Saturday. June Page i THE DAILT JTOWS. : j Local News Notes j G. H. Arnold - - Notary Public Arriymg : Saturday Mm. T. Tonkin, of Surf Inlet, Build Your Home In Section Two FRESH is a visitor in the city. BICYCLi DRAWING STRAWBERRIES Adair Carss Chapter I. O. D. E. SHAUGHNESSEY HEIGHTS CHERRIES is giving a Cinderella dance June 30th. It of Prince Rupert CUCUMBERS TONIGHT if TOMATOES Albert &. MeCaffery. Ltd, are We Have a Fine Plot for Sale, With Magnificent View. LETTUCE exnecting two scows of building material within the next two 9 o'clock GREEN ONIONS weks. tf at WE BUY VICTORY BONDS AND U. S. LIBERTY BONOS RADISH Snap for cash. Medium sized H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. PARSLEY safe and flat-topped office desk WATERMELONS for sale. Act quick. St. Regis Phone 96 216 (Jlh St Cffc- -it "TICKET HOLDERS and everything else on are requested the Southern Markets Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roerig re to be present and to arrange Lowest Prices turned to the city this morning method of drawing. after their honeymoon trip from Prince Rupert Dry DocRS: Engineering Co. Rupert Table Supply Co. Salt Among-Lake those City. arriving from th Bicycle This that drawing we are is giving for the free$65.00 as an PHONES 211,212 north on the Princess Alice yes. advertisement for our Boys' Clothing Boats of any size Docked terday afternoon was Mrs. M Department. mall of Juneau. E. C. D. butter. 65c Fuller's Ail sales of Boys' Clothing or Shoes Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. Phone 45. tf AV. A. Munro. of Portland Inlet made up to nine o'clock will include Several boats can te docked together on one small arrived from the north on the t section, making . fees light Large stock of repair Miss Wallace, daughter of H P. R. steamer yesterday and is tickets on the Bicycle. materials is being laid in. S. Wallace of this city, returned registered at the Prince Rupert from the south on this morning's Hotel. Foundry Work boat. N.B. We have just received another There was a small party of re Dance alt the Rink Monday shipment of Castings In Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc, made at turned soldiers on. the boat this evening mefrcshxnenls served. Reasonable Prices. morning among whom were SergL Gray's orchestra. Gentlemen fit Maynard and Norman ShortL Boys' Blouses and Shirts Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Ladies 50c. 6 and They are are heartily both well welcomed known locally back. many of them in the darker colors Mr. G. S. Gee of the Grand that have been asked for. Trunk returned (oday on the Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries Almost without exception, the Prince Rupert after a brief holi piano manufacturers of Canada Solicited. day visit to Vancouver. have learned their trade in the and Patterns Made and Furnished. Designs Ueinlzman &. Co. factory, but none Among the local boys returning have equalled the product of Ye to town this morning after doing their bit were Bob Atkins and Olde Firme. The Prince Rupert Harry EmarL Both were heartily Music W.J.Store.Pitman,Opposite Piano Dept.the P. O H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. welcomed by their friends Captain Bragg was a passenger many aboard the "Alice" yesterday from on their safe return. Provincial Government Em- Corner 3rd and Fulton St. the north. Captain Bragg will be iloyment Bureau and Soldiers' M.M.Stephens Provincial Government Employ- remembered here as one of the livil Re-establishment; temper. nent Bureau and Soldiers' Civil best captains who ever had charge jy office 621 Second Avenue, NOT AHy PUBUO le-Estahlishment, temporary of of the river boaU which used to rince Rupert. Employers having fice 62 1 Second Avenue, Prince ply up and down the Skeena before vacancies for men and women in tupert. Returned soldiers, men the days of the railroad. ilerical, factory, domestic or nd requiring employ. Some choice residential Ibis well known skipper has not women lher work should apply to above lots for sale on monthly payments been in the city for a long time nent itb the of any above.kind should o fees charged register Phone 553. tf Shoe Service Second to None to those who will improve and it was with evpressions of Phone 553. P. O. drawer 1674. the arrivals in town them with suitable surprise and delight that he view, Among AT THE ed the many improvements. this morning from the south was dwellings only. Inaugural services take place is Munnis. one of the real old tomorrow at the Methodist Church One lot near drydoek for Just arrived, a car of Beaver when the Rev. T. H. Nuttall, B.A, timers of this city. lie has been SHOE 5T0RE $250.00 Cash Board. A. V. Edge Co., distribu commences his pastorale. Morn over to Europe sightseeing and pAMILY tor. . tf visited Gallipoli, Egypt, Malta, ing subject, "The Successful A beauty Six-roomed m-fl-ern Syria, etc, and may points. Although We are offering shoe service second to none jo lie House and lot on Fourth Church" and at evensong, "Our . the government excursions West. Our slock is complete with up-to-dal" f Contribution in Times Like Avenue, cheap. ' were really enjoyable at Men, women and children carefully catered to. These. Quartette and solo at the evening .service. A hearty tims, yet the overseas visitors are WHITE CANVAS SHOES FOR THE FAMILY What home. to return glad welcome to everyone. It Special care taken with your children's feeL We ft V:-scientifically Mr. J. S. Gordon, of the Educa with the best good shoes at reasonable y. 3 M. M. Stephens Use 21URESCO, the great sani lion Department, came up on this COME AND TALK OVER YOUR FOOT TROUBLES 10AKS - RENTALS - INSURANCE Eye Glasses tary wall finish. A. W. Edge Co.; morning's boat and will act as We have a cure for every foot complaint. Note the aa ss superviser at the final examina Tents. Pack sacks. Camp outfits. tions to be held here beginning FAMILY SHOE STORE Are For. Agent J. F. Magulre, Smith Block on Monday morning. There are a little over 900 pupils in the Opposite Sclfa Cafe province taking the matriculation GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM For Your exams for entrance to the Uni GLASSES bate am; ustt, but StholmC versity. Seven pupils are taking The Practical Shocmen Phone 357 pyrpoie the reiteration WE this examination in Prince Ru of the tight to a natural condition. LUMBER THEATRE pert. TONIGHT NOTICE above mentioned land u ti r. : .were Intended to tee weU SU Regis Cafe (formerly Selfs; kruuan Skjlllum, which wtsr aw YOU lagged ih Derember. 111 a: J ' - easily. If yon do not The policy of the new manage bered MS I. IS THE MATTER of an application for PLASTER i then you tnonld make baste to dia-corer Big Double Attraction ment is quality eats, courteous tbe lsiue of a freh Oruncaie or TlUe for H. F. MACLE D ' the trouble and apply We Lot nineteen (19). Block twenty-three Dlitrlct Henitrar service and lowest prices. of Prince Hu-pert, Land RetKtry once, remedy. Vaudeville and Pictures (JJ). Section nve ). City cater particularly to the after (Map 911. rnnce Kupert, u. i, i. CEMENT XOTICE 1 hereby given that It U my 19lh June. 1919. THE wan! or a pair of suitable theatre trade. New boxes will be Intention to Uiue arter the expiration or be an that prevents be one month from the nm publication may installed and real money will Advertise in the Daily Nevs. Building you and nsrinr comfort risnal perfection, health ELLIS & McCULLOUGH spent towards improving the cafe hereof, a frean Certificate or Title to the appearance. We will be supplied Materials LET us examine your eyes and A Fabce IN Comedy, with the following dishes on the you whether or not this arrival of the steamer today: COME TO is to. "Get the Money melons,Cantaloupes,lettuce, asparagus,cucumbers,strawberries,green tomatoes.onions,water JABOUR'S June Silk SALE Fred With Good Singing-and Dancing radishes, new potatoes, ner car- Albert & McCallery, Ltd. Joudry No dull moments - a laugh from start rots and many other foods that Phone 116 and 564. Practical Optometrist to nmsb. appeal to a first-class trade, and which, owing to strike conditions, Third Ave, - Prinze Rupert Seven Great have been unprocurable recently. Office, Second Avenue, .Next Westholme Theatre. Oppoiite Pt Of&ca Shirley feoo, Ernest Truex night.Phone 45C for box reservations at It COME IN ON IN" 4 9 NFS TOO LIVTE TO CLASSIFY ASM lllVX al.JLA. aW" Latest Paramount Production WANTED 2 unfurnished rooms, Silk Pullover Sweaters, regular price, 50 Fountain Pens Free Fifth Episode of suitable for light housekeeping $16.50 Sale Price, $11.75 with use of bath. Phone Red "The Lightning Raider" 516. 47 Silk Sweater Coats, regular price$22.00 Every tenth package of Tea displayed in our ........ Sale Price, $14.00 window contains a fountain pen GENTLEMEN Silk Sweater Coats, regular price$35.00 $1.00 Show for 30c and 15c Sale Price, $25.00 of the Canadian Jury, PICK THEM OUT Two Shows - - 7 and 9.15. I believe that every man Black and White Habutai Silk Waists, has the right to do as he regular price $4.25. Sale Price, $3.00 Regular Price, 60c per pound D n well chooses, until he Black and White Silk Hose, regular We guarantee this tea to be Our Own Special Blend Tea injures or threatens to injure price $1.25 Sale Price, 75c at usual price of COc per lb., and we know that you will be someone else. I have FOR lived up to that belief. Black, White and Tan Lisle Silk Hose, surprised at its quality. Our customers using it regularly SALE The launch Narbethong Is 85c Sale Price, 50c prefer it to others for which we get 75c per lb. at regular price Seven-roomed house your service for a price Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded bath and finished basement.with of $3.50 per hour, which Black and Tan Hose only Sale Price, 25c Newly painted. 8th Ave., W. price experience hat jiroved to be necessary. There is $2875.00 no variation. Square dealing Jabour Bros., Ltd FULLER'S LTD Very Easy Terms. pays. Therefore, it is the motto I have adopted, Two Stores. Phones 44, 45 and 534 DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND Hoomes K. Freeman Third Avenue 523 Third Ave. PHONE BLACK 400 P.O. Bex 109