm uniURii i Jtmt JCdw&rd Ciaimiiighsrr.', Yice-Pr-iadeiit m uie sKue-iiitaaiuiito iaiia. su sue xiaiue Kcjeri. 3;. a -owner 3n tee imOer Xuur MISS M.A-WAY mottsd to teajfLutii rani and taw ur jtowjn nenry mra. zu taie ,Kens Xrum tax Cullectur ic me u UA -vi g. lai? is toe &d LUtjr to "F'.ruioe Jtuprl, l-esrs-r .CjUe lut Tit.CEEE OT rUBK. Csjr -ul i-BManbar. . -iff Jtli D kutid at Hie i4rEie ftir Fsrl ur inulwr. 1H7 luti date cm mucn 11- i3iiei'Uei vtnai eruus jatwI w jraot t ypsett-Cunninghaia & Co. Second A.cniw aid Jauos were auld tur -overdiie taxes . land and immuaes juxuEie, ixxuf and Putiir -TtufJOC m -re sue refcunered and askaweO uwp-er iu roe ..itj tu joitie aiupurt. juure ''par-zsularlr rttii nu&srUlilkiirt of li ltiereuT. auiown and Oeacrlid a Ltft svx- nTtia T4JX ISimcr that at 11 a (ic . "Joct iTM'Jwe rj. bocUDij Two LIMITED Madame -de Mn6ij liere darizi? lime 1 suau ecea nrvtratiao at S . hats turve and lour and s .. iSlock purapaue a sucb appucatiiiD and jaaue a ntteen 'it . 1r ectita it.. Lot lev litir tu; 121 Pmic Mmpeat n&i be cexuucate tir luoeieesiiiie Tnie m l&e sate Kliret J arty-nine bMauas rtSKZKC & C&KKERY EQUlrMEJrT A.RlrVX HhRWF- ;uiec4td to tears f tier eoeniJ auioa m lite name m Hubert enrr Snioi wen rr,. ana Iah bjzteu (iFj.. J-lurt ubhh fuu ia&e biio jirvMscroe mt pnnter Etcimfchip Supplier, Car Enslnec unfi Acoessorle-t jaarnaee. pruceedincs emapluio your 41 am. in tun Mud ieuas, r to javtwi MHO;, Ton fcr rramrosl la eumeal ttie dum Fikh KeSUns, Tuines, LJnes, Ropes z.nd CortJspe ur ibe lax purclitter wntun Z2 oars Irani Loui BtitvUr, ihe well knows laTI3 at Ibe Laud lieraatrr 4&oe. ix but uu ue serace sr nu paiuor fnuce Juoen. X. C. Stuc llil dzr t ulucai just 3 efuciefl inr niiuuekilbii is iPRlftCE RUPERT. B. C. "Mirro" ujiiiiu wan a&d ctoj-e-keejer I iuue, - lt. a oaBjr Kewspajier, and your saMrstios is mued lo soctiun Ss 6 itu "less laxwvr A-Llin. paired tkf tii ely m UiEtrjra aienatmr tf T10 i -uHniaiueiak. ana w sne iuuow- aeslBtered Ollif: tLe wj tttii on lii- Pj-uaee mr extraa Inerrtrum i 8 Water Street, Teiepheiie Xo. 'i-a xntoa. 5,'iiecu Cuuug-, ana as oerautt ua a cavest ur er-nucal Alice etalaj-- During las ixiirf ur lis pendens Iwrnr Sled lr- , Taooom er. 3. C P. O. Bar IC6 t4.ay liwe Mr. SelucHz kad Hie op. tore SPe Jt-itrBlion as vwuer n tw LA3TD ACT 3ersac cuuxkid iiilir aueb lax saie, Aluminum porlucity of Meing t-eine f liie all jwrauns o aerned wttn notice, uld Ir iuid iL liave and Itrnae clarmiiir i&runrt sow fcetlied 4iiee uT loleiitloD lo applr to liease i uiiHw t.Tn aiifl.4ij perauua cuum Lere. Is Cueeo Cbarlotle Islands Xa&d HUtncx. mr acr iutereet m me land KT rtnue LAM) ACT leconunr uuswici us tuueait. aad ""Tf ur anr unrcriuerbd jtiatruinen. and 4B uurara uianu. all jwraons cuummr anr luterecl m LAND ACT Take iHOifx mat Sume S. Babbirtos r tne Jand Ify oeacent wnoae Ittle is Reflects Good Kutlce & Intention to Ajipjr la Lease Land. ! ruire iiupen. x. occupauuD maEter nut ciBlered under ibe prtivialotis Akerfcerg, Thomson manner, lute&ds 10 BPti)r fur Mrmicaion ur Hus ah, snaS ze lor ever estopped la iMri Cuarlotie Islands Land JnstrlcL j (Htee tf lntentloo M Appir 10 I LcntL to Van Itie lullom-mr OeserlPed lauas: ' and Debarred Iruut aeUinc tip anr Kecurdinr Lisirlct r Stteta, and altcev Housekeepirg oaumiacr at a pun uianted about a clarm lo ur m respect vT ibe land ao to tne iricmtzr erf Infliin Iteaerve Jio. tt. erduir vmna or Puma, and sUuate dtaiiis lo a aoittbeasiertr Otrection Srvm aid tor taxes, and Ibe Krtnrar Lanrara Island. & Co., Ltd. ti uunn Miaua. tue - eoruer or Lot vim: lbeune bninti anall reuoer ibe penas entuiod ux Take nonce mat orrton p. rueL or Tle itolloe tin! Kurman Broflhnm, of aloor lilrt mater td leel. tbeuee west oer aucn tax sale as owner or ibe frmrr Jiuimrt, Bntiaa occupation first Avenue 'ruce hupert. Ji. C. oeetimUoD muter afmul rou fwit 10 low gr&r- tbeiioe Borlu-weslertr land .ao aold fur taxes. mauarer, intends lo apply lor permis tianaer. jutcnai to appijr fur permiiuas about 4 tiialbs alucr low vater till Vk'lltiiLlS anmiraUnn tuia Un sion tm lease tne laUowinr fiescrlbed Fred Stores u tease uk foUovluc 0(erlta luido to a point due sotrm or Ibe 8-V earner male lor a CenincaP; ur lnoeleasuile Tint CcouuwaMUiic at a jot planted alxmt CO eff 1-ot Vbf; x&eoice sarQi abont t eoatiif to tne anoe-tnetit)oued nnj to me saint ;umnienctar a a peat THasled at nortb- on to -WT-ir oitrtKin Trent ttw B. tu Ibe S. w. euruer uT lot Vbt: ui west corner uT Indian ftekerve number 1 1. Machinists urtter J Cut St; Uieitw MMitH XbO Xeet outbeasterijr aloor liirb water la post Afill VEUt'-AR m tltHMtlnttiir T. tbenee one hundred and xmy reel more or Hardware juur ur je u lav -water luark; tbenw and euniamluf te aerec. mare or Wm. ttUe It appears tnat prior to ibe into car leas ts aouOiwestatr direction lo low water m.tti vntieaiteri; juo&r low vr aark about UT October. It7 lit. n vtrirK r mark; tbenee "?tit reel weaterbr alonr low fiECOKD AYEXC emuBS to a iomt flue aoutli of the 6. . Inwl isar ?, ifla. said lands were auld tor overdue laxesi. water mark; tnence liurtnerly one nunorea Engineers rwf of Lot V. tbettce iturtb altoul yoa were ibe rtristered and astc-aaed fet more or less to ratcn water mark: Phone Black 114 uaui to roe t corner or Lot 999: LAND ACT owner or tne lota uppvaue your reepcuf tbenee earnerly kOO leel more or less lirtf:r oulliweclerlj' to tftu post and COO-alnlox alonr nlrn water mark lo point f com- three acre, soore or leaf. nuraui Tin 0T1CE tbal at ine meneement and conumlnr two (f) acres Have installed an sp-to-date TiOHMAK KhOAillL'KEr xlnw I snail inn wrnnTim m more or leas. Cated Kar T 1. Kotice tl Intention 10 Applj 10 Lease Land. pursuance or sucn appucatloo and usue a CUPTOS T imX- In Oueeo Cnarhme IsUndr iMna fMtordmf Iiutriet ox District, tne to laaereaalUle Title to the said Dated tn April. Hit. Bbasii. and ailuaie lands in tne name of Lars Gtepnent uu uunn uiano. Take ootiee tnot Oiarles A Conlson fij iinleM yon lake and prosecine Hue proper IX THE S54TTER or aa appocatlan rnr tne m pruceedmr- lo estaplisa your claim, if issue or a rreao O run cave or Title ror Oxy-Acetylene ends to ueuicuu,appir for occupauos penmsuao jnanner,lo lease tne in . uie hid jams, or to prweni sues ibe Last Jiatr m ) of Lot fit. itanrr BOSTON GRILL proposed action on my part. t. Coast lnetrk-1. cctnfixnK irr at a post clinted ahmrt Lated at lne Land Iveaistry omee, Jrlnce TkOTICZ IB HUlXBT CIVZX that 11 IS UU Outfit elains erst vt tne K. w. comer or Indian 1HS "i oar or June. a.u tntenuon ta issue, after tne expiration of Welding one 1 moms fmrm tne date or ine jarct C&6 THIRD AVE PHONE 4S7 neM-xwe rv. it; tnence oortn 10 cnalns' E. Uxnee west it cnalns inorc or less in ttJ r. MACtXOIl. publlcauou bereof, a frefn CemOcate of 11 lie " the abfive-mentlooed lands in tne A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. west poundsry cf Lot C7S; tnence aoutli TO Cdsa WUsoiL assessed owner of Ixit name of Aden P. Yount. wnien Certifiralr iv raa'u uiure or km iq snore: ttirrvr. . Block 11. 6ectlon i rrtms F Tirrnmr. of Title is dated tse slxtn day of July. eaterl a lonr snore to X.Mr, Efficient Work Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. Indian Reserve Ro. it; tbenee corner or resnstered and assessed cn-ner of Lout 3 Itit, and Is numbered sts.l. east lo and Ulock a. it. DINNER l.UO to 8 JO; PRICE 45c lo &0c Deiaert at eiery rotal. point of eomnienceroeiit and couuminr it reristered and assessed necuoo owner; Joan of LlUerot.Lot 10. Olstnn M F.Densirar HACLLOD.of Title. Prompt and Perfect .Short order at any titue. C A. COLT-B'JH. Block it. -section.7; Donald Brown, assessed Land Registry Office, owner or Lot siiimti mo Mr nnce JlufTt, B. C, Dated j isar 5. 1PI9. tt. Section B. Jue Utn. it II.