Tuesday. Juno 24, 1011). THE DAILY NEWB. Pare Sii BEAUTIFUL CHINESE !l!il!ll!!:illllSI!'!lllllllllllli!lll!!lliiilllll!ll l!llllllll!illli!llllllllllllllllil!!lllll!lll!l!!i! PL4Y AT WESTHOLME Norma Talmadge, the Beautiful, Dentistry In Charming Story of China, Delights Audience. One of the most delightful of DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH ! photoplays was screened at the Wcslholmc Theatre last evening, One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your when Norma Talmadge appeared Efficiency in "The Forbidden City," This is a tale of China, before the days of the republic, when his celestial serenity held court at Pekin and Dr. Bavne worshipped his ancestors. The settings are gorgeous and in detail practically .faultless. Norma OFFICE HOURS: FINE SOCIErY hei PLAY in Canada only a short time His many friends in this district Talmadge takes the dual roles of Morning, 9 lo 12, Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 only. AT EMPRESS TONIGHT San San who dies, and of Toy, GOAL are and to glad see to him see looking him back so well.again who lives, and in both roles is Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 delightful. To see the Chinese t Screened How a Country Girl Holds Her Umineca Herald. girls make love to the white foreigners Dental Nurse in attendance. Own and Wins Hep Point In J Sacked Face of Competition of THE DAILY NEWS exception is of charming.one tragic With scene,the Phone 109 for appointment Delivered Society Belle. the hall of Hashing spears," the Classified : Advertising whole play" is most pleasing and mere are few plays in which is one of the most finished productions $13.00 Emm Welilen is seen to Letter WANTED. which have yet reached auvantrsje than that in which she here. It will lie repeated again ton appears at the Empress Theatre UChMIi WANTED FOll BOY, Six this evening, and those who did Prince Rupert Music Store per vuuibhi. A8 "lite Duchess of years and girl four years, for not see this fine play last night Doubt, hailed as a duchess, al two months. Ileply with terms could bardly do better than take OPPOSITE POST OFFICE mougii in reality a country eirl to box 207 Daily News office. it in tonight. The program is WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor : Terminal Coal Co. f having her first taste of what real WANTED Woman for house completed by another episode of 'Everything in Music." money can do, she holds her part I he which onici rnona, riacn oo work. $40 per month. Apply Lightening Raider, LATEfT POPULAR 8010 AND DANOES, VICTROLAS Yard Phone, Black 618 to perfection. Visiting a fashion clears up the suspense in which AND VICTOR RECORDS J Mrs. It. S. Wright, Fifth Ave., f able winter resort, the duchess Phono 209. the audience was left last week, riepalris to Phonographs, Violins. Etc. Bows rebalred. incog, falls foul of a real society 47 but leaves them in just as much m urn)met Woodwind instruments repadded and adjusted. damsel, but manages to hold her WANTED tut star KNOwNTKAcr Prlne Ruptrt Acadamy of Mualo In Oonnaetlon 2 unfurnished rooms, again. MAKK N TMI WOHLf With th Btora. own until her money runs done suitable for light housekeeping SEEDS! men she flees to the city. with use of bath. Phone Red SPORTS PROGRAM The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs Through fortunate circumstances 516.- 47 North of Vancouver' however, she manages to beat her FOR DOMINION DAY The Heintzman & Co. Piano For the Garden rival. The play is followed hi WANTED Smart boy to make The Weber Piano j splendid comedy. himself useful in shop. Aker-berg, Specially Suited for Prince Thomson & Co., Ltd., According to the posters which Thomas Organs Ilupcrt soil. are scattered around the city regarding All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments PRE-EMPTIONS BEING . WANTED TO RENT, Small house the sports on the Dominion of four or five rooms. Apply Day celebration on July ' W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. FEED SURVEYED ON SKEENA Daily News Office, box 273. tf CHICKENS 1, the attractions this year"are to E. L. VAUGHAN Expert Piano Tuning nnd TepairingY surpass by far those of the few- Players a Specialty HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER Bring your furs to Goldblboin, Hazt'Iton - Ii. C. Affleck arrived ine years preceding. During in town Thursday morning, having Third est price.Avenue, He pays high-tf years since 1914, of course, the Prince Rupert Music Store plrafk stopped at Prince George for young men of the city of athletic a few days en route from Vancou WANTED AT ONCE experienced tastes havo been much reduced ver. Mr. Affleck has charge of a tinsmith or plumber. L. LetoUr-neau. in number, most -of them being PHONE 58 survev prty and will spend the - tf occupied in working for the na P. o, Cox 333 90S ' !rd Ave. summer surveying pre-emptions tion in other places. Now, how YOUNG LADY WISHES BOARD SPECIAL between here and Prince Hupert. ever, mat many oi iiiein are duck. His inn arrived on Tuesday last. and room with nice family. again, and liiore coining every Mr. Affleck enlisted with an artillery Apply box 209, Daily News. 48 week, from the army, it is expect EXCURSION unit in Winnipeg three WANTED First-class shoemak ed that this year there will be GENTLEMEN years ago and after seeing considerable er. McArthur's shoe store. tf keen contests in the various of the Canadian Jury, to the railway service battalions.was transferred He has WANTED Experienced Ironer events So far on as the sports program.are concerned To Edmonton , and Calgary I believe that every man Apply Canadian Laundry, tf the days is fairly well filled up, has the right to do as he LAND ACT and. there are very few in the citj On sale daily to September 30th. good lo return unt'l !- n well chooses, until he FOR SALE who cannot And some event on October 3ist, Going and returning G. T. P. direct $50.00. in,i ics or threatens to injure Notice Jn or Intention Charlotte to Islands Apply to Land Lease District,Land. Dominion Day in which they are Going via G, T. P. Ity., rsturning via C. N. Ry. Vancouver else. Queen FOR SALE OR TRADE for suit someone I have, necordlnr District or Skeena, and situate particularly interested. and G. T. P. vice Steamships or versa 960.00. 30 Edison records. Must lived i.k, to that belief. on Langara Island. case, Take notice that Cbarlea A. Coulson or box be sold by Thursday. Apply T,;e launch Narbetbong is 'ort Clements, occupation mariner, In-ends TRAIN SERVICE to apply for permission to lease ttie 270 Daily News Office. 47 af "our service for a price ollnuini.- described lands: TERRACE NEWS LETTER Passcnge Monday, W'dnasday and Saturday af, 11: 'a.m. for Smlthers, of $3.50 per hour, which CimiiieiK irr at a post planted about 3 FOR SALE and bead Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections for Eucalyptus chains e.-sl or the N. W. corner or Indian all points cast and south. pniie experience has proved Hpscrvp fo. 18; thence norm 10 cnains; portieres. Six feet wide. Bar-Gain. Prospecting down the river in i oe nooossary. There is vest th.-nre boundary wst SO or chains Lot more 075; or thence less to south the Apply box 271 Daily the vicinity oi Usk and Terrace AQENCT ALL OCEAN 8TEAIM8HIP LINES vuiiulion. Square dealing 10 chains more or lew to shore; thence News Office. 47 has been fairly active this spring Tor Information and reservations apply to easterly along shore to N. W. corner or City Ticket Office, 628 Third Avenu. Phon 260. pays. Therefore, it is Indian noservc Mo. 16; thence east to although no excitement has been Ibn motto I have adopted. point r commencement and containing- 20 MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build started. Quite a number of old Hoomes erv9, more or less.C. A. COULSON. ing Loans. Apply Prince Rupert time miners and prospectors are K. Freeman Datirt 1. Ill 10. May Housing Ltd., Geo. V digging around in the lulls. PHONE BLACK 400 P.O. Box 108 Nickerson. Secretary. tf For the Salt Lakes Geo. Edwards, T. Hamer and The Portable FOR RENT E. Kirkpatrick, of Terrace, have a Sunday 10 and a.m. FOR RENT Four-roomed cottage group of eight claims on Victory every 40 minutes. PREMISES MOVED Gasoline Sav Hill, a mile east of town and on Wednesdays 2.15 on 9th Avenue near McBride. p. the railway, known as tne uaK- jLirp'.l- ll""TrjPWSlHrlE5iB m. and every 40 minutes. With real Clutch Furniture for sale. Apply box vff inalH.aSdEBlBflAS9S9EEvJHV t a wood This spring a tun M. T. LEE 208 Dally "News Office. 147 group. Fare Return- 50c nel was run in 30 feet on Jt in. - LIGHT, 8TRONG. FAST, EAST TO ROOM TO LET Would suit of galena. The ore also carries Children - 25c LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S OPERATE gentleman. No other roomers. a little freo gold. Samples nave J. Myhill Jones MERCHANT TAILOR Cuts Wood in rain or shine Apply box 272 Daily News. 49 been brought to Mr. Willemar to Red 391 Third Sc a Cord. ' be assayed. , 9 Avenue, Opposite the LOST Post Office. Michaud Bros, who have claims LOST Small yellow kitten from Phone 27 P.O. Box 1704 about 4i Lakelse lake way, Phone out Rod 138 P.O. box 977 Sixth Avenue East. .Finder miles from town have boen bring please call Green 245. tf ing in some very fine specimens For Comfort, Courtesy and Service LOST Small yellow kitten from of molybdenum ore. Bowling Alley Sixth please call Avenue,245. East. Finder tf DIVEIISION WATER NOTICE.AND USE. T H E S A V Q Y HO T E L MISCELLANEOUS t'avp notipe that Tho Wallace Flsh- F. T. BOWNESS. Manas" orlea Limited, whose address Is Vancouver, THIRD 1 Improved British Columbia, will apply for a licence AVENUE Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. McGOWAN CYCLE & REPAIR CO. 10 take and use S miners' Inches or water UNDER or Watun River, which flows northwesterly NEW out MANAGEMENT Portable "Indian" Motor Cycles nnd By-cycles. and drains Into Masset Inlet, I Get-your keys cut by near the northwest corner of Lot 702, Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water 1 Gasoline Charlotte Islands. Oiiocn For Healthy Exercise our new key machine." No misfits. Tho water will he diverted from the to Keep You Fit DRAG SAW Gramaphones and Sewing inlle 8trem from at a the point mouth cbout or stream,a quarter and 01 win a I -with the machines repaired. 135 Second he used for steam and Incidentally Indus LAND ACT tf trial purposes upon me lanu uraumu iotlce of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. I Cigars and Tobaccos f CLUTCH Avenue. Phone 489. Lot 704 Queen Charlotte Islands District. in Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, ! This notice was posted on tho ground Iccordlng District of Skeena, and situate i Hotel Prince Rupert KVtfothai made good rilE NQRTON Tho placo for a on the 3rd day or June. 1919. application n Langara isiana. A copy or this notice and an Take notice that Hume B. Bablngton of i Halrdressing. ocaip .t,.ntt thni-atr, nnd ti thn "Water Act. shampoo. rlnce Hupert. 11. C occupation master i 210 Fourth Street. 10U," will be filed In the office B.of C.the mariner, Intends to apply for permission 1 EUROPEAN PLAN treatment. Water necorder at rrlnce nuperL described FOR to lease the following landsi ELECTRICAL WORK Open 10 n. in. or by appointment. with objections the ld to Water the application Recorder may or with Le filed the commencing- at a post planted about 8 $1.50 per day and up. chains In a southeasterly direction from Go to Phono 193. tf comptroller or Water nights, Parliament the &.W. corner of Lot SUS; thence south Hulldlngs, Victoria, I). C. wltbtn or thirty this along: blgh water B00 feeti thence west FIR8T-OLA88 OAFE PALMISTRY day 'after the first appearance about 800 feet to low water: thence north. Geo. Waddel CARD READING AND notice In a local newspaper. LIMITED. westerly about 4 chains along low water A La Carte. Daily 2 till 5 p. m. Parties attended. THE WALLACE -FISHERIES Applicant. to a point due south of the 9. V. corner of Lot SB8; thence north about 8 chains Eust, CA sfijjlJ 1057 7th Avenue, By"Fred Nash. Agent.of this to the S. W. corner of lot SS8; thenco 336 2nd Ave. opposite Conrad Street. tf Tho date of the flrt publication southeasterly along higti water to post notice is June is, ii. sM WARDlH and containing live acres, more or less. Phones PARKIN II. 11. HAU1.NOTUN. St. James Hotel "LACK 367 GREEN 394 ELECTRIC CO. J PER30NAL Dated May 7, 1910. Save Money In Lamps. SNAPPER Explanation wanted TOM LEE CO. NOTICE (LATE "QUEENS") IN THE MiTTEn or an application for why no news since Dooemner u West. the Issue of a fresh Certificate of Title for FIRST CLASS ROOMS Where honor? Promises? Certain 840 Seoond Avenue, Lot nineteen (10). Block twenty.three Hot and Gold Water. (S3), Section five (), City of Prince Hupert, time given for explanation. (Map 23.) ELECRTF ICAL CONTRACTORS sent depot VEGETABLES NOTlCK is hereby given that It Is tay DENTISTRY you SUPPLIES Registered letter Intention to Issue after the expiration or AND where discharged Vancou- Wholesale and Retail on, month from the Iirst nuhllcr.tion ioT "eS! C"il,e ni lwrcor, a f-h certlllcate or Till to the OFFICE Asen 1 Dk Rnnthend.' " (Late Pur- General Contractors and aiove ow.tSo'icfl land In the name -of The"GarUand" Boarding Housq - llOUHSl Evinrude Engines tf Krlstlaa SajUlUin, which certificate"-was m. to 12) 1:30 p.,. toB!80 p.m. floot.) Labor. Exchange. Issued 6th December, Hit, and Is numbered Electric Co. J668-I, 416 Sixth Avenue Ejiat R. J. 0, BROWN Parkin Ward REAL ESTATE B.C. II. F. MACLEOD, Near Drydock Prince Rupert, District Registrar of Titles. DENTIST Black Board b Month ur Weak. PhoMEadtU Phone., Land neglstry omce. Dm Smith Block. Phone 125 Night WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR Phone 547 P. O. Box 725 Prince Hupert, B. C, Third Av.nu. 513 Chona 4S4. 148, Red 403, Red LOTS. Apply P.O. box 600. tf IVth June, 1916. 'fl,