o Saturday. June 21, 1010. Page S FRIENDS THQ08H I WESTIIOLME ORCHESTRA Among the arrivals" from the I GEiS GREAT PRAISE AT north on afternoon the Princess was Alice Constable yesterday HE WUllLU Dlt PRINCE GEORGE CONCERT Bmsm Scarlett, formerly with the pro vinclal staff here. For the past two or three years Constable Dentistry I lie i concert aryl dance given Scarlett has been situated at At-lin, "FRUIT-A-TIVES:' Conquered by tho Westholme Orchestra, nf but has returned to Prince Dyspepsia end Kctfored liii Heah!t, Prince of Rupert,W. J.undar the manaire-"ent have a well deserved reputation Rupert and will be welcomed by j DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH I i.itlnan( in Ul0 all the old timers. UlitU-Wifcr Hall last as,a safe and effective night was EE One Decayed or Missing" Tooth lowers Your attended by a largo crowd, who remedy for stomach ailments. Up river arrivals since yester thoroughly enjoyed every Item. They are day morning Include V. F. Binns EE Efficiency" I I lie progrum included overtures, and G. II. Williams of Balmoral trios, vocal solos, 'cello (solos, clarinet solos, violin solos Quickly THE DAILY NEWS and selections by the "-fc Aslsiav many of which were encored.orchestra,The helpful in bilious attach, Classified : Advertising Dr. Bayne ,iuem jor trie dancing was de sick headache, dyspepsia, :ciarcu oy all present to be OFFICE HOURSi EE heartburn i:.s. .jttt: ciiru ti:: uvula"' i wAiitnAir' i fect. and. constipation. WANTED. I rtit ., . They Morning, 9 to I2t Afternoon, i.30 to 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 on!gf i me artistes were C. act gently and surely HOME Balagno WANTED FOR BOY, Six : Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 j w. the luano; on ualagno, violin; II organs of. elimination, years and girl four years, for jlleid, clarinet;W. Edmunds, cello purify the blood, two months. Reply with terms tone I Dental Nurse in attendance. J. r. Taylor, vocalist. MR. ROBERT NEWTON. the to box 207 Daily News office. LitiloBraad'Or.C.l). wr. t. r. Taylor, the local system and very quickly j Phone 109 for appointment 3 vocalist, was in splendid WANTED Woman for house "I was a terrible sufferer from voice, Dyspepsia and Constipation for years. and was enthusiastically encnrorl work. $40 per month. Apply I had pain after eating,belching gas, It Is considered by all musical Strengthen Mrs. R. S. Wright, Fifth Ave., liillllllllllllllllllllllUHIiiliililllllllllllllll lllllllllllilllilllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllll constan t headaches,and did not sleep critics and others that the con Phone 209. 47 n oil at night. I lost so much weight cert was the finest ever presented Digestion WANTED Machinist with know. going from 185 pounds to 146 to an audience in Prince George, ledge of gasoline engine repair Prince Music Store pounds that I became alarmed and and it is the hope of all that it worK. Akerberg, Thomson & Rupert several doctors who, however, will bo repealed in the near future Sold mrywban In bnm,2Su Co., Ltd. 145 OPPOSITE POST OFFIOC did me no good. Finally, a friend mr. J'iiman, the manager, lias told me to try 'Fruit-a-tives', made a reputation for himself in FERTILIZER WANTED Smart boy to make WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor In a week, there was improvement, iDnnging such a wonderful set of PLANT himself useful in shop. Aker Everything in Music." Tho constipation was corrected ;and artistes to the city. ON TUCK'S INLET TO BE berg, Thomson & Co., Ltd., LATEST POPULAR SONOS AND DANOKC, VIOTROLAS loon I was free of pain, headaches AND VICTOR RECORDS and that miserable- feeling that ' nnnnirn tit n i n i i-ivmir Bring your furs to Goldblooin, tlepalra to Plionographj, Violins, Etc. Eowi rebalrd. accompanies Dyspepsia. I continued FINE SHOW AT THE UUUDLLLP l t Ar ALII I Third Avenue, lie pays high-tf bw aum'l HKI Woodbind Instruments repadded ted idjusted. est price. THI I1CT KNOWNTRAO Prlne 'Ruptrt Acad t my of Mutlo In Oonnaetlon to uke this splendid fruit medicine MARp IN THI WOflLr EMPRESS With th Mora. THEATRE auii now I aai well, strong and Such success has attended the vigorous". ROBERT NF.WTQN. Fish Oil and Fertilizer plant on V ANTED AT ONCE experienced The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs fuck's. Inlet tinsmith or plumber- L.,Letour-neau. ' North of Vancouver for Croat Emotional Photoplay and during the vear or iOc. a box,C $2.S0,trial sire 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid on uname Chaplin Make up so since it has been established tf The Heintzman & Co. Piano receipt of price by Fruit-a-tivcs Good Program. that its plant a few miles up the Wanted Experienced ironer. The Weber Piano Limited. Ottawa. harbor is to be doubled in size. Apply Canadian Laundry. tf lho Trap" to be screened at This announcement is made by Thomas Organs the Empress Theatre tonight1 Robert M.. Thompson, manager FOR SALE All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments again tells the story of a fisher of the plant here, and also of that W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. IONEY AT 8 PER CENT build of the Sea Products Co. of Everett on man's daughter living in a little GOAL i fishing village on the Atlantic Wash. ing Loans. Apply Prince Rupert EI If A IT11 OA XI Expert Piano Tuning and Tepiiiing, Housing Ltd., Geo. W. VAUUXIAIN Players a Specialty coast, whose father is afflicted This plant uses- up the waste with and fish which since the Nickerson, Secretary. tf t Screened religious mania. He rules scrap Sacked trie villagers by his own extreme first cannery started on this coast FOR RENT Prince Kupert Music Store J conduct, whose hard life is made has been thrown away and annually Delivered J the more so by the repression of has amounted to thousands FDR RENT Four-roomed cottage all joyousness. How it affects of tons. This fish waste is collected on Otli Avenue near McBride the daughter, young and full of from the various canneries Furniture for sale. AppIybox I nnntriri rtrmrnr n $13.00 the "joic de vivre" and the results in the district and from the fish 208 Daily News Office. 147 n of her consequent actions make packing houses on the waterfront or- LOST per ton 5 up a splendid story for a photo and at the plant a few miles up 2 5 play. Alice Brady is the star. the harbor undergoes several l0STr Small yellow kitten from S.S. PRINCE GEORGE 5 Charlie Chaplin in "The Vaga. processes, first the ouls re Sixth Avenue East. Finder SAILING bond." is also shown. covered and shipped east regular please call Green 245. tf i Terminal Coal Co. THURSDAY and SUNDAY SHSKISHT for SVVMiSOK BAY, OOCAN FALLS, ly, there being a good demand for VICTORIA and BIATTLK. VANCOUVER, Offle Phone, Plaek 85 fish oil for many purposes. The LOST Small yellow, kitten from WEDNESDAY Snd SATURDAY MIDNIOHT FOR ANYOX. Yard Phont, Black BIB J QUEEN CHARLOTTES residue is manufactured into fish Sixth Avenue, East. Finder I k meal used for cattle'and chicken please call 245. tf S. 8. PRinCE JOHN OR PttlNCE ALBERT For Misaitt, Port Clamant and Buokly Bay, Juna 18th and 28th, and Hundreds' of trawlers are en food. The fishy taste seems toH MISCELLANEOUS July 2nd. gaged at Hecate Straits off Lan bo taken out with the oil, from Southarr, Polnta Quaan Charlotta Ul??, Jun 2Cth, and July 4th. gara Island. Fish are running the remainder, which is much McGOWAN CYCLE & REPAIR CO. Siawart, B. C, Juna 2Si."i and July 12th. TOM LEE CO. plentifully, but the shortage of relished by cattle, and eagerly de "Indian" Motor Cycles and By-cycles. TRAIN SERVICE ice will necessitate closing down oured by chickens. Get your keys cut by 840 Second Avenue, West. Passenger Monday, Wdnaaday and Saturday if. 11:38 a. m. Tor Smlthers," operations, which will mean a This building up of a trade out our new key machine. No misfits. Prince Georg-a, Edmonton and Winnipeg, niaklng- direct cconectlcas for great loss to fishermen and con-! of waste material and after a ver; Gramaphones and Sewing all points east and south. . VEGETABLES sumers. I short period having to double th machines repaired. 135 Second AQENOY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Wholesale- and Retail A large whale drifted ashore onnanitv of tho nlant. is sitrnifi Avenue. Jhone 489. tf For Information and reservations apply to General Contractors and near the mouth of Naden Harbor. cant of what can be done by in City Tlekat Offloa, 628 Third Atanu. Ptvm 260. 1 IF ANYONE OWES YOU MONEY, Labor; Exchange. Whale meat, oil and other delica tensive methods. Write U s. Low commission have been common cies amongst basis, agents everywhere Pa Prince Rupert, B. C. the natives congregating in the Ask for Atkins' Sausages. i ciflc Commercial Protective Phono 647 P. O. Box 725 neighborhood. Association, Pacific Building, SSiSS SSS x X SSS SSSSS The construction of a cannery Vancouver. 46 Launch AliceB. ut Woden river, five miles from The Portable Massetl townsito is in progress. HIE NORTON The place for a for the Salt Lakes PREMISES MOVED All of tho buildings formerly in Gasoline Saw shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp uso ut Naden Harbor will be removed treatment. 210 Fourth Street General Patienger Service. to the new site. Canning With a real Clutch Open 10 a. m. or by appoint- Hunting, Fishing T. LEE operations will not be carried on ment. Phono 403. tf and Picnic Partiea LIGHT, STRONG, FAST, EASY TO this year. LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S OPERATE CARD READING AND PALMISTRY Ex-Private Wesley Singer has J.tMyhill Jones MERCHANT TAILOR been appointed fisheries ofllcer Cuts Wood in rain or shine Daily 2 till 5 p. m. Parties at Z S wanton' Boathoute tended. 1057 7th Ave. East, tf Third for the northern division of Queen 8c a Cord. 9- Avenuo, Opposite the Charlotte Islands. Capt. Gillett PERSONAL Post pfflce. will look after tho interests of the . Phono Rod 13G P.O. hnflT7 fisheries department at the south DISAPPEARED" Walter Bauer Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 rt . . end of the islands. born June 28, 1879, from Basel Several oil prospectors visited and Rafz, Canton of Zurich, son For Comfort, Courtesy and Service the xvest coast of Graham Island of Jahannos Bauer and Bar go to of outside com bara, born Frohlich, from interests Bowling Alley panies.in tho It is possible that operations Basel, Switzerland, both de TH E SAVOY H QT EL will bo recommenced in ceased. Walter Bauer arrivod tho noichborhood of Tian Point on Junp 25, 1009, in Quebec. F. T. BOWNE33. Maaaiar THIRD AVENUE and Fredorick Island. IMPROVED Please address any information Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. under new management Jones Hrothers have opened a Portable to Consulate of Switzerland establishment at Vancouver, B. C. 46 ildinc Gasolirve Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water For Healthy Exercise Massett. Thoy have turned out SNAPPER Explanation wanted SAW to Keep You Fit several fine gasoline launches for CP AG why no news since December 12 tho fishermen or the Islands. The -witnxhe Where honor? Promises? Certain notice of Intantlon to Apply to purchae Cigars and Tobaccos building of gasoline ldunches and CLUTCH timo given for explanation. uana. boats is becoming quito an In Range S, Coast Land District,, Record' row letter sent depot Hotel Prince tho tfuathas madeclood Registered you ny District of i'rlnce Uuperf., and situate Rupert industry at Massott, where where discharged Vancouver. t Jenny Day, Deane Channel, B. C. constructed ten TAKE NOTICE itiat I. James Z. Hall, of nativo workmen Southend, (Late Pur-fleot.) Vancouver, li. C, occupation baker and FOR ELECTRICAL WORK now sea-going boats this year. tf oiaier, inienn to appiy tor permission to EUROPEAN PLAN urcliase the following described lands i Go to Commencing at a post planted 10 chains f1.E0 pep day and up. WATER NOTICE REAL ESTATE northerly of S.W. cor. T. L. No. sit; D1VEIISI0N AND USE. tnence east u cnains; tnence aoutn xo TAKE NOTICE Mat The Wallace Fish-ertes chains; thence west 40 chains more or lea FIRST-OLA 86 CAFE Geo. Waddeli Limited, whose address I Vancouver, WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR toi shore lino: thence northerly 90 chains. A La Carte. Hrltt.Hi Columbia, will apply for a licence LOTS. Apply P. O. box C06. tf more or less, following shore line to point to take and use 5 miners' of water Sole of commencement and containing 80 acres Watim lllver, which flows northwesterly more or less. 336 2nd Ave. out of and drains Into Masset Inlet, Aeents C. P. R. FARM JAMES z. HALL, near the northwest copier of Lot 7K, PA11K1N WARD Per William A. Bauer. Arent. BLACK Phones Oueen Charlotte Islands.diverted from the ELECTRIC CO.. i.P.R FARM LAND Choice farmb Dated 31 March, 1019. 3G7 GREEN 394 The water will be St. James Hotel stream at a.point about a quarter of will a Northern in well settled districts in Notice of Intention to Apply to purchaaa Savo Money In Lamps. be mile used "or the steam mouth and of Incidentally stream, and Indus-trta B.C. Western Canada; low prices; Land. (LATE "QUMNS") 9 l runoses upon the land described IM twenty years to pay; irrigated In Itange 2, Coast Land District, Record P Oueen Char otte Islands 'strict. ng District of Prince Rupert, and situate FIRST CLASS ROOMS L0Th,9 notice was posted on the ground lands in Sunny Southern Alberta, t Koeye, Fits Hugh Sound. B. C. on the 3rd.day, of June. WW. in TAKE NOTICH that I. Marshall Beck of ilot and Cold Water. ,n,lplon ELECRTKICAL CONTRACTORS with loan of $2,000 DENTISTRY ! A copy or tnu iet. Vancouver, B. C, occupation soldier. In. pursuant tnereio ami iu lire of -.wa the AND SUPPLIES improvements to assist new tena to appiy ror permission to purchase will be filed In the omce ne onowiiig aescriDea isnasi 1014," Water Ilecorder at I'rlnce Huperl; II. c. Agents for Regal, Caille and settlers, Act now they are Commencing at post Planted at south OFFICE ions to the application niy be C sd west corner lot 8, thence east 10 chains; HOUnSt (ibjec Evinrude Ermines going fast. For free booklets Mi. to with the said Water necorder or w tit tne thence south SO chains: thence, west 40 The"GarMand" House , 1l30 p, m- t0D!3(J p m comptroller or vvaier '"'"'..J," and full information write II. cluilns, more or less, to shore line; thence Boarding Itulldlnirs, V ctorla. H. wirty Parkin Ward Electric Co. northerly and easterly along shore line 80 R. J. 8. DROWN ilav after tne nrsi BPimnrau G. Loughran, 744 Hastings St., chains, more or less, to point of commencement, 416 Sixth Avenue East DENTIST X Tlffli Phones, Black Vancouver, or Allan Cameron, and containing 80 acres, more 'VALLACE LIMITED. Phone 125 Night or less. j,83 Near Drydoclc Dme" Smith Block. Third Avenue, i 148, Red 403, Red 613 General Supl. of Lands, 087 1st MARSHALL BEEK, Board tyMoaU or Weak.. PoouaRd24S Arent. ny rred Nash. Per William A. Bauer, Agent, Th. Hate of the first publication ef ttls St., East, Calgary. Dated t.h April, 1819. notice Is June t, Hit.